Supreme Demon

Chapter 2742: Force the palace!


Tao and Guan.

The old monk was heavy and looked at the openness somewhat dull. Things were more complicated than they thought.

"Reverse God?"

The empty face is disastrous, although I have already guessed it in my heart, but it is still unacceptable to hear from the teacher. This power is like a nightmare.

"Only they dare to do it!"

The old monk looked ugly and said: "Nothing else dares to start with my Buddha."

"They are finally going to do it?"

I only feel that my knees are soft, and the current anti-god is really too strong. Ye Witch and the gods and gods have asked for respect, and the current Supreme is more than enough.

To know.

The major forces were very serious in the battle of the Heavenly War. Xianting only came back to the three Tianzun, and was forced to bow down to the gods, which was equivalent to adding three heavenly gods to the reverse god.

Although the anti-God is seriously damaged, it is only on the level of the Legion, and the Tianzun characters are not damaged.

Ye Witch and Shen Lie asked for success, which increased the number of anti-God Tianzun by two, and the overall number reached six, and this number is not currently available to other forces.

At least, Buddhism does not.

"First, Xianting, then Buddhism, against God, is this going to knock down the entire sky?"

The empty face is sensational and full of killing. There are only four Buddhas in Buddhism, not opponents of God.


In retrospect, they used the alchemy gate and the caster door to attack them. They must completely abolish them in terms of financial resources and resources.

The soldiers are not bloody!

This is too fatal!


The old monk sighed. "Xian Ting is going to bow down. It is only against the gods, and Xianting has been properly placed. It is not as bad as imagined. This is already a great kindness."

"What are they for?"

"In order to be empty!"

The old monk's face was cold, and he said with a deep sorrow. "There is a lot of pressure on the back of the gods. When I returned from the Mozu, I immediately started to go to Buddhism. This is obviously not their intention, but they still do it, then there is only one may."



At the beginning, the empty space escaped from the ancient sea of ​​Xian, and then appeared in the anti-God, it is an idiot who understands what is going on.

Empty space must rely on the power of the anti-God!

What made them even more shocked was that the anti-God actually did his best to help.

"A district is empty, why do you get help against it?"

The empty dissatisfied said: "Because the air has helped the gods?"

"Is this not enough?"

The old monk said something that was lost.

"Reversible God is on my Buddha's door. The price that will be paid is very heavy. Do they dare to do this because of an empty space?" The air is still unacceptable.

He can't see it in the air.

"Why don't you dare?"

The old monk said with a heavy heart: "Buddha is going to attack the gods against the gods. Even if the sword is against us, it is also famous for the sword. Not to mention the fact that your position is not clear, it has long been questioned, and the empty side. I am afraid that I will spit out the truth, which is even worse for us."

"Do you really feel that you are rebellious because you are grateful for being empty?"

"Open, calm down first, think about it seriously!"

The empty air took a deep breath, forced myself to calm down, and pondered for a moment, only to look up and reddish, said: "They want the Buddha!"


"They want the Buddha!"

The old monk’s forehead said, “Once the air becomes the Lord of Buddhism, the anti-God will do everything in his power, and then the Buddha’s Gate will become the back garden of the gods!”

"What should we do now?"

The time was empty and the whole starry sky did not destroy the anti-God. The Buddha in the district was not enough to see.


The old monk is a lot of decisive, he said coldly. "You found that there is no, the anti-God attack is very fierce, but it is only suppressing, and there is no meaning to kill the net. They do not want to kill the power of Buddhism, then there is no Any benefit."

"This is our opportunity."

"Don't die with them!"

"Either they can't hold on, withdraw from the Buddha's range or the resources of the Buddha's resources are exhausted, and we quit!"


The empty face was surprised, and the master had to withdraw from Buddhism?

"This is our last chance!"

The old monk patted the empty shoulder and said, "If, in the end, it is in vain, then it will disappear immediately, never appear!"


"Do your best!"


The sky is full of gloom, but it is still the forehead. He has no other choice, because once the Buddha is forced, he is in danger.

"Immediately mobilize the alchemy door and the casting door, I want them to do their best!"

The open air began to command, let the Buddha high-level full out, the strong characters of the alchemy gate and the powerful characters of the caster door, it is necessary to ensure that they can defeat the opponent.

As for who the opponent is, he did not explain.


He is afraid that these characters will have no courage and courage after knowing their opponents.

Other people in Buddhism can retreat, but they can't do both.

It was in the evening.

The attack of Buddhism finally came, and various kinds of medicinal herbs were born, and various weapons of the gods were sold, detonating the stars around the ancient Buddha.

put all one's eggs in one basket!

This is an empty idea!

Even if the Buddha is empty, it doesn't matter, so he wins, he can build it again, and losing the Buddha's door doesn't make any sense to him.

