Supreme Demon

Chapter 2891: Are you ready to face death?

The boat is in the air.

There was a stagnation in the whole picture, as if the tape movie was stuck.

On the boat.

Ling Feng and Shen Lie have emerged, and the fairy tales are slowly melting like water waves, revealing their true body. When everything is stagnant, they will be vivid.

Ling Feng held the fairy blade and knocked on the back of Huang Quan's ancestors. Shen Shen held the sack of Tianzhu, and his life fell on the head of Huang Quan's ancestors.

He seems to be wearing a sack cap for Huang Quan's ancestors!

Everything looks so harmonious, and it's so chilling.

This scene not only shocked the few remaining creatures on the Tianzhou, but several creatures such as Xiaolong were shocked. The fairy stalks that surrounded them all melted. They also showed their true body, but this is not to let The reason they are surprised.

The real main reason is that Ling Feng has to overturn Huang Quan's ancestors!


That is the supreme figure. How easy it is to deal with it by such means?

However, Ling Feng did it, and it almost succeeded. It was incredible.


After all, they did not overturn the ancestors of Huang Quan, and they were completely angered, only to pay the extremely tragic price.


When things got to this point, they had no way out, either in the end or died.

Ling Wang has overturned more than 20 creatures, leaving only a few of them. As long as Ling Wang can deal with Huang Quan's ancestors, they can solve other creatures.

At present, the real trick is the ancestors of Huang Quan who are raging.

"You all have to die!"

Huang Quan's ancestors rushed to the crown, angry and angry, the Tang Ling Ling actually did this, simply ridiculous and generous, still dare not just positive?

Still dare not point to the face?

Obviously, Ling Wang is not going to be!


Huang Quan's ancestors also frowned, because what he felt in Ling Feng was only the momentum of Tianzun level, and did not ask the sky. What does this mean?

Ling Wang is only a **** figure?

This is very problematic.

To know.

The first layer of Huang Quan has always been under the control of King Shura, and is known as the Lord of Shura. It can be said that the first layer of Huang Quan has already changed hands. The real master is the person in front of him.

Ling Wang!

Only by the strength of the first-class Tianzun has turned over the Shura King?

Tianzun cross-class 诛 supreme?

Is this a fantasy, or is it due to strength?

I have to say that at this time, Huang Quan’s ancestors calmed down and seriously thought about this question. If Ling Feng is pretending?

It is not like that the Tianzun momentum and the supreme momentum are completely different, and that is not outfitted.

The most terrible thing is that Heavenly Supreme is supreme. What kind of sacred talents do you need, and what a terrible strength can you do?

No matter how.

Now he has to face Ling Wang.

Because of his meditation and thinking, Ling Feng has a bit of time, it is this time of interest, for Ling Feng in exchange for something different.


The emptiness trembled fiercely, and the fairy spurted out from the Lingfeng body, because he knew that the war was approaching, taking the medicinal herbs and various resources in advance, so that the blood could reach the peak state in a short time.

In this way he can release the top strength.

It is this moment!

It's now!

Immortal carrying the Bohai Tianwei came out, overwhelming, covering up the nine days and eight sides, even smashing the Scorpio, tearing the thirty-three heavens, covering the eyes of other creatures, even if it is perspective.

Some things are not allowed to be known to other creatures!

Some powers are not light!


In the next moment, Xianyin made a more intense vibrato, and the yin and anger were all dispelled. The real fairy power opened the sky and revealed the most terrible atmosphere in the world.

Xianhan, Xianli, flame burning incense...

A heavy force is in full bloom, arching the fairy, and pulling the mountains and rivers, causing the stars to fall.

The weather is tens of thousands of days, completely different, and the terrible frenzy carries thunder and lightning, which has opened up the sky and the earth.


The power frenzy belonging to Lingfeng is shot at this moment. What kind of scorpio, what the stars and rivers are dying at this moment, only the power is eternal.


Ling Fengbao is solemn, the smile on his face is completely disintegrated, and the strength of the body is heavy and shining. A faint space is born next to the fairy, which is very similar to the fairy, but it does not reach the level of Xian.

That is the second fairy!

The faint fairy!

Although vain, but the Tianwei released by the immortal, is still to let many first-class sighs.

Extremely respectful!

One is in the level between Heaven and Supreme, one can overlook the heavenly, and look directly at the level of supreme.

Ling Feng is such a level, it is such a character.

"The gods and the Buddha are all gray!"

Ling Feng opened his eyes, the whole sky was gray, and the endless powers flocked to the eyebrows, and all kinds of bans in the body flew out, carrying all kinds of power.

Look at the fairy blade of Xianli.

The gods are intertwined with the laws of time.

An old tower!


