Supreme Demon

Chapter 2760: How much is a supreme value?

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The Supreme is coming out.

The universe is sensational.


Star maps of various drugs across the sky, people are horrified, especially the ancestors, the eternal ancestors, etc., but most of the big drugs are decaying, and have no effect, so they did not break into the Shenwu continent, and violated the gods.

Including the early appearance of the track and so on.

For such drastic changes, although they are worried, they are not panic, and they are arrogant against the gods. These ruined drugs have no important role.


The advent of the world is different.

The original Eastern rain and chaos supreme is proof.

A supreme is really too important for a force. The Mozu is supreme, so it is prosperous and rebellious, so it is strong and unrivalled.

The eastern rain falls on the town, and the oriental clan is like a broken bamboo.

Even Chaoshan Mountain has become different, and it has greatly replaced the momentum of Xianting.

This is the role of supreme.


The star map appears the second supreme, and the major forces pay more close attention to it. They worry that the supreme being defeated by the gods, and even throwing it against the gods, the anti-God really wants to be in the sky, and all the forces are just the fish on the knife. .

The situation has evolved extremely rapidly.


The anti-God is too strict, and there is no opportunity for the major forces to infiltrate, but such a thing, all major forces must enter even if they break their heads.


Once the Supreme is from their power, the problem becomes serious.

If they are killed by the anti-God characters, they are expected to cry.

The anti-God did not suppress for too long, and actively released the news, the supreme is from the roster of death.

In an instant.

The whole universe has become more sensational, all major forces are jealous, and at the same time gloating, the supreme list of the death gods actually falls in the star map, which is not the same as falling in the palm of the hand?

To know.

The current anti-God can be different from the original, controlled by characters like Ling Feng and Ye Witch, and there is a burning heaven to sit in the town. Don't say one supreme, that is, the two supremes are afraid to be killed.

after all.

Ling Feng took a step, burning flames, it is not easy to deal with.

There is no harmony between the major forces in the fight against the gods, like the demon ancestor, the ruined ancestors, the sacred death star map.

They did not intervene and waited for the situation to evolve further.

"Go to the star map immediately, and save the Supreme anyway!"

The list of death gods is crazy, and each pair is red-faced. In history, there is such a supreme one, claiming no name.


In the age of Man, he disappeared early, and his whereabouts are still unknown, but he did not expect to return from the star map.

"I am afraid that things are not that simple!"

Yu Xiaofu frowned. "There is no good intention to reverse the gods. What do they want to release the news?"

"I know that there is nothing good about rebelling against God, but they can afford it, we can't wait." The list of the gods of death is said to be cold and cold. "We must fly to the star map immediately and do everything we can to save the supreme." !"


In the head of the small fish, the Supreme is too important.


She is curious that it seems that there is no pain to kill the gods, but there is a kind of waiting for them to go.

What are they doing?


However, will one go back to a supreme?

Are they really so kind?

It can be said that killing a supreme at this time is more beneficial to the anti-God, because once the Supreme returns to the roster of death, the anti-God has to face three supremes, and the situation is not good for them.

At this time, she could not guess, because the object is Ling Feng.

The speed of the roster of death is very fast. It took only five days to appear in front of Tianfu, and ten heavens and gulfs brought a strong suppression.


They are in contact with other forces, and once they are against the gods, they will not hesitate to fight.

What makes them sad is that there is no response from any force. At present, there are not a few forces who want to face the hard steel against the gods. They have not lived enough.

Chaoshan Mountain responded, but the meaning was very vague.

Chaos Supreme is willing to shoot at a critical moment, but what is the key moment?

That means that the roster of death can break through the Shenwu continent, suppress the characters of Ye Witch and Ling Feng, and hope to save the nameless moment.

"Is it going to attack?"

The sky screamed and asked, but the heart was very low. Although it was full of enthusiasm, when they really had to fight against the gods, they did not have such courage.


The other party has the supreme, there are people who let the devils eat the cockroaches, there are the worldly witches, and there are many Taoist emperors. People like him are afraid that they are not warm enough.

"Can't fight!"

Sighed at the little fish.. "Chaotic Mountain is not willing to shoot, then no one can suppress the burning of the Supreme, and no one can live in the town."

"What should I do?"

The four heavenly gods are very anxious, they want to save the supreme as soon as possible.


Yu Xiaoyu said heavily. "They put the news out, not deliberately suppressing it. It should not be to get rid of my family supreme."


Several Tianzuns were shocked by the chin. Can this matter be negotiated?

As far as they are concerned, there is really no need to talk about the Supreme Problem. If they do, they will not hesitate to kill each other.

"Yes, this is the only way at the moment!"

Yu Xiaoyu said quietly: "Now it is not the burning of the Supreme, but the king of the people, if he does not want to kill the Supreme, then plan for greater benefits."

"Let's talk about it?"

