Supreme Demon

Chapter 2789: Sunset!

Flame burning incense!

With Lingfeng as the center, the square is filled with flames and burning fairy. The terrible flame is like a magical flame. It is swallowing everything around it, even if it is deep earth, it is only in front of the flames burning the fairy.

Just a moment.

Ten miles into the territory of death, any creatures who dare to step on are annihilated.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others as well as the ancient trees of the universe are flying backwards, far more than ten miles. They are afraid that the flames will be drastically changed, and the scope will become bigger, so they will not have time to dodge.

Lingfeng disk sits in the flames, the face is not old, the endless flame can only pick up the hair, set off his temperament, make it more extraordinary.


The flames burned the celestials and they were out of control. They shrouded the 50-mile space and found that the leaves and witches flew hundreds of miles, but they were still not at ease.

And that fifty miles into a demon is forbidden, destroying all creatures.

The color of the flame burning incense is deepening, there is a terrible Tianwei, the ancient trees of the universe are trembled, and the power inside is always terrible. After swallowing more than 200 kinds of charms, there are too many Lingfeng bodies. The rhyme, these charms are different, it is necessary to detonate.


They did not have terrible drastic changes, but were forced to be suppressed by Ling Feng. How strong flesh and blood power is needed?

At least the ancient trees of the universe think that the flesh and blood of Ling Feng is thicker than its skin.

In fact.

It is also unclear what kind of drastic changes will occur in the two hundred kinds of qi charms. It can only breed the charm of the gods, but it cannot be swallowed, and it is even more unclear what effect the different charms have.

“Do you use it so hard?”

The gods grinned and felt that the wind was so beautiful that they didn't want them to live.

"He has to work hard."

Yeh Witch said with deep feelings.

People look at each other and are silent. Ling Feng has a desperate reason, and they also have a desperate reason.

The gods stunned, and finally they were silent.

How many people have died in the end of the ages?

Some people only need to take care of themselves, but some people have to take into account the life and death of the whole force. Like the ruins of the ruins, the ruins of heaven and earth are only the sharp edges in their hands. In the last days, he chose to return to the sacred world.

The Lingfeng is different.

He wants to take the whole anti-god forward, he wants to let the gods live.

He can only work hard!

He must work hard!


The loud noise blasted in the void, and the whole person of Lingfeng was flying by the force, the nose and mouth overflowed with blood, and the flesh and blood swayed even more, making people think that he would explode in the next second.

Ling Feng did not explode.

He stubbornly persisted and smelt a kind of rhyme in the body. In the process, various rhymes screamed strongly.


In just two quarters of an hour, Ling Feng’s arm blew a **** mouth, which was deep and visible.

Yin Hong's blood stained this space.

Ling Qing and Ye Witch can't bear to look straight, they are begging for Ling Feng to stick to it.

Time is in a hurry.

Lingfeng was immersed in the charm for two months, and the time has disappeared in the heart of Lingfeng.

Dissipated, only the eternal charm.

Despite the miserable image, Ling Feng is very strong.

In his body, Xianli, the confinement space and the flame burning incense are like a sharp knife. They are plucking the thorns and ploughing from the sea, and then they become bottomless pits, engulfing the endless temper and making it its own power.

A temperament is not enough. They can't move the confinement space.

The ten temperament is still not good, and it can't move Xianli.

Fifty qis are still not enough, and they can't shake the flames.


When the rhyme reaches hundreds of ways, hundreds of kinds, and various temperament collapses and changes, the power is quite terrible, but it is still suppressed by Lingfeng, and a little bit is integrated into the body.

at the same time.

The power of the fairy, the confinement space and the burning of the flames in his body are rapidly increasing. The massive temperament is ignited by three kinds of forces, especially the flames burning the immortals. When they flood the stars around the star map, they become a crazy flame. Frenzy.

The flames changed dramatically during the burning, and the flames were burned.

When the flames became enough, the flames were so overwhelming.

The raging flames burn the wind!

this moment.

It is Ling Feng’s body that can’t stand up. He can only endure the pain, and burn the flames to the little ones to become a part of his body, like blood and bones, not affected by it.

This process is slow, but Lingfeng can stick to it.

At last.

The endless charm has dissipated, and the temperament of the star map has also dissipated. All of them have been integrated into Lingfeng and become the flesh and blood of Lingfeng.

Ling Feng is still Ling Feng.

Flames are not flames!


In Lingfeng Dantian, the forbidden soil of Xian formed a desolate **** figure, and the confined space is the charm of the **** figure, or the prohibition, and the flames burned the most, which turned into a hot fireball. .

It’s hot enough to melt everything!

It’s so hot that you can make your head in nine days!

