Supreme Demon

Chapter 2907: Like a dog!

At the fingertips! There are not many characters in this world who can do it. If such characters are on the same level as them, it will be even more terrifying.

Although they are Yincao creatures, they know some stories of Ling King, just because Yincao is closed, and their understanding of Ling King is still at the most basic level.


They just flew upside down without running away.

Otherwise, if such a thing happens at the tomb, the quiet spring, or even the Shura level, I am afraid that the first thing that the Celestial creature can think of is escape.

Facing King Ling, not every celestial creature has courage.

to be frank.

Shenlie sympathized with these 13 creatures. Even when they were facing Lingfeng, they felt quite uncomfortable.

Tianwei pressure.

Heart falls.

And that incredible strength.

At least Shenlie didn't have the courage to face Lingfeng.

"You're about to cheer!"

While holding the seeds, Shenlie shouted vaguely: "I am optimistic about you!"

"" Of course, I don't think it's possible to defeat him by one or two of you. "

God said encouragingly: "If I were you, join him to kill him!"


The thirteen creatures looked at each other and saw the killing intention in each other's eyes.


If you are singled out, you will be smashed by the character in front of you, just like the pseudo dragon. Only by joining forces can they have a chance to survive.

Click! While they were exchanging opinions implicitly, Ling Feng pushed hard with his fingers. The beautiful young boy could not even struggle, and died on the spot.


That beautiful boy changed, from a beautiful boy to a dead fox.

Vixen! I have to say that this fox's magical ability is extraordinary. Even the demon priests such as Shenlie have not seen it through, but it is a pity that the fox is a fox. I don't know how much effort I need to overcome Lingfeng.

"The second one."

Shenlie ignited the wind aside, just the sound made the thirteen creatures tremble, anxious to strangle the goods.

Don't they know?

Don't they know numbers?

The goods deliberately created a tense atmosphere, putting them under great pressure.

"Come on, toads!"

Shenlie waved his fist strongly to express his excitement.

"" But the more so calm the gods are, the more vigilant the 13 creatures are. These women and the gods are too calm. What does this mean?

They have absolute confidence in King Ling.


At this time, the headed Tianzun didn't want to sit and wait, only the speedy decision could kill Ling Feng.

How can the fat that comes to your mouth drop easily?

How can they be willing?

next moment.

Thirteen creatures flew to Lingfeng, their swords screamed, and they slaughtered the power of nine days, and dozens of spaces fell down together. Then Tian Tianwei let the gods run on a small bench.


That ’s a first-class creature, once the power escapes, and Ling Feng ca n’t hold back, it ’s them who are unlucky.

Shenlie ran away, Ye Witch and others retreated.

Only Ling Feng faced the storm without any slight fluctuations on his face.


The trembled in the void, the fairy meteor was born at this time, and there was endless yin and anger around it, covering up the truly terrible place of the fairy meteor.

Ling Feng's body flickered, firstly avoiding the attack of several creatures, and then appeared in front of that first-day creature, so terribly terrifying that the first-day creature couldn't help shaking.

It wants to dodge! It struck a knife and exhausted all its strength.

I saw, the tremble in the void, a light rain flying down from the void, carrying Jiu Zhongtianwei, a thundering roar, and a beast shouting.


All of this stopped abruptly at the moment Xianxian arrived.

Xian meteorite turned into a thin blade like a cicada's wing, splitting into the five spaces, at this time, what gods and beasts, what kind of heavenly power, and what kind of thunder are all chickens.

Stab it! With just one edge, the unseen space suddenly collapsed at this moment.

They collapsed! Bright and mighty, sweeping thousands of roads, destroying all the grass and wood space within a thousand miles, if the divine little round table is still there, I am afraid that it will be wiped out.


The sharp blade formed by the celestial meteorite rushed out of the ripple range and appeared in front of the first creature.

"Do not!"

That unsatisfactory wailing sound for the first day creature, but to no avail, Xian Ji Tian Wei is terrible. He has already fixed it, making him unable to move. He can only watch the Xian Meteor sharp blade split his body.

The blade fell and blood appeared.

As soon as Dang Dang waited for the Celestial Creature, he was killed by Ling Wang.

There was a moment of silence in the scene. This scene appeared too fast, so fast that those creatures couldn't react.

By the time they reacted, Ling Feng had already appeared in front of another Celestial being.

Blade fall! die! This seems to have become an eternal curse, no matter how tenacious those celestial beings can't escape the death of Ling Wang's fairy.

The fourth Celestial creature fell.

