Supreme Demon

Chapter 2851: Moths are on fire!

Besieged on all sides.

This is the situation that the Ling Dynasty is currently facing.

The five forces and the **** of death sacrificed the butcher knife and pressed it one by one. Although the speed was not fast, it was extremely solid. Every dynasty was shuffled, and the situation was opened by the five forces.

This is the case.

It’s not easy for the Ling Dynasty to fight back.

The five forces have already seen the problems of the Ling Dynasty, and they are strong in the middle. Once the top figures are beheaded, the entire Ling Dynasty will collapse in an instant, and they will not need to move their swords.


They slow down the rhythm. On the one hand, they consolidate their strength. Once they have laid down the Ling Dynasty, they will not give them the ability to attack. On the other hand, they will oppress the situation and force several people such as Ling Feng to come forward.

There is only one way for the Ling Dynasty to defeat them.

That is the act of beheading.

Just as the first leader of the Lingfeng Dagger and several Tianzun creatures, or the five major forces and the death of the gods, the Ling Dynasty really did not have a way to live.

The entire Ling Dynasty will be overturned.

Ling Feng didn't want to die, and he didn't want his dynasty to be built up. He only once again sacrificed the butcher's knife and won the behead.

Shen Lie and Xiao Long’s face are very ugly.

They can naturally see how dangerous the situation is. Only three of them are really not necessarily able to make five major forces and death. After all, the other side has several first-class celestial creatures, and there are many second-class celestial creatures.

It is not an easy thing for Ling Feng to kill a first-class creature, let alone a number of people?

Only each break! Because at this time, the five major forces are scattered, not in one place, perhaps these creatures will be vigilant, but it is not a problem to want to do a few with the ability of Ling Feng.

At that time, the situation was always better than it is now.


The gods were finally the forehead, and the situation was too dangerous. They had no other way.

At this time, they are eager to reverse the gods. If they are here, don't talk about the five forces, even if they face the entire Huangquan.

"But we are going with you!"

Shen Lie firmly said: "Although they are scattered, in the case of vigilance, it is very likely that they are not far apart, and at least one of the many celestial creatures within the power should deal with you."

"We can at least share some of your pressure."

"Not bad!"

Xiaolong’s forehead, now they are in Huangquan, and if Lingfeng is early, they are really hard to live out.

"I am more convenient for myself."

Ling Feng frowned and said that he really did not want to take risks.

"If you can't succeed, then I don't mean anything here."

Shen Li said with a smile: "The dagger is successful, we win this battle, the beheading fails, we will die."

"Okay, then do your best!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and said: "Isn't it a few first-class gods?

Kill them! ”

"Yes, it’s a big ticket."

"As long as we win the five forces and death, this first layer of Huangquan, we can be called the king."

Xiaolong said hoarsely. "In any case, we must persist."

That night.

Ling Feng explained some important things. The creatures of Feiquan Wang and Wu Wang mastered the Ling Dynasty, frankly speaking, and spoke the inside out, not keeping these creatures in the drums.


Ling Feng bluntly said that if the Ling Dynasty could not stand the pressure, it would be able to bow to the top five forces, and Ling Feng did not want to cause too much casualties.

Because, he will still call back.


Feiquanwang and Wuwang have a bitter smile. The current situation has reached this level. The Yin soldiers of the Ling Dynasty can surrender, but these creatures have no possibility of surrendering. The five forces cannot let them go.

They have long been tied to Ling Wang.

"Ling Wang, you must come back alive!"

"Ling Wang, I believe you will be able to get rid of your opponent!"

These two creatures are extremely loyal and expect Ling Feng to come back alive.


Ling Feng nodded, and then flew to the distance with Shen Lie and Xiao Long.

"The darkest moment of the Ling Dynasty is coming!"

Feiquan Wang looked into the distance, his face was ugly, and it knew that the reason why Ling Wang was so passive was that the Ling Dynasty was too young and too fragile.

Its wings are far from full.

Their strength is too weak.

If these master brain creatures have the strength of the first creatures under the first teaching, is Ling Wang so stretched?

If they are all heavenly creatures, then the current Ling Dynasty would dare to be the five major forces and death of hard steel.

"Can they come back alive?"

Wu Wang asked some gods and told the truth. It really doesn't really believe that Ling Feng can do it. It is easy to kill the first leader.

after all.

The first leader was completely unaware of it, no vigilance, and no defense.

Nowadays, the five major forces are vigilant, and the defenses need not be said. They want hard steel not to be able to beat the wind, but if they have the defense, it is not so easy for Lingfeng to want to behead.

If Ling Feng leaked his whereabouts, it would be even more dangerous.

Feiquan Wang did not speak, but his face was full of hidden worries.

Two days later.

The three characters of Ling Feng and Shen Lie appeared in the sphere of influence of the bloodthirsty sect, and flew toward the bloodthirsty sect little by little.

