Supreme Demon

Chapter 2911: The obsession is too deep to be saved!


Ling Feng forced his forehead, his eyes were sincere.

But his voice was so full of grievances, and his mouth was as if to be violent in the next moment.

The sacred distant **** fell into the air again, and the whole bird was not good.

A moment later, it made a wild laugh again, and the emotional Ling Feng has today.


Being violent is not just his patent. At first Ling Feng witnessed the whole process of being violent, and appeared midway, hurting himself was even worse. Now this tone can finally be released.

"Brother, die together!"

Shen Lie smiled insidiously. "But you are not kind, don't blame me for being wrong."


He didn't want to enjoy Tianqi's "blessings" at first, but how should he let Ling Feng feel the feeling of being "graceful".

Of course, it is not the time to wait until the women like Ye Witch and Ling Qing are tired before they can come forward conveniently.

"Then I'll help you to relieve itching."

Ling Qing said with a smile on his face, "However, I just made a breakthrough recently, and the power control is not very good."

"..." What can Ling Feng say?

This already tells him very clearly that her sister is going to violently treat you, and then you should do whatever you want to do.

"I'm thick and itchy."

Ling Feng put out a sincere smile and said, "I think you're just afraid you can't stop itching."

"So, I also find it difficult."

Ling Qing thought for a while and said, "However, you have to bear it later, or someone else thinks I'm hitting you."

"..." Ling Feng felt miserable.

When Shenlie was beaten, at least he was able to slap, and Ling Qing meant to let him not slap, this was not to use violence.

This is going to be beaten! Ling Feng was very reluctant inside, but in order to let these women out of breath, he put up with it.

"how could be."

Ling Feng grinned, but the smile was more ugly than crying.

"That's good!"

After Ling Qing finished speaking, he flew directly to Ling Feng and kicked it out. Like the same lightning, carrying the ice charm, he was shot down on Ling Feng's fart and stock.

"Oh huh ..." Ling Feng was holding his fart, his stocks, and his head was raised. It felt like ... he felt he was insulted by Ling Qing, but he could not find evidence.

Huh! Ling Qing kicked out again, making Ling Feng's expression more "sincere", and Ling Qing's little black fist just fell down like a raindrop at this time.

Crackling exploded on Ling Feng.

Ling Feng endured.


Ye Witch asked.

"... itch, itchy skin!"

So, the Witch Ye joined the battlefield and violently attacked Ling Feng with Ling Qing. What a terrible result, no need to ask.

Ling Feng only felt that the internal concubine was injured. These women are really poisonous, and they don't give any face.


If you think about it, they have suffered too many grievances and worries over the years, which can be seen from their hard work, coming between life and death, and the value of anger.

No matter how angry they are, they are worried.

They don't want this to happen again, so Ling Feng will suffer a little.

Only when it hurts did I know the lesson.

They do not allow this to happen again.

next moment.

Dugu Yuyue and Yunxi both joined the battlefield. Ling Feng really angered everyone this time, but Liu Shushu was a little different. She had bright eyes. Since encountering Ling Feng, she always wanted to storm Ling It was a wind, but unfortunately there was no chance.

In other words, she doesn't have such ability, and now she can finally use violence against Ling Feng.

How can she miss such an opportunity?

Violence! His sister didn't know Ling Feng.

So Liu Shushu entered the field.

After a while, it was Han Ruyue and so on.

"It seems like a rare opportunity."

In the sky, it's not just the gods who are watching the battle. How can creatures like Ming Tianshou miss this scene?

So exciting! It's so cool! It's incredible! They have seen Ling Feng being violent for the first time since they entered infidelity. Ling Feng used to violently attack them.


What excites them even more is that Ling Feng is being violent, and the scene is very chaotic. This girl's fart and stocks have to protect her face when she feels that her face is more important than anything else.

Sure enough, it's a face.

For them, it is impossible to face the violence with Ling Feng directly. With Ling Feng's current ability, they can completely crush them, so they can only use violence on the back, but even this is not safe.

Now is the perfect time.

While the scenes are chaotic, they mix in and violently attack Ling Feng first?

"Going to you, I have no complaints with him."

Wan Nianyu didn't want to enter the venue, always felt that it was not cost-effective. With Lingfeng's ability, afterwards, he wouldn't know who had made a black mouth?

It didn't want to be beaten.

"Come on, have you been bullied by him?"

Ming Tianshou pouted his lips, scorned Wan Nian, and then looked at Ling Feng and said, "Then let the deity end, and violence first!"

"However, I tell you, the chance is only once."

Ming Tianshou cautioned seriously: "Once I shot, Ling Feng will soon be able to find the difference, but then you will not be so easy to want violence."

"Do you really want to do it?"

