Supreme Demon

Chapter 2806: This is the ordinary anti-God!

Triple Dragon Palace.

This is something that no one has ever thought of. Its Tianwei is enough to annihilate many fifth-class gods, not to mention that the candle dragon has just cast space rules. The level is not strong enough, and the strength has not been fully exerted.

But that's it.

She can still face the tide of the sky, the two heavy dragon palaces of hard steel, such a candle dragon makes people feel extreme chill.

It can be said that as long as the candle dragon can survive, it will be a supreme person in the future. No one can stop this rhythm.


The candle dragon will be even more terrible than Ling Qing and Shen Lie.

The third dragon palace of the rumble is really strong to an extremely terrible degree, despising the 10,000 roads. When the downfall, the odd gate space in front of Tianfu collapsed, and there was a terrible **** hole on the void. Just looking at it all makes people full of endless pressure.


This is not the most terrible.

The most terrible thing is the Gai Tianwei, the vast Dragon Palace has gradually become larger, and the entire Tianfu has been concealed in it, and the pressure inside is so strong that Tian Zun is shuddering.

The emptiness of the emptiness suddenly trembled, and the ripples of power pushed around. Even if they were far apart, the real forces of the great powers could not help but beheaded. The kind of heavenly power was so strong that it was suffocating.

The candle dragon looks very cold and looks like a mountain.

Her eyes were cold, her mouth was dripping with blood, and the whole person exudes a very enchanting atmosphere.

"Come on!"

She burst into the air and smashed through the mountains and rivers. She rushed to the sky, and faced the endless tide. She played the world-famous flag, and flew out a big banner in her hands.

It is the **** years that have disappeared for many years! Bang! Wan Dao collapsed and Tiandao wept.

The candle dragon carried the endless Tianwei into the tide of the sky, bombarded the Dragon Palace, attacked thousands of roads, and hit the ground.

The **** and **** stunned, rolled up the waves, and blasted all the way.

This is a fierce battle. It almost smashed the sky and was devastated. Many people were vomiting blood and couldn’t stand this.


This is not enough.

Tianwei of the Third Heavy Dragon Palace is obviously stronger than the other two. It is intertwined with strange laws and forces, which makes the candle dragons tremble and vomit blood, and the injuries are extremely heavy.

Three hours.

The candle dragon played a million Daowei, and seized the third heavy dragon palace, but his injury was too heavy, the chest and the back of the skin were fleshy, the internal organs were broken, bleeding, and the blood of the candle dragon had five internal organs. Fragment, her face pale, that is, both eyes have lost color.

Constantly using the day and the power of the night, her power consumption is extremely serious.

At this time, the candle dragon really can't hold it.

thump! The candle dragon lingered in front of Tianfu, his eyes were bleeding, and the blood behind his chest was spewing out, and the situation was extremely serious.

"I have come to this step, and I want to suppress me!"

"I control my own life!"

The candle dragon squats up, facing the sky, the body trembles, but still has strong power.

That is a tragic! It seems to be singing the elegy.

Against the gods, the eyes are wet, and the stubbornness and strength of the candle dragon are a testimony against the gods. They are not convinced.


Even if you die, you must be strong! Hey! The celestial turbulence, the fourth heavy dragon palace flew out, Wanlong Chaolong Palace, the momentum is booming, has become more powerful, there is a kind of Tianwei that crushes the candle dragon, after all, the fourth heavy dragon palace at this moment has reached the peak of the fourth-class Tianzun Strength, and one after another, it is the fourth-class gods who can't stand it.


In fact, the candle dragon is not weak at all, and it has the strength of the world. At least it is also the level of the leaf witch, but the leaf witch can easily deal with the punishment, but at this moment the candle dragon is in tragedy.

This is the gap! The heavenly pressure of the universe in the late autumn can be compared with the prosperous world, and this is only the deep autumn of the universe. If asked in the cold winter, it will be even more terrible.

There are few people in history who can succeed, and even if they succeed, the trauma of that body will be accompanied by a lifetime, and it will not be worth the candle.

Over time, no one took the risk to ask at the end of the universe.

The candle dragon can't wait.

She can't wait until the next spring of the universe, but she can't wait for the prosperous world, but she must ask for success before the end of the world, otherwise the pressure is not something she can bear.


At this time, her pressure is really heavy, so heavy that she suffocated and smiled, because her strength has been overdrawn, the body has to limit, it is almost impossible to hold the fourth Dragon Palace.

"hold onto!"

Burning the sky, the eyes are red, the candle dragon has been up to now, and the strength of the show makes the whole universe sensation, but can the heavens be killed?

The candle dragon is not satisfied! They are equally dissatisfied! "Ok!"

The candle dragon's forehead, feeling the care of the burning of the supreme, the heart is relieved, at least until this moment, there is a group of people behind her.

"Come on, the last battle!"

