Supreme Demon

Chapter 2847: Forced five

The cloudy gate is falling! Although the Yintian Gate is only a sinister and the main bio-fuzzy, such a cloudy gate is equivalent to the name and death, and there is no power to deal with the Ling Dynasty.


Ling Feng did not think about letting go over the cloudy door, but now things are a bit tricky, the five major sects are coming from all directions in the face of the Ling Dynasty, headed by Tian Zun.

"We are waiting for them to come!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "This is going to have a butcher knife and a pig and sheep. That's complete."

The surrounding Huangquan creature could not help but tremble. Lingfeng is too poisonous. Please join us, and invite many forces to enter the game. Is this a one-time solution to the entire first layer of Huangquan?

I have to say that if Lingfeng succeeds, it will ignite the first layer of Huangquan, and the **** of death is only afraid to move the Ling Dynasty.

Leng You, Wu Wang, etc. are cleaning the battlefield, Ling Feng is the old god, watching the distance.

The next day.

The five sects of the sect of the sect of the sects finally appeared, and the momentum was in the tide. It came from five directions. The ones that were headed were the celestial creatures, and the strength was extraordinary. There was not only one celestial creature in each sect.

They are not weaker than the cloudy gates, which means that there are three heavenly creatures.

There are fifteen Tianzun creatures in the five major sects.

Even if you put it in the starry sky, you can be juxtaposed with the anti-God?

This is where Ling Feng sighs. Huang Quan is indeed more likely to produce Tianzun creature than the starry sky.


At this moment, no one can suppress them, no matter how many days, the gods are dead here.

"God, you hold one direction!"


The gods flew out and went straight to the distance. They wanted to suppress a large number of doors alone, and he led tens of millions of soldiers, and the picture was very spectacular.

"Oh, you hold one direction."


Going forward, hold a direction and suppress a sect.

It leads tens of millions of soldiers.

Cold secluded, Wu Wang and other faces are still not good-looking, because even so, there are three sects to deal with, only Ling Feng this person can not keep it.

"There are three remaining gates to be held by me!"

After he finished, he flew forward, and the momentum was released with his advancement. The momentum was like a rainbow. The first thing that appeared was the confinement space, and the imperial soil of the immortal appeared under the yin.

Proud of the eight wild.

睥睨 Wanshi.


In the north, the gods burst into anger and directly confronted a large number of gates. The appearance of the gas field and strength at this moment did not appear any covert, and opened up a thousand obstacles.

at the same time.

In the direction of Xiaolong, there was also a fierce battle. Xiaolong alone blocked three Tianzun creatures, and the strength of the third-class Tianzun really entered the peak, even if the three heavenly creatures faced the wind.

What is really terrible is the direction of Ling Feng.

He confines the space, and the sacred earth is banned from the earth.

next moment.

He even stepped into a piece of land, with flowers in it, the petals are the strongest blade, and the light rain is the strongest ban.

A guzheng appeared in the forbidden soil, releasing an endless Tianwei.

The sigh of the fairy.

For many years, Ling Feng did not use this power, but now he finally hit it out and asked the gods to destroy the Buddha.

If you are in the sky, you don't know how many creatures you want to swear, because the sigh of the immortal is too overbearing. So far, no creature can match it. The Lord can only sigh.


The celestial creatures in the three major sects did not know that they came by lightning.

"The Ling Dynasty has a winner, and the cloudy gate is not exclusive!"

The head of the biological opening, thinking that Ling Feng comes from the cloudy gate, because they do not think that the Ling Dynasty can block the attack of the cloudy gate.

"Is it?"

Ling Fengyin’s testimony: "If you want to take possession, come over."

"The cloudy gate is too much, do you really want to enjoy it alone?"

Another horse-faced creature appeared and slammed the wind.

"Unfortunately, I am not a ghost door."

Ling Feng Yin laughed.

"then who are you?"

Asked about the horse's surface biomass.

"Ling Wang!"

This is the cold and cold response, he does not need to care about horse-faced creatures.

"You...this is impossible."

Horse-faced creatures are naturally not convinced. There are only a few creatures in the Ling Dynasty. Why can the Yintianmen bow down?

"You invested in the cloudy gate?"

The horse's face creature blinked and asked.

"Do they match?"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "At this time, should they look at you in the sky?"

"You...this is impossible."

Obviously, several creatures do not believe it. Although Lingfeng has shown a strong momentum, it is not enough to rely on Lingfeng to deal with Yintianmen.

"Do you know if you come over and try?"

Ling Feng sneered.

"I just want to give it a try."

The horse's first creature swooped forward, carrying the Tianwei-like Tianwei, and a warrior in his hand sent a light beam to the wind.

