Supreme Demon

Chapter 2883: Like the sky!

star map!

This is an extraordinary **** figure, but also a **** of death.

The rhyme is endless, as if it has come up from the sky, filling the entire star map, even in the late autumn of the universe, the star map is unaffected, the charm is still surging, it is like a paradise, beautiful.

The vegetation is tall and the foliage is lush.

The grass is green and green, and it is born.

They don't have to go in the direction of the holy sun, because the rhythm in the star map is far more horrible than the holy sun, and these rhymes are enough to moisturize the entire rainforest.

The martial arts in the star map, even if they are not practicing, are lazy all day, and they must make progress.

The rhyme can automatically fill up its body, making it stronger step by step. If it is not lazy, it can improve more, but these charms are not endless. When it fills the martial arts dantian, to a certain extent, the charm will not be too Great role.

If Wu Xiu wants to improve, he needs other charms.

This is more like a ban in the star chart.

Even so.

The vastness of the first star of the star map is also fatal to the attraction of martial arts, especially in the late autumn of the universe, when it is about to enter the end of the road, this kind of charm is too important, I don’t know how many characters break the head. Come in.

In fact.

After the news of the demon Lord released the news, some people concealed the origins, sneaked in, and experienced the charm of the star map to make themselves stronger.

When the star map is open, on the same day, I don’t know how many martial arts flying on the star of life come to see the star map, linger on, and never want to leave.


Everything has two sides, and the star map has a "yang" side. Naturally, there must be a "yin" side.

Undoubtedly, the "positive" side of the star map is fascinating, and this life is unforgettable. It is even easier to overlook the "yin" side of the star map.

What is the "yin" side of the star map?

The star map is too shocking, even if it is a grass, it must be drastic, not to mention the creatures. At the beginning of the star map, there are various creatures, including the gods of the gods level. The beast is also undergoing dramatic changes.

They become more unpredictable and more horrible.

At the beginning.

When Ling Feng came in, he faced the star map and the spirits, the Thunder yin and yang fish, the starry sky and the ancient trees, etc., can be called the top level of the creatures, very dangerous, and an inadvertent tragedy will end.


That is because they are strong enough, and many weak creatures are afraid of it.


These characters, such as Ling Feng, really did not put other weak creatures in their eyes. Even if they were beheaded, what could they get?

He intended to treat these creatures as anti-god whetstones, so that the anti-God people became stronger. Only in this way can they face the last wind and rain, but he did not think that the real sharpening of the knife turned out to be the major forces of the stars. Character.

Although the anti-God issued a warning to remind the star map that it was extremely dangerous, the major powers who had come to the scene had already been crazy by the temperament of the star map, ignoring the reminder of the anti-God, and the tragedy occurred under such circumstances.

Several heavenly characters were eaten on the spot by the creatures in the star map!

This kind of thing happened, obviously the major forces were caught off guard, and the news was spread too slowly. Everyone was madly picking up the charm, and there were not many martial arts that were really alert.


The tragedy is still happening. On the same day, several other heavenly figures died in front of the old trees.

The ancient trees in the star map have been mutated, and they can be used to fill the body with the charm and blood, and then detach themselves.

The creatures that the wind does not care about do not mean that these creatures are very weak.

Are the creatures at the heavenly level really weak?

At least, these creatures are really deadly for the great influencers of the world.

When the major forces finally realized the danger, more than 30 heavenly figures had been killed, and the news spread at this time, completely awakening people at the place.


Even if they are alert, the tragedy is still happening, only because in some dangerous areas, the charm is more extraordinary and the quality is changing.

Especially close to the Bohai Sea, the creatures inside are unusual, even more terrible than when the wind came.

A creature can kill the heavens!

Heavenly characters step into it, it is a dead end.

On the third day of the first reopening of the star map, the Tiandao characters were killed by five hundred. It was hard to imagine. I don’t know how many characters lost their colors. The more serious things happened on the third day.

A goddess of death list was killed in the Bohai Sea.

"That is a restricted area, not enough strength, don't be arrogant!"

The leaf witch is a cold reminder, saying "the consequences are conceited!"


Warnings have been set up beforehand, but it is a pity that some forces have become the ear and do not care. This has caused such a great disaster.

Of course, this is inseparable from the fact that some forces do not trust the anti-God. They feel that the anti-God has set up warnings here. It is very likely that they do not want them to set foot. There may be shocking treasures.


"The star map is dangerous, take care!"

Ling Qing Xu said, "At present, only the first star map is open, and the star map will be open later, but not now!"

She does not want the major forces to be good at the double star map, and even more heavy star maps.

