Supreme Demon

Chapter 2882: Looking down on the Mozu!

This situation can be treated as a memory!

It was just a stun!

With the removal of the demon from the battlefield, the resentment of the Mozu and the anti-God for centuries also came to an end at this moment. The anti-God defeated the invisible Mozu by the weak, and it was in the absence of Ling Feng.

The magic field is fierce.

No demon Lord is present, Ye Witch, Candle Dragon, etc. completely dominate the battlefield, and the Mingtian beast can be completely independent.

Although the Mozu also has the demon statue flying out, but it is still not against the opponent of God.

They are strong and horizontal!

They look down on the Mozu!

The two regiments of the anti-blood and the demon are sweeping. Only the demon army of the demon domain can be confronted with them. Unfortunately, because the demon Lord has withdrawn from the battlefield, the entire demon domain has been covered with a haze, and the demon gods have no mood to fight.

The battlefield, the main brain character is really important!

Under the strong repression of the anti-god, the demon domain is retreating little by little, and the vitality is greatly hurt.

The anti-God was hit in all directions, and I couldn’t know how many Devil Kingdoms, and created a miserable blood case, which directly hurt the Mozu.

Their long-standing beliefs have collapsed!


The devil is still less than the wind, whether in personal strength or personal ability.

of course.

This is not entirely the responsibility of the demon Lord. The problem of the demon domain is far more than that of the devil. The characters of Ye Witch, Yang Zong, and Xun are really terrible. Perhaps they are not strong enough in strength, but in In wisdom, they can be called heroes.


The anti-blood army is like a broken bamboo, all the way forward, the only thing that can suppress them is the demon statue. Unfortunately, this time, the demon statue is being beaten by the beast of the beast, and there is no time to take care of the anti-blood army.

After a while.

The Anti-Blood Legion is separated from the Devil's Day, each pushing one direction.

The butterfly is fully netted.

Behind the hidden gods, on the one hand, the devil, on the other hand, is also to ensure the safety of the butterfly.

Just one month.

The Mozu will fall into a large piece, and there are too many unfortunate devil gods. It can be said that most of the **** countries around the Tianmo Kingdom have been bullied. For a long time, they are afraid that they will rise.

The disaster of the Mozu is far from over.

When Ye Witch, Ling Qing and other healed, this cross-pushing really started. Without the devil's seat, the demon domain is completely the fish on the sword.

Dealing with the other gods of the Mozu, there is really no passion for rebelling against the gods, but as long as they are against the forces of the demon domain, they are just like chicken blood.

Just because.

When the anti-God was insulted by the demon domain, and now belongs to their dojo, it is natural to reverse the gods.

For a time.

There are many deaths and injuries in the demon domain, that is, the demon statues are killed by two.

“Why is Supreme still not shooting?”

Some people in the Mozu are crying. This kind of tragic scene is something they have not experienced. They are eager for the Supreme to turn the tide and push the anti-God.

“Why is the Supreme sitting down?”

Someone is asking questions and their eyes are red.

Some characters in the demon domain are questioning.

The devil is tragic, the demon is miserable, where is the Mozu Supreme at this time?


"a bunch of idiots!"

A demon statue flies out, cold to the void, and makes a more sad voice. "Do you want the Mozu to completely tragedy?"

"Do you want the Mozu to fall into the hands of the gods?"

He told some truth.

At the beginning, there was an agreement between the Mozu Supreme and the Burning Supreme Supreme. The two forces confronted each other and could not use the Supreme People. Otherwise, they would tear up the Covenant and then upgrade to the Supreme War.

just now.

It’s just that the gods of the gods invade the Mozu, and if the Mozu Supreme dares to do it, it is equivalent to giving the excuses of the invading Mozu.

What will be the situation at that time?

Are you really sitting in the East when you fall?

Are you really staring at other forces in the stars?

Some forces can stand up to the Mozu Supreme?

At that time.

Only one person of the Mozu Supreme can not stop the starry sky, especially the burning of the Supreme. In the first matchup, the Mozu Supreme was evacuated from the battlefield, and it was almost burned to the sky. Now, do you want to repeat the old things?

Nowadays, as long as there is a reason to burn the Supreme.

The Mozu Supreme will surely die. By then, the Mozu will not have the Supreme Court, even if the Lord is extraordinary, I am afraid that the entire Mozu will fall.


The current situation is very tricky, but Ye Witch, Ling Qing and so on have the scruples, they can not eat the entire Mozu, after all, Ling Feng is not present, otherwise the situation will be different.

They are indeed miserable, but only the Mozu are still there.

When the truth is revealed, those Mozu characters immediately shut up, although they are very unwilling, but they can only lie.


They also saw the problem. The Eastern Rain is now a guest at Tianfu. The intention is obvious. Only a lot of demons are irritated, and this feeling is only there.

In fact.

The Mozu Supreme is not in a hurry. He is more anxious than anyone. The importance of the devil to the entire Mozu is self-evident, but now he dares not to be born. On the one hand, he is afraid to burn the Supreme, on the other hand, he is worried about detonating this. Battle of the field.

