Supreme Demon

Chapter 2759: Flying deciduous characters!

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star map.

This mysterious fertile soil is full of mystery.

The five-domain star map, the Tianlang Mausoleum, the Hell's Gate, etc. are all shocking. Today, the anti-God has not inquired clearly, and the burning of the heavens will not come, and the Tianzun-level characters will not dare to go deep into it. Shows the horror of these places.

among them.

There is also the magical spirit, which is where Ling Feng had smashed blood, and got six reincarnations in it.


The star map shows a different side, all kinds of stars and rains are sprayed out, casting a smashing picture, the endless charm is rolling, the folding space is slowly unfolding, making the Shenwu continent become vast and unparalleled.

Due to the folding space.

Various artifacts, ceremonies, etc. flew out and sprinkled the world. Unfortunately, these tracts are mostly rotted, and they are truly preserved in the present. At least in the ages, they were also supreme, but when they appeared, they were wiped out a lot.

Starry forces don't know much, because Shenwuxing is against God, and they want to contain the news too easily.

The road spewed, they knew.


The quality of the later roads is not known. The three major forces, the Void Road, the Guanghan Palace and the Yaochi, are not very clear, because they came too late.

The star map was covered with black holes, and the giant mountains were sifted into sieves, and many souls were stabbed to death.

There is a mysterious light rain between the heavens and the earth.


When the road storm subsided, all kinds of big drugs were born, and they were sprayed out from the star map. It was caused by the further expansion of the folding space, and the picture was no less than the road storm.


The god-level herb flew out. When it was born, it was extremely dazzling. The medicinal scent overflowed the whole space, but it was only the scent of tea. On that day, the god-level herb immediately withered, fading in the void, and then dissipated as smoke.

Flying all over the sky.

It is the medicinal fragrance with a decadent taste.

Everything is in a hurry, even if the Tao is decaying, even if it is a big medicine, it will be wiped out.

Time is a sharp edge, burning the boiler.


The god-level herb is in the folding space and has not been affected by time, but when it was born, it was immediately disintegrated by time, changed color, and then flew away.

Unless people can detain them before they come out, suppress the pace of time, so that it does not affect this drug.


There are no such people in the world.


Void tremors, the level of big drugs is increasing rapidly with time, from the level of the gods to the level of heaven, the spirituality is extraordinary, and the whole day is shining.

Heavenly herbs are extraordinary, even if it is time to completely baptize them.

Some of the heavenly herbs have survived, and they should be in a prosperous place and live to the present.

Ling Feng and Ye Witch naturally will not let go of this level of herbs, and they can completely refine the Tao, and exert unparalleled energy.

"It's still too little!"

Ling Feng sighed and said that although there are many Tiandao-class herbs, there are only a few dozens of real usables. Most of them are decaying and they are not sustainable.


The storm became more intense, and after Heaven, Tianzun was born.

The Tianzun-class medicine is more spiritual, and it is amazing. It is amazing. Although there are not many people in the world, there are only a few hundred in the area, but there are hundreds of them that can live to the world.

This is amazing.

Ling Feng and Ye Witch are two quiet, lightning shots, all the 100 big drugs are removed, and the above breath is erased to prevent others from discovering.


Rebellion does not care about the attitudes of the major forces, but some things can be avoided, then don't let it happen.

Two days later.

Three old medicines stunned the world, and each plant was magnificent, and the momentum was quite horrible, just like a supreme.

Characters such as the Void Road and the Guanghan Palace came, and they were all hot-eyed. They were extremely eager for this kind of medicine, but they did not do it because they belonged to the gods.


Just as they exclaimed, the three old medicines showed signs of change, the flowers were dying, the breath disappeared, and the pieces flew down. Among them, there was an old tree, and the leaves were falling, creating a sad autumn scene.

Three old drugs are dying at the same time.

Their breath is weak.

This became the supreme herb, and it was exhausted little by little in the years. It was going downhill, and the medicine inside was not as good as one day. At the moment, although it brought an extraordinary picture, it also pushed its life to the future. At the end.

At last.

Three old medicines have withered, leaving only bare branches and roots.


Xuankong sighed, such herbs are too extraordinary, even in the medicine garden, they did not get the supreme medicine.

"Shenwu mainland, what was it in the end?"

The owner of the Guanghan Palace was horrified. This top-level medicine was buried in the folding space, and the ancient heavens were afraid that they could not do it.

"I am afraid that the adventure is unpredictable!"

The head of Yaochi’s head, seriously said: "The star map has changed dramatically, it should be the biggest change since the prosperous world!"

People see the difference in the **** of Wu.

After the prosperous age.

The eastern rain fell from here, and the Shenwu continent did not change much until this time.


