Supreme Demon

Chapter 2874: Sitting in Huangquan as the king!

Xiangu Tiangong!

There was a heaven in the age of ancient times, and it was an extraordinary ancient martial art. Even if the years have wiped out too much truth and history, there are always some people who remember it.

For example, Guwu!

For example, heaven.

That is the eternal age of the years.

Put it in the world, that is against God.

The greatness of the anti-God is being realized step by step. It is true that it is not as good as the ancient world, but history will prove how a great power is against God.

If you put it in Xiangu period?

That is the Xiangu Tiangong.

It is not only a heavenly palace, but also represents a great power. It is a pity that such a great power has finally ended in a tragedy. Even Xiangu Tiangong has fallen into the middle of Huangquan and will sink forever.

What kind of sadness is this?

When Ling Feng Xian Li was integrated into the Wan Gu Tian Gong, when he sensed the will from Xian Gu.

When he showed the battlefield of Xian.

Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh, what a stalwart figure, what a great power?

They carried the will of all beings, and they confronted Huang Quan, and the infamous and horrible creatures, and finally fell into the yellow spring, and the blood flowed into the sea.

Xiangu Tiangong sank.

It was imprisoned in the sea of ​​Shura, became a sacrifice, and became the goalkeeper of Huang Quan.

Can it not be sad?


At this moment, Ling Feng is coming.

He carries the war of the entire starry sky, carries the fighting spirit of all beings, and brings eternal hope.

Xianli was born.

Fairy is coming out!

The horrible power that transcends everything, the power of the generations of great people has finally become a reality.

If Xiangu Tiangong is a person, I am afraid that I can’t help but cry at this moment.

The truth that Xiangu Wangu has been deducing, and the characters who can smash the truth, have really appeared.

Only Xianli can restrain everything.

Only Xianyu can make a living.

Ling Feng is inducing Xiangu Tiangong, and Xiangu Tiangong is also sensing Lingfeng. This is not a unilateral "feeling", but a mutual "expectation" and mutual "love".

There is no turmoil in Xiangu Tiangong, let Lingfeng's powers come in, and also take the initiative to let Lingfeng's power come in.

Get together!


The mini-Tiangong broke out like a mountain-like Tianwei, and it blew a half-biased sea. It shocked thousands of waves, and a ray of light rained from the mini-day palace, dispelling thousands of miles of haze, making the sea stunned.

There are no horror and panic in the Shura Sea creatures.

Such things happened in the Heavenly Palace. In these years, King Shura has been trying to sacred the Temple of Heaven and wants to control it completely. Therefore, from time to time, Xiu Luohai can see this wave.


Xiu Luohai changed the owner, how can Ling Wang let go of Xiangu Tiangong?


Who can succeed?


Ling Feng eyes wet, Yin Hong flies, the surrounding Bohai Sea is burning.

The mini-day palace became more and more embarrassing, and the light rain inside it almost drowned the Lingfeng. The endless Tianwei finally surged out, blending with the fairy tales of Lingfeng, and bursting out a unique frenzy.

A wave of waves swayed in all directions.

A strange light filled the world.


All of this stopped at a certain moment, the wave stopped, the strange light stopped, and then the endless frenzy came toward Lingfeng, contracted at a speed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

next moment.

The explosion suddenly occurred, and even the Lingfeng had a feeling of being out of reach.


The Bohai Sea was bombarded with the sky, and the endless souls felt weightless, and then the Bohai Sea stopped abruptly and slowly fell.

Everything calmed down as if nothing had happened.

However, the Shura sea creatures are all different. The deep Tianwei of Shura has come from all directions, so that they are all too much to eat.

At this time.

The Bohai Sea cracked open, revealing that Ling Wang, who was full of faces and smiled, held the mini Tiangong.

The mini-Tiangong is like a lamp in his palm, full of enthusiasm, and like an elf, beating a different flame.

That scene only lasted for a moment.

The mini-Tiangong was slowly integrated into Lingfeng's eyebrows, leaving an extremely light imprint.

Even if it is an idiot, Huang Quan’s creatures are clear at this moment. Ling Wang is really different. He has done things that Shura Wang can’t do.

Sacrifice the Shura Temple... Success!

In this regard, Ling Wang is the first in history.

The three celestial creatures have lower heads, and they are very clear about what this means. The King of Heavenly King is so tyrannical. Once he enters the supreme level, it is simply going to break the sky.

Ling Wang will be the greater king of the Supreme King.

Just as they wanted to congratulate themselves, Ling Feng suddenly disappeared in front of them and appeared at the bottom of the Bohai Sea.

There is a 50 million-mile space there, which was built by Qimen. Although it is not a top-level Qimen, it has a full nine-fold, like a tornado. When the ninth ban was imposed, the space has been reduced. Only ten million miles.

Here is the strange door to the second floor of Huangquan.

Lingfeng lightning flew down and appeared in the ninth ban.

Peeling off a heavy fog, Ling Feng came to an ancient Qimen, and there is an insult here, standing in the center.


