Supreme Demon

Chapter 2751: The star map has changed dramatically!

Ling Qing asked for success!

This has ignited a frenzy throughout the universe.

The major forces are silent, even if the ancestors can't make a sound at this time. After a few decades, the gods have given birth to three heavenly lords. According to this rhythm, I am afraid that it will not be a hundred years, and the anti-God will be born. Ten heavenly statues.


Each of these ten heavenly lords has the ability to fight the four heavenly lords.

Even the Mozu are capable of blocking it?


The most terrible of the Mozu is the Mozu Supreme, but unfortunately it is not the burning of the Supreme, and then the Lord of the Devil, but unfortunately can only suppress the Ling Feng, the rest of the characters can deal with Ye Witch?

Can you deal with the gods?

Can you deal with Ling Qing?

So what about other forces?

The ruined heavens did come back to the two ancient statues, but they still couldn’t stop the wind, let alone the burning of the sky.

not to mention.

The emptiness of the empty roads, the Guanghan Palace and other forces are not in the minority. It is really necessary to fight down. It is still unfortunate.

"The era of anti-God is coming!"

The old ancestors sighed, although the heart was unwilling, but this is the truth.

"You can't beat your edge, then avoid it!"

The ancestors are completely honest, and the rebellious **** will return to the glory moment of the ancient world, and its status cannot be shaken.

If the magical forces want to deal with such forces, it is not an idiot or an idiot.


The ancestor is not an idiot, so he only wants to keep a low profile.

"I hope you can succeed!"

The owner of the Guanghan Palace said faintly, people only saw the power of the anti-God, but they did not know how much they had to pay against the gods behind them, and how much they had to pay in the future.

This is a respectable force.

Just like the original heaven.

"They will succeed!"

Xuankong said coldly. "Because we can't afford to lose!"

"Yeah, we can't afford to lose!"


Guwuta nine-door.

Ling Feng is very embarrassed.

However, no one has watched it here, so there is no influence on the image.


He is completely immersed in it, I don't know the years and the present day, I don't know the heavens and the earth.

A kind of herb is put into the heavy alchemy furnace, and the flame is pouring out from his palm, igniting the entire alchemy furnace, letting the Tianzun herb melt and turning into a drop of pure liquid.

He is not slow or slow, but very calm.

Just because.

He has done this for eightty years.


The herb is ablated, and a drop of pure liquid is poured out, and it falls quickly into the jade bottle. The medicine is filled with the entire nine-door.


Another herb was also ablated, and soon it became a liquid and fell into another jade bottle.

He is completely tireless and tries his best.

When the flames in the alchemy furnace were extinguished, a total of seven jade bottles appeared in front of him, and each jade bottle contained a drop of liquid medicine.

"Mulching the embryo!"

When Ling Feng whispered, he threw seven kinds of liquid medicine into the alchemy furnace at the same time, controlled by powerful force.

Time is in a hurry.

Despite the exhaustion of the wind, but the last seven kinds of liquid medicine still failed to blend, in the process of the emergence of blue smoke, with a strong light rain dissipated.


He did not know how many times he had suffered.

Even if it has a strong heart, it is a bit decadent at this time.


He has stepped into this road and there is no way out.

"Come back!"

He shouted and continued to refine.

Because of previous experience, at least he did not have any problems in purification. The liquids of various medicinal herbs were refining in a short time, and then they were smelted.

Not once!

Then twice!

Not a year!

Then ten years!


The universe subsides.

As time went by, Shengshi was flowing, and it was almost over.

This can be clearly felt by people.


It was only a hundred and fifty years before the emergence of the prosperous world, which made many people sigh.

"The late autumn is coming!"

Xuankong said heavily. "But we are still too slow!"


The owner of the Guanghan Palace died for a moment. "Although they are very fast, they are born in this era!"

"If they have been born for a thousand years, maybe the ending will be different!"


Just as they talked about it, there was news from the power.

"What is the situation?" Xuankong's eyes are heavy, and any news is important at this critical moment when the prosperity is disappearing.

"From Shenwu mainland!"

One person said in a low voice: "It is reported that there is a storm over the Shenwu continent!"


The owner of the Guanghan Palace, could not help but ask. "Is there any more specific news?"

"There is not yet, waiting for the news on the butterfly side!"

The empty roads have their own dark forces, but in the scope of rebellion, they become very vigilant and dare not touch the bottom line of God, otherwise the consequences are very serious.


The only news they can get is that.

"We will go to Shenwu mainland!"

Xuankong did not wait, and flew out of the empty road along with the Guanghan Palace, and flew to Shenwu.

In fact.

It’s not just the empty roads and the Guanghan Palace that get the news.

The forces such as Yaochi, the list of death gods, and the ruins of the heavens have also received news.

