Supreme Demon

Chapter 2890: Sack cover supreme!

Two Tianzhou boats are flying across the road.

Huang Quan's ancestors stood in the first Tianzhou, his face was full of anger, and the secluded mountain became a ruin. I don't know how many years it will take to recast.

If the most important part of the secluded spring falls in the hands of Ling Wang, then he really has to be tragedy.


What makes him puzzling is that the secluded spring is different in momentum. Even if the Supreme Creature wants to cross it is not easy, and it must be alarmed, even if he is far away, he can sense it.


The problem is here, and there is no wave of surprises in the secluded spring. It seems to have been suppressed by Lingwang Lightning, so there is no sound.

Did not alarm the fountain, but did not alarm him.

This is very abnormal!

Doesn't it mean that Ling Wang is already strong enough to ignore the glory?

If Ling Wang is so strong, is it still necessary to avoid it?

All kinds of reasons, so that Huang Quan's ancestors urgently want to return to the secluded mountain, to see what is the only thing, only know what Ling Wang used in the end, so that the fountain did not make any sound, he was able to deal with Ling Wang.


Their understanding of Ling Wang is almost zero, and Ling Wang has a lot of understanding of them. This kind of unequal information makes Huang Quan's ancestors feel uneasy.

He is immersed in his own thoughts.

I have not noticed that the Tianzhou, which is thousands of miles behind it, is undergoing drastic changes.

Ling Feng and Shen Lie are extremely fast, and they cleanly swayed the fascinating springs, and even more simply throw them into the scorpio bag, and in the inside, let the sacred springs have the ability to pass the gods and escape.

Just half a quarter of an hour.

Ling Feng smashed thirteen secluded Tianzun, and threw all of these celestial gods into the celestial bag.

Even if the sky is extraordinary and the space is vast, this time there is a feeling of being filled up, drumming, and sometimes a huge wave of waves hitting it, as if there is a little beast inside, even if it is a **** You must do your best to hold the Scorpio bag to prevent the creatures from escaping.

"There are still a few, we have to work harder!"

Ling Feng said low voice, the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable they were.

The second Tianzhou had no movement at all, and it was inevitable that Huang Quan’s ancestors would not be suspicious, and it was not far from the Quanquan Mountain, and it was at most half an hour’s clock.

They want to overturn more Tianzun as much as possible, so it is easier to deal with Huang Quan's ancestors.

If you can "single out" Huang Quan's ancestors, Ling Feng is quite happy.


Soon, the creatures were overturned by the wind, and the gods were responsible for the equipment. In the package, the gods really dared to despise anyone, even if it was a wind.

In this respect, he has a hundred years of experience!

"Get it, get it done!"

Shen Lie clap his hands, extremely satisfied, more than a dozen Tianzun all fell into his hands, in this case, they have to deal with most of Huang Quan's ancestors.

at least.

Ling Feng does not have to be too distracted, and there are ten Tian Zun to control the situation, he has time to kill Huang Quan's ancestors.

"not enough!"

Ling Feng Dao is serious, thousands of miles away. He can clearly perceive the imposing atmosphere of Huang Quan's ancestors, deep and heavy. This kind of momentum is on the Shura King, and Ling Feng can not perceive it.

This means that Huang Quan's ancestors are stronger!

"Then the first boat in the sky!"

Shen Lie said with a smile, although there is too close to Huang Quan's ancestors, every move is very dangerous, but if it succeeds?

Even if they are not successful, can they overturn a few creatures?

As long as the burden is successful, it is beneficial to them.

“Well, but remember carefully!”

"it is good!"

Two figures flew out of the second Tianzhou, and the thief flew to the first Tianzhou.

Xianyu released a stronger Tianwei, concealed flicker, and entered the first Tianzhou range. Lingfeng did not immediately start, but first observed the Tianzhou, looking for the Tianzun creature under the order.


A moment later, he found a creature in the rear, and he turned it over on the spot, and the gods put it neatly into the Scorpio bag.


Ling Feng was made in the same way and loaded with several creatures.

This is the end.

There are only nine Tianzun creatures on the first Tianzhou. This is similar to Lingfeng. At this time, even if they fight, the impact is not as great as before.

"Reload one!"

Shen Lie lowered his voice and said, because the creatures on this Tianzhou are extremely strong and belong to the first-class Tianzun category. Although the eight creatures from the first layer of Huangquan are also first-class Tianzun, they may not be able to Win, I am afraid I will be weaker.

It is not easy for Shenlie and Xiaolong to resist the attack of the first-class Tianzun creature.

"it is good!"

Lingfeng lightning flew to one side, picking up a Tianzun creature, the fairy blade became a great stick, and knocked it down directly, and Shenlie did not hesitate to put the Scorpio bag on the head of the creature.

The creature is somewhat out of the expectation of Ling Feng, obviously stronger, but only a moment of loss, until the Shenbao bag just fell.