This drama has been too long-lasting, and it has not ended until now, and it is somewhat unbelievable.

"We know too little about it!"

Xuankong said solemnly. "There are outstanding characters such as Ling Feng, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. This piece of fertile soil is really simple? I think it is more terrible than the Supreme Star?"

One side of the water and soil raises one person.

This sentence is not empty talk.

The other two heads, they are the time to learn more about this star.

"Withered, no life!"

Ling Feng flew up into the sky, grabbed three dead old medicines, and sighed, but still took it into the ancient Wuta, hoping to use a variety of liquid medicine to feed it.

"I am afraid that it will be futile!"

Xuankong flew and looked at the three old medicines. "The spirituality inside is dead."

"It's a pity."

Ling Feng said: "But if you can give birth to some spirituality, you should still be able to use it!"

"This star is too extraordinary, can you know the origin of Lingfeng?" asked the owner of the Guanghan Palace.

"do not know."

Ling Feng shook his head and said: "There is a lot of people against the gods, but I really didn't find the origin of this star. It is not clear that the burning of the supreme, like the end of the ages, took everything away and cut off history. Later generations should be born from the ruins."

"It is reported that the anti-God comes from a secret?"


Ling Feng nodded and said: "They survived, but they know nothing about the end of the ages, and they don't know the origin of this star."

Everyone is silent.

This star is really embarrassing.

The history of the end of the ages has been cut off, not only in the Shenwuxing, but also in other stars, just like the extraordinary power of the Supreme Star, still able to retain some truth and strength, but in their ancient books can not find the **** Wuxing, even find no There is such a distinctive star in the world.

"The devils should know something. They wanted to invade the gods."

Ling Feng said some truth, the Mozu came from an extraordinary place, and since ancient times, you should know a lot about the story of Shenwu, otherwise they will not try to invade.

"The devil is ghostly, I am afraid that even if I know it, I will not say it."

Xuankong said silently.

"This star is worthy of attention, and it breeds extraordinary things."

The Guanghan Palace said that it can be embarrassed by the Mozu, I am afraid it is really scary.

The star map is calm.

The supreme medicine should be the limit, and there are no other major medicines. Just as the Supreme People are the limits of this universe, no stronger characters can be born.

The three characters left.

With the spewing of the star map and the expansion of the mainland map, the suppression of the Shenwu continent is even more terrifying. Even if they fly against the top road, they are still suppressed and are not willing to stay here for a long time.

Ye Witch and Ling Feng are not affected.

They were born here and the pressure has no effect on them.

"This land is becoming more and more strange!" Ye Witch said with a sigh.


Ling Feng indulged for a moment and said, "I feel that there are more terrible things to happen."

"I also have this feeling!" Ye witches forehead.

Time is in a hurry.

one year later.

The star map has undergone a drastic change again, and there is a gushing out of the material. Many of the essences are very important for the martial arts in the world, but they are sealed against the gods and have not been perceived by other forces.


The next scene awakened the entire universe.

The golden mushroom cloud came out, carrying the wind and rain and the shackles. The roaring sounds tens of thousands of miles, and the thick shackles fell like mountains and opened the Shenwuxing continent.


A strong figure was born, holding a sickle and fighting a thousand.


The shackles are heavy, thundering, bombarding the heavens and the earth, and bombarding the characters, causing them to spurt the blood, even if it is the supreme figure, facing such wind and rain must be seriously injured.

"The third supreme!"

Ling Feng's face is serious. After the rain in the East and behind the Chaos Supreme, there is another supreme.

They didn't do it, they stood by, because it was not clear what the character came from.

The whole world was blown up in a short time, and it was empty.


The supreme spurt of blood, his face pale, was severely injured by shackles, and the guilt was broken, leaving an eternal road injury, which was as serious as the original rain of the East, and was smashed into the realm of Tianzun.

"The Supreme of the Death List?"

Ling Feng's face was chilly. I didn't expect the third supreme to come out of the roster of death. Because the atmosphere is familiar, the combat technique is unique to the roster of death.

"That's done!"

The leaf witch said quietly.

Ling Feng’s indifference, a sneer sneer in a faint sigh. “A serious Severe, no need to panic, I have a better idea.”

The anti-God did not go to the supreme list of the death list, but it was not close, but the powerful figures were all born, and the elders in the roster of death were trapped in all directions, and they were not allowed to escape.

"Notify the Death List!"

Ling Feng sneered and said.

"You are this..." Ye Witch is amazed, although she has already guessed part of it, but this is to return the tiger to the mountain, is it really good?

"Reassure, I am just putting a tiger!"

Ling Fengyin said, "Let the reverse **** be seriously damaged, the roster of death, this time I want you to vomit blood to spit to death!" (

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