Supreme Demon

Chapter 2812: Not the same clear!

Tianfu edge.

Here is a barren hill, there is no building, but there is a land of gods, surrounded by strange gates banned, banned the void, here is not suitable for living, but suitable for the emperors to suffer and feel.

Ye Xinran is asked by this place.

Ling Qing is also asked here by honor.

Therefore, Qingyi is also asked here by honor.

Defiantly deliberately made this a question of asking for God, and there are strange gates in all directions. It is not easy to influence Tianfu.


The barren hills are full of people, not only the elites who are against the gods come, but also the gods and gods come. They are worried, and more are asking questions. I want to know what the situation is.

To know.

Before the people left the battlefield, the wounds of Qingyi were too serious, and they felt that they would die in the next moment.

And now?

Lingfeng is not here, Qingyi is not here, which makes people anticipate very badly. What is more important is that even the burning of the Supreme is not clear about the state of Lingfeng at this moment and the state of clearing, which is very abnormal.


The newly born Ling Feng actually returned such a sentence.

"I am very good, I feel awesome!"

Ling Feng was very pleased to say, very moved, did not expect so many people to care about him.


Everyone's face was dark, and they bite their teeth one by one, and they couldn't wait to swallow the wind.

This product is too narcissistic, right?

This product is still shameless?

Do they really want to ask Ling Feng?

You are standing in front of you. If the injury is serious, where can you laugh?

They have to ask whether it is good or not?

It’s the burning of the Supreme, who doesn’t know what to say. These two guys are indeed too much. They have no self-knowledge. Although they are masters, the Burning Supreme will not help Ling Feng.

"We need to know the situation of the little sister!"

Qu Xian asked with a black face, although I felt that I did not respect it enough, but this time I completely ignored it.

"Oh, are you asking the little sister?"

Ling Feng grinned. "I thought you were asking me."

"..." Looking at the bad eyes of everyone, Ling Feng finally returned to the topic and his face became serious.

"I am not very clear about the current situation of the younger sister."

Ling Feng frowned, said: "However, I have already put this life into the body of the little sister, they are undergoing drastic changes, that is, I can not see through, I am afraid we can only wait for a result."

"Is Xian Li can't see through?"

Wen Yuan asked, his face is very unsightly, because they can see that this life is too extraordinary, Tianwei is vast, only this can make Lingfeng vomit blood, almost dying.

And Qing dynasty is unable to withstand the punishment.

This life is the last weight of the day, and the degree of horror can be seen.

"Don't worry."

Ling Feng explained: "The flowers in this day are different from the flowers in this life. It is not aggressive, but the power is extraordinary, what kind of effect will be produced, I am afraid to wait until the younger sister wakes up."


The people who are talking about stop immediately, and all of them are filled with joy, because as long as the Qing can wake up, it means that the Qing Dynasty has healed.


Ling Feng said with a smile. "In the current situation, the injury of the younger sister is getting better, but it has different origins. I have not encountered it, so I dare not make a judgment."

"It is like this."

People are relieved, especially the gods and gods.

"When can I wake up?"

Asked the string, this is also the topic of concern to everyone.

"I really don't know now."

Ling Feng sighed. "The drama is too sudden, it always takes time. Although I don't know when she will wake up, I will always pay attention."

"Good, hard work!"

Wen Yuan went forward and patted Ling Feng’s shoulder, full of gratification.

At the beginning, he wanted to pull against God and did not want Shenwu to be too weak. They wanted to borrow the anti-God to rush out of the mainland. However, they did not expect to achieve the anti-god universe, and let them recover.

just now.

The whole universe is against the gods! And Qing Ming’s life was saved by Ling Feng, twice! "Smell old is serious!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "She is my little sister, it is a symbol of the ridiculous door. It is against her, and I owe it to her!"

"This is what I should do."


Wen Yuan’s forehead, no more grateful words, God’s ridiculous gods have nothing to say, because in their eyes, Ling Feng is not only a rebellious god, but also a ridiculous little seven, this will never be change.

Qu Xian and others did not leave.

In fact.

It is against the gods that they have not left, and everyone is waiting.

This is not only because of the fear of clearing, but more importantly, I want to know what kind of dramatic changes will occur when this life flower is integrated into the body.

As Ling Feng said, no one can see through this ending.

"You really don't have to be like this. If there is any danger to the younger sister, I will inform you immediately."

Ling Feng said.

"We are not tired!"

