Supreme Demon

Chapter 2788: Eat all the fruit!

The star map is like the sea.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and so on sit on the rhyme, on the one hand, draw a lot of charm, on the other hand, the power of the charm.

This is different.

The rhyme in the charm of the goddess, although from the star map, is rich in temperament, but through the extraction and smelting of the ancient trees of the universe, the attributes have changed, more pure, and more extraordinary, just like the liquid medicine, after being smelted, every drop of liquid It is equivalent to ten times the amount of general liquid medicine.


These charms have quickly become the source of the gods, far beyond the charm of the holy sun, the Taiyin.

Short time.

There were dramatic changes in the bodies of Shen Lie, Ye Witch, Ling Qing and so on. They did not advance, but they took a big step at the level of the fifth-class Tianzun. The strength became more solid, and each one was in the same shape. Can open up thousands of spaces.

Ye Huo's gas field space is like a strange door. It is only born that it can detonate Tianyu.

The eyes of the gods became deeper and deeper, and when they opened, the whole sky collapsed.

Ling Qing's body is surrounded by ice and flames. It is cold and unparalleled. It is the gods and the solitary rain. These characters all feel that Sen Han, and the ice fairy shadow appears on the top of his head, full of spirituality.

This is a big creation.

Everyone has benefited a lot.

In a few days, the characters such as Ye Witch and Shen Lie stepped into the peak, like water overflowing, and the massive rhyme was integrated into the body, making them become more powerful than ever. There is an intuitive feeling of stepping into the fourth heaven, but at this time The charm of the gods has no effect on them.

Because they are full of flesh and blood, they are completely successful, and it is difficult to make progress, unless they can ask the fourth-class gods at this time.


It is difficult for the characters such as Ye Witch and Shen Lie to ask in a short time.

Looking at this scene, Ling Feng's eyes are hot, and the leaf witches and gods at this moment are equivalent to the fourth-class gods, only the deeper space rules.

In the late autumn of the universe.

The charm of the gods makes them take a short time, which is quite terrible.

To put it simply, other things that Tian Zun needs to be able to do for hundreds of years, they have done in a few days, how terrible?

of course.

The consumption of fruit is also very much. As far as the gods are concerned, it consumes twenty-five pieces, and the leaf witches should be the least, but they also consume twenty pieces, which is only the fifth-class gods, if they step into Fourth-class Heaven, I am afraid to consume more.

Although there are many gods in the universe, I am afraid that I will not insist on the moments of Ye Witch and Ling Qing.

"What if all kinds of gods are in the body?"

This is Ling Feng's vision. He has different physiques, and he can only be able to live up to his path. Only in this way can he be qualified for the reverse.

It’s a must for the first time!

This is the foundation!


The path of Ling Feng is too strong. First, the space is confined, the land of the immortal is forbidden, and now it is the flame burning incense. Everything is extraordinary, so he wants to ask the second-class Tianzun to become too difficult.

First of all, the space law of second-class Tianzun is stronger than the flame burning incense, otherwise it will be directly collapsed by the flame burning.

"You are really crazy!"

The ancient trees of the universe turned their eyes straight, and God knows what it feels like to have more than two hundred kinds of charms.

I am afraid that the Supreme will be burned.


Ling Feng is not afraid of life and death, stubborn and terrible, insisting on eating all the fruits.

"Well, I am satisfied with you, but there is only one kind of god." The ancient tree of the universe said with vigilance. It is too difficult to bear this kind of fruit. It is also very precious to it. Consumption.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng said with a smile.

"You have to be careful!"

The ancient tree of the universe said dullly, if Lingfeng died, it would be really too bad.


Ling Feng nodded.

The ancient trees of the universe are turbulent, and more than two hundred different colors and different charms have fallen from above. Ling Feng’s hands flashed, and more than two hundred charms were collected.

"it has started!"

Lingfeng plate sat down and threw a qi charm, and Zhang mouth bite.


The crisp sound rang out in Lingfeng's mouth, and the massive scent of the gushing rushed out into the body of Lingfeng.


Ling Feng is quite calm, throwing out the second charm.


The third charm is fruit.


"You... slow down?"

The ancient trees of the universe are looking straight on the side, and the speed of the wind blowing the charm of the wind is too fast, so that the trees are afraid.

It is now relying on Ling Feng, eager for Xianli, if Ling Feng is so desperate, then its loss can be too great.

In terms of benefits, it still attaches great importance to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng said lazily, nothing at all.

"Once the massive anger is coming out, you will be blasted on the spot!" The ancient tree of the universe said something silent.

"Is it?"

Ling Feng pinched his nose, very surprised.

"of course!"

"Then eat a few gods and pressure!"

