Supreme Demon

Chapter 2722: Cut off the fairy!

Both lose?

In fact, this is just a thought against the gods. For the Mozu, the Lord is still not as good as the Wind.

After a thousand years of tempering, the demon Lord stepped out of the six-parent unrecognized pace, swept the Mozu, and asked for more in the millennium, which could not find a few in the history of the Mozu.


The starry sky has a more enchanting character. Three hundred years have asked for respect, and it has become a fourth-class god. The true strength is no less than the magic master.

This is a comprehensive rolling of talent.

Even if the Lord of the Eternal Masters had to bow down in front of the King of Kings?

this moment.

Don't say that the Mozu is full of pressure, and all the forces in the starry sky feel trembled. Which one of the ancestors, the ancestors, and so on did not ask for thousands of years? The ability to reach the current height is what they have learned a little bit. In contrast, the enchanting spirit of Ling Feng took only three hundred years to ride on their heads.

Are you angry?

Not at all mad!

Ninety-nine percent of the effort, one percent of the talent, the latter is more important than the former.

This is especially true in martial arts. It has only been used for thousands of years by others who have been able to do things for thousands of years.

What is even more frightening is that Lingfeng’s strength has not become flashy due to rapid promotion. His foundation is solid and terrible, but the advent of Xianli completely broke the talent and strength of the devil.

It can be said.

If there is no fairy power, this time the Lingfeng is not the opponent of the devil, just because Xianli can suppress the Lord.

And Xianli is completely a matter of talent.

Only the extraordinary talent can be born Xianli.

Ling Feng wins in Xianli, and the devil wins in time.

"The two enchanting, really very non-human!"

The ruins of the ruins of the ruins said that it is a pity that these two characters are not born in the wild, otherwise the ruins will be invincible.

"The future is their time!"

The ancestors sighed, and at this moment he felt that he was old, and he was not as good as these young people.

At the beginning.

In Xiangu Xinghai, these two characters were similar to the dog in front of him, but now he really does not dare to die with these two characters.

Sighing like a sigh!

The Mozu Supreme, Chaoshan Mountain, and the Eastern Rain are all horrified, just the difference in horror.

The Mozu Supreme was shocked by the fact that Ling Feng was so strong that he forced the demon to this part in the fourth-class Tianzun realm. The character of Chaoshan Mountain was shocked by the fact that there were such two characters in the world. Can't find it.

The rain in the east is purely horrified by Ling Feng.

This anti-God is too strong, I really want to ask the sky, I am afraid that the Lord is not enough to see, Xianli comes out, can wake up the ancient times.

"Can you fight?" Ling Feng asked the Lord.

"of course!"

The Lord of the Lord swept the dust on his body, and his face was filled with a smile. "If there is no fairy power, I will marry you like a dog!"

"If you are in the third-class heaven, you are a chicken and a dog!"

The two characters are confrontational, with a sensation in their eyes.

However, this is exactly the problem they encountered. Ling Feng borrowed Xianli to rival the Lord, while the Lord of Magic suppressed the wind in the realm.

"Today, fight again!"

The Lord of the Lord said coldly. "There is always a life and death!"

"Today, you must fight!"

Ling Feng is more rude and said, "You must die!"


The emptiness of the void, the horror of the waves, Ling Feng is like a lightning strike to the Lord, and the Lord rushed to Ling Feng at a faster speed.

The two violent characters fought again.

The whole world has been ruined, and Yews, Ling Qing and other frowns have already reached this level. They still have difficulty in winning the game. As far as they are concerned, Ling Feng has done his best and even Xianli has come out. They really can't think of any other power to suppress the Lord.


For the Lord of the Devils, they are still not enough to understand. This character from the devil is really not as simple as imagined.


They are on the magical demon, and they are extremely fierce. The Tianfu is in a collapse, unable to withstand such shackles and storms, and the anti-God is still in the same place, like a moth to fight the fire, and died in a short time.

This is the most tragic story in history.

The anti-god from the starry sky has killed and injured 100,000 in a short time.

When Ling Feng dealt with the demon Lord, the gods were killed and injured by 500,000. Most of them were elite figures. They were hunting gods and spiritual smokers who were dying of blood and could not hold on.

The king and the spirit are vomiting blood.

Yue Xian and Yan Peng are bleeding.

Zhou Qitian and Dongying Yingyu are stepping back step by step. They don’t have the magical blessings. They are far less powerful than the demon statues and the gods. They can only live and die, but time is too bad for them. Their power is too much. In the end, I had to step back and rush to the major forces to seek greater lethality.

Wen Lao and Heng Tian Xing Chen several days of respect for injuries, are taking Dao Dan, and strive to heal as soon as possible.

The worst thing is the rain in the east.

His strength is entirely supported by Dao Dan. At this moment, the two characters who asked the heavens, even if they are hungry and ghostly, are also miserable, step by step, and blood flow.

Oriental rhyme, Da Zhou Tian Zun and Xuan Kong have done their best to suppress the rhythm in the back.

