Supreme Demon

Chapter 1898: If you are a man of the world!


The cemetery creature looked at the sky, and the expression on the face changed in essence.

From bloodthirsty to dead gray.

They felt that they could escape from here, but they did not find the power of the starry sky. It was in the direction of them. All the characters came because of Ling Wang.


A person appeared around them, the chill on his face turned into a frost, and the suffocating suffocation of the sky was something that any character could sense.

In particular, the beautiful female goddess headed by them, when they looked at Lingfeng, the suffocating suffocation became thicker.

Ling Feng was seriously injured and dying.

This is a matter of how many years have not happened. In the intuitive impression of the anti-god, the man is a strong figure.

The Xingqiang Xianting did not make it squat.

The ancestors of the wilderness, the ancestors of the ancestors, etc.

Even if it is a demon, it can only be a tragedy.

Such people represent the will to reverse God and represent their supreme dreams.


The will collapsed and the dream dried up.

The strong figure was lying on the ground, fainting, life and death.

How does this feel for the anti-God?

They are all crazy!

In the past, the Lord has been fighting for the gods, doing all the power and life and death, flowing too many blood and tears, the strong body will never fall, but today, the Lord has fallen.

Everyone feels that the sky is falling.

What kind of power is it, what kind of creature can hurt the person to this extent?


When the anti-God found that many Tianzun creatures flew out, when they saw that the gods and the dragons could only be sad, the flames in their hearts burned and they were out of control.

They can die!

They can fall down!

However, the anti-God Lord who is against the banner of God will never do it!

Just because, once the Lord has fallen, the anti-God will go forward alone and fight for life and death.

No one in the world can insult the Lord!

No one in the world can make it a tragedy!

That is the obsession of God!

No sound.

There is still no sound.

Even if the anti-God characters in the scene have seen Ling Feng fall in a pool of blood, even if they are blind, they don’t scream and swear, but stare at the cemetery, staring at the tremble. Youquan Tianzun creatures.

They seem to be stunned.


There is more light rain behind them, and one person is appearing at a cold pace, but everyone is the same.

They stopped behind these characters and looked straight ahead.

The most heartache and the sadd expression on their faces.

The man is down!

At this moment, there is only one such sentence in their hearts.

The man is almost killed!

This feeling is even more sad than the fact that they are more difficult to burn their bodies.

Ling Feng is against the gods of the sky, Huang Quan creature is equivalent to smashing the sky of the gods, how many butterflies, how many hidden gods, how many against God to fill the hole?

If it is in the sky.

This kind of thing happened, even if it is a Mozu, I am afraid that it will be wiped out at this moment.

There is nothing to talk about.

On this issue, the anti-God will never accept negotiations.

"Reverse gods are watching in the stars!"

The leaves of the witches are hoarse, and the cold expressions are moving, which is the grief from the heart.

One step late, all lost.


It is this sentence that completely ignited the flames in the hearts of the gods. The Lord fell and the blood flowed. The millions of people against the gods were watching in the stars. They were all sad, and now they are the only ones who can do things.

They represent the whole anti-god.

If they can't give a perfect account to the gods, I am afraid that the whole **** will go crazy.

When they come, they do everything against the gods and help them move forward. Now this is what the anti-God wants to see?

Do not!


A strong and powerful explosion burned in the sky, the terrible Hao Mang smashed the sky on the spot, Ling Qing first started, directly used the Xeon force, attacked the cemetery Tianzun.

Dare to hurt the wind, these creatures do not live!

For Ling Qing, Ling Feng is her whole!

Dare to hurt the wind, even if it is the supreme, Ling Qing does not hesitate to die, let alone these creatures?


When the solitary rainy moon, cold as the moon, Yunxi... When more than a dozen Tianzun flies up, at least the fourth-class Tianzun strength shows, the tyrannical as the devastating, and when the candle dragon, the singer beast, etc. fly, the light reflects the ancient and modern, tyrannical Suffocating.

at the same time.

The days of silence have always been made, and finally burst out at this moment.

It is the Qin Feng who is the leader of the wilderness.

His eyes burst and the top power was fully revealed. When he raised his sword, he was neat and uniform, and all the heavens and gods raised their swords.

Like a frenzy!

Like a storm!

They are the fierce blade in the hands of the Lord. Now that the Lord is seriously injured, how can they still bear it?

The murderous blade is out!

To the dead party!

Undoubtedly, they broke out and killed the cemetery in an incomprehensible way.

Behind the sky.

The blood-striking army flew, their eyes were even more blushing, they can have today's achievements, it is entirely given by Ling Feng, the life is given by Ling Feng, and the power is given by Ling Feng.


Their feelings for Ling Feng are not limited to gratitude, but also loyal and guardian!


Ling Feng seriously dying, completely angered the blood group, they are different from the wild, the days only represent themselves, but the blood group represents hundreds of millions against the gods.