After that, Ling Feng really threw five qi charms into his mouth, making the ancient trees stunned and sullen. This guy is really crazy.

You must know that Ye Witch, Shen Lie, etc. are only twenty pieces of the charm of the gods, Ling Feng is at best thirty.


At this moment, Ling Feng has already eaten ten pieces. This massive temperament, once it bursts open, is simply not affordable for the average person.

"Do you want to support yourself?"

The ancient trees of the universe really don't want to look down, and Ling Feng is crazy.

"But I haven't eaten yet."

Ling Feng sighed. "You are too stingy, every kind of charm is only one, I think I can come a few more."

"Then you will eat more than two hundred charms first."

The ancient tree of the universe wants to beat people, but does not want to talk more with Ling Feng. It is afraid that he will be mad at life.


Ling Feng is no longer nonsense, swearing at the rhyme and goddess, tea kungfu, he has swallowed twenty qi charms, let the ancient trees frown, because the wind swallows too fast, the horrible charm is afraid Want to burst open?


To its surprise, Ling Feng is still calm, like a child who has not eaten, is chewing his heart and fruit.

An hour is in a hurry.

Ling Feng kept that position, and there was no movement, like eating sweet potatoes.

In the same way, this makes the ancient trees of the universe look big, isn't the charm of the gods expired?

Massive temperament did not break out?

Two hours have passed.

Ling Feng still did not show the painful appearance, his face was calm, and there was a feeling of enjoyment. The ancient tree always felt that this guy was driving, but it had no evidence.

Rather than saying that Ling Feng is eating temperament, it is better to say that he is eating jelly beans.

"what's the situation?"

At this time, Ye Witch, Shenlie and so on have all awakened, looking at Ling Feng with a look of shock, they have just eaten the charm of God, knowing how majestic the rhyme is, that is, they can digest one to eat the second I, like Ling Feng, eating "sweet beans", it really makes people pressure.

God was shocked.

Almost fried hair.

People are not as astonished as the ancient trees of the universe. Although Ling Feng’s actions are indeed exaggerated, they are not worried. If there is no such strength, Ling Feng will not make fun of his own life.


They know that the path of Ling Feng is different. For them, the temperament of the wind is only a singer in front of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng is the unfathomable bottomless pit.

"It’s going to be a tragedy again."

God said bitterly, he has only made great progress, but Lingfeng has made greater progress.

The massive temperament did not fill it up, which shows how strong Ling Feng is, no wonder that the ancient trees of the universe can be eaten.


One hundred qi charms disappeared into the body of Ling Feng, not to mention the ancient trees of the universe, that is, the leaf witch, the gods and others were surprised, this kind of massive is a little scary.


This is still not the limit of Ling Feng.

It’s just that Ling Feng is much more solemn than before, and his expression is not as easy as before, and he becomes very serious.


The massive temperament burst open in the body, and it is being integrated into the flesh and blood. Lingfeng also needs to cope with it.

He did not stop, still eating "sugar beans", with the crisp sound bursting, people's minds are completely immersed in it, and count the charm of the wind.

One hundred and fifty!

It’s a miracle!

The ancient trees of the universe do not know what to say, it has encountered the most enchanting enchanting in history.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and other figures did not say much, but automatically flew around to defend, because they pretended to have swallowed so many charms, Ling Feng must have some unexpected things.

One hundred and eighty.

At this time, Ling Feng did not look like that before, but the speed is still much faster than Ye Witch and Ling Qing, and only one of them is thrown every few hours, and the momentum is slowing down.

One hundred and ninety!

The ancient tree of the universe could not speak, and left the side of Ling Feng.

Ye Witch and Ling Qing are full of worries. They are very clear that this time Ling Feng is a giant qi body. The massive qi can fill a depleted star. I really don't know how Ling Feng's flesh and blood bones can withstand it.

Two hundred!

This is a limit!

A limit that people can't imagine.

Ling Feng’s flesh and blood is full, and the bright red blood is appearing in the same way. It is full of blood, and there are millions of bugs inside.

Creeping, pushing the bloodshot muscles.

"Insane, really crazy!"

The gods are stunned, and the Lingfeng in this state is really terrible.

He can't keep going until he is twenty, and he feels that he has to be blasted, and Ling Feng can sacrifice two hundred qi charms. Is this what the Supreme can do?

However, this is still not over.

Two hundred and twenty, two hundred and forty, two hundred and fifty...

The flesh and blood of the swaying wind is diminishing, and it can be quickly swelled until the two hundred and eighty-eight temperamental fruits are incorporated into the body, and he stops.

It takes a month!

Ling Feng's body was completely surrounded by scent, and there was a gray airflow, but there was no temperament in his body, only the overwhelming flame.

The swallowing flames burned the celestial!

End of this chapter) (

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