But the situation is still too bad for them.

"The old cover is also coming!"

At this moment, a few people flew in the distance. The head was an old man. The white eyebrows were hairy and the body was tough. The third-class Tianzun's gas field was completely released, like a lightning bolt directly into the battlefield.

This makes both sides of the battlefield a glimpse.

There are so many characters appearing on this section of the skeleton, it is really cold, especially the one who is headed by the third-class Tianzun.


Only a moment, the face of the Oriental Ying Yu and other faces will be eased, only because of the cover and cover snow.

They don't know much about this monster, but they know that these two characters maintain an unusual relationship with Ling Feng and should not be an enemy.


Gai Xuan Yi Ma first rushed into the battlefield, on the several characters of the Yaozu, shared some of the pressure, and covered snow and snow flew to the center, the eyes are faint, looking through the ages.

"He is still alive!"

Said that the snow and snow roads are flying.

She saw Ling Feng!

She saw the leaf witch.

She even saw Ling Qing!

A full-fledged rebellion comes from all over the world.

They intended to do their best to help each other. This is a gratitude to Ling Feng, but did not expect to usher in such a situation.

The anti-God does not have the weakness of their imagination, but the real strength.

next moment.

Covering Snow and Snow also invested in the battlefield, fighting for the final time.

The old Taoist is coming!

Yan Zhuling is here!

To tell the truth, Yan Zhuling is very entangled. She can't talk to Ling Feng about how deep feelings, but since the appearance of Ling Feng, she has completely different status in the family, and she has been helped by the devil, so that she has played a pivotal role in the family. status.


Her family is still too weak in front of the wilderness.


In the end, she still came, not because of her feelings with Ling Feng, but because she only had to take this step to have a living.

Other characters in the family have a ridiculous way, but she only has a rebellion!

She does not bring a lot of people, but she can do her best.


Everything is a battle!

Because of the return of Ling Feng, the anti-God has erupted infinitely lethality, so that the major forces are smashing blood, and at the level of heaven, the anti-God is truly invincible.

The emperor of Xianting was on the clear!

The Emperor of Heaven and the Road met the king of poisonous gods who fought wild.

The demon of the Mozu is on the gold-winged Dapeng King!

How can it be miserable?

But it is not them who really decide the outcome of the entire battlefield, but three people who ask the heavens and the wind and the magic master.

In fact.

Ling Feng and the devil are the most worthy of attention.

"End it!"

The demon Lord flew out of the air, and the body released a huge amount of magic power, which became deeper and more dull. From it, the magic bones flew out. Different from the previous ones, there were two pieces of magic bones in front of people.

A piece of black as ink!

A piece of holy snow!

"That is the sternum of the magic fairy!"

The character of Chaoshan Mountain was shocked. He did not think that the demon had such a magic bone.

"I never wanted to borrow his power, but today I really want to get rid of you!"

The lord Mori said coldly. "Under the magic bone, you will be in a hurry!"


An illusory figure appeared on the holy demon bone, and the face could not be seen clearly, but the limbs and body showed a holy color.

Whether it is the Tao, or the devil.

In the end, we must go to the immortal. In essence, the magic fairy is also holy, but the holiness is only the surface, and the magic that is revealed inside is the most terrible.


The devil screamed wildly, driving the devil's bones down, and his own demon bones also released ten mountain river maps, which together hit Lingfeng.


The wind stopped raining!

Everyone is eye-catching and waiting for a result.

The Mozu Supreme showed a happy smile. The Lord finally took this step. There is nothing wrong with borrowing the bone of the Magic Immortal, but the Devil is too proud.

This time, unless it is a question of the day, no one can suppress the Lord.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and so on were all shocked. They wanted to rush, but the pressure around them was too heavy to contain their footsteps.

Against the gods, it is even more savvy.

"Flash!" The rain in the east is falling, and I don't want Lingfeng hard steel to hit it.


Ling Feng is like not hearing the general, his face still with a smile, indifferently looking at the front.

"Magic fairy?"

He said: "In fact, I have already guessed that there is something in the body of the magic fairy, but I want to know if the magic fairy has heard of an ancient technique before the ages!"

He lifted the Burning Pathblade, and Xianli, the confinement space, etc. were all incorporated into it, that is, the eight-character mantra was broken into it, and the ancient Tiandao released the true Tianwei.

"It's called the sky!"

The four words collapsed and the whole day sank.

Endless sighs from the body of the wind, if lightning, like rain and fog, if that invisible youth.

Truthfulness is fully integrated into Ling Feng's body, and it appears in the path of heaven.

The crane is soaring.

God Phoenix worships the sky.

The eight-character mantra is guarded.

The sigh of the fairy sighs into a perfect sound.

There is only that ancient voice in the world, and the interception technique is only ready for the moment.

The difference is that the tragedy of the ancient times can only break out of the sky, and when the world is integrated into the nine powers and confinement space, is it still a truncation?

That is the cut fairy!

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