The Chaos Nine Metamorphisms spoke, and their eyes were extremely excited. "If so, I would recommend everyone to do it together."

"Yes, we must be together, so even if he is to be accountable, he must deal with all of us!"

"That makes sense!"

Shenlie flew from afar. Although his nose and eyes were swollen, his serious look deserved people's respect.

"Would you like to be together?"

Shenlie began to arouse the deities, and it is safer only if the deities work together.

"I'm OK!"

Ming Tianshou made the first statement, and it smiled insidiously. "I was bullied by him at the beginning. I vowed that I must beat him in my lifetime!"

"me too!"

Chaos Nine change soul forehead.

These creatures have been bullied and had to bow their heads. Although they have been reconciled for so many years, there is such a stick in their hearts that they can't live without Ling Feng.

"That's it, just click!"

The evil emperor was excited. "I can beat him, my deity is willing to be seriously injured once, and this is Huang Quan, I don't believe he dares to seriously wound each of us."


The eyes of all respects were bright.

This is different from the starry sky. Once seriously injured, it is very troublesome. It doesn't matter if one or two are involved, but so many Celestials work together. Once seriously injured, the consequences are quite serious.

They are not as thick as Ling Feng.

Not even Ling Feng's horrible resilience.


God shook his fist and said.


Several demon statues are like-minded and feel like they are doing a big job.

Who said they could only bully them?

Can't they bully the Lord?

The big deal is to be violent afterwards, but it is enough to be violent to Ling Feng once.

Wan Nian Lao is a little emotional, but in the end he still restrained it. It was relatively stable, like Ming Tianshou, Chaos Nine Transforming Spirit, etc., and he has always been mixed with the gods, while Wan Nian Lao is more with the burning of Heaven, so his character There is a big difference between these demon deities like Ming Tianshou.

In the end, it didn't move.

It still feels unreliable.


Shenlie first touched the past. When does this time stay unattended?

Ming Tianshou, Chaos Nine Transformed Spirit, Evil Emperor touched the past one by one, ready to give Ling Feng a blow, and then ran.

They are very cautious and go out of their way to suppress the breath in the body until they approach Ling Feng before they start.

"act recklessly!"

Candle Dragon looked at Shenlie and shook his head and sighed. These monsters are really too young and lingering. Is he really not aware of them when he is violent?

The candle dragon's intuitive feeling is stronger. This is a special force belonging to the candle dragon, or Ling Feng has the same power in her body.


She can better understand how terrible Ling Feng is.

Whoever dares to join in the fun will die horribly.

"The obsession is too deep, it's not saved!"

Qingyi shook her head silently. How deep are these demon respects?

Knowing that it would be miserable after the fact, he had to walk on the edge of the knife.

This is probably because it has a lot to do with Ling Feng's strength. Ling Feng's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and they are becoming more and more desperate. As long as there is a chance, they want to complete the obsession in their hearts.

Tian Qi frowned, but finally didn't speak.

call out! Hum! ... At this moment, Shenlie and Mingtian Beasts started to move. The speed was like electricity, and they immediately blasted towards Ling Feng. Ye Witch and others felt the movement, staggered their bodies, and exposed Ling Feng among them.

They came lightning.

In the process, Ling Feng curled up on the ground without any resistance. Perhaps he also felt that the other party was Ye Witch and others.

This makes the spirits such as Shenlie and Mingtian beast more excited.

Ling Feng turned up instinctively.

He's dead! As soon as several demon princes were excited, they ignored everything, and went all out to Lingfeng.

They did as expected.

They succeeded.

Their fists slammed into Ling Feng, punching them into the sky, the nose bridge, body depression, Dantian depression, and even the forehead.


Ling Feng was still spraying blood in her mouth, her flesh and bones were blurred and broken, and a road injury was ignited in her body, causing her to make a stern scream.


He fell to the ground with a moan, and passed out on the spot.

"..." "Shit, fooled!"

When Shenlie saw this scene, his face became dark, and it was completely dark.

He knew they had been counted.

Ling Feng had known them for a long time, but she did not have a backhand, and she had no defense. Instead, she took the initiative to make them violent.

Indeed, they succeeded, but they lost their mindfulness, but because of their appearance, Ling Feng's internal injuries were detonated, making him "fainted."

In this way, Ling Feng's crisis was lifted.

Ye Witch can no longer be violent.


They took the initiative and severely injured Ling Feng in a state of "out of control", causing him to faint, and in a situation where the anger in the hearts of Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others had not been completely eliminated.

What will happen then?

Not only did Shenlie feel it, but other demon respects also felt it.

"If I say we didn't do it on purpose, do you believe it?"

Shenlie turned to his face and found that Ye Witch and Ling Qing were staring at them with black lines.


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