Supreme Demon

Chapter 2849: First leader

Crazy! It’s so crazy! Because of the second-class celestial commandment, the first soldiers of the soldiers were completely flustered. At this time, the gods led the hundreds of millions of soldiers, such as the same sword, which was inserted into the heart of the first sect.



The creatures such as Feiquan Wang are not at all polite at this time. They firmly believe that the creatures of Lingfeng and Shenlie can lead them to lay the first teaching because they have witnessed too many miracles.

What surprised them even more was that the first teaching did not have the celestial creatures that could get the hand, and the weak pity was broken by them within two days.

The sincere devotion, **** death.

This is totally different from what they imagined.

They are still attacking the first teaching.

at the same time.

Ling Feng has appeared in the first teaching. He did not disturb the first teaching. Instead, he used Xianli to directly disintegrate the defense of the first teaching and the prohibition, and entered the interior of the first teaching.

“Is this the first teaching?”

Ling Feng looked around and his eyes were as deep as stars. He saw different scenery here.

There is no deep suffocation here, but it looks a lot thinner. The overall momentum is not strong, and the buildings inside are more inclined to the stars, and there is really a feeling of the Holy See.

But it is not the case, just because it is Huang Quan.


Ling Feng said with a smile, here finally made him satisfied, not the kind of place in the king city.

Suitable for them to live.

He does not want to destroy this place, but to go to the center, because he has already sensed the strong atmosphere, no accident, it should be the first place to teach a few heavenly residences.

next moment.

He appeared in front of the strongest breath.


A majestic voice blew in the wind, but this did not make Ling Feng eclipse.

"You Ling Wang Dad!"

Ling Feng is still the same sentence, full of malicious.


The first leader was cold and frowned, almost thinking that he had got it wrong, but the words "Ling Wang" are now very sensitive, especially in the first teaching.

"You didn't get it wrong."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "This king is not far from billions of miles, are you going to come out and bow down?"

Bang! A smoky ash was extinguished, and a creature wearing an ancient armor appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Oh, it turned out to be a unicorn."

Ling Feng smiled, no wonder the first leader is so powerful, the feeling is one of the beasts.

"court death!"

The first leader cold drink, glaring at Ling Feng, did not expect this character to appear here quietly.

Does the first teach other creatures to eat?

"Do not be angry, because angry is useless."

Ling Feng said, "If I were you, I wouldn't be so angry, but I would find a way to kill me. What do you say?"

"It makes a lot of sense."

The first leader calmed down, but the eyes were still full of grievances.

"Do you want to solve me first?"

The first leader asked.

"It is this meaning."

Ling Feng nodded and said. "So I hope you can cooperate."

"Actually, I also want to kill you. Do you want to cooperate?"

The first leader said with a smile.

"The reason is right."

Ling Feng seriously sighed.. "However, strength does not allow it."

"The first teacher's expression was twitching, like a person who had been slashed, and he had never seen a character like Ling Feng.

"You are so immersed in the first teaching, are you afraid of being besieged?"

“Is this garbage taught by the first?”

Ling Feng smiled and said. "Really, I am not afraid!"

"Then why are you coming?"

The first teacher sneered.

If the wind is not afraid, why should it appear here?

"Because we have too many opponents, I am a troublesome person."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "If I can solve things with a simple solution, I don't want to drag on for so long."


The first leader said with a sneer.

"Or, can you vote for it?"

Ling Feng thought for a moment and said: "This king is missing a creature like you."

"The deity has this meaning."

The first teacher said with a smile: "Would you like to be honest?"

"It seems that you can't talk about it?"

"Indeed it is."

The first leader said with a smile.

"Then fight for one."

Ling Feng held his fist and said, "For so long, I think the five creatures should have come over."

"you know?"

The first teacher smiled.

Indeed, at the moment when Ling Feng appeared, the first leader did not think about dealing with Ling Feng alone, but notified the other five creatures.

"I already knew it."

Ling Feng points broken.. "But I feel that if you do it once and for all, you will lose a lot of trouble."

"You are really a personal thing."

“There are many people who have said this.”

call! At this moment, five powerful breaths came from afar and directly rushed to Lingfeng.

at the same time.

Ling Feng also disappeared at this time, like a lightning bolt. Before the first leader had not responded, he had already rushed to the distance.

"Do you want to escape at this time?

Is it too late? ”

The first teacher sneered.

But in the next moment, his face changed dramatically, because Ling Feng did not escape, but took the initiative to attack the five heavenly creatures.

