Supreme Demon

Chapter 2852: The game of death!

Hey! In the scorpio, a strong air current is coming from lightning, and it is cast into a sickle shape from all sides. The whole shank is made of bloodthirsty scorpion. It is like blood splatter. It is not the gray blood unique to Huang Quan. It is the blood unique to the stars.

Yin Hong’s blood is hanging upside down, making the sickle more sinister and terrifying.

Bloodthirsty ban.

Bloodthirsty can match the first teaching in Huangquan. Its bloodthirsty ban has indelible merits. The power inside restrains Huangquan creatures, even if it is a creature of heavenly level.

at this time.

Bloodthirsty is actively using bloodthirsty bans, which is to keep Lingfeng here.


Flowing celestial blood.

The bloodthirsty ban has become even more terrible. Even if the wind has changed color, the confinement space and Xianli are unchecked, but the yin and death are suppressed. If he releases himself, he will die of yin. Gas is strong.


If he did, it would be equivalent to presenting the real origins to the five celestial creatures, and then they would have to deal with them.


He must do his utmost to keep the yin and death, and not let it collapse. In this case, the bloodthirsty ban is imposed.


Ling Feng's face is dignified and suppressed by bloodthirsty. The longer the time drags on him, the more unfavorable he is. He has no chance of winning for the top five first-class creatures.

If you want to win, you can only break through.

When the burning blade flew out, the entire blade surface was ignited by the yin gas, and the essence was not seen. There was a terrible material flying out, completely defying the prohibition, and when it was ignited by Xianli and confined space, then Tianwei is even more imaginable than Huangquan.

Ling Feng is like lightning, and he rushes to the bloodthirsty ban. He is not entangled with Tianzun, which is not good for him.

choke! The Burning Pathblade emits a gloomy light rain, carrying a hidden fairy force, bombarded in the bloodthirsty ban, because its speed is very fast, and the bloodthirsty ban has not been completely cast, Lingfeng eyes are extremely toxic, instantly Be able to see through the nature of the bloodthirsty ban and find the weakest place in the ban.

A blade flies.

Xianli and Burning Road Tianjian showed the restraint of the world, and on the spot, the forbidden life was torn out of a gap, and Lingfeng did not hesitate to rush out of the bloodthirsty ban.


The bloodthirsty lord's face changed dramatically. I didn't think that Lingfeng could find the weakest point in the first time. The banter in his hand is unusual and can be torn apart. How can the ban be the supreme level?

What's more important is that Ling Feng's strength is awkward. Once he is out of the bloodthirsty ban, it is not so easy to catch him.

"Nothing, he can't run!"

The other four lords are not flustered. In the bloodthirsty sect, there is also a **** of death, even if flying back to the Ling Dynasty?

He can't live.


At the moment when Ling Feng flew out of the bloodthirsty sect, he shouted, reminding the gods and the dragons, and the lightning flies out. When the time is not explained to the gods and the dragons, the two demon statues will be seized on the spot. They stared at them and flew away.

"Are we a moth to fight fire?"

Shen Shen's face is heavy, and he feels that the smell of Ling Feng is very fluctuating. It should be countered by bloodthirsty.


Ling Feng frowned and sighed in his heart. Although the death was not strong on the first floor, it was enough for the headaches in the news, and the Ling Dynasty still had ghosts.

Now, the five great masters are here, even if he flies back to the Ling Dynasty, he can only wait to die.


God asked.

Normally, their whereabouts are erratic and their goals are unknown. Even if they are extraordinary, they are hard to find their whereabouts.

"grim Reaper!"

Ling Feng replied quite succinctly.


The sorrowful face is ugly, biting his teeth, and hating it. "Would you like to put the butterfly in?"


In the news, they suffered a total loss, and the **** of death was really deadly to them. Only the butterfly came in to be able to succumb to death.


Ling Feng sighed, why didn't he want butterflies to come in?


It's really dangerous here. It's just the first layer that makes them stretched. The second layer and the back are even more unpredictable. The butterfly and the anti-God are their last cards. It is not wise to come in at this time.

Ling Feng used the shrinking ground to become a big magical power, and lightning flew into the distance.

The five lords are chasing after them.


Even if they do their best and use the speed of the world, they can still get farther and farther. In terms of speed, they are really not the opponent of Lingfeng.

“The second-class Tianzun in the district is so fast?”

"He has mastered a secret law, otherwise the speed is not our opponent."

"Then use the odd door ban, we will encircle him."

"what do you mean?"

A few first-class celestial eyes are bright, and it is irrational to pursue this kind of speed madness, because Ling Feng may really escape, but if you use the singular ban, the nature is completely different.

