Supreme Demon

Chapter 2658: Magic cave

Before Tianfu.

A piece of silence.

The characters such as the Oriental clan have tears in their eyes. They played too tragic in this game, and they almost couldn’t hold it. But in the end, the Eastern Rain fell to turn the tide, and many people, the golden grasshopper was seriously injured, and the ancestors died.

The starry sky was miserable, and only a few people left to live.

They won!


The smiles that everyone laughs are very ugly. In this fierce battle, they pay too much. The Eastern clan gods are dying and hurting a lot. The loss is too heavy. Not to mention the gods, there are many people who are killed, and more importantly, Tianfu. The four defenses collapsed, directly affecting the charm of Tianfu.

This is equivalent to exposing the Burning Heaven to the entire starry sky. Once a tragedy occurs, the Burning Heaven will be unlucky in a short time.

"Old ancestors!"

The oriental rhyme flew and looked at the eastern rain that was vomiting blood. His eyes were heavy. He knew that the situation of the eastern rain was very serious. It was unlikely to recover in a short time, but now he has recovered.

This means that the rain in the east pays a great price.

"I'm fine!"

The oriental rain fell pale, as if it was fished out of the water, it was wet.

"Help me in!"


The Eastern Rain fell to the Tianfu by the Eastern clan characters. Everyone's face was full of worry. They didn't know how the East Rain was now, fearing that he would overdraw his life to defeat his opponent.

In that way, although they have defeated the starry sky, they are afraid that the rain will fall.

There is not much to say against the gods. They believe that the few characters can only make the rain of the East fall in a short time, and only the rain in the East will turn the tide, which is the most favorable situation for them.

"What is the situation?" asked Dongfang Yingyu frowning.

"It's not clear yet!"

Oriental poetry is also frowning, only because she thinks more, although the current situation has been suppressed by the Eastern Rain, but this does not mean that they really succeeded in the game.

With the supply of top resources, the Eastern clan and the anti-God are doing their best, and the whole day will only stabilize the rain and fall in the east, and will not kill.

"What is the situation of the ancestors?" Dongfang Yun asked the king of the gods.

"What do you want to know?"

The **** of the gods is indifferent. "I am not more than you know."

“Han is like a month?”

"A **** battle on the Shenwu continent!"

The demon tree said: "However, now that Tianfu is a big victory, the situation on that side will be able to collapse immediately, and the characters such as the cold will come back."


In just two quarters of an hour, the door of the starry sky shines, and the cold is like a moon. Although the face is covered with blood, but there is a kind of heroic style, she is forbidden to appear in Tianfu.

"How do you let your ancestors recover? Now he is more seriously injured." Oriental rhyme asked.

"Dao Dan!"

The cold is not concealed, she has already got the news, some things that the two characters are not convenient to come forward, naturally need her to solve.

"Dao Dan?" Oriental rhyme frowns.

"He's fine!"

Cold as the moon does not want to give more time to the oriental rhyme, bluntly said. "Now we are more important is how to face the next thing."

"What else is there next?"

"Four parties come to worship!"

"What do you mean?"

The characters such as Dongfang Yun sank and asked. "Do you mean that the forces in the sky will still appear?"

"Not bad!"


"A question asked the characters to come out, shouldn't they come to see them?"


Oriental rhyme and other people suddenly changed their faces. This is a very serious problem. The major forces have only played with them. At this time, it is natural to show their innocence.

Yes, it is a disaster for them.

If the dying Eastern rain falls on the face of major powers, I am afraid that this is not a visit, but a more terrifying war.

"If you don't see it?"

"Then they will doubt that they show their position and innocence, and we can only take it, otherwise the Oriental clan will stand on the opposite side of the entire starry sky."

"The situation of the ancestors now..."

"I think you should have a solution?"

The poetry of the East poetry smiles and comes in. Although the gods are frowning, they are not worried. Obviously, they have long dealt with strategies.

"Dao Dan!"

As cold as the forehead, said: "You can stick to a quarter of an hour, but that will be heavier for the predecessors."

Dao Dan forcibly restores the strength of the eastern rain, naturally it is necessary to damage its vitality, so the eastern rain will be countered.


"No problem!"

The Oriental Rain opened his eyes and smiled and said: "The characters of my family are not afraid of life and death. Compared with those who sacrificed, I am just suffering from some injuries. What are you hesitating?"

"it is good!"

The cold moon is light and elegant, and he said, "Dao Dan is on the road and will be sent here in a few days."

Only in the evening.

The second Dao Dan appeared in Tianfu, which shows the powerful strength of the anti-God, and even more surprised by the poetry of the Oriental poetry and poetry is that the anti-God seems to have already expected the rain in the East will turn the tide, the second Dao Dan After the first road, Dan went on the road.

