Supreme Demon

Chapter 2660: Reverse scale in front

The demons attacked!

The entire road star is filled with smoke, heavy, shouting and fierce battles full of heaven.

The two heavenly lords are strong and strong. They come from two major forces, Daomen and Lingyange. Their strength is extraordinary. The power of space law is blasting from time to time. The hand is holding a weapon, releasing infinite Tianwei and blasting to the three devils.


A handle of the ancient bell blasted directly to the last demon statue, and the law of space erupted among them. The sword with the same handle fell from the void, and the nine heavens collapsed.

"The Mozu should not step here, and quickly exit the battlefield, otherwise it will be!"

Tianmen is an old man who has already stepped into the realm of Tianzun. His strength is extraordinary and strong, and he can suppress the demon.

"Hey, it belongs to my demon."

The demon is not weak, flying directly, saying, "Today, let you be a star!"

"Hugh think!"

Another Tianzun pressed out and sneered and said: "If you want to star the stars, then step on our bodies!"

"Right on my mind!"

The third demon statue flew and said, "I will wait for the three to suppress you!"


The three demon statues hit the magic device and pressed against the two heavenly masters. The sky war was more intense. What you can see was that there were holes in the void, and the sky was thrown out of the big hole.

The space is destroyed and the heavens and the earth sink.

"Open up space to fight!"

Tianmen’s Tianzun did not want to destroy the Taoist star because of this confrontation, thus directly opening up space in which to live with the three devils.


They played the gods and wanted to inform the sky-nature Tianzun, but they did not get a response. Obviously, the Mozu’s moving Qimen was aimed at Lingzhu and did not want to let the news leak.

This is a dead battle!

"This is what we mean!"

The three devils sneer, they also do not want to destroy the Tao, there are the top resources that the Mozu needs, and now the Mozu Legion has stepped into the Tao, without them, the Mozu Legion can solve the battle.

next moment.

They broke into the space battlefield and died with the two gods.


The world is in turmoil, and the wind is surging. Under the leadership of the Tao, the Mozu Legion stepped into the Taoist Star. The demon who is headed is cold-faced and has a happy color between the eyebrows, just because it will be his future.

He wants to grow here!

"The Demon Legion is in front, shouting!"


The Demon Legion flew down at the first time and directly hit the Taoist Star. The eight emperors were headed for the ban, and they banned themselves from falling on the Taoist Star.

They are like steel torrents!


A burst of open, endless knives smashed forward, the Demon Legion has only five thousand people, but these five thousand days of magic have the power to open this piece of heaven and earth, that vast expanse of heaven and earth.

睥睨 Wanshi!

"Dare dare to make my way, when you are!"

The Taoist figure opens, five heavens appear in front, and the back is the elite of the entire gate. They appear in the first time to meet the Tiandui Legion.

"Oh, you are!"

"Lower race, die!"

"That's a fight!"

The two forces confronted each other, and the eight emperors opposed the five emperors. The war was ignited in an instant, and the terrible storm blew open the starry sky.

this day.

The Taoist mortals see the sky and the demon, and their gods are bleeding and demon.

"For the Taoist star!"

The disciples of the Daomen all smashed out and came to the sea. The horrible airflow tore the space into pieces. The power of the king of the king fell heavily and collapsed the mountain and river. I don’t know how many mortals were killed.


They can only endure the pain, this is the disaster of the Tao, they believe that every mortal can understand.


Only a moment of effort, a holy country was dying in the duel.

"I am king of the kingdom!"

"I am coming to the kingdom of heaven!"


When the kingdom of God was born, the army formed by the kingdom of God flew forward and attacked the demon army. But they were more like moths and fires. In a short time, they fell apart and the elites were killed.

The scene was extremely fierce, and the Demon Legion was really terrible.

You must know that the Kingdom of God and the Legion are only headed by the gods, and the Devils are all devils. How to fight?

"Lingyan Pavilion is here!"

The Taoist figure breathed a sigh of relief, only because of the second force of the Taoist star, led by four heavenly figures, to the Heavenly Magic Army, although they are still in a weak position, but not as passive as before.

“Why are there other forces that have not yet appeared?” others asked.

"They are meeting another legion!"

The owner of Lingyange said coldly. "The Mozu is not a legion, there is another legion!"

"What army?"


The characters of the Daomen were the forehead. They didn't know the origin of the "Devil's Domain", but when they heard these words, the Demon Legion suddenly became excited. They didn't know how heavy the words of the Devil.

That is the pride of the entire Mozu!

Who can suppress?

The emergence of the demon domain means that the Taoist star will be in vain!

"Horizontal push!"

The Demon Legion is radically moving forward, playing two major tragedies, even if the nine heavenly figures are weak in front of the eight emperors, they are not opponents, let alone the demon.


A **** blade is shining, a Daomen **** is killed on the spot, and the opponent is just a demon.