The string was sitting directly on the ground, and said with a smile, knowing that there was no danger in Qing Dynasty, his heart was put down.


Ling Feng nodded helplessly, he was afraid that everyone would wait too long, because the Qing dynasty at this moment is more like Nie, not warm, this state is only expected to last for several years.

Boom! A table fell on the ground, making people feel amazed, and many people felt awkward.

Because the table was moved out by Bi, it was making snacks, especially melon seeds, and various barbecues, and there were several large watermelons on the edge.

Is this goods to be eaten by the masses?

People's faces are black and messy.


Bi Fang slaps a watermelon and licks a piece of rub and then asks the crowd. "Would you like to come?"

"..." People want to play birds! However, this time it is not a **** god.

However, when everyone was glaring, only the savage and sneaking ran to Bi, the two guys sat down around the table and became a melon.

It is Ling Feng who is black! Tai Te has an impact on the image! Ling Feng decided to give these two guys a little color! He was angry and strode to the gods and the side, and his body was shocked, which made people dark, and finally someone had to export birds for them.

These two guys are really awkward! Boom! Ling Feng fell to the table in one step.

"Would you like to come together?"

Shen Li said.

"Okay, let's get one!"

Ling Feng's face suddenly changed, and the hippie smiled.

"..." People almost fell to the ground, what is the image of the Nyima Lord?

What kind of goods is this?


There was a strange scene in the barren hills. A group of people surrounded three people and watched them swearing at watermelon and eating barbecue.

This is a stark contrast! It is a pity that because Ling Feng is involved, people do not know how to open it. Who dares to take advantage of it?

It is the leaf witch who has to worry about the image of Ling Feng, can only be seen as not seen.

in fact.

Liu Shushu is also eager to try, but was stunned by Ling Qing's glare.


Suddenly, Ling Feng’s hand was eaten, and his face became strange.

"what happened?"

People were shocked and wondered if there was a problem with the clearing.

"Oh, this watermelon has no seeds, it is so delicious."

Ling Feng exclaimed.


If you don't care about the image, you want to beat people.

Of course, this requires him to fight the wind.

People can't bear to look at Ling Feng. I think this guy is too tossing people. There is no such thing as a demeanor. It is more like a curse! however.

Just as they turned around, Ling Feng’s eyes burst into a flash of light.


His finger was on the devouring beads, and a ray of light burst out and landed at the table.

The faint scent of the scent, the singer who was eating melon, and the sacred sorrow, could not help but look over, and then their eyes were sluggish, and the watermelon in the mouth did not know when it slipped from the mouth.

People are also aware that something is wrong.

I couldn't help but look back, and when they looked at the character in front of the table, they were equally sluggish.

It is Ling Feng who is mentally prepared and stunned.

Is this clear?

Standing in front of people is a beautiful and refined girl, eyebrows like a willow, eyes like a star, very beautiful, although there is no cold beauty of the leaf witch, there is no hot beauty of the candle dragon, but do not have a flavor.

She belongs to the kind of natural and beautiful beauty.

The pale white hair shawl, the holy clothes with a little blush, she is like a fallen fairy.

That elegant temperament.

That is a different purple eyelid.

And the smell of dark fragrance.

They are showing that she is different.

"Who is she?"

This is a question in everyone's mind, because the girl has not seen it.


Her abrupt appearance is even more astounding.


The Burning Supreme directly sees the truth and sees the essence.

"Little sister?"

The strings were shocked, and I didn’t think that it was clear in front of them.


When he seriously went to see it, he did find that the girl was very similar to Qingyi in many places, but the image of Lori, who was clear and clear, was too deeply rooted in people's minds, and it was instinctive that she would never grow up.


People never thought about it. When the Qing dynasty changed, was she still Loli?

She has changed! She has grown up! Just, the cleanliness at the moment is too cute, right?

This is not a single person with the violent female type of the original?

"She is clear!"

Ling Feng nodded and confirmed the burning of the Supreme, he said. "This life is in harmony with her, there have been some drastic changes that we don't know..." "This drama... is it a bit exaggerated?"

God shrugged off his chin and could not believe this was a fact.

"It's a bit exaggerated, it's too fast."

Ling Feng didn't know how to explain it, because he didn't know what would happen in this life and how it would change.


This is clear! A different kind of clear! However, Qingyi did not notice everyone, not only natural sprouts, but also a little natural stay. She banned herself from going to the table, sat down, grabbed the watermelon on the table, and bit it down with a bite, red watermelon The juice slipped down her lips.

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