Supreme Demon

Chapter 2906: Toads have to work hard!

Ling Feng froze. ,

God stunned.

Even if the dragons were all on the spot, they did not expect that the pseudo dragons could say such things.

to be frank.

If in the sky, the first person to say such things is Ling Feng and Shen Lie. I don't know how many monsters have become delicious dishes on their dinner plates.

Even now, when talking about the two gods against the gods, Xingkong Demon shivered.


Here is Huang Quan. The creature is different. It is not a simple demon. Those flesh, bones, and even the soul may be decaying, and may be crawling out of the grave.

Ling Feng has a good appetite, but it does not mean that they can swallow the carrion.

Look at writings and vomit! thus.

Since entering Huangquan, they have not mentioned that they will eat each other, but they will just fall apart without leaving alive.


There are always some strange things in Huangquan. They are difficult to swallow, but these creatures are not taboo at all.

For example, the pseudo dragon.

However, the words that should have come from the mouth of Ling Feng and Shenlie turned out to be spoken by a fake dragon, as if the roles were swapped, and Ling Feng really experienced the feelings of their opponents.

to be frank.

All the gods present were dignified, and the fifteen heavenly creatures were only a part of Yinzhaofu Heavenly Supreme, and there were more heavenly creatures behind it.

But this part is the most terrible.

First-class Celestial Creature! As far as the current defiance is concerned, only Ling Feng is really promoted to the first rank of Tianzun, Xiaolong is second only to Ling Feng, and Ye Witch and Shenlie are in the third rank of Tianzun. Although they have the ability to fight beyond the rank, Going to so many first-class Venerables is just trying to die.

They are very worried.

However, Shenlie, Xiaolong, Ye Witch, Han Ruyue, etc. seemed very calm. Shenlie and Xiaolong did not need to say a lot of words. They had seen Lingfeng's terrible power long ago, and Ye Witch and Han Ruyue were really shocked these days A handful, with the butterflies spreading out, what happened in Huang Quan surfaced one by one.

First Class Supreme! This is the truth obtained by Han Ruyue. Along with the truth, there is the fall of King Shura and the tragedy of Huang Quan.


It's too rare to know the truth here, but with Ye Witch and Han Ruyue's demon-like IQ, you can fully guess, only Ling Feng can do it.


They have nothing to worry about. If Ling Feng can't even deal with these creatures, then they really have to fight back home.

"The mouth is pretty good."

Shenlie smiled coldly in the distance: "I hope your dreams come true!"

After that.

He moved out of a small round table, found out a few pots of wine and a few packets of seeds in his arms, poured his own wine, and occasionally looked at the fifteen Tianzun creatures of Yincao. ,

"Men's to be eaten, women to be taken away?"

God asked with a fierce smile.

"Vulgar, but not crude!"

The pseudo dragon said with a smile, but the eyes were full of wickedness. The monster in front of it seemed very different.

Drinking sunflower seeds in front of them?

Are you tired?

"The dream is great. Toads and toads must work hard!"

Shenlie threw away the seed shell and invited several goddesses present to sit and watch the battle together.

It should be said to be onlookers.


The fifteen Tianzun creatures of Yin and Cao changed their colors, and their faces were quite embarrassed. This monster respected them as toads and toads.

If this is not an insult, what is the insult?

"The deity will eat you raw!"

The pseudo-long dragon was so cold that it had long been displeasing to God. This was a reaction of flesh and blood instinct.

"I think about it."

God looked at the sky fiercely and groaned for a moment before he smiled and said, "The creature that said this sentence last time has already been digested by me!"


The pseudo dragon could not bear it, and at the level of beating, it was not a divine opponent at all.

"Oh, you can get close to my five-mile space, and I count you winning!"

Shen Lie took good care of himself and didn't care, as if he had regarded the pseudo dragon as air: "The dragon, the deity has been slaughtered, not to mention your pseudo dragon!"

He was quite loud, and after speaking, he slanted the candle dragon, worried that the dragon was soaring.

of course.

This is because Ling Feng is standing in front, so don't worry about it, this pseudo dragon cannot pass Ling Feng.

"I will make you die very rhythmically!"

The pseudo dragon was completely enraged, and the lightning flew to Shenlie, who had to bypass Lingfeng first.


Some characters have a killing intention that it will never get around.

When Ling Feng flashed, he appeared in front of the pseudo dragon, eyes cold.

"Get away!"

The pseudo dragon was full of anger, where did Ling Feng look in his eyes?

Practicing on the spot, the sharp claws cut like a sharp knife.

The space was turbulent, and the five rules of space were trembling, forming the limbs and skull of the true dragon, biting towards Ling Feng.

That space is quite scary, even if a demon like Xun Long is confronted, I'm afraid to bleed blood.

