Supreme Demon

Chapter 2657: Ask the moment


Man crazy!

Before Tianfu, a character stood in the air, and the hurricane flew over his clothes. The leaves covered his eyebrows and made him look different.

He is really different.

The face of the old-fashioned face is scattered with cool colors, and the eyes are cold and engulfing people. The terrible temperament is about to smash the sky, and the horrible atmosphere will collapse this piece of heaven and earth.

The rain falls in the east!

He came, just in front of people.

The strong momentum, the gas field of the world, is showing his extraordinary, he is like a heavenly fairy, just standing there, it makes people body cold, can not help but shudder.

The oriental rhyme moved and flew directly, and the eyes released the sultry light rain. I was so excited that he did not expect that the dying oriental rain would be completely healed, and it was simply unbelievable.

Is this a miracle against God?

Oriental poetry, oriental Yingyu and other eyes are moist, this is a big thing, the eastern rain is healed, then this battle of the road is not a problem.

The golden-winged Dapeng King, the King of the Wild God, and the Devil's Tree are all ecstatic. Although Lingfeng did not appear, this is the best situation.


The healing of the Eastern Rain is too good for them.

The rebellious gods immediately withdrew, waiting for the rain in the east, and the same was true of the eastern clan characters. They knew that the ancestors had to do it.

"The rain in the east, the blood debt before the ancients came to ask for it today!"

The golden grasshopper appeared, and the cold rain of the east was cold. The golden wheat in the hand exudes the top momentum. A vast expanse of Tianwei is piercing the void, and it is necessary to hit the front of the eastern rain.

"It’s just a big medicine, not to mention that your love is not dead!"

The Eastern Rain is cold and cold, and the whole thing is explained clearly. He is different from the golden grasshopper. The strength is the most important, but the Eastern Rain defeats the opponent, and the Golden Grasshopper belongs to the tragedy. .


Its love died in that disaster.


What does this have to do with the rain in the East? It is too harsh for the golden grasshopper to impose the death of love on the rain in the east.

"Death because of you!"

The golden grasshopper said coldly. "They are all dead, now you are going to die!"

It doesn't make sense!

"Then fight!"

"Devil ancestors, right?" The oriental rain fell to the distance, directly falling in the piece of ink and the earth, the eyes released endless cold light. "I should be glad to meet you here?"


The ancestors did not speak, he could sweep the Tianzun level figures and creatures, but he was really unsure about the oriental rain falling on the level of the sky.

"Is the Mozu also coming to join in the fun?"

The Oriental Rain fell to the person holding the axe and said, "I am looking forward to it!"


"The Yaozu is also here, very good!"

The Eastern Rain fell to the third direction, facing the demon statue with the hand-held ruler, with a cold smile on his face.


"You are all here!"

The Oriental Rain laughed and said extremely gloomyly. "Then come over to fight, and the characters of my oriental clan always have to pay the price!"

"Don't think about leaving the living alive?"

Cold, contempt!

This is the gas field that the heavenly character should have.

"From the ages, the injury is heavy, I don't believe you can heal in a short time!"

A top demon statue flies out, the head of the cloak, can not see clearly, true capacity, but extremely powerful, up is a sharp knife, open the universe thousands of miles, appeared in front of the eastern rain.

In vain, the heavens and the earth collapsed, and only the sharp-knives of the knives carried the power of space law.

"Space ablation!"

The knife smashed out, the space around it was like a wave of water, and then the disappearance of the film, in fact, this is not really disappearing, but integrated into the knife.

The power of space law, completely kill the space rules.

"Not self-reliant!"

The rain in the East said indifferently, and the bullets came out, and a glimmer of light appeared in its hands, just like a sacred finger, directly pointed to the knives.


The emptiness of the emptiness trembled, and the knives of the world could be suppressed by life, and then the endless power rushed out like a tidal wave, and fell on the sharp knife, letting the knives scream and then quickly fly back.


The demon lord wanted to dodge, but no matter where he ducked, the knives appeared in time until he could not dodge, and his body was smashed, and his whole body was fixed in place.

The next moment, he made a sigh, his body disintegrated in midair.

Died of death!

One of the best demon statues!

What is the power of this?

What kind of prestige is this?

What is the question?

This is!

The gap between Tiandao and Tianzun is like the sky and the ground, and the gap between Tiantian and Tianzun is the star river and the stars. The stars are just a small one in the Milky Way.

Not a level at all!

The whole scene was suppressed, and the demon ancestor, the open axe demon statue, etc. were all trembled. It can be seen from this attack that the eastern rain is really healed, otherwise it will not be able to fight these forces.

"Get started!"

The rain in the east squinted and smiled. "Are you not coming because of me? Now I am here, why are you still not doing it?"

