Supreme Demon

Chapter 2848: Ning Jao ​​Yu Wang, Mo Mo Devil!

The five major sects are bowed.

For a time, the Ling Dynasty was so powerful that it would dominate the first layer of Huangquan.

The small dynasties and small forces around the world were trembled, fearing that Ling Feng led the Lingwang dynasty billions of soldiers to attack.

Different from the dynasty and the dynasty, there are many heavenly creatures in the five major sects. At this moment, it is undoubted that the overall strength of the Ling Dynasty has become stronger.

However, these creatures are not necessarily true and need to be tested.


Does Ling Feng care about these?

As long as he is still here, he will be able to live in a situation. If there is a god-deserving creature, it will be more perfect. Unfortunately, Huang Quantian's creatures have their own pride, and it is so easy to bow down.

Without Tianzun, they can only work harder.

"Clean the battlefield!"

After Ling Feng dropped the sentence, he disappeared on the battlefield and they needed some time to rest.


Feiquan Wang said with excitement that both eyes have been congested. This battle is so beautiful. The whole six forces are bloody, and the main brain figures are slaughtered.

The rest of the forces in that power are in jeopardy.

Two days later.

Ling Feng flew up into the sky and said: "You led hundreds of millions of soldiers and beat all six forces."

He didn't plan to move forward together, because it was no longer necessary, and there were enough of these creatures.


Feiquan Wang’s forehead, this is what they mean, but Lingfeng expresses it.


This is the test of the loyalty of other sects, and if they repent in the middle, then there must be someone to respond, and then Lingfeng will be able to come to an end to their lives.

If these creatures represent the six forces of the Ling Dynasty, then they have no possibility of repentance.

Because they can't repent, otherwise they will be smashed by the Ling Dynasty, and they will be cast aside by other forces of Huang Quan.

of course.

Just because these creatures are dangerous, Ling Feng also let Xiaolong secretly sneak to prevent accidents.

In fact.

Some accidents did occur. Some creatures were exploding, and the number was very high. They were led by Heavenly creatures and they had to counter the Ling Dynasty. Unfortunately, they were on the dragon and were slaughtered.


Xiaolong led the real-going creatures and completely slaughtered the six forces.

The next day.

The Ling Dynasty rushed to the army and occupied six major forces. The cold secluded was responsible for cleaning up the mess. The Ling Dynasty was a loose sand.

Needless to say.

The territory of the Ling Dynasty has grown larger, and it is unimaginable. It is a matter of years when the creatures like the cold and quiet want to go on.

To know.

The scope of the six forces can be much larger than that of the dynasty, equivalent to a sixfold increase in their sphere of influence, and even more, plus the land of the West, their territory has long been beyond imagination.

But is this the purpose of Ling Feng?

Obviously not! He is still waiting.

Just because he knows that some forces will not miss such an excellent opportunity.

"The Ling Dynasty invaded the six forces without reason, when you are!"

Ling Feng and so on came the anger of other forces, especially the anger of death, the law enforcers on the first floor of Huang Quan could not stand.

In particular, if there is the evil of the snakehead, it is impossible to be attacked.

But this is what Ling Feng wants.


Ling Feng said with a smile. "I am still worried about such an attack, so that the snakehead lost its courage."

"No, it is the six forces that attacked us. The king and the sea king died in the hands of the Yin King."

"Today, my Ling Dynasty is adhering to the will of the king and the sea king."

"I am guilty of my territory, although it is far away!"

This is Ling Feng's response, even if it is the face of the death of the blame, Ling Feng has no fear.

"Ling Dynasty, you are against the sky."

A force is pronounced.

"Which earth dog is open?"

Ling Feng far questioned.

"Your grandfather first taught!"

Huang Quan couldn't help but take a breath of cold gas and even encountered such a force.

The characters such as Ling Feng and Shen Lie are not clear, but they are clear. The first teaching is the top level of the first layer of Huang Quan. The territory is vast, no less than the current Ling Dynasty, and its strength is not weak.

Even the powers of the six major sects can only bow to them.

It can be said that the six major sects are the power of the first teachings.

"If you don't accept it, let the horse come over!"

Ling Feng said with a malicious fullness. "I suspect that the six major sects are directed by you, and this leads to the fall of King Wang Hai."

"Ling Wang, you don't want to squirt blood."

The first teaching creature is in a hurry. If they want to, then they will take the initiative to beheaded before them. Where can they be used for a storm?

Not to use a knife to kill people.

"I will find out the truth!"

Ling Feng was full of maliciousness and did not listen to the explanation of the first teaching creature.

"you dare!"

The first teaching creature was furious, and did not expect that Ling Wang would be strong enough to this level and dare to start with their first teaching.

"What are you afraid of?"

"First, you are a country."

On the same day, Ling Feng showed a strong prestige that must be said.

The two creatures, Shenlie and Xiaolong, personally led and directly attacked a dynasty under the first teaching. The whole battle ended in a short time.