The anti-God is honing inside, some of the heavenly powers and skills against God are still very important, and the anti-God sets different prohibitions in it, which takes time to sort out.

after all.

This time they came to Huang Quan.


The star map is self-evident for the anti-God, very important. If the non-magic lord jumps out, can the leaf witch be willing to throw such a large piece of fat?


She let go of the door and let the major forces enter the scene.

However, it is easy to enter the game and it is difficult to play.

"Come in, then don't think about going out?"

The leaf witches smiled coldly, the starry sky will end, the major forces will try their best, and now the leaf witch gave them a ticket.

It is a pity that admissions that the forces clearly do not understand need to be cautious.

Interest is touching!

A force that is so deceitful to God, is it only opened by the public opinion?

"I am waiting to enter the star map!"

On the fifth day of the opening of the star map, the Mozu couldn’t help it, and the Supreme wanted to enter.


The charm of the star map is indeed extraordinary. There is a rhyme in the starry sky. There is also the rhyme that the Mozu needs, but the direction is different, such as some earth.

If the Mozu is late, the impact is very large.

The Supreme Lord of the Mozu does not want to be kicked off by the major forces, and must win every opportunity.


Their treatment can be done without major forces.

"Give me a reason!"

Yeh Witch's first opening, a strong expression of anti-God attitude, the previous Lord of the Lord to pick things, provoked the anti-God into the Mozu, forced him to sign a variety of sad reminders, and returned in a down-to-earth posture.


The originator of the Mozu, who wants to enter the star map?

Then what is the reason?

What reason can you let the gods open their doors for you?

The Mozu Supreme was instantly stunned. He couldn’t find a reason. Can you get a reason to enter the star map?

Is the empty road needed?

Is the Guanghan Palace needed?

Don't need a roster of death?

Why do the demons need?

This is a difference!

However, the anti-God is treated differently, and how can the Mozu be able to reverse the god?

This time can be different from the original. When the devil was just picking things up, there were indeed many forces who came to question and wanted to suppress the gods in public opinion and force them to open their doors. Now they have done it.

Who would dare to help the Mozu at this time?

Who wants to be kicked out of the star map?

As long as the major forces are not idiots, there will be no power at that time or that the character will stand up.

not to mention.

They are different from the position of the Mozu.

"Everything can be talked about!"

The Mozu Supreme can only open his face with thick cheeks, even if he is facing a Tianzun, but he has to be pleasing to the face, soft and flattering.

Since the floods of Heaven, Xianting, etc. have been smashed.

The Mozu eventually had to bow to the reverse.

Moreover, just in the evening of the same day, the Mozu Supreme personally flew to Tianfu, and talked with the Burning Supreme, hoping to get the right to enter the star map.

The talks were enough to talk for two days.

Finally, Burning Heaven Supreme smiled and sent the Mozu Supreme to leave.


The star map does not limit the Mozu, but it does not allow any warfare in the chart to be smashed. Otherwise, the anti-God will kick it out of the star map.

All major forces are bowing.

This is the current anti-God!

No forces can challenge, even the Mozu, even the Supreme.

Like the sky!

Not only the ancient world, but also the current anti-God.


Just as the major powers were desperately trying to pick up the first glory of the star map, Ye Witch and Ling Qing began their journey along the path that Ling Feng had traveled because they wanted to know the true intention of Ling Feng.

Although they still can't get into Huangquan, the clues left in the star map should be able to see some problems and guess some truth.

They were banned from flying to the fifth star map by the first star map.

One heavy and heavy.

A heavy attempt to figure out.

By the time of the fifth weight, the leaves of the Witch's eyes brightened a lot, at least not the previous dead.

"He is looking for a way to live!"

The leaf witch sullenly vomited, but the voice was still very low.


Ling Qing and so on looked up and looked around.

"Wan Wanxian lost the ancients and proved that this road is unreasonable. He wants to take a different road."

"What road?"

Ling Qing asked.

"I don't know yet."

Ye Witch shook her head and said, "I am afraid that he has not figured it out. You need to enter Huangquan to understand."

"This is not a blind plan, but a local action and cheap action."

"So, he shouldn't be hard steel Huang Quan?"

"should be!"

Ye Wow’s forehead said, "But they are only three people, they are still too weak. Xiangu Wangu Nao and other strong people are all in Huangquan. The three of them are far from enough. The end will be there. We must get through this article as soon as possible. road!"

As the current news is summarized, Ye Witch also sees some truth.

The road to death is from Huangquan.

The road to life is also from Huangquan.

Although the characters of Wan Gu Xian Gu have been defeated, they are not stupid. If Huang Quan is a way of life, can they fight to die?


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