Supreme Demon

Chapter 1897: At the moment, eternal!

The farthest distance in life.

Nothing is in the world, and you are in heaven!

When Shen Shen did not hesitate to smash the deity, but Xiaolong couldn’t help but play the original essence. When Lingfeng had no message, what could be more telling than this?

They are telling people in the distance that they are weak.

They are falling!

They don't know how those characters came, but they believe that they will come sooner or later.

Today or tomorrow!

They are coming!

Unfortunately, Ling Feng could not be seen, and the gods collapsed.


When a celestial creature carried a raging wind, Ling Feng fell on the spot, his physical strength and his strength have been exhausted, flesh and blood did not collapse, it is because his flesh and blood is strong enough, otherwise I am afraid to be dismembered.

He can't see it!

He doesn't want to see it!

His thoughts were vague, and after two hundred years of fighting, at this time he felt exhausted and rebelled against the gods. He fulfilled his promises, and even if he was in heaven, he could admit to his righteous father.

He is too tired!

After that, can you rest?

He knows that someone is sad, but sooner or later they will get used to it.

"This life, forever!"

After Ling Feng slowly spit out these four words, he closed his eyes.

"Ling Feng!"

The sacred eyes are blushing, because at this time, the few creatures are about to kill Ling Feng. In the current injury of Ling Feng, I am afraid that I can’t hold a single blow.


They couldn’t move, the injury worsened, and the wind was fierce. In fact, they were even more tragic.

The body was pierced by a blood hole, and it was able to survive. It was because of the earth resources.


"Paralysis, pinch!"

God used the last essence and the power of the soul to make the feathers blast and rush to the sky, forming a symbolic flame.

The flames are not dazzling, but he believes they will be able to see.

The situation is urgent, this is the last force that God can use.

He hopes that everything is still too late!


Daddy, the whole sky collapsed, and the yin of the sky suddenly dissipated at this moment. Instead, it was the glory of the sky, the gas field was proud, and the butterfly was shocking.

A sword has opened up a thousand!

Do your best!

There is no power, no characters can block their path.

In the face of his life and death, the so-called hidden is a cloud!

Only the power of the starry sky can make them go further.

Life and death are bearish, do not accept it!

"what's the situation?"

A few creatures such as the cemetery were shocked, because it was light rain that did not belong to Huangquan, as if it came from that place.

"Don't leave them alone, do the Ling Wang!"

"it is good!"

Heavenly creatures don't care about the light rain. Even if those characters appear, there are also supreme creatures, and they value the immediate interests.



It is this hesitation of interest that makes Ling Feng have time.


The scorpio smashed again, and the light rain was advancing at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, and the direction was in their direction.

The surrounding space is exploding, and it is like a shackle. Even a few creatures feel that the hand holding the weapon is shaking.

The weapon is more trembled.

The entire scorpio is in a collapse-like tremor, the space is distorted, and a distant light punctured the sky, as if it were a mile.

That is simply reversing time and space.


When the weapon of the living creature was to be stabbed on the head of Ling Feng, a virtual shadow fell in front of Ling Feng.

Black hair is like a waterfall.

There are gods in both eyes.

There is also a burly figure.

The unique space momentum is singing the world's natural sounds. When it falls, the surrounding creatures are like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, and they are swept away.

What is the top heaven!

What a lot of heaven!

In front of the rain in the east, everything is slag!

When Ye Witch waited for the direction, when the gods slammed the gods and smashed the artifacts, the leaf witches directly blasted the power of the stars, without any cover.

At that time.

The Eastern Rain fell to realize that the problem was serious. If they were one step at night, I was afraid that this day would really collapse.

Don't be tempted to scorn the madness of these women.

Ling Feng is more important than their lives. Once Ling Feng is killed, the anti-God will try his best to brave the Huang Quan, or he will die against the gods, or Huang Quan will fly away.

The Eastern Rain falls and does not want to rebel against God at this time.

He knows his responsibilities better. In any case, he has to arrive in time, before the worst results.

at last.

He arrived in time, although Ling Feng was seriously injured, but the worst results did not appear.

"Starry Sky Supreme?"

The Tianzun creature headed by the cemetery was so utterly awkward that the characters of the starry sky did not appear at this time, and they still appeared in front of Ling Wang.

What does it mean?

"What about it?"

The eastern rain fell into the heart and sighed. The situation that Lingfeng had been extremely beneficial was disintegrated because of their appearance.

After that, how to make up for it?

This is not the question he wants to think about. The most difficult thing at the moment is the wind.

