Supreme Demon

Chapter 2904: Crazy women!

"It's time to fart, share!"

Ling Feng was so angry that only two women dared to do so.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing! These women, such as Hanruyue and Yuguyueyue, do not have such ability. If they want to drive the whole inverse god, it is not enough to see the rain in the east, but Ye Witch and Ling Qing are enough.

Especially the leaf witch has a magic power in her body and has been in charge of the inverse **** for many years. It is too easy to drive the inverse blood legion.

not to mention.

There is also a character who can drive butterflies.

These women need to lose their temper and energy.

What if the Witch Ye shows her intentions?

In fact, Ling Feng left the starry sky without authorization, and the hearts of the inverse gods were also very upset. Today's inverse gods are not the original inverse gods. They do not agree with the risk taking of the Lord. Perhaps Huang Quan is indeed a terrible flood, but there are too many people who are not in fear Such a flood.

They would rather die! Also unwilling to bow his head in front of Huang Quan.


Ye Witch expresses her anger in this way, and what Ling Feng can do, she can also do it.

He didn't know how heavy he was to leave against God.

He didn't know how worried they were all these years?

He didn't know how much they were suffering?

Then experience it all! I have to say that the slash of the Ye Witch is so incisive that Ling Feng was caught off guard. At present, the news is completely controlled by the butterfly. He has not received any news from the fourth layer.


He thought that the Ye Witch would be a little safer, at least until the three-layer strange door was cleared, and they would move the knife on the fourth layer, but who would have thought that the Ye Witch would just do something for him.

Darkness Chen Cang! Why did he care?

"Go immediately to the fourth floor!"

Ling Feng was anxious. He first ordered a few creatures to ask respect to keep them running, and then flew to Youquan and Shura.

He had to find the dragons and gods.

"Hum, apologize!"

Shen Lie spoke coldly, the wound on his face had not healed, his nose was swollen and his eyes were swollen, and he was quite embarrassed. He was quite unhappy with Ling Feng.

If it weren't for Lingfeng, he would be guilty now.

He didn't expect that Ling Feng would dare to invite him. If he agreed so easily, he would not be a god.


Ling Feng bowed on the spot and said quite sincerely, "I was wrong!"

"Huh, this thing is not over!"

Shen Lie raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't think that you just apologize!"

"Then why are you making me apologize?"

Ling Feng said with a lip: "Apologize and you're not over. If you don't apologize, you're also over. Why do you apologize?"

"My pleasure!"

"I'm happy!"

Shenlie stared, "Do you want me to go to the fourth floor anyway?"


"I apologize, do you want to?"


"They are much colder than me!"

Tian Qi sneered, she was just violent to Shenlie, but Ye Witch gave her poisonous hands directly, afraid that Ling Feng would be very bad at this time, right?

"I have informed Chen Long, and he is rushing to the tomb."

Ling Feng said gravely: "The fourth layer is different from these three layers, which should be even more terrible. Although the predecessors of the Oriental Rainfall can stand up to the Supreme, they can't stop the first-class Supreme creature!"


Shen Lie smiled and said, "You are a daredevil, we are a backup team!"

"" Ling Fengqi straightened his teeth, but in front of Tian Qi, he really didn't dare to treat Shenlie.


What Shenlie said was also the reason, and only he was present to be able to win a class of heavenly creature.

next moment.

They flew up into the sky, pierced the sky, galloped across layers, and soon appeared in the tomb.

Xiaolong had already waited there. When there were only three of them, it was not afraid, not to mention the fact that now the top figures of God have come in, what else can it be afraid of?

"Come in!"

Ling Feng said quite simply, without any procrastination.


Ling Feng galloped at lightning speed, appeared in front of a tomb, was blown out with fists, and sky was falling apart. A giant vortex appeared over the tomb, making a roaring sound, as if it were a bottomless pit leading to a distance.

There is a Xeon ban inside, even if the Supreme wants to pass.

In addition, it has been reinforced by the anti-magic door control and turned into a more special strange door. It is even more difficult to pass.

However, there are not many strange gates in the world that can trap Ling Feng, and this one is not in it.

Hum! The immortal blade flew out and was completely ignited. The strength of the frenzy was surging, and the power of the Supreme Celestial was in full bloom, stunning.

Shenlie and Xiaolong have long been accustomed to the wind and show like Lingfeng, but Tianqi is not used to it.

At the beginning.

They were all killed by Ling Feng in one punch. They didn't know much about Ling Feng's true power. At the moment, the full strength of the force was approaching the supreme level, which really made Tian Qi shudder.

Feelings This character has come to this point! Second only to the rain in the east! Because of this character, King Shura and Huang Quan's ancestors could only bow their heads and fall.

This is a cross-border battle! Invisible from ancient to modern.