Suddenly, the grimstone trembled and presented a creature from above.

Its eyes are pale, revealing the color of the forest, the face is like a dead tree, the top two heads of the head, although it is a humanoid creature, but it always makes Ling Feng want to destroy its humanity.

"Who are you? Shura?"

The voice on the glyph came from the creature.

"Who are you?"

Ling Feng is cold and cool, although he does not know what species of the creature on the monument, but probably guessed some truth.

The creatures on the monument should belong to the second layer of Huangquan, and they communicate in this way.

"I am the ancestor of Lingquan, sitting in Lingquan Mountain, who are you?"

Huang Quan's ancestors frowned, and the appearance of Ling Feng was too surprising.

"I am Ling Wang. If you have anything, let me talk to me."

"what are you?"

Huang Quan’s ancestors smiled coldly and did not put Ling Feng in his eyes, because it had long been seen that Ling Feng was just a Tian Zun. Because of the Yin Yin and the ban, Huang Quan’s ancestors could not see the wind. Real strength.

"Let Shura's old man come out and talk to me!"

"I am afraid not!"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled. "Now you have to talk about anything, I am afraid I can only talk to me!"

"What do you mean?" Huang Quan's ancestors were cold.

"Because the king of Shura was killed!"

Ling Feng smiled and was very casual, but this was a shock to Huang Quan’s ancestors.

But it was only a moment, and then Huang Quan’s ancestors laughed, “Is it by you?”

"Is it yours like this?"

"You are not afraid to laugh at me?"

Huang Quan’s ancestors laughed in the sky and really didn’t take it seriously because it didn’t believe it at all.

Killed by Tianzun, how weak the Shura King is.


Ling Feng hands embraced, looking directly at Huang Quan's ancestors, letting them laugh.

Huang Quan's ancestors smiled and laughed, because Ling Feng was too calm, and it thought of some things, this door can only be opened by Shura Wang, only Shura Wang can come here.

But it is only this Ling Wang that appears here today, it is very confusing.

"Does King Shura not want to talk?"

Huang Quan’s ancestors said coldly, “Don’t want to get a god, you will fool me.”

"I said something, talk to me!"

Ling Feng once again stressed.

"Well, then let me convey it."

Huang Quan’s ancestors said impatiently, it felt that the King Shura’s goods were too unconcerned.

"There is a sudden change in Huangquan, the first layer is not obvious, but the depths have changed dramatically. It is obvious that the prosperous world will appear, and the major layers fluctuate greatly. We want to open the 18th floor as soon as possible and honed each other, which is conducive to the prosperity of the world. ”

"My second-tier character is going to come up, and you can go down."

"Let him seriously consider it, don't talk to me."


Ling Feng responded calmly.

"The more things drag on us, the more we are able to talk about it, but if the characters on the third floor, and even the characters on the fourth floor, come, they will not speak so well."

Huang Quan's ancestors frowned, and its attitude toward Ling Feng was very unhappy.


"Go and call the old Shura!" Huang Quan's ancestors are about to blow up.

"I said, Shura was knocked out by me!" Ling Feng said calmly.


For the first time, Huang Quan’s ancestors carefully looked at Ling Feng, because if Ling Wang was sent by Shura Wang, then this kind of big reversal is enough to make it die.

I dare say this here, I am afraid that it really happened.

"Okay, then I will talk to you."

Huang Quan’s ancestors suppressed their inner curiosity and anger, and said coldly, “We have teamed up to create an alternative channel, and this channel is completely open, no longer limited...”

"I'm tired."

Ling Feng said faintly, interrupted the enthusiasm of Huang Quan's ancestors.


Huang Quan's ancestors took a look.

"I'm tired."

Ling Feng repeated again.

"What do you mean?" Huang Quan's ancestors still did not respond.

"You said slowly, I will go back to sleep first, come too hurried, not enough to sleep."

After that, Ling Feng really looked back and no longer took care of Huang Quan's ancestors.

"Ling Wang, what do you mean in the end?" Huang Quan's ancestors blew up, even if the Shura King did not dare to give face.

"I said let you talk to me, you don't talk."

Ling Feng grinned. "That will wait until later, I will talk about it when I want to talk."

"Ling Wang..."

The ancestors of Huang Quan’s ancestors, what kind of creature is this special?

At present, Huang Quan is flourishing. Only by joining hands can it benefit. Otherwise, what else is there?


Ling Feng stopped.

He smiled and turned his head and looked at Huang Quan's ancestors. He grinned and showed eight good-looking teeth and said, "Please call me Ling Wang!"


The ancestors of Huang Quan once again smashed. What kind of trouble is this?

Changed the name?

Not Ling Wang?

Ling Dawang?

"This mountain is me, this tree is the king I planted!"

Lingfeng human and animal harmless smile "to think about this road, leaving a road to buy money..."

"I will find me after nothing, I will find you something!"

After that, Ling Feng disappeared in front of Huang Quan's ancestors, and the angry Huang Quan ancestors smoked directly... that was really smoking.


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