Unfortunately, the opponent of this pseudo dragon is Ling Feng.

Ling Feng had no words. Some things didn't need words at all. He raised his hand in lightning and nodded forward.

In an instant.

The wind stopped and everything stopped abruptly.

The five parts of the true dragon formed by those five rules of space are all lifelike, fixed in the void, and even the fake dragon is fixed, which is like a sculpture.

The whole scene is treacherous.

"A reptile, dare to threaten to eat me?"

Ling Feng squinted and said: "Even the real dragon can't talk, but the tone is much stronger than the real dragon."

After that.

He clicked his second finger forward, and the wind fluttered in the wind, and the cracked picture appeared as if the transparent sculpture had been broken, and it was instantly broken.

Not only those five laws of space, but also the pseudo dragon.

Its body is disintegrating, and its soul is crushing.

It felt as weird as it was weird. The remaining Yin Cao Tianzun creatures were numb one by one and felt like they were exploding.

The dignified first-class creatures of heaven have great strength, and they have been ordered by Yin Jun.


It couldn't even do the least amount of resistance in front of the young man, and he was shot dead.

Simple and rude.

When the ashes were cleared, the phantom dragon ash flying threatening to eat Lingfeng died.

"Well, they all talk and die."

Shenlie sighed and said, "It's already said that you are toads and toads. At least you can still sit in the well and dream!"

"" "Toads, toads, you really have to work hard!"

Shenlie took a sip of wine and said a little drunk, "Otherwise, Miss Sister will go back with us!"

Quiet! Deadly quiet.

No one counterattacked this time. Their eyes fell on Ling Feng. The blow just now was too terrible. Even they didn't see it clearly.

"who are you?"

The headed Tianzun asked cautiously.

"Hey, did you just remember to ask at this time?"

Shenlie pouted: "You clams and toads are like this. You don't need to ask if you win. If you can't win, ask first. But if you ask, can you still drop?

"" The fourteen creatures suddenly thought this was a lunatic.

He quietly ate sunflower seeds, watched the battle, and was still talking in the wind.

They couldn't beat Ling Feng at this time, but at this time they would be beaten a few times by the gods.

The wound is sprinkled with salt, the most vicious! To be honest, the fourteen creatures think that the spirit is more hateful than Ling Feng.

"I can stand it alone!"

The handsome young man of good gracefulness could not see it anymore, and his nose was gray.

"Oh, let's get your things resolved."

The **** said ruthlessly: "Toad and toad want to eat swan meat, but now the master of the swan is here?"

"I'll wait for you to finish!"

"This time, not only did the fourteen creatures of Cao have black faces, but also the leaves of the Witches and others.

Shenlie likened them to swans, and they endured.

But what the **** is the owner of the "swan"?

Even Ling Feng feels straight-skinned, is this your intentional ignition?

Can you shut up?

"Ling Wang!"

Suddenly, the headed creature named Tianzun spoke. When these two words came out, his face became even more ugly.

"Oh, just remembered this time?"

Before Ling Feng said it, Shenlie first went up and said, "Even toads and toads, you are half a beat slower than other toads and toads."

"" The fourteen creatures have the urge to tear God's life, so why is this thing so poisonous?

"I didn't expect you to come over."

The headed creature took a deep breath and automatically ignored Shenlie and said to Lingfeng.

in fact.

They didn't know much. They only knew that the tomb had fallen and was attacked by King Ling. As for what happened in it, only Yin Jun knew.


The character Ling Wang really resounds through Yin Cao and is well known by many creatures.

Who could have thought that Ling Wang had just entered the tomb soon after, and entered Yincao, and hit them directly without giving them time to react.

One man laid down a tomb! At the time, they really didn't believe it, even the supreme figure wanted to do it extremely difficult.

But now and now.

They shuddered instinctively, just because of the word "Ling Wang".

This man has a magic power! "A lot of nonsense!"

Shenlie pouted and said, "Hurry up, please, the deity has wine, you have to have a story!"

"""get down!"

The beautiful boy yelled, "My deity is going to knock you in person!"

"Well, Ling Ling has challenged you."

Shenlie said rather shamelessly.

"" That beautiful young boy's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help going backwards. He had no confidence in Lingfeng.


King Ling is so **** that the blow he had just had was unpredictable. It didn't want to be torn apart little by little as a mural.


Ling Feng took it seriously, lightning struck, one hand penetrated the void, and drew on the neck of that beautiful boy, like a chick, and carried him over.

"You" the beautiful young man was speechless in shock, his face pale, and cold sweat.

Wraiths almost came out.

It didn't understand and had no induction, so it was captured by Ling Wangsheng.

Stupidly suffocating.

The thirteen creatures present flew up and down, staring at Ling Feng one by one like a ghost, the scene just now completely defeated their confidence and fostered fear. 11 ( )

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