"Ling Wang, you are looking for death!"

The first teaching creature is really angry, this is encroaching on their territory, which is in the majesty of provoking the first teaching.

"Hey, this king has already found out that this time, Wang Haiwang was killed, and you have the first to teach the creatures."

Ling Feng said angrily. "I will hand over the creatures that will be inserted, or the Ling Dynasty will die with you."

"Ah, you dare!"

"Do not say that no name has been done, even if it has been done, do you dare to be against us?"

"Suddenly a few dynasties, I think this will be a good talk."

Ling Feng is cold-blooded, and even more embarrassing.

That night.

The Ling Dynasty was mobilized, and it was still led by the gods and the dragons. It directly hit the dynasty of the first religion, and the attack power was too strong.

In just a few days, the dynasty was tragedy.


The gods and the dragons did not end like this, and they still led countless elite soldiers to the first dynasty.

Eight days.

The first teaching has three dynasty coefficients falling into the pocket of the Ling Dynasty.

"Ah, Ling Wang, you are looking for death!"

"Come on!"

Ling Feng responded more directly, saying: "If you don't hand over the creatures, the first teacher will pay a heavy price."

"Ling Wang, are you rebelling against us?"

The face of the **** of death indicates the anger of Ling Feng.

"You wait for me to solve the first teaching."

Ling Feng directly fanned the side of death and said, "Do not want to start at this time, unless you can find out the first creatures and find them in front of me."

"The whole layer of Huangquan is frying.

What did Ling Wang do?

He is swearing at death.

He is insulting death.

He does not even put death in his eyes.

This is really going against the sky.

"Ling Wang, you really have a good hand to die."

"Hey, if death can't give us a satisfactory explanation, why should we respect you?"

The unclearness of the death of Wang Haihai, how can we be satisfied? ”

People think that Ling Wang is crazy.

This is to do with the **** of death.

On the first floor of Huangquan, the first teacher did not dare to glare at death.

"very good!"

Death did not say anything more, like no matter what.

But people know that death is brewing, sit on the Ling Dynasty and the first teaching war, because they do not think that the Ling Dynasty has the ability to deal with the first teaching.

not to mention.

Ling Feng also smashed several other forces and did not put the forces like the First Teaching at all.

"Ling Wang, you have to pay the price."

Several major forces are open to let Ling Wang smash blood.

"First hit a few dynasties!"

On that day, Ling Wang, the mob, was dispatched.

The pro-rate hundreds of millions of soldiers have attacked several other forces, and they are like a broken bamboo. They have set an example with words and deeds, so that several major forces are bloody.

Many dynasties became the territory of the Ling Dynasty.


The first major forces and other major forces could not bear to endure and decided to move the knife to Ling Wang.


Just as they moved the knife, several dynasties were beaten down.

Ling Wang’s performance is really crazy enough.

at the same time.

Shenlie and Xiaolong have already attacked the core scope of the first teaching, which is so strong that people are suffocating, even if the first teaching is scared by the attack of the Ling Dynasty.

This is to break the net.


Ling Wang is not the previous king and sea king. His attack power is quite strong. If he does not agree with one word, he will never force it.

What pressure.

What prestige.

It is not worth mentioning in front of Ling Wang.

The first teaching wants to save the tide, it can only suppress the Ling Dynasty.


The first teaching soldiers finally moved, led by second-class Tianzun creatures, and went straight to the gods and dragons. Such opponents made Shenlie and Xiaolong feel strenuous, and they had to ask for help from Lingfeng.

"rest assured!"

Ling Feng is indifferent, but the heart is full of pressure.

If there is so much pressure in the stars, where?

Everything is too little because of the gods, and now I am stretched.

"It's time to suppress it!"

The next day.

Ling Feng brought Xiaolong back, led the elite soldiers to move forward, and they went on the road.

Instead of meeting the gods, he flew to the first teaching center and personally confronted the second-class god.

He wants to marry the king! call out! He appeared like a lightning bolt in front of the first sacred soldier, and he was powerful.

"Who is El?"

The first teaches that the second-class celestial glory is cold, and in Ling Feng, it feels unprecedented pressure.

"You Ling Wang Dad!"

After that, his gods were directly displayed at dusk, and the vast Tianwei came from the distant sky. On the spot, the first-class second-class Tianzun creature was paralyzed.

"Ning provokes the king, Mo 凌 Ling Wang!"

Ling Feng dropped this sentence and picked up the second-class Tian Zun’s head on the spot.

The whole process is less than ten interest.

The whole scene was no longer a few, and Ling Feng not only killed the second-class Tianzun creature, but also killed several Tianzun creatures by the way, so that the first group of dragons had no head.

He did not end like this, but attacked the first religion.

When the first teaching has not yet reacted, they will clean up their Tianzun creatures.

This is the madness of Ling Feng.


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