I dare to ask if the hundreds of millions of people are aware of this situation, what will they do?

Dump the mountains and rivers!

Exalt all enemies in the world!

Even if the front is a raging sea, they must bravely move forward and kill the enemy.


One person who is against the **** is crazy and mad.

They held the sharp edge and took out the Tianwei, who was trembled with nine days of glory. They were led by Ye Witch and Ling Qing, and they were in the shape of a sickle, and they bowed to the cemetery.

This time is the ultimate advent of the world to stop the crazy anti-God!


The emptiness of the void, a virtual light that opens the way, the space formed by the gas field is leading everything, and wherever it passes, the sky is falling apart.

The Leaf Witch shows a terrible strength that is beyond the reach of the stars.

Eight years.

She once again asked Zun, to advance to the third-class Tianzun, the level is no less than the gods, but the strength is terrible.

At the beginning.

If it is not the level of the demon Lord, I am afraid that it may not be the opponent of Ye Witch.

Ling Feng has been able to make today's achievements, and although the leaf witch is not working on her way, she uses the ancient Wu to cast the gas field, and the space created by the gas field is equivalent to another path.

Such a person, such a space, is rare in ancient and modern times.

If you are a man of the world.

The Witch and the Devil are absolutely side by side, and they are second only to Ling Feng.

Once such a character has done his best, the gas field has formed a chilling Tianwei, not to mention the third-class Tianzun, even the second-class Tianzun must be discolored.

Too strong!

Too evil!

But this is the leaf witch.


The knife falls to the head and flies!

Under the wrath, Ye Witch is really unsolvable, and the gas field is more difficult to prevent. Even if the other party is a cemetery, it is not enough to see in front of the leaf witch.

not to mention.

The cemetery Tianzun creature has long been seriously injured by the eastern rain, and the strength that can be exerted is only the third-class Tianzun level.

This is a long time.

The Leaf Witch is simply the nightmare of these creatures.

Some people are degraded by simple contact, which is unimaginable to other celestial creatures, because it is not the others who are smashed their heads, it is the celestial creature headed by the tomb.

So vulnerable!

Even if the Tianzun creature headed by the tomb is seriously injured, it should not be underestimated, especially in the third-class Tianzun class, it is still very strong.


Still being killed by a blow.

Not that it is not strong enough, but that the leaf witch is too strong.

The creatures of the third-class heavenly level are all in the first place, and only the creatures of the second-class heavenly level can take a look.


The horror has just begun.

The leaf witch took out the first knife of the storm, and Ling Qing took out the second knife.

Still no solution!

The ice fairy shines and freezes all things. The temperament makes Huangquan creatures tremble. Although the cemetery Tianzuns have tried their best, they are still not the opponents of Lingqing, and they are directly disintegrated by the ice fairy space.


The candle dragon is the most direct one. It uses the light rain of the night and the night, and a creature is annihilated on the spot.

Simple and rude.

The only one since ancient times.


The solitary rain moon killed, the Daoqin collapsed a thousand light rain, she did not look like that chill, the picture is still very beautiful, but the chill is more invisible and more thrilling.

The voice just sounded, and a creature died in tragedy.

Liu Shushu's cutting edge.

Cold as the moon's cut butterfly.

Mingtian beast made a sound.

Wannian old man turned over...

When more than a dozen people present, each of them is not weaker than the gods, things become different. Even if they are placed in Huangquan, this is a terrible force that does not make much more.

To know.

Among them, there is another enchanting singer who can despise the first-class celestial creatures and treat them as pheasants.

There is also a second-class demon statue.

If you add a supreme character, Ling Feng wants to lay a layer of Huang Quan, which can be said to be very easy.


Their goal is the entire Huangquan, which is only the second layer. It almost killed the wind, not to mention the increasingly horrible layer.

According to Ling Feng, the first ten layers are a little weaker, and when they reach the eighth floor, they have undergone an essential upheaval, which is terrible.

And this is the top ten, in the current situation, the anti-God is afraid of it.

Just a moment of effort.

The cemetery Tianzun and the secluded Tianzun were cleaned up. They didn’t even have the wailing sounds to come out, and the tragedy ended.

"Ling Qing, take care of them!"

Yeh Witch's heart is looking at Ling Feng, knowing that the problem is tricky, but they have no time now.

The Supreme Court will come over at any time, and the cost of exposing the power of the stars is still very heavy.

They must block the secluded spring as soon as possible, prevent the news from leaking, and do everything in their power to erase their mark.

"Butterfly, blood, hidden, ask the fairy, leave with me!"

Yeh Witch said.


Although everyone is anxious to know the situation of Ling Feng, but now the problem is too complicated, they can not afford to rest, otherwise the "big summer" that Ling Feng hardly created will collapse at this time.

The situation is favorable.

They are not the ones who die to face their lives and suffer sins.


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