Bang! A voice blew, and the first flying celestial creature did not fully understand what had happened. It was hit by the power of Xian Han and became a sculpture on the spot.

Sting! The second creature did not understand what had happened, and it was permanently frozen by Xian Han.

"The gods at dusk!"

Ling Feng used the ultimate power, and the gods came out at dusk, the world was discolored, and there was no light.

A powerful Tianzun creature flies in front of Lingfeng in the air, and it is covered with Tianwei. During his struggle, Lingfeng has set his head.

The fourth and fifth Tianzun creatures came together.


They are also not the opponents of Ling Feng, and they were suppressed by the gods on the spot, and they took off the first level.

Five Heavenly Creatures are killed in a short time.

This is what the first teacher did not think of at all, because there are two second-class gods in the five creatures, so they have been taken off their heads, which is really unimaginable.

It wanted to inform the five celestial creatures to come and kill Ling Feng, but did not think about telling them to die.

"The second-class Tianzun peak!"

The first teacher's face was heavy, and such a king would have to wait for the first time.


It can be seen that the Lingfeng can be different from the ordinary second-class Tianzun. He has the ability to fight more and more, and fights at the level of Tianzun. These talents are rare in ancient and modern times.

What is even more puzzling is that the gods at dusk can actually let the second-class Tianzun creature fly.

What is this special ghost?

The first leader did not understand.

However, at this time Ling Feng has appeared in front of it.

"Now, can we talk about it?"

Ling Feng smiled and asked.

"The second-class Tianzun is indeed not weak, but it is not enough to rely on your strength!"

The first leader was arrogant, and the momentum was bursting. He even went straight to the peak of the first-class Tianzun, and he was proud of the scorpio.

"It looks like I am in trouble."

Ling Feng sighed.

"You are going to die!"

The first leader said with a sneer. "The deity does not allow you to vote now, you must die!"


The character like Ling Feng is really terrible. It will take a long time to step into the first-class Tianzun. At that time, it is that it wants to deal with Lingfeng, which is equivalent to finding death.

Tianjiao can't be raised.

"You said so, how can I refute you?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said, "But this is exactly what I want to say."


The first leader is like a rainbow, and a ghost arrow in the claws shoots out. Every arrow is like a sharp knife. It is smashed out, and the air is rubbed with fierce friction.


It does not move the claws, but a claw is the same as the nine arrows.

No bows, only ghost arrows.

Every piece of the arrow seems to float nine days, mysterious, when it falls, the entire sky is bursting.


The sky is gone.

The nine arrows are the same, the power is endless, and each arrow is slower than the previous one. When the ninth arrow is reached, it is slow and heavy, and the naked eye can clearly capture it.

It is different.

When the nine arrows were shot, the first leader was also exhausted, his face was a lot, and there was no previous glory.

It is possible to let the first-class gods of this first-class **** show a tired arrow, and their Tianwei can be seen.

When the arrow was born, Ling Feng felt the pressure, and the temperament around him was a lot stronger. The endless Tianwei rolled in and he swallowed him.

In this kind of Tianwei, the fairy cold is slightly weak, and only the gods can work hard at dusk, and the result is still inconclusive.

For Ling Feng, this is a bit bad.

He did not want to let this fierce battle drag on, he wants to end the battle as soon as possible.

"The gods at dusk!"

When Ling Feng shouted out these four words, Wan Dao was mortal, Tian Wei was endless, and there were virtual shadows shining around him.


His eyebrows shine, and the three bans in the sea of ​​souls carry the vast expanse of heaven and earth, and the yin and dying air around them are all retreating. Only the immortal prohibition.

Sting! A sharp arrow fell apart on the spot, not the opponents of the gods at dusk.

At this moment, the dusks of the gods showed a different kind of heavenly power. It was as strong as a broken bamboo, and it was strong enough to destroy the stagnation. But it still only broke seven sharp arrows. When the eighth arrow was reached, the power of the gods at dusk was weakened. It is.


At this time, the three bans were pressed and the last three arrows were annihilated. The horror was unimaginable, and the temperament around them was annihilated. The first lord was just a bumpy boat in the rhyme.

This is the three bans.

Never see through, never foreseeable.

Forever invincible.

"You are not a Huang Quan creature."

The first lord was shocked and sinister, because the three bans were different from the power of Huang Quan, showing the most sacred side.

Moreover, this prohibition gives it a sense of familiarity.


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