Supreme Demon

Chapter 1899: Play a big show!


This territory, which belongs to the ancestors of Huang Quan, has become chaotic at the moment.

The ancestors of Huang Quan fell, the sky was falling, the sorrow was stunned, and all the creatures had not reacted, and even more terrible things happened.

The strong slaughter of Shura’s creatures cast a pile of blood, forcing them to fight back.


They have just reversed the situation, and there is movement in the tomb of the tomb. Some creatures have to be forced to come over. Although Huang Quan’s ancestors have fallen, but the spring creatures have no good feelings for the tomb.

In their view, both the tomb and the Shura creatures are a virtue.

They want to capture the secluded spring, and at the same time regard the secluded spring as the main battlefield, which makes the geek spring creature very unhappy.


Before they came up with countermeasures, there was a terrible change in the secluded spring. The power of the starry sky appeared, igniting the void, dispelling the vast scorpion, and its light rain caused the scorpio to burn, and the momentum was unprecedentedly terrible.

Star invasion!

When these words sounded in their minds, the whole fountain was boiling.


Although they do not want to fall into the hands of the cemetery, they are even more reluctant to fall into the hands of Shura. But this is the same race after all. In the end, they will still be honest and bowed, but the stars are different.

The starry sky is the deadly enemy of the entire Huangquan!

Even the strong stars in the sky have smashed the ancestors of the sacred springs, and they are arrogant, and the cemetery is supreme, and the fascinating springs will not be bowed. They will stubbornly do the trick.

This is what it is!

The two species are completely opposite, but in the subconscious of the Yellow Spring creatures, they are incompatible with the starry race, and once the starry race is gaining momentum, they are all desperate.


They would rather die and not want to be killed by the starry race.

no doubt.

This is a confrontation that has not been negotiated. Just as Huang Quan’s creature wants to enslave the starry sky, it is basically impossible to do. After all, one needs the yin and the other, and the other needs the arrogance.

This is no longer an inter-ethnic confrontation, but a natural exclusion.

Ye Witch and Ling Qing face are very dignified, even if they know that Ling Feng is in danger, this time must first suppress the situation of the secluded spring.

They believe that the rain in the East can suppress the situation and will not let Ling Feng go wrong, and they can only endure the fear and solve the most difficult problems first.

to be frank.

The power of the starry sky just broke out. It is entirely instinctive. They don’t want to look at the wind and the wind, and they don’t want to look at the gods and the dragons and the dragons. No one knows what the situation is, so they can only do their best.

They are really cool!

They rescued the three people from Lingfeng.


They exposed themselves, just escaped from the little troubles, and now they have to fall into the big troubles.


There are too many creatures to see the power of the stars. In a short period of time, the news is only about to spread. How much capacity is needed to completely curb the development of the news?

Even in the stars, if you want to do this, you need to do your best to fight against the gods. Although the secluded springs cannot be juxtaposed with the stars, the region is vast and it takes a very long time to cross.


Their understanding of the secluded spring is far from enough.

"Try to contain it as much as possible!"

The leaf witch sighed and first instructed the butterfly to infiltrate into the secluded spring, spying on the news, and at the same time offering a singular ban, pushing it around little by little.

They hope to be able to suppress all the creatures who get the news into the odd door ban.

Before they came in, the Burning Supreme had sacrificed dozens of sacred gates to prevent accidents, and now they are all used.

Millions of miles!

A billion miles!

A hundred billion miles!


The leaf witch is still worried that the odd door has reached the limit and is exhausted, and this range is far from what the leaf witch wants. She wants the whole fountain, but it is too difficult to do.

More seriously, she suspects that the news has penetrated into the cemetery.

"Only by the odd door ban, I am afraid that it will not work!"

The leaf witch's face was gray, she rushed to the scene, and tried her best. At this time, there was a little power.

"What should I do?"

Ling Qing wrinkled her frown, and she was also a headache. This problem is really too tricky. Would it be easy to shut down the tens of thousands of creatures?

It is even harder to completely get rid of these creatures.

At least, with their characters alone, even if they kill millions of creatures every day, they will need many years.

What they really need now is time.

Once the news of the starry sky entering the Yellow Spring spread, the cemetery, and even the creatures of a stronger level, how can they stand up?

The situation that Lingfeng worked hard to create was instantly disintegrated.

Is his injury still worth it?

From the bottom of my heart, Ye Witch does not want such a situation to appear. The situation of Lingfeng casting is quite beneficial. They can be anti-customers and use Huangquan creatures to deal with Huangquan creatures.

Weaken them.

Slavery them!

Colonize them!

Only in this way, the starry race can really win, otherwise the hard bar is too bad.

"Can't you seal it?"

The candle dragon came forward and asked.

"Can't seal, the news is spread so fast, we can't do it with our speed!" Ye Witch sighed.