"Hey, dare to set foot on the territory of Huangquan, your courage is not small!"

"However, if you come, then don't want to leave!"

"The timidity is not small."

The Oriental Rain smiled and said, "I didn't intend to leave alive, just war!"

"My cemetery is coming, you can't live!"

A few creatures in the tomb house said guiltyly.

"I'm afraid you can't see it!"

The Eastern Rain has killed the killing, but there is no rush to start, the situation has been controlled, like these creatures, he does not need to move the butcher.


Serious injury is necessary!


He flashed his hands and made a serious injury to the one-of-a-kind creature. He coughed up the blood and almost killed himself.


"You won't be able to take a long time, wait for my cemetery to personally pick your head!"

Several creatures have retired and dare not fight against the Eastern Rain. After all, it is a genuine supreme.

"You don't want to run one!"

God made a manic smile and said, "Death is your destination!"

"You are from the stars?"

The head of the cemetery, Tianzun, was awkward and even more awkward.

From the sacred attitude, it sees two problems. One is that the gods are not worried, but they are very happy. Second, the starry sky does not mean to these characters, but has fear and anger.

what does this mean?

Shen Lie and Xiao Long are all afraid of coming from the stars, and Ling Wang is more likely to come from the stars.

"Your father really comes from the stars!"

After that, the gods fainted directly to the past, quite crisp and neat.

Its injury is really too heavy.

Even if they have already demonstrated the power of the stars, they can't hide, and the gods are not concealed.

at the same time.

Xiaolong could not hold on, and passed out directly.

This situation was not thought of by the Eastern Rain. They came from the first floor and inquired that Ling Feng was facing the second floor and came over.

He didn't get any news.

The news was controlled by the butterfly side, and in the secluded spring, the butterfly brought a dangerous signal.

The danger of the wind!

They quickly spy, and in a short period of time they got a direction, and then there was a violent explosion.

The anti-God movement used all strength.

It is like a broken bamboo.

In this case, the Eastern Rain has to do its best.


Several creatures concealed their eyes and then began to retreat, not entangled, because they were afraid of death.

As long as you leave alive, bring the news back to the cemetery, and even the deeper Huang Quan, these problems are not a problem.

Unfortunately, they are stupid!

The situation is so, will the Eastern Rain fall willing to let them leave?

of course.

The rain in the east did not stop, but instead looked at these creatures with a smile. In the case of serious injuries, the strength that these creatures can exert is definitely not the third-class god.

What will happen?

Some people have long been holding a **** temper. If they are not allowed to make this breath, God knows how crazy things they will do.

A person who is so smart like the rain of the East, but will seize the opportunity very much.

A small person, but can get infinite gratitude to God.

It is a fool to not do it.

call out!

The tombs and secluded springs of several creatures retreat, the speed is like electricity, they are still secretly glad, the starry sky is not afraid to leave, but the next time the face has changed dramatically.

Just because.

The vast expanse of Tianwei is turbulent from all directions.


The explosion is happening and the stars are infinite.


A butterfly stretched out the wings and opened thirty-three days.



There is also the overwhelming momentum that is overwhelming. Although it is not as good as the rain in the east, several creatures have sensed the momentum that makes them shudder.

No sound!

No need for sound!

Several figures of lightning appeared, one by one beautiful and refined, beautiful and poetic, and more importantly, they have a pair of **** eyes.

They have waited for many years!

They can't wait!

They almost came late!

The anger in their hearts is just like the tide, and every beautiful figure has a ban, and a powerful **** can drive them to gallop, and behind them is a magnificent light rain, as if countless stars are Fallen.

There was a meteor shower in the sky.

"what happened?"

The creatures were shocked and quickly flew back, although they were reluctant, and they only sensed the third-class Tianzun.


Is it too much!

The first few people appeared, but after a few moments, the number of Tianzun would burst.

More than ten!

If they are not seriously injured, they are not afraid, but now they are too wounded, and the road wounds left by the Supreme are quite tricky.

not to mention.

Behind the dozens of Tianzun, there is also a crazy army, uniform, such as the same handle to pierce the Scorpio.

Although the days are late, their speed is top.

In this respect, the anti-blood army is not enough to see.

It is because of their goodness that they can appear behind Ye Witch, Han Ruyue, Ling Qing.


When they saw the hurricane that fell in the pool of blood, watching the faint sorrow and the dragon, the cold killing became a pleasant, terrible and unimaginable.

Even a few creatures in the tomb have an intuitive feeling of falling into the hail at this time.


The air is solidifying and the space is freezing.


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