Supreme Demon

Chapter 2752: The first weather!

Shenwu mainland.

Star map inverter.

This is a cosmic storm.

Because the territory of Shenwu is evolving, starting with the star map, it has expanded many times in a short period of time. According to this momentum, Shenwu mainland has become a huge star.


At present, the star map is only in the inverter, and no other changes have occurred. If it is only the expansion of the layout, it has no effect.

However, the Shenwu mainland has a strong atmosphere, but it has made many forces jealous.


No one has the courage to break the bottom line of the anti-God, only because the cost is too heavy, and the major forces have proved this with a tragic ending.


They can only wait for the star map to make a result.

one year later.

The dramatic changes in the Shenwu continent have become even more powerful, from the previous small stars to the stars of the Hengtianxing class.


The golden sacredness in the star map is more, almost drowning the whole world.

People in the Shenwu continent, even mortals have become warriors in a short period of time, and the figures of the Valkyrie and the true gods have made progress.

Ye Witch took the initiative and immediately moved the anti-God to the Shenwu continent, and only here they can make faster progress.

Wu Shen stepped into the true God.

The true God stepped into the gods!

Even if it is a god, it is easier to ask here than anywhere else.

Several forces, such as the Void Road, the Guanghan Palace, and the Yaochi, are even more cheeky, bringing the top geniuses of the powers over and wanting them to go further here.

Rebellious does not care.

The golden sacred here is too much for them to consume.

not to mention.

He hopes that the universe will become stronger, otherwise the end of the world will come, and it is completely impossible to look at the gods.

Two years later.

The golden sacred atmosphere has become more intense, paving the entire Shenwu continent, and the star map has become more horrible. The Hengtian Star has become a Taoist star, and the regional maps of major forces are changing.

For example, the gods are desolate.

It used to occupy only a few places, but it was not as good as a **** country.

Today, God is as old as a **** country.

The demons, the magical powers, the roster of death, and other forces are all jealous. They have been in contact with the gods and hope to get the qualification to enter the Shenwu continent.


The anti-God is not an idiot. The Shenwu continent is their root. They can allow the alliances of the Void and the Guanghan Palace to come in, but the Mozu and the Demon forces are resolutely unable to do so, or they will endlessly endure.

not to mention.

There are two big consortia of the immortal and the immortal, and they have golden sacredness, rich financial resources and abundant resources. They do not care about the resources given by other forces.


All major forces have given up, and can only wait for the star map to undergo further upheaval. If there are a lot of resources, even the top figures, they must be hands-on anyway.

“Always pay attention to star map changes!”

"At the beginning, the rain of the East came out from the star map!"

"I am afraid that the golden sacred is not just as simple as expanding the map!"

"The star map in the void is very unusual."

The voices of the major forces are coming out, and the star map is where they value.


Sitting against the gods, there is no way to start.


The rain of the East is born out of the star map, and this has to be paid attention to by them. If other people ask for the world to come out?

What if these characters are the characters in their power?

Will the reverse gods let these characters live?


The star map has changed dramatically, and the entire universe is eye-catching. Only Lingfeng is no longer in a state.

He is immersed in alchemy.


In the Guwuta Jiuzhong Gate, it has been refining for 120 years.

In the first hundred years, he was studying the melting points of various herbs, and in the last two decades he was studying the characteristics of various herbs, blending them bit by bit until they were completely integrated and there was no rejection.

There is no explosion.


When the seven kinds of liquid medicines are fully integrated together, in the flame roasting, gradually become a small pill in the alchemy furnace.

Ling Feng’s face finally showed a happy color.

He knows the success of this step, not far from the success of his Tian Zundan.

"Fu Dan!"

Ling Feng snorted, because his tiredness, his voice became hoarse, but the whole person was embarrassed and excited.


next moment.

The flames are blazing, igniting the alchemy furnace, grinding the medicinal herbs little by little, making it more uniform and more beautiful.


Things are not that simple, especially Tian Zundan, too complicated and too difficult to refine, every step takes time to cultivate.


Only half an hour later, the medicinal herb screamed and smouldering in the alchemy furnace.

"It still failed!"

Ling Feng sighed.

This time, he was not eager to refine, but sat down and seriously thought about the changes that occurred in the process of Rong Dan, even if the small jitter did not let go.

"It's still a bit of a problem!"

Two days later.

Ling Feng reinvigorated and continued to refine...



The Tianzun herb in the ancient Wuta is being reduced, and a Tianzundan is refining. Its consumption is extremely horrible. At present, it is only feared that only the reverse **** can hold it.


This is because the Tianzun herb is brought back from the medicine garden by Lingfeng himself. Otherwise, it is asked that the fairy will be dragged down by this massive Tianzun herb.

