Supreme Demon

Chapter 2811: Continued!

This life is falling on the net! The Qing dynasty asks the sage to be different. She is different from the beasts such as the Mingtian beast, because Qing dynasty is only a plant, and the sacred beast is an animal. In the universe, animals always have to be more favored.

Before Qing dynasty did not wake up, there was no spirituality. Although it was not ordinary, it was still suppressed by heaven.

Every step of her is full of bumps, like walking in the thorns, she can ask for respect at this moment, quite not easy.


In the gods and gods, I was almost annihilated. If it wasn’t for the wind and the death, I was afraid that the Qing dynasty had already died.

This kind of clearing makes people feel distressed and more sympathetic.

It is because of the difficulty of knowing that it is not easy to get clear, Ling Feng did not care about it, because Qingyi not only asked for difficulties, but also supported a day of gods, representing the top strength of the wilderness.

When the wind is still weak, the Qing Dynasty is a flag of the barren door! can.

When the Qing Dynasty is also weak, when this banner falls, it needs a stronger banner to top it up.

This person is Ling Feng.

This life blossoms, the power is shocked.

A glimpse of the roots and sorrows, even the fairy power and the flames burning the celestial are not enough to see, in a short period of time, the degree of terror is unimaginable. It can be said that if the singer is alone, it is basically unsuccessful.


Ling Feng is still strong! He opened the mountains and rivers, and the momentum was endless. He used the ban to seal the flowers of this life.

Moreover, he directly plunged the flowers into the spirited beads, and he could not tolerate them. This is the intention of Ling Feng.

He had already discovered that there was a problem with this question, and there were creatures in the world. He had been waiting for it. Even if he blew his blood, he would be fine. He didn’t shoot because he knew that only by grasping the really important things would he be able to turn the tide. .

Before the creature was born, any movement was very dangerous.

Once it is taken off, it will not be worth the candle.

just now.

This life blossoms, the real creatures appear, fall in it, ignite the real flower of this life, let it shine.

At this time, Ling Feng did not want to wait, and directly used the ban.

After returning from the star map, the ban has undergone more extraordinary changes. After Ling Feng fully urged and negotiated with the ban, the ban was only allowed to fly out, and the suppression of this life was like suppressing a cabbage.

This is the gap! That powerful power kills everything! The void is gray and the sky is shining.

The natural punishments brought by the Qing dynasty have not changed. Since the flowers were captured, the heavens have collapsed. It is like anger, thunder and rain, and roaring.

"Come on!"

Ling Feng despised the heavens and banned the top of the head, so cold and proud.


Just because he is not enough at present, this life is really terrible, but the ban is in hand, not to mention the level of Tianzun, that is, the burning of the Supreme, these characters must sigh.

Defense is invincible! Attack is unparalleled! This time Ling Feng is the real king.

Rumble... Tiandao is angry, the breath is endless, the wind is cold, and the sky is empty.

Obviously, this life is very important. The punishment does not want to let the wind blow, but it has not been down, and it is full of taboos.

"Don't you dare?"

Ling Feng sneered and said. "Is this the day?"

Rumble... Responding to Ling Feng is a stronger thunder, breaking through the nine heavens, breaking through the thousands of roads, but still thunder and rain, and there is no real punishment.

"Go down!"

Ling Feng yelled. "I am waiting for you to kill me!"

Rumble... "Are you farting?"

Ling Feng despised. "The trouble is a little smaller."

Rumble... The thunder of the thunder sounded, and the hurricane of the world was even more fierce.

However, the punishment of the day has not yet landed, as if it is brewing, it is more contemplative.

"If you don't want to come down, then I will go up. I really want to know what the so-called truth of heaven is?"

Ling Feng has become more powerful, although at this time his blood is exhausted and not strong enough, but the strength can not be underestimated.

next moment.

He stepped forward and rushed to the sky, while the ban on the top of his head reversed the slogan, without exploding the space, but despising the Scorpio.

Bang... On the scorpio, the last scream of the day, even before the smoke disappeared, the speed of disappearing is astounding, it is simply unimaginable.

To know.

The speed of Ling Feng is quite rapid. If it is lightning fast, it will come to the Scorpio in the blink of an eye, and the penalty can still be one step ahead. It is said that there is no will and no spirituality. Ling Feng really does not believe it.


Ling Feng’s face shines with cold light, and on the independent Tianzhu, he ignores the heavens.. “Is it scared?”

It’s clear.

The madness of the world can be dissipated, and the whole void is left with Ling Feng and the Qing dynasty buried in the earth.


At this time, it was clear and serious, and I was not awake. I didn’t know that the punishment had passed.

puff! After the day's punishment disappeared, Ling Feng spurted blood, his face was pale, his body trembled, and he fell directly from the sky. Even the mountain river that withstood the top Tianwei broke open from the middle at this time, and the two roads The crack spread from the knees of Lingfeng.

