Supreme Demon

Chapter 2698: Make trouble for the Mozu!

Cast God artifact!

Shen Yu Tian Shen Dan!

This is like two knives. When it comes out, it detonates the gods, making people crazy, and there is a picture of looting.

after all.

There are not many gods and gods, even if they are casting gods and gods, they only provide five-handed artifacts and five gods and gods every year. The number is poor, but there are quality assurances of these two forces, Tianshen and Tianshen Dan. The quality is unquestionable.

Needless to say, Tianshen Dan is the same as the two gods, which can make the gods advance, and let them fight across the level. Although it is in a short time, at the moment of life and death, this is the "ban" of attack.

not to mention.

Each of the gods is different, one of which allows the speed of the gods to step into the top level, even if the first-class gods on the top nine gods, there is hope of escape.

How to keep people crazy?

The Heavenly Artifact is different, and the top-level Qimen is also blessed. It also allows the gods to qualify for cross-level combat, and can shoot and even attack the radius of a hundred miles. This is the place where other gods are unmatchable.

It can be said.

As long as the celestial artifact is fully unfolded, the gods can use all kinds of top resources to ignite the odd door above the celestial artifact, regardless of the consumption of resources, and this sacred artifact is the ban.

Although the five-handed artifact is not the top heavenly artifact, it really has the prestige of the heavenly artifact.


The five-handed artifact is inexpensive and worth buying.

Shen Yu is like a wave in the country, and it is too profitable for Shen Yudan and Casting God. In just a few days, it has accumulated a huge amount of resources, and the drug shop and caster of Shen Yuguo are affected. There is no market to be squeezed.

of course.

Casting gods and gods are very clever, and these huge profits are in their hands, and it is necessary to attract the anger of the gods, so they hand over all kinds of medicinal herbs and artifacts to the agents of the gods in the country, and they will divide them. Profiteering.

When the gods and gods reacted, the gods and gods were full, and there were so many forces involved. The gods and gods wanted to contain the gods and cast gods. These forces would not agree.

What is even more deadly is that Shen Yu and Casting God are radiating along the Shen Yu Kingdom to the surrounding kingdoms. It is quite rapid. It took four months to occupy the markets of the major kingdoms.

At the level of the Kingdom of God, there are really not many forces that can be used with the gods and the gods.


It’s ugly to see how ugly the face is.

He wanted to build a **** of casting, to drive the wolf, and to cast the gods and gods into his arms. However, he did not expect that the speed of development of the gods completely broke the limit, and in a short time, he was detached and could not be controlled by the gods. It is the other gods that have begun to suffer.

Shen Yu and Casting God are still fighting, but this range is too vast. Once the power is out of control, I am afraid that the entire Shen Yu country will sink.

"What do they want to do?"

Yuhua Wenliu’s face is very heavy, the casting **** is not controlled, and the power is further developed, which has seriously affected the safety of Shenyu.

They use all-out containment and can be very limited.

He once thought about banned the sale of Shen Yudan and the gods, but they were all strongly opposed. The major forces only focused on this piece of fat, how to let it blur?

"In the past year, my gods and feathers have been stretched and the situation is not good. Are the two forces trying to contain the throat of my **** feather country?"

The emergence of the feathers is a headache, and the goddess of the country is now like being caught in the throat and living hard.

If it is not for the sake of business, I am afraid that the entire Shenyu country will be paralyzed.


Just as the feathers were worried, a cold snap had already poured into the goddess.


This is a terrible consortium. In the early days, it was very low-key to enter the country of God, and then it acquired a large number of restaurants and shops that could not be maintained. With strong financial support, they were in a state of turmoil and progress was quite fast.


Yitian is very concealed and difficult to find.

In just ten days, Etienne took control of the two main streets and quickly promoted it. It took three hours to acquire 30,000 restaurants and 30,000 stores, almost covering the entire Shenyu country.

The same moment.

The business of the gods and kings of the royal family was squeezed, and the financial resources plummeted as if they had entered the cold winter.

Different from the gods and gods, the business like Yitian is the most difficult to suppress. It can't be suppressed because of the good management of others.

So what do other forces think?

"what happened?"

The feathers flowed cold and sweaty, and he faintly felt that there was only one behind the scenes that the black hand was pushing. From the **** Yu Yu into the gods, the black hand was carrying out the bottom.


He can't understand, in the end, what characters should deal with the gods and gods?

Eighteen months!

The gods and royals really can't stand the pressure. Their financial resources are already empty, showing a deficit, and they can contribute less to Xianting, so they have to cut resources.

In fact.

Not only Shen Yuguo, but also dozens of other gods, the gods and gods are two cancers, too toxic.