Another **** was vomiting blood. When the Tianmo Legion pushed forward, he spurted blood and killed himself on the spot.

The real power of the Demon Legion is not only the terrible personal strength, but also the overall momentum and strength. When they are alone, they are not enough to be shocking, but when they appear, they are not comparable to other single gods.

That is a knives!


The third **** is Fuxi!

"Do not!"

The fourth **** is sad!


The whole world is full of sad songs. The characters of Daomen and Lingyange are serious and more sorrowful. They have always been invincible. Today they are hit to this extent. Can the Mozu really not be provoked?

"Other forces will solve the battle as soon as possible and come to help!"

The Taoist figures open their mouths and send messages to other forces through Lingshi. They are too optimistic about the situation.


The Mozu characters are sneer and say: "We can't suppress you all, let alone the demon domain. Other forces are afraid of tragedy at the moment!"


Daomen and Lingyange were all eclipsed. They thought that the demon domain was not as good as the demon army. But now it is found that the demon domain is more terrible, which means that other forces are afraid to be fussy.

Is that star still saved?

In fact, this is the case.

Other forces are facing the power of the demon domain. This army is very special, dressed in black, the overall momentum is not obvious, a bit of a deadly taste, but at the moment when their power bursts, the whole world is bright.

There are only three thousand people, but each character is a demon, and is a different demon!

They are magic blades!

"The magic blade is glory, blasphemy!"

When the head of the Emperor opened, the whole day was gray, and a wild beast hit other forces, and the horror was unimaginable, far from being able to rival the Demon Legion.

They are the real knife of the sun!

Other power figures fell like wheat, and their blood flowed thousands of miles.


The old Taoist is in these characters, his face is pale, he has not yet confronted the emperor, just the magic blade, just let him feel cold, one or two demon is not his opponent, but the magic blade appears in the whole, that is him Have to bleed.

He has to take into account the life and death of Wen Xizhu, so he has to retreat.

"How could this be?"

Wen Xiu wants to fight, but can't help but the magic is too terrible. Even the old Taoist are injured, and other forces are more like ants are being harvested.

Are those demons a devil?

When a **** and a **** are dying on the spot, when the gods are killed, the words of the cherished bamboo are red, is this the fate of the Taoist star?

"Is it really impossible to recover?"

Wen Xizhu has tears in her eyes and her hands are close to each other. Dao Xing is her home, but the Mozu invades her home, but she can do nothing.

What is it like!

"This is not the general demon army, but the demon domain!" said the old Taoist.

"Do they want to be invincible?" Wen Qizhu asked with grief.

"The sky is vast, the demon domain is not invincible!"


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Can you fight? ”

"There was a legion that made the demon tragedy!" the old Taoist said seriously.

"Where are they?"

"It's a pity that I am not a Star Army!"

The old Taoist sighed with a deep sigh. "They are against God!"

Obviously, Wen Xizhu is not aware of the power of the anti-God, but does not know the anti-God army, but the voice of the old Taoist is not small, naturally it must fall in the ears of the demon domain.

Their eyes suddenly became cold, and that was the pain of the magic field forever.

It is the first tragedy of the demon domain!

"You know a lot, then you should die!"

The demon emperor headed by the demon domain said coldly. "It is only against the gods. Sooner or later, we will set foot on the land and kill them all!"


He directly attacked the old Taoist priests, and the forces blew up. He even reached the level of the king. The old Taoist was a chicken and a dog in front of him. It was not enough to see.

The loud noise of "砰", the old Taoist priests flew for thirty miles, blood flow was not enough, almost killed.


Wen Xi bamboo flowers are eclipsed, and they appear in quick steps, and they help the old Taoist.

"Peace bamboo, run fast!"

The old Taoist serges to open the literary bamboo. Today, he has no retreat. He has reached the magical point of pain, and the king will not let him go.

"I don't want to go, I want to die with my grandfather!"

Wen Xizhu stubbornly said: "Only here is my home!"

"Hugh to be a mess!" The old Taoist was in a hurry.

"Then die together!"

The demon emperor sneered, and a fist slammed down. Among them, the king of Tianwei was sprayed thin, and the world’s gas field shrouded the heavens and the earth. As long as this fist hit, the old Taoist sergeant must be killed.

"Do not!"

Wen Xi bamboo cries, stubbornly rushed forward, with the thin body to keep the old Taoist behind him, and the ancient sword in his hand is full of the will of the world, as if the characters should wake up.

"That is……"

The king suddenly changed color, his body slammed, like a ghost, and the punched punch stopped.

"No, he has already died. This is just a sword in his life!"

The next moment, the demon emperor became angry and shouted. "Giving his sword, then you are going to die today!"

Wen Xizhu sighed, and the last hope was shattered.

However, at that moment, a squeaky blast broke the sky and the earth.

"The scale is ahead!"

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