"Is it finally?"

Yunmeng stood on the Scorpio, staring at the pure land of Buddhism, and then sneered. "Let the sages be completely suppressed, I want them to have no way to live!"


"Is this the Lord to fight them to death?"

Wang Yuyu looked at Yunmeng with amazement. The order he got was to suppress the fight, not to kill the Buddha.


Yunmeng didn't do this. She came up to kill her opponent.

"Do you have an opinion?" Yunmeng asked with a smile.

"Don't dare!"

Wang Shuo’s words flashed and he did not dare to touch Yunmeng. He whispered. "But the order I got was"

"That is his advice!"

Yunmeng sneered and said: "But I don't accept his advice!"


"They have to pay for the black hand, and they have to pay the price!" Yunmeng became cold, quite sinister. "He can forgive the Buddha because of the empty space, but I can't do it. If I make a mistake, I will pay the price."

"Repression for five years?"

"I want him to recover in five hundred years!"


Wang Haoyu is cold and sweaty, and he must not sin women in his heart.

Once a woman is crazy, she can scare the individual.

Estimated, when waiting for the empty door to get to Buddhism, afraid that it will cry?

"So, are you doing your best? Or don't you try your best?" Yun Meng asked with a squint.

"Try your best."

Wang Haoyu is cold and sweaty, he does not want this woman to remember, otherwise the consequences are very serious.

But that is the command of the Lord.

"Reassure, you don't have to worry about that character, naturally someone is holding it." Yunmeng said with a smile. "This is not just what I mean!"

Wang Shuo’s eyes brightened and he realized it in an instant.

It is not just Yunmeng, but also other characters that affect the black hands of Buddhism. It seems that only women can do this kind of thing.

Ling Qing?

The man who is in charge of the sacred can do it and can stand it.

As for whether there are other people involved, Wang Haoyu does not know.


Wang Haoyu knows that he is fine.

"I will try my best!" Wang Haoyu said with a strong temper.

"it is good!"

That night.

Asking Xian and Castan for a full-scale attack, various medicinal herbs and various sacred soldiers completely crushed the Buddha's door, and Yixian was completely suppressed, swallowing up a large number of restaurants and shops, allowing Buddhism to overdraw in a short period of time and resources were hit. air.

One big!

Be unique!

When the banner of the immortal appeared in the sphere of Buddhism, people knew the attitude of rebellion, and the whole universe was blowing up the wind, and the major forces were vigilant and frying.

Cloud dreams are different from before.

Now she is really discouraged.

She is the marshal, with the strongest knife to hurt the opponent, does not care about the end of the branch, a knife and a knife, the Buddha door alchemy dying at the foot.

And Wang Hao domain performed well, although it was not as good as Yunmeng, but it was more than enough to deal with Buddhism.

Anyway, there is no force to suppress, there is no life and death confrontation.

It’s just a financial pressure.

In this respect, the casting fairy has enough strength.


The emptiness fell directly on the ground and looked like a dirt. At this time, he was already running out of water. The scattered forces of Buddhism meant that financial resources and resources could not be concentrated as soon as possible, and asked Xian and Castan as the top consortium of the universe, and so The consortium’s confrontation has no way to live.

In just a few days, I was labeled like this. Asking Xian and Castan did not intend to let them go.

" Lost!"

"A defeat!"

The empty whispered, his eyes blushing, he did not think of the strong Buddha door, it will end this short time.

"They are too strong!"

The old monk appeared. In this respect, he couldn’t help the air.. "Too much effort, the financial resources of the immortal and the immortal are invincible. Xianting couldn’t stand it at first, and Buddhism is not an opponent."



The old monk said with awkwardness: "If you try your best, don't force yourself."

"Master, where are we going?"

"End of the earth!"

The old monk said: "The anti-God's intention is too obvious, the Buddha can't keep it. If you don't leave at this time, I'm afraid I will never go!"


"Can't you put the Buddha's door?"

"Can't let go!"

The empty eyes are even more blushing. When they spent all their efforts to get the Buddha's door, now they are so handicapped, how can he be willing?

"Then work hard, only have a chance to live!"

The old monk yin said: "Now we are not their opponents!"

"We still have Buddhism, as long as we do our best, it is not necessary to have a good end!" said the empty madness.

"You still don't understand?"

The old monk stunned, and he did not expect that the emptiness would be crazy to this extent, completely lost his reason.

"In Buddhism, I am the Lord of Buddhism. Can I leave the Buddhism? What else do I have?"

The empty eyes and eyes of the **** tears, only here is the king.

"But if you stay in Buddhism, is it yours?"

The old monk said sadly. "Go, leave now, or you and I will be tragedy!"

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