Supreme Demon

Chapter 2807: A comprehensive era of heaven!

Reverse the gods! He did not praise the devil, but every word is praise! He doesn't have a sorrow, but there is a slap in the lines! The battle of your wind makes the anti-God earn enough gimmicks, and the true **** list is to push the anti-God to the universe, and the three heavenly gods ask for success, but also push the anti-God to the top.

This kind of anti-god is very ordinary! Ling Feng is very modest! Of course, when people mention Ling Feng, they must add a sentence in front of them. "Speak a joke with you."

"He is really a curse!"

The Lord of the Palace of the Cold Palace is somewhat speechless. Ling Feng just came back and took advantage of the major forces to make them feel very uncomfortable.


The owner of Yaochi smiled at the forehead. Her words were elegant, but she couldn't tell the word, but she was strongly identified by the main palace of the Guanghan Palace.

"However, he also has the capital of Joseph!"

Xuankong said with a smile: "The three characters asked for success in the late autumn of the universe. This kind of strength and strength shocked the whole universe. Although the beast was almost abolished, I felt that it would not be long before it could be alive and kicking. ”

"There is still one person left!"

"Accurately, Qingyi is not a member of the anti-God, and there is a soul in the anti-God."

"Bi Fang?"

People glanced at it and didn't know when they ignored this creature, but at this time Xuankong actually raised it.

"In the same era as the candle dragon, the blood of the other party has not been completely awakened."

"And, the Qing dynasty is more different. I feel that the anti-God has been suppressing the life of Qing dynasty, because we have never found a clear background."

All major forces checked Ling Feng and checked Ling Qing.

I have also checked Ye Witch and others.

However, some people are good to check, some people are particularly difficult to check, such as Ye Witch, from the Holy Spirit, it is not easy to find, and Yunxi and others are much simpler.


They couldn't find out, but the original Hengtianxing trip was blurred. So many people didn't know how big things were, even if they knew that memories were blurred, it was very abnormal.

There is only one force in the current universe that has the ability to do this, and that is to reverse the god.

They are deliberately erasing the life of Qing.

They didn't do a hard check, and there was nothing better with the anti-God's positive hard steel. Even if there is doubt, it can only be hidden in the heart.

A month later.

Bi Fang asked Zun, this is what people did not think of, because Bi is among the many creatures, it is weak, and these years have not shown its powerful strength, let people forget it.


When Bi Fang asked for respect, it was a storm that awakened the universe.

The vastness of the waves is no less than that of the candle dragons. In the endless flames, the side is like Nie, the momentum is like a mountain, the flesh and blood are crystallized from dryness, and the whole process is full of mystery.

"Phoenix Nirvana!"

People are shocked, this ancient art has long disappeared, and only a small part of the Phoenix family has been passed down.

Bi Fang played an ancient technique in this way, in the flames of the sky.

Nine deaths! Wan Gudao! Who said that Nirvana only Phoenix?

Bifang can do the same! Under the bombardment of the endless thunder, Bi is very fierce, but in the flames, its blood is completely awakened, it can be called earth-shattering, a pair of eyes is more like two rounds of holy sun, the strange light rain casts incomparable Picture.


The picture is too horrible, and the flames burned for nine days, even if it was Bifang.

It completed a miracle of the Nirvana, but it still fell into a pool of blood.

The body is half-depleted and the power is exhausted.

Almost gray and smoke is gone.

However, it still survived, only a breath.

It was brought back by Ling Feng. From the calm face of Ling Feng, people can see that Bi Fang’s injury was really heavy and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

Because Ling Feng is not only a powerful Tianzun, but also an alchemy Tianzun.

"The road is too heavy, and the wind and rain may not be able to heal!"

Some powerful Tianzun saw the problem on the spot, and Bifang’s injury was different from several other figures.

Bi Party used the ancient technique, and the flames attracted were extraordinary. Once burned by the flames, it was not the general medicine that could be healed. Even if it was wind and rain, blood, and other drugs, they were expelling the flames. It is not enough.


Bi Fang himself is not worried, Nie Gushu comes from Ling Feng, Nie is very heavy, but it is not so troublesome for Ling Feng.

It should eat and drink.

Very leisurely.

It was the candle dragon who saw this guy want to beat it.

This is the end.

The anti-God calculations have entered the Tianzun era in an all-round way. However, the major forces of the universe believe that Qingyi is also a member of the anti-God. When the Qing Dynasty has not yet entered the Tianzun, the anti-God is not into the era of comprehensive Tianzun.

Ling Feng does not care about such arguments.

What he really worried about is clear.

The creatures such as Candle Dragon, Bi Fang and Tian Qi are alternatives. In the late autumn of the universe, they are asked to be respectful. In fact, Ling Feng is still somewhat certain, but it is different.

