Supreme Demon

Chapter 2873: Xiangu Tiangong!


The mountains and rivers are still the same, and the momentum is falling.

The entire Bohai Sea is like a blood cast, and it is red, and the Temple of Heaven is located on the Bohai Sea. In the Bohai Sea, there are six odd gates banned.

They are located around Tiangong, even above and below the Temple of Heaven.

of course.

This kind of strange ban is not to fix the Tiangong in the place of the Bohai Sea, but to imprison it. Even if the sea collapses and the Supreme Battle, the Heavenly Palace remains intact.

At the beginning.

The confrontation between Ling Feng and Shura Wang, the four bans and powers, the sky collapsed, the black holes and many seats, swallowing thousands of roads, smashing the sky, can repair the Temple of Heaven is not damaged, otherwise, the wind is not the momentum at this moment. The extraordinary Temple of Heaven, but a ruined temple.


Ling Feng stood in front of this Heavenly Palace and looked at Scorpio. He used to be an enemy here, but now he is the master here.

However, he is Ling Wang, not King Shura.

The three heavenly creatures respectfully squatted in the sea, letting the waves of the seas around them, they did not move, and behind them, the endless soldiers were beheaded, and devoutly welcomed the arrival of Ling Wang.

"Welcome to Ling Wang!"

The sound of the waves is swaying out and triggering a tsunami. If it falls on the dust, it is a natural disaster.


Here, such a tsunami has no impact at all. The creatures present are not all Shura Sea, and they are able to come to meet Ling Wang, which is after thousands of elections.

Although this is not a founding ceremony, it is also quite rigorous and sacred.


Shen Lie can not tolerate any accidents. This is a matter of detrimental to the dignity of Ling Wang. Ling Feng has laid the first layer of Huang Quan and established the supreme prestige, so he must stick to this prestige.

Any creature that violates its prestige and prestige will die!

"Get up!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, and then flew to Shura Tiangong under the three Tianzun creatures.


The sea of ​​sea stunned the waves, the tsunami called the sky, the massive yin and dead air rushed out of the Heavenly Palace, overwhelming, let Ling Feng conceal frown.

Such a temple is not what Lingfeng wants.

What he wants is a solid soup, a sacred land, not an evil territory.

However, he did not say anything. After all, after that, Tiangong was his own residence. If you want to build it, that is his business.

in fact.

The three celestial creatures also rarely enter the Temple of Heaven. They are not too clear about everything in the Heavenly Palace. They are only responsible for leading the Lingfeng.

The three heavenly creatures stopped in the first hall.

They do not have the qualifications of the former. According to the previous rules, they can only come here, and inside is the home of Ling Wang.

"Ling Wang please!"

The three heavenly creatures said.


Ling Feng slightly forehead, he appreciates the rules of the three Tianzun creatures, the scale is very good, every generation of kings do not want to regard their palace as someone else's inn?

not to mention.

Ling Feng is going to make this a sacred forbidden land.


Ling Feng walked alone and walked in the Shura Temple, feeling the extraordinary and different of this temple.

It is not so much a heavenly palace, it is better to say that it is an extremely vast force. There is a hole in it, a sea of ​​earth, and a mountain of death.

White bones.

Like the cold snow.

Extremely embarrassing.

Lingfeng eyes became cold, and the Shurahai actually regarded the Temple as his own burial soil, which really made him a little unbearable.


The Shura Temple is not entirely such a region. There are also some of the Eritrea, which is a small part of the Shura King’s movement from the first layer of the first layer of Huangquan. There are starry bans, sacred resources and various damages. .


The Shura King is not an idiot, a guy who only knows how to enjoy, but a taboo force in the study of the stars, Tiangong and the singular ban.

This makes Ling Feng frown deeply.

Just because he found a trace in it, King Shura appeared here not long ago. What does this mean?

He is still studying things in the sky.


Ling Feng associates with this increasingly serious situation.

"The first layer of Huangquan, the yin is dead more!"

Ling Feng sighed, since he stepped into the first floor of Huangquan, it has been three or four years, and in the process, Ling Feng can clearly capture the yin, the dead air becomes rich, and many of the earth They have all been suppressed, and the light rain has not been strong before.


Not only is the starry sky changing, but Huang Quan is also undergoing qualitative changes.

The direction of the upheaval is the same.

The end of the starry sky, Huang Quan Shengshi.

All are due to yin and death.

"Shu Shuo should be sensed?"

Ling Feng said coldly, he was able to sense that King Shura should have also discovered that the arrival of Huang Quan was coming, and the door of the starry sky would open. It was an excellent time for them to invade the stars.

To know.

The starry sky is a big fat in the eyes of Huang Quan.

"Hey, I have to see how many people can invade the stars after this!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly. Today, unlike the past, he sat on the first floor of Huangquan and held the entrance of Huangquan. If he wants to come over, he will have to pay.