"It's a bit wrong!"

The gods frown, and the defense of the bloodthirsty is not so subtle, although they feel that the defense has become harsh.


Their perception of danger is not something that Huang Quan can understand.


Ling Feng’s forehead, the kind of extremely dangerous feeling, he also felt.

But they have no choice.

"Always give it a try."

Xiaolong said heavily.

Shortly after.

They appeared in front of the bloodthirsty sect, watching the bloodthirsty sect of the scorpion. On the banner of the far center, they portrayed a bloodthirsty cockroach. They didn't know what the creature was, but the bloodthirsty breath was blowing. Come.

"Is it going?"

God frowned and said that the dangerous feeling is stronger now.

"I will come first, you will hide in the surroundings first. Once I am in danger, I will immediately rush out."

Ling Feng said.

"it is good!"

God is forehead.

"no problem!"

Xiaolong said with a smile: "We will respond!"

In the next moment, Ling Feng swooped to the bloodthirsty sect, and the momentum was very concealed. He did not let the bloodthirsty sects discover the creatures, and then quickly advanced, using Xianli to tear the Qimen and ban, appearing in the bloodthirsty sect.

call out! He jumped into the core of the bloodthirsty sect with a lightning bolt.


Just as Ling Feng wanted to go further, the bloodthirsty squad suddenly became turbulent, and many powerful breaths appeared from all directions, and flocked to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng’s face changed dramatically and he knew that something went wrong.

Because those powerful breaths are all creatures at the first level, what does this mean?

There are not so many first-class gods in the district bloodthirsty.

"Hey, don't come, Ling Wang, do you want to repeat the original thing?"

"How is the smell of moths?"

"Ling Wang, we are thinking about meeting you."

Five consecutive creatures appeared, each of them was the first leader level, and the momentum was extraordinarily strong, and the pressure was strong, so Ling Feng felt the taboo.

"The first-class **** of the five major forces?"

Ling Feng blinked.

"Yes, we are here waiting for you for a long time."

One of the dragons, Tianzun, said with a sneer. "I didn't think you were able to set foot on my bloodthirsty, but now it's useless, you will die here."


Lingfeng eyelids are drooping and he is thinking.

Their whereabouts are very hidden. Normally, no one should find it right, because their first goal is not the bloodthirsty sect, but the nine yin sects. The direction is also the direction of Jiu Yinzong. Until five days ago, they only I decided to take the bloodthirsty sect first.

"It seems that my Ling Dynasty is not a piece of iron."

Ling Feng sighed and said: "I want to come to you for a small price."

"Those are clouds!"

The five major creatures are light and windy, but they also point out the problem.

The Ling Dynasty had ghosts and sold them.

They left on the same day, and there were not many creatures to know. Apart from Feiquanwang and Wuwang, there were only a few more loyal creatures, but they did not think of the problem.

This is what Ling Feng can expect. He first came to Huangquan. It is difficult to let Huang Quan’s creatures die because of resources alone.

The five major sects of the sects are very profitable. Even the creatures such as Feiquanwang and Wuwang will betray, let alone other creatures.


The five main masters appear in the bloodthirsty sect at the same time, and the problem will be more serious than this.


Ling Feng smiled and smiled extremely sadly.

Huang Quan is a law enforcer and a dictator. They have too many resources to control. There are news about these resources.

"You are very smart!"

The five major sects do not deny that if there is no credit for death, they are really harder to step faster than Lingfeng.

The **** of death in Huangquan is like a butterfly in the starry sky.

Although Lingfeng is very fast, as long as there is direction, the five masters will be able to step into the bloodthirsty sect in a short time by relying on the singularity.

This is what Ling Feng can't compare at the moment.

Can Lingfeng know this gap?

However, their power is weak, they can't find these creatures by banned the transfer of the gates, and the butterflies and the gods can't get in. They can only be passive.

"Thank you for coming to die!"

The five great masters were forced to come to Ling Feng, and their faces were filled with awkward smiles.

The power of madness is surging, and it is oppressed by Lingfeng.

"not good!"

At this time, Shen Lie and Xiao Long all sensed the five terrible frenzy, and their faces were ugly.


Shen Lie did not hesitate, the first to slash the singular ban, to make a **** road for Ling Feng.


Xiaolong did not hesitate. The strength of the third-class demon statues bloomed, and the squadron was banned. It was necessary to cast a terrible momentum and share the pressure of Lingfeng.

"You can't stay with me!"

Lingfeng lightning disappeared, Xianli is the strongest force he won against the enemy. He wants to defeat the five first-class gods, but the five-first-class Tianzun wants to keep him, even more impossible.


The bloodthirsty lord shouted, and the power surged in all directions. At that moment, a sinister slashing knife was flying out. (

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