Supreme Demon

Chapter 2723: Burning the Supreme!

Cut off the fairy!

Not from Xiangu Wangu, but from the world.

The interception technique is the cover of the world. Because of the imperial power of the wind, the confinement space, etc., it has been transformed, and it has become a fairy.


This scorpio was tempered by the years, and Ling Feng really completely untied it. At this moment, it has no restraint and pressure. It is completely displayed in front of Ling Feng, and the atmosphere of the world is engulfing Xingyu.

The burning road blade violently trembled, and some could not withstand such Tianwei.


The vibrato was filled with heavy fear, and the horrible turbulence caused the whole scorpio to explode. The power of heaven was broken, and it was extremely fearful of this scorpio. It naturally splits in the sky and forms two distinct clouds.

The sky is tearing!

This is the cut fairy!

The burning blade is shining and the atmosphere is immortal.

When it flew into the sky little by little, Thunder and Thousand Roads, the power of the heavenly force flew down, but did not fall on the blade of the Burning Road, but was guarded around.

This is the overbearing of the immortal!

It can be said.

This is a surprise prepared for the demon Lord. Since Ling Feng has turned his opponent into a demon Lord, he is thinking about the way to cope, the sigh of the fairy and the confinement space can be restrained, but the real devil is still the immortal.

This is an improvement of the interception technique!

Upgraded version!


Ling Feng's dull and low-spirited explosion, the blue veins on his face have emerged, and the power overdraft is extremely powerful. That is, this blow will completely take his strength, leaving only the last insistence.

But because of his persistence.

The interception shows the power to make the fairy shudder.

One shot down!

Magic fairy!

The sternum of the magic fairy became gray at the moment, not because of strength, but because of the spiritual reaction. At that time, he should have seen the real fairy power of the interception technique.

It hasn't arrived yet, because the strength of Ling Feng has not yet arrived.


It is like this, the sky is cracking, and the endless stars are falling in the universe.

The devil trembled, the first time I felt the taste of death, the destruction of the picture brought by the immortal is really cool, too real.

He did not hesitate.

Do your best to push the bones of the magic fairy and your own bones forward, letting several forces stand together and meet the cuts.


Only one contact, the endless magic will automatically disintegrate, this is not because of the restraint of the confinement space, but the immortal ignited by Xianli really despise this magic power, that is, the endless gods and devils are bowed, only the celestial bones of the magic fairy are persisting, living Pressed over.


Even if the bones of the magic fairy are far from enough to see in front of the immortal, it is the power that can be used to make the fairy, which is the greatness that can make the heavens bow down.

That is the vastness of the world!

The mountain river map made a crisp sound, and it was cut off by the immortal.

The heart of the devil is bleeding, he has done his best, and he has used the last word. His pride has been defeated at this moment.

The cut of the fairy is like a broken bamboo.

In the end, the ten landscapes of the mountains and rivers were completely broken, and they could not stop the Tianwei of the immortals. Although the immortals were gray, some were still strong, bombarded on the sternum of the magic fairy, and the virtual imaginary Shadow.

A tremor!

The Quartet universe is covered with Xianli, even if you ask the characters of the heavens, you can't see the truth.

That is the confrontation between Xian and Xian...


Wind and rain are like electricity, and bombardment is half-baked.

Even if you can see clearly through the Milky Way, the stars in the distance will all bow down, only because the punishment is too horrible, and the characters who deal with the punishment are even more terrifying.

The anti-God has long since been far away.

They don't care about the resources of Xianting, only because the real resources are evacuated by them.

The rest is only the broken items. As for the palace of Xianting, they are not considered by them. It is meaningless to reverse the gods without such buildings.


Burning Tianzun blood flow thousands of miles, anger and skyrocketing, ragged clothes, really terrible to shock.

He insisted.

He is more refined.

A dragon flew to the level of the question, but was killed by his life.

A **** phoenix flew in and was stripped by his life.

At the end of the day, his limbs are incomplete, his flesh and blood are broken, and the whole person must be abolished. When there are endless resources coming in, when several kinds of power in the body shine, Burning Heaven will live again.


He has prepared enough in advance, and the regenerative technique has already reached the state of affairs, and it is completely possible to face such a tragic situation.

Like the original Ling Feng, he is using his life and death and blood to sculpt the final results.


In the nine days of the Thunder, one is bigger than a big one, the shackles are heavy, the time and space are flowing, and the Burning Heaven is quick to distinguish between reality and illusion. He is only stubbornly alive.

In fact.

Asking Tian Lei to come is too different, not only attacking the flesh and blood, but also attacking the soul of the burning god.

In the Thunder, he seems to have returned to the ages of the ages, watching a brother fall down in the hands and feet, fell in a pool of blood, fell in the journey, fell to his feet.

He made a voice of resentment.

He screamed in the sky and screamed.