"What about the rain?"

The candle dragon frowned.


The leaf witch has the feeling of being pulled out of internal injuries. The understanding of the candle dragon can basically bid farewell to IQ.

What she said is not personal speed, but time speed.

Even if it is shot by the Eastern Rain, it is easy to stop the spread of news in all directions.

Unless he can keep the entire fountain.

But that is impossible.

"That's too late!"

The cold moon said faintly, "The butterfly had just got the news. The Supreme Court of the cemetery seems to have got the news, and it will be called!"

"So, the fourth layer may get the news?"

This is the problem that people are worried about.

Once the entire Huangquan is taken seriously, they really have no way to live.

All they want is stealing chicken!

"It should not be!"

Yeh Witch speculates that "The secluded spring is a big fat. If it is added with Shura, it will be even bigger. Before the cemetery supreme has not determined what the characters of the starry race are, it should not notify the fourth layer of creatures. ""

"It makes sense!"

The candle dragon nodded.

"So, let's just do the cemetery supreme?"

"not enough!"

"Far from enough!"

The leaf witch has not yet opened, and the cold has already opened.

"so what should I do now?"

Everyone is unable to do anything, and the situation is getting out of control step by step. They must solve this problem as soon as possible.

"There is only one way!"

"any solution?"



The situation is getting out of control, and it is evolving according to the direction that Ye Witch speculates.

The secluded creatures and the cultivating creatures have a short pause in fire, and there is no confrontation. Their goal is the same.

at the same time.

The starry figures are being slaughtered around, creating a pile of blood cases, alarming the entire secluded spring, and many creatures are stunned, and at this time they are expecting the tomb of the sacred and Ling Wang to come earlier.

"The cemetery is coming!"

On the same day, the third floor sent a voice, and the Tomb of the Tomb will be born in person to get rid of the starry creatures.

"Do not let the spring be injured!"

This is the voice of the Supreme Court, extremely strong, and very shameless.


The sacred spring creatures were touched by the sacred magnate, although they were not willing to let the secluded spring fall into the hands of other layers of creatures, but this time they wanted to accept it.

No matter what, each layer of Huangquan needs a creature to sit in the town, and in the most tragic time of the spring, the tomb is supreme.


At night, the tomb of the sacred palace came to the moon, and a white dress fluttered like a ghost, and only the face of the sly, emitting a demon flame. In the eyes of the starry sky, it was horrible, but in the eyes of Huang Quan. That is extremely handsome.

These creatures seem to have brain-filling functions.

The supreme momentum pervades the entire sky.

The power of supreme has opened up the red dust.


He met the rain in the east, and the character who came from the void was very strong. Even in this yellow spring without the air rhyme, the oriental rain showed that it was still unmatched.

next moment.

The two creatures collided and directly smashed the sky...

This is a war of the world, far more intense than the battle of Huang Feng against the ancestors of Huang Quan, so that Huang Quan creature is looking forward to it.


The Supreme Court of the Tomb did not let them look forward to it for too long. In just two days, it showed a downward trend, not as much as the eastern rain.


In the end, the tomb of the cemetery could not be dodged. On the spot, the head of the tomb fell to the head and died.

The Supreme Blood is stained with the scorpio, and once the arrogance is so powerful, it will wither.

The entire secluded spring and the tomb are in grief.

No one thought that the creatures that swept through the ages were not as good as the stars from the stars.

To know.

The rain of the East also comes from the ages, and the strength is extremely weak. In these years, the experience of the Supreme Exchange of the Burning Heaven has also gained the ancient books of some heavens. The progress is enormous, and naturally it is not the tomb of the cemetery that can be dealt with.

The tomb is supreme and sad!

at the same time.

Butterfly and so on have already stepped into the cemetery, and actually contain the news. They took away all the singular bans. Before the news of the ruin of the cemetery was passed, the connection between the cemetery and the fourth layer of Huangquan was completely sealed.

The supreme depravity, the gloom of the fountain.

The last hope is so deadly?

Who will deal with the stars?

Who can make them live?

They want to send messages to a deeper level, but unfortunately the message has been truncated and no one can succeed.


Stars and ethnic figures are killing them, and the speed is soaring and astounding, and the most tragic of them is the Shura Eight, and none of these Tianzuns can survive.

Against the gods can not betray!

If this betrayal, it almost killed the wind, it must die.

Just in the gloom of the secluded spring, I don’t know how to live, and at the moment of fear, Ling Wang stood up and wanted to use his own power to smash the starry sky, even if it was to die. Characters, even if they are dead, they must get rid of the stars!

"Ling Wang is still alive!"

"My king is mighty!"

"I know that my king is not so easy to fall!"

"To get rid of the starry sky, my king will sit on three layers of yellow spring!"


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