When these bans were fully revealed, the vastness of the sea was like the power of the Bohai Sea from the sky to the eyebrows of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng made a scream of sorrow, the power of the body was instantly ignited like a space, and it was consumed in a short time, and the more massive temperament emerged from the body.

The ancient trees of the universe and the Thunder and Yin fish shine together.

For the constant power of Ling Feng, Ling Feng can hold on and inspire the most extraordinary Tianwei in the world.


The void could not help but tremble, and Tianwei stopped at this moment.

A singular singularity spurted out of the soul of the sea.

The four lights shone together, and a force that the Supreme could not understand was like a wave of water, which appeared within thirty-three days.

Four bans!

The prohibition of four immortals!

The magical ban that once destroyed the sky in the sky and in the yellow spring finally appeared again.

"That is……"

Huang Quan's ancestors trembled, because this moment was slow, he missed the best attack time, and when he reacted, Ling Feng's momentum has already been formed, and four bans are suppressed in all directions, and he is not allowed to dodge, only the front is hard. .

At this time, his head was still carrying a sack of scorpio.

There are only birds that are not afraid of death and are doing their best to obstruct him.

"You **** it!"

The ancestors of Huang Quan were furious, and the blade of Ling Feng did not let him faint, but the sack of the gods was really deadly, because this sack made him unresponsive.

On the one hand, it was caught off guard.

On the other hand, because Tianzhu sacks fell in the hands of Ling Feng.

" Bye bye!"

Shen Lie lightning flew away from the battlefield. He is not an idiot. Naturally, he knows what kind of power Ling Feng uses. He completely shields the surrounding area. The purpose is to strike off Huang Quan's ancestors.

Do everything in their power and use that prohibition.

The days of the mighty, the Shura kings are all stunned.

What about Huang Quan's ancestors?

The speed of the gods is so fast that he is not an opponent, but to run, the gods are really not slow.


Huang Quan’s ancestors have not broken free from the sacks of Tianzhu, and they saw that there was no shadow in the smog of the gods. The gas did not hit one place. It felt like a punch in the air and caused an internal injury.

"I can beat you to beat me!"

Shen Lie left a shadow on Huang Quan's ancestors. The lightning flew into the distance, and even escaped from the thirty-three days, because he knew that there would be a big explosion inside.

Regardless of the outcome, he can't interfere, just wait to drop a result.

after all.

That is the fierce battle between the Supreme and the Supreme, and any one of them is enough to destroy the smog.


Huang Quan’s ancestors’ sighs, in fact, he can leave a sacred spirit, as long as he slams a punch, it is enough, but the problem is that it is now a very special period. Once he uses his full force, there is not enough time to cope. Ling Feng.

To know.

Ling Feng is ten thousand times more dangerous than God.

He can only deal with Ling Feng first, as long as the Ling Feng is killed, other creatures are the fish on his knife.

"Tian Zunling Wang, it’s really a small one!"

The ancestors of Huang Quan lit up and opened the scorpion sack. He wanted to use the scorpion sack to deal with Ling Feng, but found that Tianzhu sack did not listen to it, and had already been sacrificed.

It feels uncomfortable.

He has tempered the treasures of the ages, and he was actually sacrificed in a short time?

It feels more like being green.

"You are from the stars!"

The face of Huang Quan's ancestors was cold. At this time, there was no yin and anger in Lingfeng, and it became extremely pure. Only the stars in the sky had such power.

Only true star people can sacrifice the scorpion sack!

Obviously, Ling Feng is a powerful figure in the stars.


The characters on the starry sky are extraordinary, and they are not willing to bend over to Huang Quan. This Ling Wang can be a little different.

Would you rather be squatting?

Is it willing to bend?

Is this the wrong script?

Is it wrong to make a mistake?

The ancestors of Huang Quan still stayed in the impression of the starry sky in Wan Gu. At that time, the characters were unbeatable and refused to bow their heads. They would rather die, but the starry sky of this world is a bit wrong.

They know how to squat!

They want to live!

What is even more frightening is that they use the power of Huang Quan to deal with Huang Quan!

"Do you know if it is too late?"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled, and the body's strength sprang up further, causing the four bans to pass through the sky, and then various banters flew into it and completely ignited it.

"It's not too late, now is the time!"

Huang Quan’s ancestors said with a smile, “I have sent the message to the next level, then you will die.”

"Do you think I will believe?"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled. Xian Yu can have different strengths. Even if the Supreme wants to deliver the message, it is a delusion. "Do you want to mess with my heart?"

"Yes and no, you will know soon!"

Huang Quan's ancestors are gathering in the lightning. He is indeed in the middle of the chaos, because at this time he needs more time than Ling Feng.

"That is to disappoint you!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Dare to come, I didn't think about living, dare to come, there is a preparation for facing death!"

"We are already ready, now I want to ask..."

"Huang Quan ancestor, are you ready to face death?"


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