Boom! When Tianqi was shocked, the sky dome collapsed, and a heavenly palace slumped down, pushed by Ling Feng to the vortex, and opened that passage unceasingly.

"Once you enter, find them as soon as possible!"


Ling Feng flew into the channel first, and Xiaolong followed behind Ling Feng, while Shenlie stood side by side with Tian Qi.

Four characters flashed into the fourth floor.

Yin Cao! This layer is even more gloomy, with Bai Sensen's light everywhere, and the stars on the sky are more like skulls.


This layer is obviously different from the first three layers, because when they flew down, they first saw a bridge.

Carved dragon and phoenix.

Like space.

Each word is made of these light rains, showing the majestic momentum, which really surprised Ling Feng.

Neihe Bridge! There must be nothing in the world.

In front of Nai He Bridge, an old woman was yelling, turning the spring without roots, and in her hands there was a dilapidated bowl, but Ling Feng saw that the bowl was extraordinary and had the ability to rebirth.

Even the rootless springs are different and possess the same abilities.

A bowl of Meng Po, forgotten two lives.

"Meng Po Tang?"

Ling Feng smiled and saw the truth at a glance.

"What bridge?"

Shenlie's eyes brightened. He didn't believe these things. What Yincao Mengpo just did was for mortals. People like them had long been disrespectful.


He can also see that the broken bowl and Nai Heqiao are extraordinary things, and they are rare in the starry sky, which can be called the Supreme Space Supreme.

I did not expect it to appear here.

Shenlie has vowed to encounter such good things, and must not be missed.

Although he could see that Meng Po was not a simple character, he was also not alone.

"I'll overturn!"

Shenlie rushed to the first one, and if he wanted to step into Yincao, he had to cross the Naihe Bridge.

"This past life is in Meng Po Tang!"

The old woman looked over at her with a faint smile on her face: "Drinking this bowl of soup, Huang Quan is not alone!"

"Drink your head!"

The **** shouted loudly and hit Meng Po directly, to pick his bowl and take his bridge.


Just as he rushed madly, the void suddenly sank, and a heavy space was pressed over, so that the gods felt a sense of suffocation.

He couldn't help but stop, without a reckless attack.

"Why not attack?"

Ling Feng asked with a smile.

"A little tired, you come first!"

Shenlie took a step back and did not compete with Ling Feng, fearing that there would be a big problem.

"Then let me do it!"

Ling Feng didn't budge because he didn't want to delay time.

choke! Immortal Blade sent out a rain of light, suddenly shot and killed, fell in front of Na Mengpo, released a huge amount of momentum, and made the entire world sink.


This is Lingfeng's attitude! This is the momentum of Lingfeng! "it is good !"

What is surprising is that the "Meng Po" actually ran away, and the void scene changed, without Nai Heqiao, without Meng Po, and even without the broken bowl.

Everything is illusion.

And that "Meng Po" is just a creature that evolved stiffly, but it can blind the eyes and gods of the demon, this "Meng Po" cannot be underestimated.


Shen Lie blushed, but he didn't even see it, and he was scared to scare the creature forward.

This face is not intended.

"Hey ya!"

He was about to feel sadness.

He lost such a big face in front of Hongyan's face, and he wanted to find a seam, but how big is the seam to be able to plug his face?

"There is momentum and illusion in the air, which is used to scare those who come in without permission."

Ling Feng said lightly: "If she is a real Meng Po, do you think it would be so peaceful here?"

"Where to use your brain beforehand!"

"" Madam, you hold my hand first! "

Shenlie asked Tianqi to pull his arm, and then he pretended to rush to Lingfeng and yelled, "You said I had no brain, do you believe me to choke you?"

"If it weren't for my wife-in-law holding my hand, I'll choke you now!"

"" Tian Qi had a black line on her face. Why did she have such a good man?

This burns IQ.

"She is fake, does not mean that Yin Cao is fake!"

Ling Feng said positively: "There is a Nai He Bridge in front of Yin Cao, and there is also a Meng Po, if you really want Nai He Bridge, you can get it there!"

Although I haven't come in, I don't get much news.

But Ling Feng has been able to infer a lot of things from this scene. To scare other layers of life, at least it should be a true story, and this story has been circulating in the world.


Yin Cao is a space, and Meng Po is a ghost.

This has transcended the ordinary Yincao, and should be based on the **** level.

"" Shenlie didn't want to speak.

If there is such a Meng Po, it should be a very powerful Supreme. If he rushes over, it is equivalent to dying.

"Don't make trouble, we have to do it as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng frowned.

"But Yin Cao is so big, we don't feel their breath here, how can we find it?"

Shenlie had a headache on the spot.


"Ling Feng, you better apologize!"

Shenlie exploded on the spot, and yelled, "You used rhetoric just now!" 24 ( )

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