The major powers are ugly, they want to start, but you are afraid to fight back!

At this time, there are really few people who dare to do it. The top demon statues are not enough to look at the front of the rain in the east. The characters such as the demon ancestors do not do it. If they dare to do it, it is purely looking for death.

They are coming to the East to rain and burn the heavens, not to die!

"If you don't want to, then let me come!"

The eastern rain sneered and sneered directly to the front. The speed was like lightning. Asking the heaven-level power to explode at this moment, playing the power of arrogance, and directly pushing the void.

"Today, let you know what is the day!"

The rain of the east flew up to the sky, and both hands lifted forward, and a light ball appeared. There seemed to be a prototype of the universe in the ball of light, and then the violent force suddenly collapsed.


Before the sound of the loud noise filled Tianfu, the power of the light ball pushed the eight wild.

In an instant.

That force appeared in front of the major powers, and they were shocked by their faces. Although they did not know what the power of the ball was, it was not the general Tianwei.

next moment.

The power of the wild swooped over their bodies. In an instant, they only felt that the power was going backwards. The top of Tianzun was beaten down to the middle of the heavens, and even the primary, or even worse, was directly downgraded to the realm of heaven. .

Weaken power!

It has the same place as the beginning of the leaf witch, but it is different.

There are too many limitations in the world, and there is no such limitation in the power of the heavenly level.


The ball of light also carries the power of heaven, not only weakened, but also terrible Tianwei. On the spot, more than a dozen Tianzun hit the plane, hurriedly disintegrated in the air, and the smoke disappeared.

The ancestors snorted, he used the Tiangong to suppress, but still did not suppress, was asked by the heavenly power to fight, and his own strength was also weakened, far less powerful than before.


The demon sorcerer holding the open axe screamed, and the big mouth spurted blood. Not only was the power weakened, but the more terrifying thing was that the chest was pierced through a blood hole, and the internal organs were wiped out, directly affecting his dantian.


The rain of the East strode forward and punched it out. It was completely blocked by the demon. On the spot, it was returned to its original shape.


When the Eastern Rain fell to catch the open axe, the handle of the open axe flew directly to the sky and disappeared.

"Hey? A little bit!"

The eastern rain fell coldly at the sky, without forcible detention, and at that moment he saw many truths.

next moment.

He hit the top demon statue with the hand-held measuring ruler, the firepower was fully open, the tyrannical force hit the opponent's direct vomiting blood, the strength collapsed, and finally disintegrated in the endless questioning of Tianweili.

Another top person is killed!

This is more terrible than the attack on the gods and the oriental clan.


The measuring ruler also escaped, and did not fall in the hands of the oriental rain. Such a treasure is naturally guarded by strange doors, and other characters are difficult to obtain, even if it is difficult to ask a heavenly character.

More importantly, the Eastern Rain did not put these two handles in their eyes.


The Eastern Rain fell on the ancestors and killed them.

"Old is not dead, you can't think about it!

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The ancestors directly spurted blood, ignited the void, and used the Heavenly Palace to integrate themselves into it, and the lightning escaped.

"Do you think Tiangong can keep you?"

The rain in the east is cold and ridiculous, and the slap in the palm of the hand, the whole world and the wind have become strong, the four seasons are recovering, people see the spring in it, see the summer flourish, and see the autumn is sad, the winter is cold.

The slap was shot on the Heavenly Palace, letting the Heavenly Palace fly 100,000 miles, which was mixed with the sorrowful voice of the ancestors.

"Get your dog next time!"

The rain in the East did not pursue, and the Heavenly Palace was indeed extraordinary. It saved the life of the ancestors at the last moment, but the slap in the face of the origin of the ancestors, I am afraid that there are no decades, the ancestors do not want to heal.


The entire battlefield was completely chaotic, people panicked, and the eastern rain fell, what did they use to resist?

Persevere is just a futile death.


In the devil's sorrow, when the demon sacred to death, they gave birth to retreat. When the eastern rain fell to the demon ancestors, they escaped by lightning. At this time, they did not escape. When the eastern rain fell to solve the ancestors, they must die. .

"Want to run and run? Want to come? Where do you think of this place?"

"You are going to die here today!"

The rain of the East has fallen into disarray. These are all dead enemies, and they will not be defeated at this moment.

He flew directly to Scorpio and killed those celestial gods, demon statues, and demon statues. The whole scorpio was bombarded...

This battle of embarrassment lasted for a full quarter of an hour.

When the rain falls in the east, there is only one person left around the entire Tianfu. The Tianzun level figures from all the major forces have suffered many deaths and injuries. Although the Eastern Rain falls to ask the heavenly figures, they want to do their best.


He also felt that he couldn't hold on, and the remedy could only fight for him for a quarter of an hour.

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