Supreme Demon

Chapter 2661: Make me against the scales

Dao Star Battlefield!

A mess, all major forces are full of tragedies, Lingyan Pavilion, Daomen are madly dying, while other forces are even more tragic, elite characters are smashing blood, only a few heavenly characters are not enough to see.

Although the old Taoist is a heavenly figure, he is just a Yuandi. In front of the king headed by the demon domain, he is a chicken.


In the punch just now, the old Taoist was seriously injured and dying. Otherwise, how could he keep Wen Qizhu in front of him?

As Wen Xizhu said.

Dao Xing is their home, where can they go besides here? They can't go back, even if it's half a step.


What he didn't think of was that Wen Xizhu had sacrificed the ancient sword. The character lived and his back was in the sky, but the atmosphere was too familiar. The king wanted to come to Lingfeng, otherwise he could not sense it.

The back is the gunpowder, which ignited the battlefield in an instant.

The king banned himself from fighting and doing his best. In front of Gai Tianwei, Wen Xi’s thin and pitiful, so that the old Taoist can’t bear it, how can it be?

In the face of this force, they will be smouldering!


Just when the sympathy of Wen Zhuzhu was stubborn, when the old Taoist sighed and sighed, a clear voice exploded, and people only felt the glare of light and rain coming, and the tears opened the dark sky that the magic blade had cast.

"The scale is ahead!"

Just four words, but it has a magic!

The literary bamboo statue captures the straw of life-saving. They all ignore the fact that there is still a force on this star, even though they are mysterious, only a small number of people know.

Although, they are late!


That is the real power of the Tao!

Wen Xizhu couldn't help but try to raise her head. If she wants to take a look, what kind of power she will step into is able to make the spirit of the holy smoker respect and pride.

It is the old Taoist who feels amazed. He does not think that the scale can solve the current trouble, but he knows that he can live more for a while.

next moment!

The sky is shining brightly, a shining cloud is flying, covering the sky, people see not a person, but a crane, they fly in the air, abnormal God.

Then, people saw that there was a character sitting on the Shenhe crane. They were dressed in colorful uniforms and they came in such a strong position.

Headed by a young man.

His look is cold, his face is generous, his appearance is ordinary, and people can't recognize it, but this young man is a real king, not weaker than any king's king.


This is a rather strange king, as if it had never appeared in Yu, at least the demon in the field has not seen it, but this does not mean that the **** of hunting is really not famous.

He doesn't show up in Yu, but it is an extremely dazzling figure in that power!

He is not a reverse-scale character, but a person who Ye Kong personally invited!

he came!

Just because that person is here!


At the moment when the hunting **** opened, the whole scale was like a sharp knife, and it stabbed and fell. Its powerful power suddenly burst into bursts, no less than the power of the Magic Blades.

The whole sky suddenly shone, and the mighty momentum went straight into the sky.

This moment belongs to the inverse scale!

"Doing me against the scales, though far away!"

The smoked maiden flies out and stands in Tianzhu. She is just a true god, but she still came, because her symbolism is more, as long as she is here, it represents the master of the scales.

"It’s a smoker sister!" Wen Xizhu’s tears in the sky, she finally waited for this moment, and witnessed the incomparable scale power.


The Magic Blades ushered in a disaster. They are not the kings of loneliness. Now there is another king.

The king of the reverse scale flew directly in front of Wen Xizhu, despising the opposite side of the magic blade king.

"Who are you?" The magic blade king discolored, and the hunting spirit was terrible, making him feel dangerous.


The hunting **** directly hits out, not giving the magic blade king more time to ask questions, he wants to solve the battle quickly.


The Magic Blade King is not weak, and it is strong and fights against the goddess.

"Reverse scales, fight!"

The cranes are flying in the air, shaking the wings, like colorful clouds, each crane is a true **** level, let other forces completely crazy, they do not know that the Tao is still hiding such a terrible force.

It turns out that the scales are so powerful!


People even noticed the two thousand characters sitting on the cranes, only because they are all gods!

"God is gone!"

When the two thousand gods flew down, the power of the gods also appeared, and the same sharp edge opened the sky and hit the magic blade.


A sleek light rained out, and on the spot, a gap was torn open on the Magic Blade Corps. Several devils died, and at this moment they seemed to see the familiar suppression power.

"you guys!"

The Magic Blades became no longer calm, but seriously looked at the anti-scale army. In this power they sensed the power and Qimen of a hundred years ago.


The counter-scale character smashed out strongly, completely ignoring the defense of the Magic Blades, and tore the magic blade with an extremely strong blade.

The demon blade that is about to open is shut up and killed by life.