The momentum that Tianzun creature should have broke out completely at this moment, the space is exploding, and the gray airflow is turbulent in space, forming a horrible frenzy.

Huangquan space.

This is a space unique to Huang Quan.

Putting it on the starry sky is also a terrible space, and the horse-faced creature is a fourth-class god, and it is extremely strong in this area.

However, it is straightforward to face it.


Lingfeng plate sat down and played a song in the forbidden soil of Xian.

In an instant, nine days of bursting, a mad stream, reversing the million roads, and instantly broke the gray space, the situation is like a broken bamboo, banned from the body of horse-faced creatures.

In the sigh of the fairy, what is the space of Huangquan, what is the world of the world is a chicken.

The horse-faced creature had not figured out what was going on, and it was broken by the streamer. Dantian broke a hole and died on the spot.

"What the hell?"

Other Tianzun creatures were stunned by the move of Ling Feng.

Horse-faced creatures are so vulnerable?

How can this be?

"Up, kill him!"

At this time, the other dozens of Tianzun creatures felt precarious. Such Ling Wang was indeed terrible. Now they are beginning to believe in Ling Feng’s words.

Yin Wang is afraid that he can't stop the characters like Ling Feng.

next moment.

More than a dozen Tianzun creatures rushed to Lingfeng together, as long as the Lingfeng was smashed, the Ling Dynasty was a sac.

Unfortunately, their dreams are too great.

What the whole starry sky has not done, how do they do it?


Ling Feng hands rushed to play, the sigh of the fairy sighed completely, every voice is the sound of the day, every note is a battle.

When power comes, it breaks all obstacles.

Sting! The first celestial creature rushed, but it was like a kite with a broken line.


The second Tianzun creature only felt that his body suddenly became lighter, and then he flew back.

The third Tianzun creature, the fourth Tianzun creature... The whole world was sighed by a sigh of sighs, and the elite soldiers of the Ling Dynasty were flying backwards. Even if Lingfeng deliberately suppressed, there was no power to leak. It is still not what they can imagine. If it is strong, it is equivalent to finding death.

It was not until now that they really understood how powerful Ling Feng was.

"Booming..." The momentum is bursting, and the force pushes everything.

At this moment, the Lingfeng shows the momentum of the world, and no creature can fight against it, whether it is in the stars or in the spring.

"Rewind, he is second-class god!"

Finally, there are creatures who see the true strength of Ling Feng. This is the unstoppable figure of the five major sects, because their strongest is only third-class creatures.


Everything is too late.

Ling Fengxian’s sigh was born. Tianzun’s creature died eight times. Only a few creatures wanted to dodge, but they were still hit by the sigh of the fairy, even if the ancient instruments in their hands were broken.

It can be seen how strong the sigh of the fairy is.

"Today, no one wants to leave alive!"

Ling Feng stepped out of the forbidden soil of Xian, and the cold was thoroughly introduced. In the past, he only dared to conceal the power of use. At this time, there were not so many prohibitions.

Because he got the gem from Ao Xian, he was able to suppress this power and was not discovered.


When these two words broke apart, the surrounding world suddenly cooled down, and an invisible airflow pushed out. The Tianzun creatures that were rapidly flashing back suddenly became stiff.

I haven't waited for them to react, and the body is completely stiff.

freeze! This is the Tianwei of Xianhan.

To be honest, since Ling Feng understood the cold, only Bohai creatures have really taught, and Tianzunmu, they are the first experience.

That feeling... quite uncomfortable.

However, they have no chance to speak.

Because they are all frozen.

"Follow me!"

Ling Feng shouted and broke into the sinister soldiers of the five major sects. Whether it was the heavenly or the yin, it was not an opponent.

Ling Feng shaped like a tiger wolf and flew into the flock.

"With my king!"

Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang were completely excited, and the five major sects were completely destroyed in a short time.

Yes, in their view, it is completely destroyed. Without the top creatures, other creatures are a piece of sand and can't be hit.

In fact, this is the case.

Ling Feng did not use the fairy cold, but the confinement space was equally overbearing. The three major Zongmen creatures were so miserable. After a few moments, hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured. This number is still expanding. It is conceivable that they will not be long before they will All died here.

"Either go honest or die!"

Feiquan Wang drank, they did not want to die with the power of the three major sects, because the cost is too great.


It is more beneficial for them to be honest.

The battle is blasting, and the five major sects are smashing blood. The gods and scorpions show the strength of the scorpion. It is not the two sects that can block. Although the sacred is only a fourth-class demon, he has the ability to fight.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights and finally subsided.

The five main gates bowed, not as good as Ling Feng, Shen Lie and so on.

Hundreds of millions of sinisters are sincere, because they are not opponents at all, and it is better to go to die than to die, not to mention their king has already died.

Commitment is the only choice. (

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