Supreme Demon

Chapter 2743: Name!

Tao and Guan.

The empty tears burst into tears, although it was extremely unwilling, but in the end it left with the old monk.

Just because.

They are all very clear, and now the Buddha has been emptied, but some characters still don't know who the opponent is, and they don't know why they are going to suppress them.

Just reverse the truth and tell the truth.

As long as it appears empty.

There is only one way for the Buddhist figures in the mountains.

Force the palace!

Whose court is forced?


Buddhism sorghum must strive to gain the trust of empty space, but also to gain the trust of the anti-God characters, so they only have to tie the empty space, put it in front of the empty space, and come from the empty space.

This is the only way to show your position.

This is the only way to prove your innocence!


The empty space does not allow these characters to succeed.

"These little people who are forgotten!"

The empty sorrow said coldly, and the back did not return to disappear in Buddhism.


He did not think that he was also a person who had forgotten his fortune. He tried to empty the future Buddha. He did not hesitate to harm the teacher, but the master was still the culprit. Is this just a matter of forgiveness?

The next day.

The Buddhist monks and sorghums finally understood the situation, and they all looked as if they were in the sky.

Against the two giants of the consortium.. ask Xian, cast fairy.

With unspent financial resources and resources to suppress Buddhism, in a short period of time, the resources and financial resources of Buddhism were disintegrated, and the Buddha’s door was not able to fight back.

Simply metamorphosis!

However, they do not understand why the anti-God wants to start with the Buddha. The most sinister thing in the battle of the heavens is Xianting, but Xianting, who has been forgiven against God, just let it bow down.

"What are they doing?"

Buddhism sorghums panic, and so on, the Buddha is afraid to cross.

"What about the Lord of Buddhism?"

They asked, wanting to know the truth, but did not find empty whereabouts, which made many people frown.

At this time, the Lord of Buddhism disappeared, which is very problematic.

"Go to ask Xian immediately, check out the truth as soon as possible, we don't want to fight!"

An old man said uglyly. "At least, before we die, we must know why the anti-God wants to deal with us like this!"


The two Buddhas went on the road and went to ask the immortals. They should contact the heads of the lords and ask for the truth.


The truth has come to the fore.

The news is released against the gods.

"The master of Buddhism faces the beast, and the teacher Shi Bo took the Buddha's main position, and forced him to stay away from the Buddha's door, and almost died in the Xiangu Xinghai. Now he is going to rectify the name of the sky!"

"Buddha, I want you to find out, the truth!"

"It’s still empty and empty, otherwise you won’t mind to completely empty the Buddha’s door!”

The attitude of anti-God is extremely tough, and this gesture and sound makes the other forces in the stars breathe a sigh of relief.


Anti-God does not want to target all forces, but just to replace the empty name, do not want to bear the nickname of the air, especially to personally kill the nickname of the Master.

At this point, there is no doubt about the starry sky.

There is no need to find this reason for the anti-God to really suppress the Buddha.

They tell the truth, it is really the truth.


The butterfly is pervasive, and this truth does not need to be checked. Therefore, it is not right to reverse the intention of the Buddha to thoroughly investigate.

"They are pushing the palace!"

The ruins of the ruins of the ruins said: "Since then, Buddhism fell into the hands of the gods!"

"Void Road, Guanghan Palace, Yaochi tend to reverse the gods, Xianting bows down, Buddhism bows down, and the fairy tales have fallen into more than a dozen top forces in the world. At present, there are already six top forces sinking, the Mozu is being miserable, and the world is no longer There is no time to dare to challenge the gods!"


"Try to be low-key, don't make trouble at this time, especially against God, don't give them any excuse for attack."

The ancestors said that they were gnashing their teeth.

He is too aware of the character of Ling Feng. He does not want to deal with the entire starry sky now, so he will pay too much for the rebellion, but it is still possible to use the name to play two forces.


Xianting bowed and Buddhism sank.

The anti-God should be quiet for a while, otherwise it is really necessary to force itself to the opposite of the entire starry sky. The forces such as the Void and the Guanghan Palace are only shaken.

They will ask, what is going to do against God?

Do you kill it?

In fact.

The ruins of heaven, the ancestors, the roster of death, the beastly gods, and the chaotic mountains are all silent, and the low-key is not good. It feels like disappearing into the stars, without any sound.


After the outbreak of Buddhism, the ancestors turned on the first time, and they were very empty, indicating that the Buddha should be thoroughly investigated.


The ancestors of the ruins also came forward and seriously warned the Buddha. This is the most hateful thing in the world. If it is not clear, the ruins of heaven will not stand.

There are two rhythms, and other power figures have also come out and expressed resentment.


They are showing their positions and showing their attitudes. They don't want to be against the gods.

The subtext is: After all, everyone has nothing to do with it?

"The Buddha will thoroughly investigate the truth!"

Buddhism Gao Shu immediately stated his attitude, and then he thoroughly examined the truth.


In just one day, the Buddha’s side will find out the truth.

"The empty space of Buddhism is innocent, and the empty space is the real murderer of the old Buddha."