Ling Feng can't see through! Just because he couldn't see through it, he felt dangerous. Especially in recent days, this feeling was even stronger.

“I don’t feel right!”

"The little sister is afraid of going wrong!"

Ling Feng frowned, these days of restlessness, this is not a telepathy, but his sense of subtle breath between heaven and earth.

He is the clearest in his life.

It may have been suspected before, but at this time he is very clear about what Qinghao is experiencing.

"To completely block Tianfu, and the side of Shenwu."

Ling Feng started to work, and did not want the little sister to have any problems, and this time the Burning Supreme also captured the kind of charm.

"I am afraid I have a big problem!"

Burning Heaven Supreme said with a heavy face: "Qing 漪 漪 尊 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 , , , , , , , , , , , 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 等同 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊 尊


Ling Feng’s forehead, the flower, the present flower, the flower.

Qing Yi is taking step by step, which kind of flower is in the end, that is, burning the Supreme is not sure.


Any of these three flowers is shocking enough, and the resulting penalty will be unmatched.

"I am sitting in the house, I am afraid that you have to help at the crucial moment!"

Burning the Supreme Supreme, do not need Lingfeng request, want to block Tianfu, even the Shenwu mainland side, you need the supreme handwriting, and this is what Lingfeng can't do.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded and said, "If I can, I hope I can make some rain for her!"

"Tell me then!"

Burning Heaven said solemnly, for the time being, no one can understand the punishment of the day, especially the fine punishment.

A few days later.

The anti-God entered a state of total blockade, which made the major forces feel something, but no one touched the sensitive nerves of the anti-God.

Just this day.

Qing dynasty was born, her smile is gentle, no previous singularly cute, more like everyone's show, but still the image of Loli.


Ling Feng asked before.


Qing Xiao said with a smile: "I have waited for so long, if I don't ask for respect before the end of the world, I am afraid there is really no hope."

"I will support you!"

"Is the anti-God ready?"

Qing Yi looked around and asked.


Ling Feng’s forehead said, “The father of the teacher has shot himself and suppressed all directions. Xianli’s blessing is at the center. Even the Supreme People would like to see the truth inside.”

"That's good!"

I don't know why, looking at the pretty face of Qing dynasty, Ling Feng has a sentimentality.

The character of the Qing Dynasty changed greatly. This is not what it is, but deliberate because she feels that she is not strong enough and she does not have the confidence to overcome the punishment.

She thinks this will be dead! "Go, let's meet a few of your brothers, let's have a few drinks!"

The Qing dynasty's forward, with Ling Feng, flew to the gods, to drink with several characters such as the string.

Ling Feng is in a heavy mood and is thinking about countermeasures.

He felt that the younger sister seemed to be explaining things.

"I am a fairy medicine, I woke up in confusion."

Qing drunk, lying on the ground and saying, "Which kind do I belong to in my life, in this life, in the afterlife?"

"Little teacher, I should be a fairy!"

Qing Yu looked at the Ling Feng, who was lying on his back, and said seriously. "And it is a rare fairy!"


Ling Feng is puzzled and looks to Qing.

"If" Qing dynasty for a moment, said: "If I did not hold on, this flower is also very useful to you, or can help you to seal the sky, or help the rain to ask."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Ling Feng got up straight and said with anger. "You will not have something, try to ask, I will wait for you to succeed!"

"Little teacher!"

"Trust me, if the heavens do not allow, then it will break this day!"

Ling Feng will be firm and cold, saying, "I will do it at a crucial moment!"

He did not say much.

Even if it will lead to even more shocking weather, even if it will be hit hard, he does not want to clear it.

"You may see this in the past," and looked down at the sky, but did not return to Tianfu.

"Sister, we are waiting for your good news!"

The string shouted on the side, he is currently at the king level, it is difficult to step into the emperor, but the king can also ask for respect, just takes time.


Qing Yi left.

The anti-God entered a comprehensive state, and people are waiting for that moment.

The next day.

The wind is rolling, and the momentum is endless.

The Qing dynasty did not disappoint people. At the last moment, she chose to ask her, even if she was confronted with life and death, she had to take this step.

"Push me out!"

Bifang was bored, although the injury has not recovered, there are signs of deterioration, but I don't care, let people push it out to see.

This kind of question has not been seen yet.

at the same time.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others have appeared, while Ling Feng is at the center.

Because once there is a problem in the process of clearing the question, only Ling Feng can stand the suppression of the heavens, dare to do it, and the Heavenly Supreme mentions the gods, perhaps this kind of trading has a role to play.

"Heavenly" Ling Feng looked at the sky, the smile on his face became cold.


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