"I am going to talk!"

When the voice of Xiaoyu has not yet fallen, he saw a strong figure coming across the sky, and the terrible flames awakened the universe.


Yu Xiaoyu shouted and ordered ten Tianzhou to retreat immediately.


It is a pity that she was a step later. When the flames awakened the world, a Tianzhou lightning disintegration, many of the characters on the ground were killed and wounded, even if the heavenly characters were dying, letting them use the heavenly space would not help.

Flame burning incense!

This is the power of no solution.

"The list of death gods came with heavy troops and invaded the scope of the rebellion. This time, I warned that if I dare to commit another crime, I will immediately rumor!"

Ling Feng’s voice screamed coldly and he had the magic.


Yu Xiaoyu did not hesitate to directly drive the Tianzhou to fly backwards. In a hurry, a Tianzhou was buried in the sea of ​​fire. No few characters survived, almost destroying the power of one-tenth of the list of death gods.

These are too swearing.

At least, it is simply a moth to fight against the power of the current roster of death.

Ling Feng is warning them.

Dare to attack against God, then don't want to leave alive.

This is a dissatisfaction with the heavy duty roster.

"He is too overbearing!"

The sky screamed and said, just pressing the sound low.

"He is qualified to overbear!" Yu Xiaoyu said, shaking his head. "We did bump into some, appearing in this way, I am afraid that any one force will fight back."

Other characters are silent.

They are too nervous and too excited, thus ignoring the feeling of rebellion.

"I am going to negotiate with him!"

The little fish flew up to the sky and went to Lingfeng.

"I am with her!"

Hesitant for a moment, but still bite his teeth and fly to the small fish.

The Supreme Book of Death has fallen into the hands of the gods, and he can't let the fish have any problems.

"Is there something?"

Ling Feng looked at the small fish that came flying, and asked indifferently.

"A hundred years have returned, and the people are still in the wind."

Yu Xiaoyu smiled, no previous tension, completely relaxed, said: "The death roster has no intention to violate the gods, the fish will apologize."

"Okay, I accept!"

Ling Feng said generously, anyway, the people who bombed a boat.


Yu Xiaoyu felt that his chest had been smashed.

She smiled and smiled. "Of course, the little fish came here. One of them is to apologize to the gods; second, the fish wants to pick up the Supreme."


Ling Feng stunned, asked awkwardly.. "The Supreme of the Death List?"


"Is there such a thing?"

Ling Feng patted his head and smiled. "I just woke up, I still don't know the situation, and I will go back and ask."


In the heart of the small fish, the smoke is straight, is this goods an idiot?

"Small fish is willing to go with the king."

At this time, the small fish does not want to give Lingfeng opportunities, regardless of whether Ling Feng knows the current situation.


Ling Feng said generously, don't care.


They appeared in Tianfu, and there was a day to come together.

"At present, there is indeed a supreme in the star map." Ye witch said.

"Look, I didn't lie to you?" Ling Feng turned to the small fish.


"But from the roster of death?" asked excitedly.

"He didn't open his mouth. We were inferred from its combat skills. Yes and no, it is not certain at the moment." Ye Witch said indifferently.

“Can you allow us to look at it in the past?” Tiandeng then asked.

The leaf witch is silent, bowing his head, and Ling Feng is drinking tea with his head down, as if he has not heard it at all.

They are not in a hurry.

Yu Xiaoyu and Tiandang are very anxious.

"Please also ask Wang Tongrong!" Yu Xiaoyu asked.

"Not very convenient!" Ye witch said coldly.


Yu Xiaoyu's face is the same, she knew that the gods would refuse, but the face of the sky was ugly.

"I have Tianjing here, branded the original battle, you can watch it."


The Witch of the Leaf hits the Tianjing, and because of the small fish and the sky, it is another way to prove that the Supreme is from the roster of death.


When the little fish and the sky watched the fierce battle, the expression became excited, and there is no doubt that the character is nameless.

"What are the requirements, please ask the king to give."

Yu Xiaoyu took a deep breath, this time she already knew the intention of Ling Feng.

"Is this not so good?"

Ling Feng said: "Reversely protect a supreme person, that is due diligence, if you talk about what the interests require, it really makes you feel shameful."


Yu Xiaoyu feels that the internal organs are injured. Is this shameless thing to want to set up a chaste archway?

However, this time I really can't tear my face.

"It should be our honour to reverse God's due diligence. Can't let them be afflicted in vain?" Yu Xiaowei smiled.

"That... what do you think should be rewarded against God?"

Ling Feng smiled.

"..." Yu Xiaoyu is speechless. This guy is finally going to speak. His instinct is revealed. I am afraid that this time I will bleed.

"To tell the truth, there is really no need for rewards against God." Suddenly, Ling Feng shook his head again and then said, "Let's change the way, what price do you think the Supreme value?" (

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