Only the holy sun in the world!

of course.

This "Shengyang" of Lingfeng is different. It is completely cast by the flames, and it is the best force in the world. The two hundred kinds of qi are all smelted by the flames and become its power. In this massive temperament, the flame burning celebrity finally changed dramatically.

Become different!

Become unbeatable!

At this moment, the flame burning incense is the ultimate form of it.

Flames of the Holy Sun!

It almost really has to become a round of Xianyang, because it is too hot, that is, Tianzun is coming to be directly grilled.


At this moment, the flames of Xianyang slowly flew, and the earth was rotated along the forbidden soil. The light between the heavens and the earth also changed due to the rotation of the flames of Xianyang. Sometimes it was hot and barbecued, and sometimes disappeared between heaven and earth, letting the ban of the fairy The soil returned to the cold state.

It seems to be evolving in day and darkness.


When this scene appeared, Ling Feng's whole person exuded a distinctive slaughtering scent, as if the king who was on the verge of nine days was overlooking the beings.

"Sunrise, sunset!"

Ling Feng’s eyes are filled with a faint smile.


When the flames burned the immortal, he felt it, and he knew the "Xianyang" brought by the flames burning at the moment and how terrible the sunrise and sunset were.

At sunrise.

Flames burned the celestial, barbecue everything.

At sunset.

The rhyme is suppressed, the destruction is born, and everything is killed.

Do not think that in the darkness, the flames burn the fairy and lose power. On the other side of the fairy is the more terrible darkness, which is the darkness that people can never imagine.


It was even more terrible at sunset.

Because sunset will make Tianzun characters lose their sense of consciousness, lose their perception, and everything will be hidden inside. Just like normal people are in the dark, when cold and chill are coming, even if Tianzun can't perceive it, then Tianzun still hopes. Live it?

Extremely dangerous!

Extremely cold!

Sunrise and sunset have become two extreme weathers.

"I don't feel right!"

Shen Lie had a creepy feeling, and he felt it in Ling Feng.

"very dangerous!"

The ancient trees of the universe are flying backwards, and they are wary of Ling Feng. They always feel that there is a strong light that is escaping.

"Two hundred kinds of charm, if there is no change, isn't that too speechless?" Ling Qing grinned, Ling Feng's dramatic change made her very happy.

"Real enchanting!"

Liu Shushu licked his tongue.

After a while.

Ling Feng combed his own breath, then slowly stood up, his face a smile.

"What happened? Why do I feel that you are dangerous?"

The gods flew over and said, "How powerful is the impact between the two hundred rhymes?"

"Can you kill you several times." Ling Feng said seriously.


“What happened?” asked Ye Wong’s concern.

"Evolved some."

Ling Feng smiled at the forehead and said, "I borrowed more than two hundred charms and goddess, stepped into the peak of the third-class Tianzun, and the flames burned the fairy. What did you say?... Should it be the sunset?!"


Everyone is at a glance, not very clear about this dramatic change.

"A state!"

Ling Feng simply explained: "Sunrise and sunset, life is normal, but it is unusual."

“What is unusual?” asked the **** and frowning. This issue is still of concern.

next moment.

Ling Feng looked over and had a playful smile on his face.


The gods and spirits are like a gust of wind, and the lightning disappears in front of the wind. This ghostly smile he sees more, this time does not flash, the next moment will be unlucky.

"Do you want to know?"

Ling Feng asked.

"I don't want to!"

"What about you? Do you want to know?" Ling Feng asked the ancient tree of the universe.

"Don't want!"

Although the ancient tree of the universe is a tree, it is not stupid. If you don’t know how many years of life, how can you not see the reaction of the gods?


It has already taught the flames to burn the immortals, and does not want to teach again.

"I am really sorry for you!" Ling Feng sighed and said.


The gods and the ancient trees of the universe look at each other and scream at the cold, and the ghost believes him.

“Would you like to let Ling Qing try?”



Ling Feng turned to the head, the smile on his face was more prosperous, he said. "A girl, how come so much curiosity? I think you are very curious, so I am willing to show you."

"We don't want to!"

Shen Li said simply.

Just kidding, this power is not the way to see, the loss that I have eaten before, the tears that are now flowing.

I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world, and I have to believe that Ling Feng’s broken mouth.

This is the truth that can't be broken.

The crowd did not ask too much. Ling Feng made great progress and stepped directly into the third-class Tianzun peak. Then the next step would be to understand the fourth space rule. At that time, he could step into the second-class Tianzun and go further.

Two days later.

They came to the edge of the temperament, with Dodge light inside, dividing the heavens and the earth apart, showing a dusty white color on the other side, and a glass-like cyan color on the other side.

End of this chapter) (

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