"Because of the emptiness and the sorcerer's escaping from the Buddha's door, I waited for a clue in my residence, and I can conclude that they are the real murderers."

For a time.

The wind and waves pushed the Buddha door to the top.

"Buddha is really ok, so a future Buddha, you should be punished!"

Yunmeng’s voice is very cold, and he directly uses the questioning fairy to carry out the carpet-like crushing. When the Buddhism pressure is like a mountain, many Buddhist alchemy doors disappear.

Many Buddhist forces have also disappeared.

Without resources, no financial resources, any forces will fall apart.

"Respected lords please anger!"

"We are also being bullied by the air and we don't know the truth."

"Now that we are leaving empty, we did not have the first time to blame it for our original sin, but the Buddha promised here that the culprit will be killed!"

"Is this your sincerity?"

Wang Shuo’s opening, using the power of casting fairy, carried out a carpet-like “bombing” of the Foshan caster door.

At just one hour, the door of the Foshan castor collapsed by two hundred, which made the Buddha's door extremely bad.

"Of course, this alone is not enough!"

Buddhism sorghum rubbed cold sweat and explained: "The Buddha's door can't be without a day, the old Buddha is dying, and his son is a starry sky. I am saddened by the Buddha's heart. I will wait for the empty return to come to my Buddha!"

"Yes, please come into my Buddha's place!"

Everyone knows the situation.

This is a forced palace.

The emptiness disappeared, and they were very distressed. How do they prove innocence?

Wait until the anti-God enters, a thorough investigation?

That is to find death!

The death of the old Buddha Lord, they are more or less related, especially in the support of the empty, once the anti-God found, the teacher is famous, they will be very strong.


Only please enter the Lord Buddha door and become the Lord of Buddhism.

"Please empty my Buddha!"

On the same day, many Buddhism forces petitioned.

"The air is just trying to ask you to find out the truth, but also a truth, and the master respects an innocence, not the owner of the Buddha!"

The air whispered in Tianfu, saying that he had no idea about the position of the Lord of Buddhism.

"Please return the Lord!"

"Please return the Lord!"

Several Buddhism sorghum faces have changed greatly. The anti-God has forced the Buddha's door into this appearance. The purpose is to let the empty Buddha enter the Buddha's door. If it is empty and disagree, God knows how the anti-God will deal with the Buddha.

The situation is like this.

It is impossible to retreat against the gods.

Only empty can save them and save the Buddha.

"The teacher respects the truth and finds out, my wish is already." Empty refused.

"My Buddha please think twice!"

"My Buddha, only you can make the Buddha's door shine as ever!"

A few devils can't wait, and the first time they fly to Tianfu, they will open the road with many Tianzhou, and they will have to go back to the air.

"I don't want to be a Buddha!"

“A personal leisure, after that, feed Ma Yuchai and travel around the world!”

The air is calm and empty.

"My Buddha, please come back to the Buddha!"

"My Buddha, you have to complete the last wish of Master!"

"My Buddha, who has not returned for decades, please return to Buddhism to worship the Master."

Several devils are cheeky and do not care about the attitude of the gods. They are eager to return to the Buddha's door and pierce their mouths.

"Sacrifice Master"

The empty face is sad and sighs. "For decades, is the skeleton of the master's body cold?"


He has tears in his eyes and is really sad.

"I am mourning for the Buddha's Day, please come back to the Buddha's Gate!"

The advice of several devils and sorrows is waiting for you, and every other day, the person who asks Xian will feel that you are not sincere.

By then.

It shouldn’t be a problem to devour dozens of alchemy gates?

"Okay, then go back to Buddhism and see, I want to worship the Master!"

Empty can not be installed, although Ling Feng let him wait, but these several devils mention the Master, that is the pain in the hollow.

He is not in a hurry!

He does not care about the interests!

He cares about feelings.

"Good, we are preparing for the boat, please Buddha to board the ship!"

Several Devils said cautiously, and they personally put the empty space on the Tianzhou, which rushed to the Buddha.


As long as you enter Buddhism, you are not allowed to be empty.

He does not want to be the Buddha, he must be the Buddha, because the Buddha does not want to die.

"Hey, is it a person with deep feelings."

Ling Feng said quietly. "When the air was chased, these demon statues once thought of empty wolves? Now it is just for them to suffer."

"After all, it is complete!"

Yeh Witch said with a smile. "The Buddha is not a problem."

"Are you too poisonous?" Ling Feng said with some helplessness. "I am afraid that the small heart will not be able to bear the empty space!"

"He will understand!"

Ye Witch stood up and said, "My man, only I can bully, everyone else will die!"



This is the leaf witch!

Her feelings are never hiding.

Her feelings are really close.

"You this woman!"

Ling Feng went up to be a kiss, the most unbearable woman of this lovely heaven.

Eight days later.

Empty into the Lord Buddha, he first worshipped the old Buddha, and then was added a "crown" by several devils, put on the "yellow robe", and that has been suppressing the Buddha's door to ask immortals, casting fairy, leaning Xian and so on quietly left.

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