He can only bear it!

He knows that the Lord is still alive!


He is even more worried. Although the Lord is working very hard, but today is at the end of the starry sky, the progress of reversible God is still so fast, and the progress of Lingfeng is even more unpredictable.

Not present, but still able to suppress the Lord!

How terrible is this?

The Mozu is going to repeat the tragedy of the Ages.

"End it!"

When the pace of reversing the gods is accelerated, the demons fall more characters, and they have already suffered a lot of damage. The Mozu Supreme knows that they can no longer wait, and must end this battle as soon as possible, otherwise the entire Mozu will be tragedy.

The day.

He flew out of the Mozu, appeared in the starry sky, went to the door in person, and called to burn the Supreme.

The same day.

The Leaf Witch was given orders, from the Burning Supreme, to suspend the attack.

The Mozu and the Anti-God finally settled for a moment, and both sides are doing their best to heal, because everyone knows that the negotiations are not so smooth.


Two days later.

The Leaf Witch once again launched an attack. On the spot, they overturned the two big cities of the Tianmo Kingdom. The speed was unabated, pointing directly to the Tianmo Kingdom. This is the rhythm of the whole day.


Mingtian beast, cold as the moon, etc. flew out, directly killing the two demon statues, casting a **** bloody case.


They received another message and stopped the attack.


The Supreme succumbed, and had to bow down to the rebellion, because if he continued this way, the entire Mozu would be abolished.


The conditions against the gods are too heavy, it is the Mozu can not afford, but at least they can still live, the Mozu still have time to recover.

Who makes the anti-God a winner?


For the time being, the devil can't eat the devil, and the devil can't afford to repel the god. Only the negotiation can solve the problem. He should be glad that the object of the negotiation is to burn the heavens. If it is the wind, the rebellion is only worse.

A few days later.

The battle is finally over.

The Mozu Supreme flew back, while the Yews and other gods were evacuated from the battlefield, and the Mozu characters could finally relax.

Starry fryer!

People know that the anti-God is terrible, but I don’t think that the anti-God is terrible to this extent.

In the past, people were even more eye-catching, and it was a real king. As long as there was a wind, the gods were not defeated.

Now, their gaze has finally fallen on the back of the gods, even if there is no wind, the anti-God can still let the Mozu bow down.

This is the anti-God!

"Reappearing the ancient world!"

The ruins of the ruins of the wilderness screamed, but fortunately they did not confront the gods, otherwise they would be much more miserable than the Mozu.

To know.

The wilderness is different from the Mozu. The Mozu is in another starry sky. It is not suitable for rebelling against the gods. Therefore, the rebellious **** can only withdraw from it. There is no meaning to be hit, but the ruinous heaven can be in the starry sky. of.

"No, anti-God will be a stronger force than the Heaven of Heaven!"

The Lord of the Palace of the Cold Palace said seriously: "They have resilience. They have blood. They are step by step from weak to small. This can be different in the ancient world!"

The ancient heavens were created by several powerful people who did not experience too much wind and rain.

But the anti-God bathed in the wind and rain, which is also the place where the anti-God is better than the ancient world.


Time is not against God's heaven.

"I hope this world will be different!"

Like the Xuankong, the Guanghan Palace, and other figures, there are some people to see. Lingfeng stepped into Huangquan. I am afraid that it is not so simple. Although there is no open star map, it is the back garden of the gods. s right.


The anti-God Lord Ling Feng is fighting for life and death in Huang Quanzhong, and they are eligible for such a privilege.

"After that, the starry sky is only against God!"

Many forces are sighing, but the expression is congratulations and congratulations.

The Mozu can be said to be second only to the anti-God in today's forces. Only they are qualified to challenge the anti-God, but this second child is still miserable, and other forces are even less qualified to challenge the anti-God.

The flood road is quiet.

The roster of death is quieter!

The same day.

The Witch of the Leaf carries hundreds of millions of rebellious returns, and the first thing makes the starry sky, because the anti-God has opened up the star map, although only the star map is the first.

"That is indeed a sacred land, but there is also a crisis, and every major force is advised to be careful!"

After the leaf witch finished, she wouldn’t ask.

The anti-God is at the beginning of the arrangement, setting a ban in front of the second star map to prevent someone from entering.

Although the anti-God is so powerful, it is not allowed to let the major forces complain, especially the forces of the Void. Sometimes, appropriate resources are released, so that the major forces can share, the wind and rain can be shared, and it may be unexpected. reward.


Ye Witch and Ling Feng are different. Ling Feng hopes that one person will open Huang Quan and worry that too many forces will cause unnecessary trouble.


The Witch of the Leaf wants to use the power of the major forces to open the Yellow Spring just because they are going to find the whereabouts of Ling Feng.

A few days later.

The first star of the star map is open to the stars, and the forces are swarming in. With the massive scent, people are completely crazy. I really didn't think that the Lord said it was true. This is indeed an extraordinary god.


They have not yet carnival, the tragedy has taken place, and several heavenly characters have been eaten by the first in the star map!


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