He wants to lay a ban here, so that Huang Quan's second layer of creatures can feel it.

It is not so easy to want to invade.

Ling Feng swam in the Temple of Heaven, and thoroughly cleaned the Temple of Heaven to prevent the King Shura from setting up a ban here, which is not good for them.


He knew that the entrance to the second layer of Huangquan was below the Temple of Heaven, and that he wanted to step into it and pass through the Temple.

Only by taking control can you get the information.

"Somewhat mean!"

After learning about some of the news, Ling Feng was full of faces. This Tiangong is not only a residence, but also a weapon.

"First find out."

Ling Feng went forward, in this Heavenly Palace, only with his feet can not finish.

The next moment, he fell under the Temple of Heaven, where there is a mini-day palace, the shape is the same as the Shura Tiangong, its operation is the same, the difference is the size and momentum.

"This is the real core!"

Ling Feng grinned, and my heart was clear.

Only by truly mastering this Heavenly Palace can you get this weapon and open the entrance to the second floor of Huangquan.

Controlling the entrance is the true meaning of death in Huangquan.

King Shura is such a person.

Ling Feng was fortunate that he was too wise at the beginning, and did not give the time for the Shura King to react. Otherwise, it would be enough for him to fly.

Fortunately, only the Shura King is the only one who really controls the entrance to Huangquan. Otherwise, Xiu Luohai will not surrender, but will open the entrance to the second floor of Huangquan.

Each layer of Huangquan is different.

But the difference is different, Ling Feng is really not very clear, but he knows that the more down, the more gloomy the spirit, the thicker the dead.

But **** is even more terrible.

Like the 18th floor of Huangquan, it is called Huangquan Purgatory. It is very terrible. The average creature is a **** one in it. There are very few survived, but for a truly powerful creature, there is a sacred territory, which is beneficial to them. Practice.


It is glory to be able to live on the 18th floor of Huangquan. It is also fierce.

Things like the king of Shura are not necessarily eligible to enter, showing how harsh the requirements of the 18th floor are.

Not just the 18th floor.

Even if the second layer of Huangquan has requirements for living things, there is no certain strength and qualifications, and I want to step into it.

after all.

The second layer of Huangquan will have more yin and death than the first layer.


The first layer of Huangquan also has its attraction, that is, all kinds of earth and earth, and there are many kinds of earth and earth. It happened here in the first battle, which is suitable for grinding and picking up resources.

Some creatures want to go on, some creatures want to come up.

This is Huang Quan.

"First control this heavenly palace and say it again!"

After that, Ling Feng closed his eyes, and his hands were directly pushed to the mini-Tiangong. The penetration of the layers of power was able to see that the palaces of the Tiangong were all shining, and the gates were banned, and there was a force in them. Anti-blood.

"Oh, is the breath of King Shura?"

Ling Feng sneered, that is the last obsession of King Shura staying here, even the shadow can not talk.

He launched the lightning bolt and crushed the atmosphere of King Shura on the spot.


What surprised Ling Feng is that this temple is very different. The yin and dead air are the first to be integrated into the wind. It is up to this power to control. After all, Shura Wang is doing this.


When Ling Feng tried to integrate Xian Li and so on, Shura Tiangong did not even reject it. Instead, it burst out with clear light rain, like a whale swallowing the sea to devour his fairy power.

"This Heavenly Palace is afraid that it does not belong here!"

Ling Feng's eyes are brighter and I feel something.

at the same time.

He did his best, and Xianli, the forbidden soil of the immortals, and several other forces pushed to the Shura Temple for the complete sacrifice.


The Shura Tiangong is in a hidden turmoil. There are multiple light rains shining in it. It is only confined to the inside. It is invisible to others. Only Lingfeng is clear.

"No, this is a real temple!"

Ling Feng is amazed, this is what is the Shura Temple, but a heavenly palace.

At the beginning, in the time of Xiangu Xinghai, the ancestors had sacrificed a Tiangong, but the Temple of Heaven was not complete, and the eruption of the ancient charm, but unfortunately not strong enough, always makes people feel that Xiangu is no different.


When Ling Feng came into contact with this Tiangong, he truly realized the greatness of Xiangu civilization, which is a myth that shocked an era.

They should be more brilliant!

"The king of Shura did not really control this temple!"

Ling Feng sneered, using the yin and death to completely refine the Xiangu Tiangong, only the power of the stars, only the fairy power from the stars.

At this moment.

The Xiangu Tiangong seems to have a will to wake up, the momentum is turbulent, and the Bohai Sea has made waves. The mini-Tiangong is even more spurting out of the endless Huaguang, illuminating the fairy gods and illuminating the future.

this moment.

Ling Feng is like being in the battlefield of Xiangu. He deeply feels the ancient chaos and feels the vastness and stalwart.


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