Prepare for the rain?

What a powerful mind and layout?

Is this the true face of the cold?

The next day.

The main characters of all major forces appeared in front of Tianfu, and the big characters of the Void Road came. The immortal figures came, and the fairy tales and the ruins of the heavens and the like all appeared. Only the devils, the magical forces and other vacancies did not appear.

after all.

In the previous battle of the polar road, the real recognition was very few, and even if it knew its true identity and origin, the Eastern Rain did not show it, but it was killed on the spot.

They are still too young and do not want to be the opposite of the entire universe, so this tone has to endure.

The rain in the east was released, and the gas field of the monks was born. It was subjected to the attention of the major forces. The performance was extremely peaceful and full of smiles. There was no mention of what happened at the beginning.

What is amazing is that the main characters of all major forces have arrived, and there is no death. This is to make the Eastern clan and other doubts. Is it not the war that happened at the beginning, and it has nothing to do with these forces?


Road star.

These days, important figures of major powers are exploring the magic hole. Some people want to uncover the shackles and see what is sealed in them. They can be warned by some people.

Just because.

Once the magical creatures in the magical caves appeared, even the magical resources are quite terrible, so it is wise to look at them.


The movement of the Taoist star is not big, and the starry sky is facing the rain of the East. The next day is to see, there is no time to pay attention, and when the major powers seal the magic hole, it is even more insensible.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Ling Feng stood in the woods and looked tired. God knows how much courage it takes to refine the two Tao Dans, not to mention the fact that he has incorporated the power of the Tao and some of the fairy power, but also concealed to let the characters know it. It takes a lot of effort.

However, he is now more worried about the state of affairs of the Tao.

The magic hole is coming out, others may not find it, but the Mozu are different. They are not only born with a keen sense, but also some unique spirits that can capture these changes.


He once found a Mozu character on the Scorpio, and only a flash disappeared, which means that everything here, the Mozu characters will soon be aware.

By then.

This calm star is only afraid of being stained with blood.

"What are the people worried about?"

Ye Kong asked in a respectful manner, because Wen Qizhu was intentionally separated by the Spirit Smoke Saint, and the old Taoist priests had been watching the magic hole these days, and there was no time to come back, so Ye Kong came.


Ye Kong eyes flashed, and instantly understood the meaning of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng is not worried about the Mozu character, but the Mozu found him here, and in the current situation of the Tao, only two Tianzun can not suppress the situation, if there is a Mozu in the magic hole I am afraid that it is very dangerous.

"Do you want to use the inverse scale?"

"No need to!"

Ling Feng indulged for a moment, then said: "Let them check it first, wait until the specific news comes out."

"If the Mozu characters really dare to destroy the whole star, then I will let them know how much it will cost!"

"Do people mainly do it?"

The eyes and the air are bright and bright, how many years have passed, how many of these characters want to see for themselves how strong the people are.

The situation is getting out of hand.

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Although the scales of the scales did not look at the magic hole further, they had already found the trail of the demon on the starry sky. First, the demon appeared, and then the emperor appeared.

Three days later.

The three demon statues juxtaposed and appeared above the Taoist star, but they did not shoot the Taoist star and waited.

"What are they doing?" Ye Kong frowned.

"Block the news, or block the entire road star!" Ling Feng said coldly.

"In this way, is that magic hole really important to them?"


"What do we have to do?" Ye Kong said with a fist, and there was no repression in the dangerous situation of the Tao.

"Sit waiting!"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "Only three devils only."

It was another two days.

The situation of the Taoist star became even more embarrassing, only because the Demon Legion appeared. Although it was in a concealed space, the anti-scale figure was born, and the trace was found.

"It's really poisonous!"

Ye Kong frowned. "They are going to completely destroy this news."

"The magic hole is not a magical thing, it should be a resource of the demon."

“Do they need to mine time?”

"Not bad!"


"Put out the news, you can't make the Mozu so easy!"


The next day, the two Tianzun got the news, the first time they hit the starry sky, and the major forces were fully vigilant and entered the state of preparation, and the old Taoist priest finally came back, his face was quite ugly, that is, both the cherished bamboo and the spiritual smoked saints have returned.

"The devil is not good, I am afraid that the magic hole is really going to go out of the sky." The old Taoist said heavily.

"It is reported that the army of the Mozu is coming, I really want to have a meeting!"

Wen Xiu is not a former, more mature, and the two months of the smoke of the Virgin Mary, her temperament and strength are completely different, although not qualified to enter the scale, but it should not be underestimated.

"Do not want to come!" The old Taoist is not at ease.

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