Supreme Demon

Chapter 2697: Cast God!

Shen Yu Zhen Shen Dan!

This is a more terrible storm.

Shen Yu Shen Ling Dan has made people crazy. At this level, Shen Yu Dan belongs to the top. Its strength is not only in terms of potency, but also because Shen Yu Dan has very little side effects on Wu Shen. Even if it is taken many times, it will not be against Valkyrie. The body causes paralysis, which in turn affects its promotion.


In this respect, Shen Yu Dan Yuan is not comparable to other medicinal drugs, and the price is more affordable. It is only a little more expensive than a single medicinal herb, but it is cheaper than the two medicinal drugs.

I am afraid that idiots know which medicinal herbs should be purchased?

Needless to say.

This directly led to the boiling of the gods. In the early days of the incident, the goddess of the king wanted to recruit the genius alchemy teacher, but when the situation became embarrassing, he saw that it was a fierce knife.

Straight into the heart of the goddess!

In the early days, this was a blunt knife, giving the impression that it was only heavy, but who had thought that the blunt knife could be sharpened, and as time went by, the blunt knife finally became sharp.

Scarely cold!

Shen Yudan is only a spy, so that the gods and feathers will not rebound very much. When Shen Yudan completely penetrates into the gods, when people pay attention to it and fascinated, the gods and gods are uncontrollable.

When Shen Yuzhen Shen Dan came out, the whole situation was completely dumped.

There is no hope of reversing at all!

On the day of the release of Shenyu Zhenshen Dan, the entire forces of the gods and gods were congested in front of the gods, and they went crazy and bought them. The crowds were like the sea, and the royal figures in the gods and feathers came.

This is a huge temptation.

Who can block this temptation?

Even the royal family can't stop the temptation.

If at this time, the gods and feathers mainly stand up and oppose it, I am afraid that the major forces will not agree first. Once these forces are offended, the problem becomes serious.

The major powers can push it to this throne and let it go.


Shen Yudan had to let it pay attention.

"Thirty Shenyu Zhenshen Dan sold out in a short period of time, which even led to the weight loss of the goddess of the gods, this scene is too hot!"

Some people are talking about it.

That is unprecedented, and it is unprecedented.

It can be said that the resources that Shen Yu has come to in this day are equivalent to the resources of many forces for one year, two years, or even ten years. When such power resources are spread out, Shen Yudan will bloom in the whole Shenyu, let God The feather country has become more dangerous.

Because of this, the power of Shen Yu is uncontrollable and too mysterious. Until now, the gods and gods do not know their origins.

"Stop it as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The goddess of the gods is worried. When a force accumulates more than one god, the power is either dangerous or the danger of the kingdom.

The goddess of the gods did not want to kill the power of the gods, but the other party was very dangerous. He sent more than a dozen gods, and no one figure came back alive, that is, the heavenly characters are taboo.

This kind of shameful thing, he has not yet thought of Xianting, and wants to solve the problem as soon as possible.

after all.

Xianting was punished, and his owner was only afraid to do it.


Just when the goddess of the gods lost their eyebrows, a character of the royal family flew in and bluntly solved the problem.

"Oh? What is the idea of ​​the emperor?"

The goddess of the king of the gods smiled and looked a lot better. He longed that his emperor could really solve the current difficult problem for him.

"The reason why Shenyu is terrible is because there is no opponent in Shenyu. If we find an opponent for them?" The middle-aged man with a Chinese character face confidently said: "A competitor of the same level, two Tigers, how do we sit on the mountain?"


The goddess of the king of the gods brightened and knew that the emperor was not aimless. When he came, he proved that he had brought this power.

"Can you find this power?"

The **** of the gods asked: "There are too few potions in this land that can rival the gods!"

"Who said that it must be a potent drug?" The Chinese character face middle-aged man laughed.

"What do you mean?" asked the goddess of the goddess frowning. If the interests do not conflict, then the two tigers can't fight.


The Chinese character face middle-aged man Yu Wenwen said: "Although casters and alchemy belong to two different types, but the interests are the same, they need herbs, need top resources, and can be used as long as they are conflicts."

"does it work?"

"Hey, this is for the emperor to personally look at it, I am only responsible for referrals!" Yuhua Wenliu said with a smile.

"Oh? Where are the people?" The feathers of the waters stunned, and then the ecstasy, as long as the caster power can be used for them, can be a feather weapon, they can become a weapon in their hands.

"Just in front of the main hall!"

"That speeds them in!"

Yuhua Lingshui was overjoyed and immediately invited the characters of the casting force to come in.