"So what happened?"

The ancestors frowned and asked, they got less than the empty road, so they were forbidden to appear these characters, otherwise they would meet with the swords.

The ancestors have been low-key and keep the bottom line.

But at this critical moment, the changes in the Shenwu continent are still very deadly.

"Check it out immediately!"

The ancestors sank a bit and then said, "No, I have to go in person!"

The same reaction with the ancestors is Buddhism, Mohist, Oriental clan and so on.

"It’s finally different!"

The face of the Mozu Supreme smiled and said: "The Shenwu continent is destined to be a mess. It used to be, the future is!"

"But it is not good for us!"

The devil's face is ugly, they always want to fight down, but the Shenwu continent is too different, limiting the supreme, and suppressing the Tianzun characters, only the heavenly characters can pass.

"Let's look at it first, if it's really that kind of change, it's more interesting!"

The Mozu Supreme said with a sneer.


Shenwu mainland.

These days.

The anti-God entered the defensive state in an all-round way, and each face was heavy. Only because of the imposing manner on the Shenwu continent, the top star force and the top-level yin force appeared one after another, showing a blowout state.

And all of this is due to the star map.

It was the place where the Mozu invasion, and it was the place where Lingfeng died.

In the star map, the anti-God shows the style of the world, leaving behind the ages.


In these few days, the star map has undergone drastic changes, the momentum is transpiration, the spirit is prosperous, and a storm of the stock has stirred up from it, and the sun, the yin and other forces have flown from time to time.

The whole world was ignited.


In the star map, there is still a heavy golden mist, even if Tian Zun can't see the truth.

They did not blindly rush in, but immediately informed Tianfu.

"Don't panic!"

The leaf witch looked at the star map indifferently, and she was able to clearly perceive the terrible changes inside, as if an ancient creature was waking up.

"what happened?"

God came, but could not see through.

"It's not clear yet!"

Ling Qing responded.

"Do you want to go in?" asked the god.

"Not urgent!"

Ye Witch shook her head and said: "The current situation is unknown. It is purely to find death, and the door to **** is in the star map. If there is a problem there, it will be very dangerous!"

"Then ban it first!"

The gods and fierce moments are paralyzed. The gates of **** are taboos. Even the burning of the supreme is not at all dare to touch. They naturally do not have this strength and courage.


" Sealed first!"

The three characters of Ye Witch, Ling Qing and Shen Lie set their hands and laid down a strange door. For the time being, the star map was sealed first.


It took only two days of hard work, and things changed. The strange door of the seal star map actually collapsed. The power in the star map has reached the level of terror, and it is impossible to seal it.

"How could this be?"

The gods are fierce, and the Shenwu mainland’s movement is a bit too bad.

"First wait!"

The leaf witch frowned and did not dare to enter it. The star map was really a very strange place, and when it came, the Burning Supreme had severely warned them.

Don't touch the star map!


Shortly after.

The empty space Xuankong, the Guanghan Palace main appeared, was introduced by the reverse god, can look at the star map of the golden sacredness, the two characters are also unable to do anything, do not know what happened.

Later, the characters of the Eastern clan and the head of Yaochi flew.

Unfortunately, everyone does not understand the dramatic changes in the star map.

In fact.

It is the rain in the East and the burning of the Supreme.

"Things will always come out, we will wait!" The rain in the East is very open. Anyway, the Supreme is unable to enter the Shenwu continent, so he is very simple.

Demon ancestors, Mozu Supreme, etc. have appeared.


They are not close to the anti-God, or the Burning Supreme will be born, they just look at this scene from afar.

"The last dramatic change in the prosperous world?" said the ancestors.


The Lord of the Lord sneered a sneak, and then stopped asking more and flew directly back to the Mozu.

"It's really interesting!"

The Mozu Supreme also gave a sneer, and the dramatic changes actually appeared from that place, so the Shenwu continent is not so simple.

Hurry for two months.

The owner of the Guanghan Palace and the empty space of Xuankong did not leave, but waited for the star map to change dramatically. Things did not disappoint them. The star map became a reality.


This is not a metamorphosis of a person, but a transformation of the Shenwu continent.

The endless golden sacred spirit has made the Shenwu continent become a holy land for cultivation, and this force has further promoted the evolution of the Shenwu continent. In just two months, the star map has evolved from the original 100,000-mile territory to 500,000. In the territory.

It has been expanded five times.

And this evolution is being pushed to the entire Shenwu continent.


Over the star map, the momentum is filled, flying out of a star map, which outlines the endless stars, mysterious and unpredictable, people are deeply surprised.

"Star map inverter, the layout is getting bigger!"

"The mysterious star map appears above the star map, like to show some truth!"

"What secrets are buried in the star map?"

All major forces have been alarmed.

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