Supreme Demon

Chapter 2905: I disagree!

Men and women in love are generally mentally retarded. ,


Ling Feng felt that this sentence was too unreal. When were people like themselves mentally handicapped?

Today, he feels that perhaps he is just an exception.

Since Shenlie had Tianqi, he really became mentally retarded.

You see, such naive words can be spoken, and he is also prone to irritability, which is clearly that his status at home is not high.

stupid! Ling Feng is too lazy to use rhetoric for Shenlie. Euphemism is not suitable for this bird at all. He is suitable for simple and rough.

But Ling Feng was not wrong.

In the past, could Shenlie not understand such a simple question?

Sometimes Ling Feng felt that the bird of Shenlie had been broken by Tianqi, and it was a bit low-powered, and sometimes Ling Feng felt side by side with the bird, which lowered his taste a bit.

Yin Cao is so vast, where can I find Ye Witch and others?

Is this a problem?

Ling Feng can find it with her eyes closed.

It is impossible for a character like them to drag the battle for too long, which is too bad for them. If Ye Witch wants to sweep the Yin Cao, she needs to fight quickly, so her intention is obvious.

It's Yincao! It's the real Naihe Bridge! As long as the Yan Jun in Yin Cao is resolved and the Yin Cao Tianzun creature is rid of, then the fourth layer will be readily available.

If he was a Ye Witch, he should have blasted to Yincao Mansion at this time. Only the lightning tactics could make Yin Jun fail to react, and Ling Feng was too late to react.

of course.

Ye Witch knew Ling Feng must be able to see the truth and her intentions, but this was not her concern.

As long as lightning blasts Yin Cao's house, Ling Feng can only eat **** on their farts and stocks.

"Master, you pull me first!"

The spirit was smoky, but Tianqi was still holding him. He was afraid that he could not do it.

"Why not?"

Tian Qi's face is black, this superb bird is too shameless.

At this time she did not want to stand side by side with the bird.

"Success, then listen to your wife!"

Shen Lie Bian Bian Bian Bian agreed, and the shameless appearance made Ling Feng want to kick him.

However, if you think about it, the bird's face is just a display.

However, Xiaolong remained silent and did not participate in it, but his face was already smiling.

"They should be near Yincao House, we have to be a little faster!"

Ling Feng said with a look on his face, "This fourth floor is different from the tomb. They are really a bit oversized."

Ling Feng has a headache.

The tomb was so easy to be beaten, that ’s because the tomb of the first-level Celestial creature was almost beaten by the tomb, but there is no such thing in Yincaofu. It is just that a dozen witches such as Ye Witch want to deal with the creature in Yincaofu Thin. ,

It is very likely that Dongfang Yuluo will confront Shangyinjun without the energy to take care of the gods such as Ye Witch. What is the situation then?

Ling Feng dare not imagine.

"it is good!"

His forehead was strong.

next moment.

The four characters flew in the direction of Yincaofu. As to where Yincaofu is, this is not a problem. Any creature here knows it.

For them, that is their direction of pilgrimage.

Yincao House! This is a mansion located in Yinshan, the courtyard is secluded, and the end can not be seen. It looks like a giant beast, nestled in Yinshan.

Gloomy sky.

The faint meniscus.

Outline the distinctive side of Yincao House.

The terrain here is obviously different from the tomb, and it is more gloomy and more powerful. There is a cloudy sky that martial arts are afraid of, like Huang Quanshui.

If it were an ordinary Huangquan creature, I was afraid to kneel on the spot.

Just as the same star characters meet the sacred totem.

There are many Yinshan here. Each Yinshan is engraved with important creatures of Yincao, forming a totem with extraordinary spirit. On the mansion in the center, there are carved snakes, winding up, like a mountain.

Extreme Yin! It fully expresses the Yin side of Yin Cao House.


The light rain around Yincao House is like a waterfall, the knife light is shining, and the momentum is endless.

Characters such as Ye Witch, Dongfang Yuluo did fly over. Although they used Yin and Qi to hide their original "faces", they appeared too fast and their intentions were too obvious, which caused the idea of ​​Yincaofu creatures on the spot .

They are warnings first.

What can be warned is the powerful bomber against God.

In an instant.

The entire Yincao House roared, a creature came out of the air, and met Ye Witch and others. At the beginning, Yin Cao House did suffer a great deal. They were too small to be against God. Although Ye Witch and others were not as good as Ling Feng, But they are more terrifying powers overall.

not to mention.

The Invasion Legion is here, showing a sweeping sweep of Tianwei. The death of Yin Cao House is very good, but in this respect it is still not the opponent of the Invasion Legion.

The gap is too big! However, when Yin Cao's house did its best, the anti-god's inferiority side appeared. When a Tianzun creature flew out, especially the first-ranking creature, the situation was instantly reversed. His face was ugly.