But he did not take a step forward, only because his obsession with his heart reminded him that one step forward is death.

Ask Tian Rong not to make any mistakes.

Anti-God is still waiting for him!

He lives, can only live against God!

He dies, and he will die if he is against God!

This step of Ling Feng is too dangerous, but completely out of trust in burning Tianzun.

"I want to live!"

For eight days, Burning Tianzun was distilled out from the illusion of life and death. He shattered the rules of time and returned himself to the world. He even broke the shackles of space and let himself return to the peak.

"Come on, it’s just fine!"

Burning Tianzun is unmatched, directly hit the Scorpio, bombards thousands of roads, and fights with the natural punishment.

He knows that it takes time to go against God.

Therefore, he must ask the sky as soon as possible!


He punched the shackles of heaven.


He broke a mountain and river.

He seems to be enchanted, becoming mad, completely ignoring life and death, as long as the flesh and blood are not completely annihilated, he can live again.


He is more and more brave in the war, and there is only one light left in the whole world.


In the punishment of the heavens, the burning sky slammed out the blue sky, the same as the heavenly road, directly smashed a large piece of heavenly punishment, and lived with a seriously injured body.


Burning Tian Zun punches out and pushes the temperament to a quarter of an hour, weakening its power, and then striving for more vitality for itself.



Still smelt!

Burning Tianzun himself did not know how many heavy punishments he had blasted, how many heavy days he had broken, and how many real dragons and phoenixes he had killed. He only knew that he was still alive and that it was not easy to live.

I don't know when.

The Scorpio calmed down and the punishment was dissipated. Obviously, Heaven knows that it has not stopped the burning of the sky.

The law of space has changed!

The law of time is born!

Burning Tianzun has stepped into the realm of heaven.

He played an imposing manner and he even played unyielding.

Even if the heavens are moving, I dare not contain this character again.

"I have succeeded!"

Burning Tianzun stood in the sky, looking at the punishment and shackles that were retreating, and his face was filled with a faint smile.

But that smile just appeared, and his heart was a glimpse.

Asking innocence is just a refinement?

Did he really spend it?

He remembered that in the beginning of the ancient world, there were many geniuses, but there were not many successes. Many characters died at the moment of success.

"No, this is not really a question!"

Burning the sky and concentrating on the gods, I always feel that the punishment is not so simple, and there are more horrible things.



He felt that the soul of the sea was turbulent, and a strong tingling was tearing his soul, silent, if he had just been alert, he had prepared in advance, only to be killed at this moment.

"Give me broken!"

Burning Tianzun was furious and tried his best to push forward. The soul of the sea flew out a ban and the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, and sealed the soul of the sea.


He looked at the ground, where he did not know when it broke a gap, a faint gas is floating out from inside, causing hallucinations and attacking its soul.


There is also a terrible attack power in that dead air, that is, the characters at the heaven level are all in the way, but I can imagine how terrible it is.

The most aggressive attack is not from Scorpio!

The most aggressive attack came from the ground.


Burning Tianzun angered, and the treasures of the heavens and the like were played together. On the spot, the dead air was expelled, and it was scattered and rolled back to the ground.

This is the end.

The ground gap is ablated and the scorpion lock dissipates.

Burning Tianzun asked for success!


Burning Tianzun spurted blood, the soul directly collapsed, really could not hold on, just that the dead air collapsed his big soul, and asked the level of heaven can not hold.

God knows how terrible the underground death is.


It’s worth pondering that the dead air comes from the ground.


He didn't have time to think about these problems. He stepped into the realm of asking the heavens, that is, the supreme, and the ultimate realm of this universe.

The original kingdom of heaven had tried to take a step, but unfortunately it failed in the end.

"Reverse God, I have not let you down!"

Burning Tian Zun got up, but his body fell apart in midair, and the flesh and blood could not support the powerful soul. He had to recast his body and make himself stronger.


This time it took him a long time to rebuild his body, only because he was attacked by the dead air, and lost to the core, and he felt that the soul of the seal that was sealed in the treasures of heaven was dissipated.


If he was a step back, it would really die.

"In the last days, can we squat in the past?" Burning the sky and looking at the sky, the first time there is a feeling of confusion.

The opponents are still terrible, and they are weaker than Xiangu Wangu.

"I hope they can succeed!"

He sat in the void to heal and healed himself as soon as possible. After all, he had to face more violent storms.

The fairy gods are crazy.

They witnessed a miracle, burning Tian Zun and asking for success.

This time should be called "burning the sky supreme"!

Only a moment of hard work, burning Tianzun quickly got up, he did not have much time to heal, as long as the drug burst in his body, he can go back to Tianfu.

"This wind and rain, you will eventually give up the gods!"

Burning the Supreme Supreme is cold, and the anti-God has succeeded in ninety-nine steps. It is the last step. How can he not let the gods succeed?

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