In terms of rhythm and speed, I was really shocked. I felt that King Ling was slaughtering dogs.

call out! However, the real slaughter has only just begun. When Lingfeng further showed Xiantiantianwei, those creatures really became earth chickens.

Blade fall! Fuxi! Blade fall! Skull flying! The terrible space of the Yin Cao Tianzun creature is like a piece of paper in front of Ling Feng, which is vulnerable.

Xian meteorite is really too strong, at least it is the ultimate Celestial Supreme level, that is not at all comparable to those Celestial creatures.


The remaining biological creatures have been defeated. At this time, they can no longer take care of the face. Only life is the most important.


They had already fallen into Ling Feng's attack range, and at this time they were thinking about escape, it was too late.

The moment the fairy blade flew out, the whole battle had come to an end. The fairy blade was ignited by the fairy meteor, and the flash electrode speed broke out.

Stab it! A Celestial creature Fuxi! puff! Another Tianzun creature fell! Ling Feng was like a butcher. She fell from the knife with her hands, without any trace of muddy water. In a short time, ten creatures fell and died in front of them.


These ten creatures are the most top heavenly creatures of Yincao, and the remaining five creatures are weaker.

"Stop it!"

Ling Feng's cast was unhindered, and Xian Meteor pushed towards one creature, while Xian Blade split to another creature.

Between the lightnings, both creatures were dying.

The gray blood flowed across the sky, casting a blood-like picture, and portraying the fighting power of the Ling king demon.


Ling Feng flew out, knocking out two creatures.

So far.

The Yincao creature had no momentum and was completely frightened, while the Tianzun creature behind the fifteen creatures fled to lightning. Who dares to confront such a king of Ling?

It's pure death! Just when Ling Feng was going to chase and kill the last creature, the creature suddenly turned around, thumped, and kneeled in front of Ling Feng.

"Ling Wang, forgive me!"

It was almost scared to pee. It was the first time I saw such an invincible deity, and I was going to ask God.

Ling Feng is essentially different from the original Burning Sky Supreme. Burning Sky Supreme is only promoted to the first class, and Ling Feng is still being promoted, and the birth of Xian Meteor has already created Lingfeng's invincible combat power.

Tian Tianzun is like a dog slaughter! That's so overbearing! "Poor!"

Shenlie sighed and said: "A dozen people hit one, you can't beat each other, it's too wasteful!"

"" The celestial creature trembled, afraid to look up.

Ling Feng's eyes flickered. This creature has a lot of low-keys. He didn't swear at some women like Ye Witch before, but it changed Ling Feng's impression a little bit.

"Get up!"

Ling Feng nodded, and in the end he did not remove this creature. He was stabbed too much by the Yincao level. There must always be several creatures to control the situation.


He wants to survive some other Tianzun creatures of Yincao. If they are managed by the anti-God, they are afraid that there will be bloodshed. It is much easier to manage this creature.

It is not enough to rely on them only to lay down the entire Huang Quan.

Not even the whole disobedience is enough.

They need to borrow! To be honest, if it weren't for the fifteen creatures to tease Ye Witch and others, Ling Feng wouldn't have been so furious.

"What's it called?"

Ling Feng asked with a smile, and when the problem was solved, he didn't need to be cold.

"Back to Ling King, I'm Ling Guizun!"

The spirit ghost revered respectfully.


Ling Feng nodded and said, "As long as you're sincere, I won't embarrass you, but if you dare to betray, blame me for being ruthless!"

"You have betrayed once, and I will not allow you to betray again!"

Ling Feng's vision became sharp again.


Ling Guizun bowed his head, it understood Ling Feng's meaning.

"I didn't want to kill all the creatures. Everyone is Huang Quan creatures. Why are you too worried?"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "You go to persuade, willing to be sincere, I still have a broad mind," but he didn't go on, so far.


Ling Guizun was relieved. He was worried that Ling Feng was too violent, and he would clean the creatures of Yin Cao Tianzun level. Such a tyrant is really scary.

Fortunately, King Ling is not a complete tyrant.

He also has a kind side.

"After that, these creatures will be left to you to manage, but if you are here to talk Louzi, then you are the only one to ask!"


Ling Guizun nodded immediately, eyes bright.

King Ling is not only benevolent, but also understands decentralization. This means that Ling Feng is a clever person, and it also means that he has great power, which is equivalent to the first deity that just fell.

Under King Ling, respect me! Moreover, it can see that Ling Wang Zhi is not here, and the layout in his heart should be the entire Huang Quan.

to be frank.

Among the fifteen Tianzun creatures, it is the smartest one. Others want to plot the entire Huangquan. It must be crazy, but it is not completely impossible for a Ling king who can kill the Supreme without asking God. ( )

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