The characters of the caster appear in front of the feathers.


The characters of the caster left the city of Shenyu and disappeared into the sky.

"Oh, I really saw it!"

Yuhua Lingshui said with a smile. "Therefore, these two forces have grievances, but today the gods are only turned into the Colosseum!"

"Yeah, I was also full of surprises when I heard this news. I immediately wanted to introduce the emperor." Yuhua Wenliu said with a smile.

"Not bad!"

"not bad!"

Yuhua Lingshui said with a smile: "If this power is used well, it will not only solve the scourge for them, but also become a knife for my **** feather country!"


"They not only have to deal with the gods, but also to take away the resources in the hands of the gods. I now want to know what the gods know about their coming, what kind of expression will be!"

"It must be very good to see." Yuhua Wenliu said with a smile.

"Two tigers have to fight here, then let them fight to the end!"

Yuhua Lingshui said coldly. "To fully promote the development of the gods here, let them have the same qualifications as the gods, so that they can not be suppressed by the gods, and collapse in a short time."

"Of course, we have to control this tiger. Don't let its power develop too fast. It must be controlled within the scope we can control. Otherwise, I am afraid that the tiger will be ruined."


There is no delay in the emergence of the feather stream, and it acts immediately.

Just because they all know that the state of the gods and feathers has not completely erupted, once the gods launch the gods, it is really not saved.

Now it’s just selling thirty true gods, and it’s causing this frenzy. I really don’t know what kind of picture Tianyu Dan will cast.

They can't imagine it.

The next day.

Casting God will appear quietly in Shen Yu, just developed very slowly, so that Shen Yu is a headache, because he has already felt that Shen Yu is deliberately suppressing the casting god, making them not a climate.

However, this suppression is in the dark, a war without smoke.

Shen Yuguo was very exhausted and worked very hard to maintain the situation for the casting god. There was a lot of sacrifice. Under their support, it took the whole two months to build a foothold in Shenyu.

At this time, Shen Yu launched a large-scale real **** Dan, a time resource, such as the tide of the gods and feathers.


Shen Yu is spreading at the speed of Shen Yu at a rapid speed. From the first to the present, the scene is really magnificent.

“Put the gods and let them suppress the rhythm of the gods!”


On that day, Casting God also launched their artifacts, but only artifacts.

This kind of artifact is augmented with Qimen. It has a variety of functions, such as flying an artifact on the attacking Qimen, and attacking the artifact to bless the speed gate.

Both the attack and the speed have improved a lot.

Moreover, the power of non-classical artifacts can rival, which undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for casting God.

Under the full promotion of the gods and gods, Casting God soon became famous, so that the major powers are eager to buy, the purchasing power is quite good, but it is not so easy to fight against the true **** Dan.


Casting God launched the real artifact, the creativity is not weaker than the **** of the gods, and for a time let the casting gods have a greater reputation, resources are endless.

Casting God also had the first expansion to the hundredth, and there were branches in the main city of the Kingdom of God.

They have to fight against the gods!

The goddess of the gods took a sigh of relief. This situation is what he wants to see and let them fight. This is very beneficial to the gods. If one side falls down, then the gods will immediately embrace their income.

If both lose, then the gods will be able to earn a full income.

Why not?

In fact.

The struggle between the two major forces is quite serious. In a short period of time, a sub-shop of Casting God was dragged to death and could not be maintained.

At the same time, Shen Yu also lost a branch.

The situation is getting worse!


In this situation, Shen Yu has launched the top of the true **** Dan, comparable to the gods of the gods, has the role of returning to life, but also has the ability to restore the damage to the gods.

In an instant, the entire **** of feathers is crazy.

In order to save the situation, Casting God launched the top real artifact, which can match the heavenly artifact, and it is cheap and good, which has brought a storm.

The two major forces are gradually warming up, and in a short period of time, the gods and gods have a sense of out of control.

When the time comes to half a year.

When the gods of God and the gods spread to two hundred, the goddess suddenly felt the danger.

But he can't say what the danger is.

"Time is almost up!"

"Push it out!"

A character in Shen Yu said with a sneer. "He wants to sit on the mountain and watch, and let them see and see what the two tigers are!"

"good idea!"

Another person said with a smile.

"It is enough to deal with a country of God for half a year, and I hope that the forces of other gods will be carried out!"


That night, Casting God launched the **** artifact!

At night, Shen Yu launched Tianshen Dan!

The sky of the entire **** of the gods is bright, and the major forces are crazy, and the characters of other gods are robbing.

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