He faced the flower of this life, this is the end of the strong, and then the overdraft power to sacrifice the prohibition.

He knew that he couldn't hold on, and he was so scornful that he was scared away.

of course.

If the penalty is not scared away, the ban can also issue its own power, but there is no blessing of the wind power.

"Ling Feng, how are you?"

The Burning Supreme asked in the distance and flew quickly.

"I'm fine, just weak."

Ling Feng spit out a blood, his face restored a trace of blood.


He stood up and walked to the clear, with a smile on his face.

"Is it okay?"

The burning of the Supreme appeared, looking at Ling Feng glance, secretly relieved, because Ling Feng body although there is a road injury, but not fatal.

With Ling Feng's strong constitution, it is completely recoverable.

He is really just overdraft.


Ling Feng smiled and moved the boulder. He moved the stunned body and relied on the boulder.

"Her injury is a bit serious, Daogen is only afraid of..." Burning the sky is supreme and frowning, the cleansing injury is different from the Lingfeng, the root of this thing can not be seen, but it does exist.

This has nothing to do with talents and dantian.

It was the clear road that was able to move forward.

This is not the re-casting of Regeneration, and it is not a big medicine.


Ling Feng was the forehead, but there was not much worry on his face. He said seriously: "The younger sister is a flower, her Tao is illusory, but now she is cut off, so I can only continue for her. !"

“Continue the road?”

Burning the heavens to the top.

For the first time, he found the difference in Ling Feng. In this respect, Ling Feng seems to know more than he knows.

"Yes, continue!"

Ling Feng nodded seriously and said: "Only if you continue to live, otherwise the road will be broken, she will die!"

“How to renew the road?”

The burning of the Supreme asked.

To be honest, he doesn't understand very well. In this respect, he has a lot of winds.

"After the birth of flowers, this flower will be born, and this flower will be born later!"

Ling Feng looked at Qing Yu and said: "Any road is incomplete and needs her to continue, but she is still too weak."

"Have you caught this life flower to give you a clean road?"

Burning the sky is so stunned that it feels incredible.


Ling Feng smiled and said: "I thought it was just a hope. I didn't expect it to succeed."

next moment.

Lingfeng sits cross-legged, the smile on his face disappears little by little, the strength of the body suddenly appears, and it quickly pushes into the void, and then the body of Qingyi disappears into the spirited beads, and Lingfeng himself disappears together. Because he wants to help clear the way to complete the renewal.

Burning the sky is only a light but sitting, and did not leave, because he is very clear that the task of Ling Feng has not been completed, it will take a little time.

Devouring the beads.

Ling Feng did not use the ban, but looked at the life flower in front of him coldly. In this space, he is the real master.

This life is very powerful in the big universe, but in this small universe, it is completely suppressed by the wind.

"Little sister, I hope you wake up as soon as possible, and hope you can hold on!"

Ling wind through the mountains and rivers, seized the flowers of this life, let him struggle and unwilling, and then was pushed to the Qing Dynasty by Ling Feng.

Uh... The sky is trembled and the momentum is turbulent.

The whole world has been lit up by this life, and the massive temperament comes from the space of the self-defeating Lingzhu, and it flows to the Qing Dynasty. This is the three charms that Lingfeng has brought out from the star map, which is of great help to Qingyi.

And when the three temperaments light up the flowers of this life, and blend into the body of the Qing dynasty a little bit, the sorrowful sound of the Qing dynasty, the body trembles, like a nightmare, the brow is locked, the whole person’s forehead is covered with a cloud .

Light rain spreads a little bit.


The Qing dynasty was covered up by the endless light rain and disappeared in front of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng used Xian Li to be able to see clearly the clear light in the light rain. At this moment, the Qing dynasty completely collapsed. Like a child who is cold, the blood on his face is fading, the body injury is healing, and the glory of this life is one. A little bit penetrated into her body.

She is undergoing metamorphosis.


Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and finally could let go of his heart.

Because Qinglu is involved in the process of this life, there is no accident, no pain, otherwise she will not be able to withstand the explosion on the spot.

This kind of thing has not happened.

She had taken a step towards this life and created space, just like an empty shell, and now Ling Feng is injecting the object into the empty shell.


Qing has changed, her road is being pushed away little by little! Two days later.

Ling Feng flew out of the devouring beads and landed on the original boulder. At the moment, the boulder can be more than just burning the Supreme. Other characters are coming, and they are worried.

"how about it?"

People asked.

"I am fine!"

Ling Feng grinned. "You look at the lively jump!"

"The injuries in the body have healed!"

"..." People want to beat people!

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