They are fully capable of catching up and killing the wind.

"We encircle him in five directions."

The bloodthirsty lord said with a smile: "In speed, we are not opponents, but on the strength level, he is not our opponent, but it is best not to fight alone."

The five lords have the forehead and are deeply convinced.

The first leader is a **** lesson.

"But we are too scattered in five directions."

One of the lords frowned.

"So, our purpose is not as simple as coffers."

The bloodthirsty sorrow sneered. "You should know the existence of the piece of earth?"

The four lords have brighter eyes, and this time they understand the intention of the bloodthirsty lord.

"Repress, temptation, and temptation."

The bloodthirsty lord said with a sneer. "If we can't get together, push them into that piece of earth!"

"Oh, this is a good idea."

The other lords laughed because they had full confidence in the piece of earth. From ancient times to the present, there was no Huangquan creature that could come out of the piece of earth.

It is reported.

At the beginning, there was a monarch who broke into the piece of the earth alone. Since then, it has not appeared again, fearing that it will fall.

It can be said.

Ling Feng may have a hope of living in their encirclement, but as long as he is forced into the piece of land, there is no hope for a hair.

Life is like a mustard.

This is what Huang Quan’s description of the piece of earth.

next moment.

They are scattered and open, flying far away, and flying farther through the singular ban, completely surpassing Ling Feng, and this is the place where Ling Feng has a headache. In the singular ban, he is far from Huang Quan’s opponent. .


Because of this, the five lords were scattered.

At this point, Ling Feng didn't know that he waited until time passed, and the five directions ran across the strong airflow at the same time.

"Is it spread?"

Ling Feng sneered and said. "Then kill one or two first."

He is quite confident.

As long as the five lords are not in one place, he can solve one in a short time.

"Get rid of them!"

There is a lot of anger in the heart of God. Since they stepped into the demon, they have never been so embarrassed.


They flew back and rushed directly to the bloodthirsty lord, and its breath was still familiar.


Like sensing the intent of Ling Feng, the bloodthirsty lord did not fly up, but flew in the other direction, to meet other sovereigns, do not want to face the wind alone.

"Oh, pretty smart!"

Ling Feng sneered, lightning speed, do not want to give bloodthirsty host will.


He still miscalculated the situation, and when he quickly pulled closer, the bloodthirsty lord disappeared.

"It’s a strange door!"

God's face is ugly, and the gas is straight.

"I don't feel right."

Ling Feng wrinkled his frown. This bloodthirsty lord is very clever. He has long expected that Ling Feng will fly back and return to it.

"Leave here first."

Ling Feng didn't want to delay, and the situation was too bad for them. The five lords knew that the speed was not good, they used the singular ban, and came from five directions, intending to encircle them.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the five sovereigns may not be successful.

However, if Lingfeng dares to delay, it is really dangerous.

Two days later.

The two masters suddenly appeared behind the Ling Feng, and they were shocked to pick up the eyebrows. They immediately retired. It is easy to kill a master. But the two are really not easy. Once they are restrained, he has no hope. .

escape! chase! The five lords were actually very depressed. Even if they used the singular ban, they could not cope with the wind. In the end, they could only change their strategy and force Ling Feng into the territory.

But what they don't know is that Ling Feng is also fleeing in the direction they expected.

Instinctively, Ling Feng chose the direction of vain and ruthlessness, where he was able to open the distance with the five lords, where his combat power was stronger and he looked more like Ling Feng.

"It's a bit interesting."

Ling Feng opened his eyes and smiled. At this time, he had already understood the intentions of the five lords.

"They can't get together, will we push us into this piece of land?"

God smiled.

"Because they think this piece of earth is easier to get rid of us!"

Ling Feng blinked. "You see, now the yin is weaker, and the sacred breath is coming to us."

"I’m so excited to break into it, is it wrong?”

God smiled.


Ling Feng said with a smile. "Even if you take the initiative, we have to pretend to be like, let them be happy first, who will make it a good person."

"It's all good people."

After a while, Ling Feng stopped, and the body's yin died a lot, and he regained his strength.

His face was pale and cold and sweaty.

In the face of divine charm, he looks thin and guilty.

"Oh, finally stopped?"

At this time, the five lords came from afar, flew in front of Ling Feng, and sealed all three directions. Only the sacred earth behind Ling Feng was not sealed.

"If you have the ability, you will go in."

The bloodthirsty lord said with a smile.

"Forcing us to enter the earth?"

Ling Feng squinted and tried to hold back the smile, so the expression on his face became "squeaky". (

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