This kind of thing, how the scales will make them tell, the impact is too big.

"He is here, please go back to the scales!"

The spirit smoked the sacred woman said: "Because he will see, we have waited too long at this moment!"

"Ah, fight!"

In an instant, the scales are crazy, how can they not know their origins?

I know that the whole force is waiting for the person to return, but they don't know that the person is here. At this moment, the words of the holy smoked lady ignited their blood and passion.

At this moment, what magic blades are flying ash!

Without any characters, any force can take them back, or they will step on their bodies.

"He's here?"

The hunting gods suddenly lit up and released the light of the monks.


"Paralysis, today, a demon don't want to leave alive!"

Hunting madness, he is the first person in the wild, once was personally pointed out by that person, only today has such a creation, when God knows how the characters are crazy when Ling Feng is killed, if it is not Qin Feng suppression, only I am afraid that they will all break through the sky.


The news that the individual is still alive, only a very small number of people know that to prevent the news from leaking, there are only a few characters in the sky, and now the holy smoke woman said, no doubt confirmed the news.

No wonder Ye Kong wants to ask him to fly in person!

No wonder the lord will pay attention to it!

Paralysis, this time the whole anti-god is watching, if he dares to step back, can not solve the situation, I am afraid that the entire anti-God wants to tear him away!

This is not a battlefield!

This is the moment of play!


The hunting spirit is completely exploded, and the ancient light rain uncovers the end of the magic blade, and the sky is thorough, and the sky is full of age!

The ancient Wu’s gas field, the ancient Wu’s will is awakening!

"The end of the road to God is a wasteland!"

The hunting **** slammed into the Scorpio and hit the magical blade king. The two space rules are boiling, igniting, the triple power is igniting, burning up!

A sharp blade flew up to the sky!


It carried the will of the sky, smashed the way, and opened the nine-day star river, where there seemed to be a wasteland, and it was timeless!

"you are……"

The Magic Blade King suddenly shocked. At that moment, he finally saw the origin of the hunting god. Only the anti-God had the ancient martial arts. Only the anti-God had a complete inheritance of the ancient martial arts, and this person came out.

Is that not enough to show?


He didn't have time to tell the truth, only because the two rules of power carried the power of the sky to smash down, he did his best to defend, but still did not defend, directly submerged by the power of the mountains.

"Oh no……"

He gave unwilling anger, but the tragedy ended without a solution.

The magic blade king is killed!

"Sweeping, we need time!" The spirit of the holy woman opened, indicating the attitude of the scales at the moment.


The scale was pushed horizontally, and the whole layout suddenly changed. It was shot in the form of Qimen. The endless power made a big net in the void, and pushed the magic blade army.

The blood is overflowing.

Blood DC!

The fight between the two sides is really fierce. Although the anti-scale army is extraordinary, but wants to suppress the Magic Blades, it is

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So easy?

This is a **** battle of 800 damage!

However, the participation of other powerful forces in the war has also made this situation better.

"You all **** it!"

The devils of the Magic Blades are crazy and more tremble. In the end, what power can make the scales strong to this point, and the defeat to the gods will be counted, and they will be defeated against the scales!

A shameful shame!


After two hours of participation in the war, the Magic Blades squadrons, the scales bleed too much, and there were two thousand gods. There were thousands of gods who died here. Such blood disasters were not thought of.

Wen Xizhu stood in the same place, and the old Taoist still kept a lying position.

They are stunned!

The difference is that the old Taoist is surprised, this counter-scale is too terrible, that is, the gate is not enough to see in front of it, and Wen Xizhu is proud, strong pride!

Anyone who is qualified to step into the scales should be proud!

They ignore life and death!

They try their best!

They are here, guarding their homes!

"I am a member of the reverse scale!" Wen Xizhu said with a smile.

"Then don't let the scales down!"

The smoked maiden flew down and said seriously: "I said that the scale is not good, we will die, but we will die with dignity and pride, and some will live with our dignity and pride!"

"Alive, you can fight again!"


She turned directly and flew to the **** of hunting, saying, "The devil has come to a demon!"

"I know!"

The hunting **** yin measured and laughed and said: "He is here, we are not afraid of life and death!"

"The situation is dangerous. At present, the Tao Emperor is only afraid of not coming." The voice of the Holy Smoke is very light, but the hunting **** understands the meaning of her words.

"But life and death only, as long as he is still, who can stop us?"

Hunting God said with a free and easy voice. "If he wants, the whole... will be willing to die for him!"

"He has already died for us twice, and let me come this time!"

After that, he strode forward, with life and death decided to fight to the demon!

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