The creature gave a horrible and exclaimed voice.


The speed of the gods was quite fast, and the horror was covered in the scorpio bag.

At that moment, Ling Feng’s breathing was blocked, only a little, if the creatures were called out, they would have no chance.

have to say.

The ancestor of Huang Quan’s ancestors is really good to use, and he has to praise him.

“Would you like to flip another creature?”

Shen Lie said with a smile, this time they have been relaxed, overturned twenty heavenly creatures, the situation has reversed, they are not losing.

If they can smash a few creatures, then they will be more advantageous, and even completely suppress the sacred creatures.

"of course!"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled. "However, I want to make a big vote."

"You want to overthrow him?"

The gods were so stunned, and then the stool was measured and laughed. It must be said that this product is really bold, and he is not afraid of this kind of boldness.

Tai Te is irritating!

His gaze fell on the figure in the boat.

Huang Quan ancestors!

Obviously, it is not the other celestial creatures that Lingfeng wants to overturn. Only because the remaining celestial creatures are not far apart. If any of these creatures are moved, then other creatures can immediately perceive them, and they have no need to hide. .

Other creatures are dangerous.

It is dangerous to move Huangquan ancestors.

Then why not move Huang Quan's ancestors?

This benefit is significantly greater than other Tianzun creatures.

"The yellow ancestor is different from the celestial creature, we may not be able to hit it, but as long as you can suppress it for a while, I will do my best to end the battle!"

Ling Feng said seriously.

With the celestial bag, there is a fairy.

As long as the violent lightning comes out, even if it covers an arm of Huang Quan's ancestors, so that it has a moment of horror, or blasphemy, then Ling Feng can use four prohibitions to inspire the realm of the cliff. Get rid of it.

It's better to be surprised than the hard steel on the front!

Instead of arrogant about life and death, it is better to eat a chicken!

"I try my best!"

God is heavily on the forehead, and his mission is significant.

He knew that Ling Feng felt dangerous and did not have full control. This Huang Quan ancestor was stronger than Shura Wang, and he did not have the opportunity to play pigs and eat tigers.

Can only sneak a sneak attack!

next moment.

They moved to Huang Quan's ancestors little by little. The process was very cautious. Even if it was suppressed by Xian Xian, Ling Feng still felt that it was not safe. What kind of ability does the ghost know about Supreme?


Several creatures have been overturned, and other Tianzuns have only been discovered for a while. Once they react, Lingfeng can only be hard steel.

That is the best policy!

The best policy is to turn over the ancestors of Huangquan!

They steadily moved forward and moved to the back of Huang Quan's ancestors little by little, only 30 miles apart. This distance is controlled by Ling Feng. Once it exceeds this range, Ling Feng is not sure.


For Tianzun, thirty miles is really a very small distance.

"let's start!"

Shen Lie used his eyes to indicate the wind, he was ready.

Although there was a smile on his face, there was a trembling in his heart that directly affected his hands.

It is totally different to install a supreme and a heavenly lord.


Ling Feng nodded, his eyes were getting cold, and a strong breath was pouring out from his dantian. When his hands were on the fairy blade, the sly Tianwei would be smashed. .


The wind stops moving!

Trembling quietly!

Ling Feng used the strongest strength of his life. The fairy blade rushed to Huang Quan's ancestors at an ultra-high speed. In the process, Ling Feng also used the power of Xian Yu to make it as hidden as possible.


Because the power he used was too weak, whether it was the fairy stalking them, or the fairy stalks that covered the dragons and other creatures, they were becoming faint and narrowed down bit by bit.

When the fairy blade appeared behind the ancestors of Huangquan, the light rain of the fairy scorpion was already very weak, and further bursting.


Finally, Ling Feng’s power exploded on the fairy blade, and the powerful force carried the hidden storm and exploded on the back of Huang Quan’s ancestors.

That is not the strongest power of Xian.

It is not the strongest force of Lingfeng.

It is the strongest force that Lingfeng can conceal control.


A fierce tremor sounded on the back of Huangquan's ancestors, which made Huangquan's ancestors unable to resist the tremor. At this moment, the gods started to work. The Tianzhu bag carried Wandao Tianwei to the Huangquan ancestors, and half of them. The heads are all covered inside.


The change happened at this time.

Although the gods have done their best, but the bag is not moving that day, a Tianwei is sprouting from the body of Huangquan's ancestors, and the life is against the Huangquan bag.

"It's you!"

Huang Quan's ancestors screamed and angered. When he sensed the scent of the wind and the scent of the sky, he knew that everything was late.

Ling Wang is even stronger than he imagined.

Although Lingfeng’s sneak attack was successful, Supreme Tianwei is still not able to shake the sky.

Even the Scorpio bag has no effect at this time.

"I want you to die!"

Huang Quan's ancestors glared at the gods and spirits, and the low eyes made a beast-like wolf, which made the gods feel a chill.


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