Just because.

There were fifteen first-class celestial creatures they faced, and each of them was extremely strong.

at the same time.

Dongfang Yuluo also encountered a terrible creature, which is a black snake, stepped into the supreme level, stronger than the grave house supreme, known as Yin Jun.

no doubt.

This was a **** battle in the sky. The Oriental Rainfall used all its strength, and the two Supremes tore the sky on the spot and confronted each other in space.

When the Oriental Yuluo was restrained, the slump on Ye Witch's side became more apparent.

They can only rely on themselves at this moment.

"Pink skull!"

A Tianzun creature of Yin Cao said with a smile: "The years are ruthless. For many years, Huang Quan has not given birth to such beautiful pink skulls."

"The deity will conquer you!"

The beauty of the Ye Witch is not only the starry sky, but also Huang Quan.

"The first dragon in the world, you will be a prince to the deity!"

Another creature opened its mouth, it is a pseudo-dragon, it is really amazing to be able to advance to this level, and now it sees the candle dragon, and its extraordinary abilities make its heart move.

If I can become a mate with Candelaur.

It can obtain this ability and become a real dragon.

"By you too?"

The candle dragon sighed angrily and was disgusted, and this pseudo dragon wanted to sleep with her?

dream! "Be kind to the ladies!"

Another handsome young man opened his mouth. It looks like Ruoxue, handsome and rich, and it is really a person.

In terms of appearance, it is not weaker than Shenlie, but just more feminine.

"So much nonsense, all packed away!"

The fourth stout man Tianzun opened his mouth, and said to the face rather absently: "The deity will pack them all into the mansion to reproduce the descendants of this family!"


"Despise you!"


The two deities are fighting each other, and they both use the Ye Witch and other women as their back garden, ready to pick.

Although they did not do their best, Ye Witch and others were tired and their strength was not at all a level. They were so tired that it was extremely difficult to deal with these deities.

"Dare to insult my lord, you are looking for death!"

Several characters behind Ye Witch immediately became angry, and rushed forward, even if they died, they would fight each other.

It is insultable to be against the Lord! "come back!"

Ye Witch gave a cold drink, she knew how powerful the other party was. These figures were all top elites against God, and any fall was a huge loss.

She didn't want them to make any sacrifice when she didn't reach the end of the mountain.


The creatures looked back and said puzzledly.

"come back!"

Ye Witch said ruthlessly: "They have us to deal with it, and they can't make it to you!"

"But" "Come back!"


Several figures were not stubborn.

"Hey, cold sister, I like it!"

Said the feminine beauty boy.

"she is mine!"

The elderly Tianzun, headed by him, said ruthlessly: "The detention of this deity cannot be touched by others!"


The feminine young boy is still very taboo about the head, and instead of striking, he turned to Ling Qing.

"Have you thought about it?"

"Either surrender and become our captivity, or really become a skeleton!"

After siege for a moment, the fifteen Tianzuns were a little impatient and didn't want to entangle with Ye Witch and others.

"You dream!"

"Even if I die, I won't let you get involved!"

Ling Qing said very steadily.

"Sister, I am really sad to hear you say that."

The feminine beautiful girl sneered.

"Do you want us to be fellows?"

Ye Witch asked coldly, but her eyes flickered.

"Sister Miss figured out?"

Several creatures of Yincao looked around, a smile on their faces, not every young lady was so steadfast.

"But what if someone disagrees?"

Witch Ye smiled gently, and that smile almost melted the Yin Cao Tianzun who was present.

That gentle.

So pure.

That doesn't have a firework atmosphere.

She is as immortal as she is suffocating.

"Hehe, there is no need to worry about Miss Sister, who dares not agree, then we will let him shut up forever!"

The **** head Tianzun said with a smile: "Here we are the king!"

"it is good!"

Witch Ye smiled, and then took a step back gently.

In the process, she motioned to Ling Qing and others, so the Celestials took a step back, even though they didn't know the meaning of Ye Witch.

She seemed to give up fighting.

The strength on her was dissipated.

This made Yin Cao Tianzun very satisfied.


Just the moment they blinked, the entire sky became different, a flash of vanity, and a character fell in front of Ye Witch and others.

He smiled.

His eyes are clear.

He is tender and affectionate.

He turned his back on women like Ye Witch, like a wall, blocking all the wind and rain.

"I disagree!"

He did not look back, but looked at the fifteen Tianzun with a smile and said, "I don't agree with each of them!"


"Stewed Steak?"

The pseudo dragon laughed immediately. In his eyes, there was only edible and inedible food. This was very similar to Ling Feng and Shenlie, but it was enough to have one of them here. 11 ( )

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