The candle dragon didn't know if there was any day penalty, but at the moment she had already reached the end of the mountain. If she didn't use Tianwei, she was afraid that she couldn't keep going, and she would die here.

next moment.

The fourth heavy dragon palace fell down, the vastness of Tianwei, opened the counter-magic door, so that many buildings collapsed, simply can not stand this Tianwei, and the candle dragon is pale under this pressure, the flower is eclipsed, And her clothes are tearing, and the image is extremely embarrassing.

Her flesh is torn under pressure! Her **** is gray under pressure! She seems to be dying here! but.

Just as people were shocked, the candle dragon opened his eyes and faced the sky, and at that moment she flew a candle in her eyes! A very ordinary candle, there is nothing strange, the white color is ignited, there is no cotton core, but it can burn, and it is not seen, it seems to be burning forever.

The yellowing flame pulsates in the void and does not feel any power.


Just as this candle appeared, the whole world was like being settled. The fourth Dragon Palace was not suppressed, but it was greeted with a candle and greeted the candle of the world! The whole world is calm! thump! The candle dragon fell to the ground and never climbed up again. The red blood flowed down her body, making it look thrilling.

It is even more worrying that she will be fragrant.


The Fourth Dragon Palace turned out to have a crack at this moment, and then opened up a little bit, and made a loud bang, which collapsed in the void.


The candle rushed into the sky, like a flower, letting all the roads wither, and the thunder of the sky dissipated at this time.

The sky is empty, only the candle dragon is left.

She had a strong punishment for the day and grabbed the Four Dragons Palace, which was about to explode the sky.

People are speechless, looking at the candle dragon full of fear, such a fine can be saved, the candle dragon is strong and suffocating, of course, it is worth mentioning that the candle in the candle dragon's eyes.

Can dispel the punishment of the day, and hold the fourth Dragon Palace.

This is not the general power.

Is the heavenly and murderous blade in the hands of Ling Feng, the magic knife in the hands of the devil, and even the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, I am afraid that there is no such ability?

To be honest, many characters are curious.

Burning the sky to look at the candle, but did not say anything, just calmly watching the candle to dispel the punishment, and then slowly flew to the candle dragon.

At this time.

The cold flew out like a moon, and the candle dragon was carried into the Tianfu.

Needless to say.

The candle dragon has been successful. Although there are some injuries in the body, there is the existence of that candle. If you want to come, it will take a long time to heal, and then you will add another singer.


What is truly amazing is not just that.

Just eight days later, both Tian Qi and the evil emperor asked each other. These two characters from the ages are extraordinary. Although there is no candle in the candle dragon, they have the ability to save their lives.

Instead of hard steel, they used multiple odd doors to suppress.

And Tian Qi is awakening the blood of the gods and gods, please come out to help the ancestors, fight hard to focus on the injury and barely hold the punishment, and live and practice.

They are strong enough to advance to Heaven! Add two more Xeon Tianzun! The whole universe is boiling, and the effect brought by the true gods list has been pushed to the apex in the three heavenly respects of the universe in the late autumn. At the end, people feel that only the anti-God has such ability and has such qualifications. .

They are such a rebellious god! "There are two characters, Ming Tian Beast and Qing Yi!"

People sighed and said that now the anti-God has completely entered the Tianzun era, more than a dozen Tianzun, each has the potential to shock the world, who can live?

In their view, I am afraid that the beast and the Qing dynasty will soon be asked.

after all.

It is only the late autumn of the universe. If it is really waiting for the end of the universe, then it will not be saved.

To know.

As for the three gods, the pressure of heaven and earth has really increased five times. The candle dragons are almost dying. Tian Qi and the evil emperor are all broken. No one has been recovering for decades. This is Ming. The last chance of the beast and the clearing.

In fact.

Mingtian beast is faster. After fifteen days of the past, the beast of the beast is also asked.

The vision of heaven and earth, the rooster screams.

This question is respected, it is full of chicken feathers, playing quite fiercely, but the beast of the beast is smashed by regenerative surgery, but it is only half-depleted. If you want to recover, you are afraid to rely on Ling Feng’s fairy power to sort out.

Sometimes people are very tasty.

Like the Tianzun in their power, once they ask for half-waste, they are basically not saved, but they can reverse the gods. Lingfeng Xianli does have such ability.


People waited for a month and did not see the Qing dynasty, not to say that they were against the gods, that is, the gods are in a hurry.

The time is decreasing, the pressure on the heavens is strengthening, and the sooner the Qing dynasty is asked, the better. If it is late, the pressure will increase a lot. At that time, the Qing dynasty will only be more sad.

"Reverse God is too ordinary!"

Just when people talked about it, Ling Feng came back, and the first sentence made people angry.

What is this ordinary ruin?

Is this thing coming back again?

Can he point his face?

"Ordinary anti-God, but I am proud of it!"

Ling Feng said with a smile.


Many forces feel insulted, and now they are seeing it. Ling Feng is in the battle against the wind and four people and souls.


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