In less than two years, they have instigated the territories that they have worked hard for hundreds of years, even for more than a thousand years, and when the financial resources and resources are exhausted, the kingdom of God is in danger.

this moment.

The great kingdoms of God are not soft, strong suppression of casting gods and gods, to force them out of the scope of the kingdom of God, and to appeal to the major forces, let them feel the danger, but also feel the danger of gods and casting God.

There are many respondents, but there are not many implementers.

Everything in the world is profitable!

Some of the forces did not understand the practice of the royal family. They believed that this was their deliberate suppression. In the face of such huge profits, the royal family of the Kingdom of God became jealous.


Even if they are completely suppressed, how do they suppress it?

Shen Yu, casting God to disintegrate the situation of the Kingdom of God, and then relying on the sky to step in, strong control of business, control of Shen Yu domestic financial resources.

Financial resources, resources, dual control!

Dozens of gods are just grasshoppers after the fall!

Because these gods have made less contributions, Xianting is also very angry and has a cold attitude. This makes the heads of the country more miserable.


The Xianting figures have not known what happened in dozens of gods until now, or they are not paying enough attention because their attention is all on the sky.


Road star.

The sinuous night sky shines with endless stars and is magnificent.

Ling Feng looked up at the starry sky, felt the vastness of the universe and the smallness of life. Then he smiled slightly and some fell in love.

In fact, the universe is not as vast as it is imagined.


At this time, Ye Kongfei came, and fell behind the Ling Feng, instantly shattered this beautiful artistic conception, so Ling Feng could not help but frown.

"Say!" asked Ling Feng.

"Chengxian, Xianxian, Yixian, etc. are doing well." Ye Kong said with a smile on his face. "The situation is gradually tilting toward us. Once the time is ripe, it is a frenzy."

"Of course, for those countries of God, it should be a disaster."


Ling Feng’s forehead, the anti-God has almost used all his strength, and he has strong support in terms of financial resources and resources. If he can’t do this step, then there is really no hope for the rebellion.


Ye Kong rushed in, it is impossible to just send this news.

"What else?" he asked.

"There are movements on the face of the Mozu." Ye Kong’s face became dignified and said, "There has been news from the butterfly and the hidden gods that the Mozu characters are coming to the stars, and there are several demon statues. To be born."


Ling Feng laughed and rebelled against such a big movement. The Mozu couldn’t react at all.

A character who is so smart, can you not see his intention?

If you see that there is no action, then the Mozu is not a Mozu.

"They have already guessed that the Burning Heaven is going to be born!" Ling Feng said calmly. "This thing can't help the world."

"However, the Mozu characters were born at this time, and their intentions are not afraid of it?"

"What does the person mean?"

"This piece of the universe is a big fat. When the world comes, how can the Mozu miss it? They want to take a seat here and slam the Burning Heaven." Ling Feng explained. "There may be the Lord of the Lord." More far-reaching intentions, depending on their layout here."

Ye Kong did not ask, but listened carefully.

"At the moment, the important moments of asking Xian, casting fairy and leaning on the fairy are not to let the Mozu see the problem."


"They want to come out, I just let them roll back!"

Ling Feng's face turned cold and asked. "How is the situation against the gods?"

What he asked was not against God, but against the layout of God on the other side.

"It is getting through, but I don't want to alarm the devil in the moment." Ye Kong laughed, and he knew what Lingfeng had to do.

“Let the big white goose, empty activities.”

Ling Feng said: "I can't always let the Mozu to take advantage of us, right?"


"Let the person who is against the gods also active, just empty and big white goose can not."


Ye Kong’s forehead is more appropriate, but because people mainly preside over the overall situation, and even the last step, once they are deeply trapped in the devil world, it is quite dangerous. Once trapped, it will directly affect the overall layout.

Therefore, the character is more suitable.

"Make them trouble and let them withdraw!"

"If they don't want to, let's make it bigger!"

Lingfeng’s eyes shine with cold light, saying, “Where is the Lord, if he dares to appear in the stars, then don’t want to leave easily!”

Ye Kong was so excited.

The demon Lord has always been a big affliction against the gods, and has been regarded as a big enemy by the reverse god. Whether it is in intelligence or in force, the former owner and the whole anti-god are evading this character. After all, the devil is too strong.

At this moment, the Lord for the first time revealed a strong wild vision, he must defeat the Lord.

at the same time.

The leaf witch who got the news, the first time to release the empty space and the big white goose, and the anti-God also started, there are several directions to attack the devil world.

At the beginning of the day, the empty space and the big white goose placed in the brand of the Mozu played a role at this time, guiding the direction for the rebellion.

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