"Come back!"

Ling Feng spit out a sigh of gas and threw out seven pieces of peel.

"Come back!"

Time is in a hurry.

This is another ten years.

Ling Feng has already grayed his face.


His eyes are getting more and more.


Ten years.

The star map has become terrifying.

Now, just the star map is as big as a star, and the gods are as big as the five gods of Xianting.

The drastic changes in the territory have led to cracks in the major power buildings, but because of the suppression of Qimen, the major forces have been sealed and thus not completely damaged.

The golden sacred spirit continues to emerge.

Filled with the entire Shenwuxing.

The anti-God has been greatly grown. In the Shenwuxing, more than forty people have asked for success, and more than 3,000 gods have been born, which makes the overall power of the anti-God become strong.

no doubt.

In this kind of star, no more than a hundred years, the anti-God will be full and full, and no power can shake it anymore.

"It won't work like this!"

The Mozu Supreme Frows straight, the progress of the demon and the demon domain in these years, he looked in the eyes, but the Shenwu mainland has undergone drastic changes, causing a storm.

It is too fast to grow up against the gods.

The energy that was once damaged has healed in just ten years, and it has gone further.

This is too fatal!

"The real knives are also from there!"

The Lord said with a cold smile. "They got it there, they will die there!"

"Wait a minute?"

"You have to wait!"


The Mozu Supreme is not reluctant. As the Lord said, the star map is a double-edged sword. The anti-God has indeed made terrible progress, but when the horrible side of the star map is presented, the rebellion is also the first one. Dead.

They can wait!

The one who can laugh at the end is the winner!



Suddenly, it was on this day.

There was a storm over Tianfu, and a thick lightning bolt formed a shackle.

Gold clouds cover the entire sky.

Against the gods, dodge the first time, because they are already familiar with this rhythm, the wind and rain are coming, I am afraid that someone will ask for respect, right?


The burning of the Supreme Supreme, many people retreating against God, has not yet appeared.

Normally, I don’t ask for it so quickly, but when it’s a prosperous age, no one can say it.


When he looked up at the sky, he couldn’t help but hold it.

This storm is a bit wrong.


A large electric snake blasted into the sky, revealing a strong momentum, but on the level of asking respect, it seems that it is not enough to see it?


The hurricane is cold and whistling.

There is a taste between the heavens and the earth, and the golden lightning in the air is heading towards destruction.

"what's the situation?"

The gods and sorrows are stunned. This level of gold lightning is definitely a fourth-class god, and it is top-notch.

It is he who is now on this day, I am afraid that he will bleed, and even eat it.

And this is just the initial state of gold lightning.

The initial stage is so terrible, then the mid-term, late?

God can't imagine it.

"Who is asking for respect?"

He flew out of Tianfu, looking at the sky, his heart was very depressed, how to reverse the current characters of the gods are so changed?

Ling Qing killed the ice fairy!

This is the heavenly punishment of the fourth-class god, can you let the bird live?

"Can you be a candle dragon?"

The Leaf Witch also flew out and looked at the changes in the sky carefully, very surprised.

This level is really scary, that is, she must be seriously injured.

God knows that the medium and long term will be terrible to the extent?

"Should not be!"

Ling Qing shook his head and said: "Although the candle dragon sister is not weak, but it should not detonate this kind of punishment, and this is not like asking!"


The Leaf Witch also sees the problem, because this punishment is very unique and not like the breath of the Lord.

"What the hell?"

God is a bit embarrassed, if not asking, what is it?

"He wants to succeed?"

Ling Qing’s eyes are laughing and laughing. If you don’t ask for punishment, there is only one possibility.

"Yeah, he is going to succeed!"

Ye Witch is also full of joy, tempered for more than ten years, Ling Feng did not disappoint people, and finally succeeded at this moment.


Shen Li suddenly felt the body tremble, and a heat flow will come out.

He thought that these days of punishment were very different.

But what if these days are used to suppress the drug?

Is that the change of the drug?

Obviously not!

That is the shameless change, the character is too changed, the state!

"It is obvious that you can eat by force. Why do you have to slap the medicinal herbs?" said the sorrowful resentment.

Needless to say.

This kind of punishment is caused by Ling Feng, indicating that he has reached the last moment of alchemy, and a real Tianzundan will come out, otherwise it will not be shocked.


This is a blow to the birds!

The force is not as good as the wind, and the alchemy is not as good as the wind.

How does he feel that he is a tragedy in front of Ling Feng?

"Oh, that's great!"

"You are a single dog!"

"When you are born, brother feeds you with dog food!"

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