Supreme Demon

Chapter 2912: Get through three layers of Dirt!

God stunned.

Naruto Beasts are choked! Several demon statues were present at the scene.

They did not expect to be able to fly Ling Feng with one punch, and they had thought that if Ling Feng could not be hit with one blow, they would make a second blow until Ling Feng's tragedy.


Some things and some people's brain circuits are not something they can figure out, at least they can't figure it out.

How could it be so easy?

When Ling Feng flew out and the lightning fainted, they knew they were miserable.

Their IQ is too weak.

With Lingfeng's ability, wouldn't they have already appeared?

Don't know what ideas they are working on?

Ling Feng did not respond.

Ling Feng did not respond.

He chose to faint.


Ye Witch, Ling Qing, and other women have different goals. They don't want to beat a stunned person?

Who are their goals?

Obvious! "A few idiots!"

Wan Nian Lao almost laughed abruptly. In his early years, Ling Feng lost too much. Ling Feng's most terrible thing was IQ, but he did not expect that Shen Lie and several other demon statues could blast Ling Feng.

When he reacted, he sympathized with the gods and waited for the demon.

"Deserve it!"

Even Tian Qi can't stand it anymore.

"Others are showing affection, you guys are doing something."

Women's and men's brain circuits are different, or Tian Qi knows women better.

Although Ye Witch, Ling Qing, and other women are violently attacking Ling Feng, they have not used poisonous hands, and they have been controlling very well. They can make Ling Feng feel pain, but they will not hurt Ling Feng.

Rather than saying that they are violent, they are venting their feelings.

Blazing! violent! That's irresistible.

However, what did Shenlie wait for?

They blocked the feelings of several women, such as Ye Witch and Ling Qing, so that they could not let them out, and let the anger and grievances in their hearts be in their hearts.

And when Ling Feng fell, it was also stimulating these women.

They can bully Ling Feng arbitrarily, and they are the only ones who can disobey God, but these demon statues of Shenlie are resolute.

What do you say they will do?

Shen Lie is smart enough, but he had long wanted to violent Ling Feng, and would rather risk his life and death to succeed, but after he succeeded, he discovered the seriousness of the problem.


He came up with such an idiot again.

"Do you think we believe it?"

Ling Qing said with a sneer.

"I do not guess you guess guess?"

Shenlie took a step back, he already felt that things were changing, and the momentum of Ye Witch was becoming magnificent.

"How about this."

Han Ruyue said, "You say hello, don't say we bully you!"

"..." Shenlie stared unconsciously at Tianqi, and found that Tianqi, Wannianyu, Candle Dragon, etc. all turned around and did not stare at him, even his own wife thinks he is too shameful.

To know.

This time is different from their violence against Ling Feng, the momentum has risen, the power is thinning out, it is a rhythm of beating.

Tian Qi, Wan Nian Lao Ye, and so on are very good, but I really have to suffer from the Witches and others.

"Huh, it's been years apart, and this deity isn't so bullying ... eh!"

As soon as the voice of Shenlie fell, she was kicked out by Ye Witch.

Although the amazing progress in the past few years is really amazing, women such as Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Candle Dragon, and Qing Yi are even more terrible. Even without such blood and tempering, their progress is not what other figures can measure.

not to mention.

The fierce battle with the Lord of the Lord caused these women to undergo drastic changes, which Shenlie never possessed.

At the same time, Ye Witch ’s aura is definitely the Xeon space second only to Xianli. In this respect, the gods are not Ye Witch ’s opponents.


Ling Qing flew past and blasted directly to Ming Tianshou.

"Beautiful clear fairy, is it better to start lighter?"

In the same starry sky, Ming Tianshou naturally knew how terrible these women were, so he gave up the resistance directly and lay on the ground straight, waiting for Ling Qingyu.

"A little ambition, okay?"

Shen Lie was quite dissatisfied and said, "The deity is polished in Huangquan to create extraordinary space. Who really abuses who is not necessarily."


He is quite confident in his progress.

"Auditor, you are inflated!"

Ling Qing smiled with narrow eyes.

"This is powerful expansion!"

Shen Lie said confidently.


As soon as his voice fell, he was blasted out by Ye Witch, even the triple space could not stand up to Witch Tianwei.

"Witch Ye, are you really afraid of you?"

Shenlie fixed his body in the void and yelled, "To be honest, this deity is trying to get advice."

"bring it on!"

Ye Witch is cold.

"Then let you see the Kazakhstan, the grind of the deity in Huang Quan!"

Shenlie swelled, the strength was fully stretched, the air was broken, and the mess was overwhelming. It opened up a million spaces and collapsed into the nine sky domes.

The overbearing posture was quite a bit of charm of Ling Feng.

"The deity wants to break the ranking against the **** Tianjiao!"

After that.

He carried the Fengdao to the Witch with a violent wave temperament, coupled with the expression of wind and flirtatiousness, which was astounding.

Against God Tianjiao ranking.

In fact, many characters want to break, but so far no one can do it. After a century of fighting, there are only a few changes against God.

At this time, Tianjiao's ranking will be difficult to change.

Shenlie is not convinced. He wants to break this rule. He wants to challenge the second person on the anti-God arrogance list.


He flew forward in a powerful manner, and blasted out the strongest attack of his life. The triple space was almost merged into one. I don't know how much force was colliding and melting.

Even Shen Lie was surprised.

He seemed to touch a door, and once opened it was a double world.


He really swelled. People have been jealous of Ye Witch all these years, or Ye Witch has rarely done her best. There is Ling Feng as a character in front of her. What Ye Witch really needs to worry about is trivia.

As a result, many characters have forgotten the goddess Tianjiao who was able to overwhelm the wind.

"Damn it!"

Ye Witch only shouted two words, and a strong lightning penetrated the void and crossed over Shenlie.

next moment.

Everything stopped.

Shen Lie looked at Ye Witch unbelievably, there was an unacceptable feeling.

The Ye Witch didn't move the killer, but it was just the end of the day, but it took time away from the surrounding charm, evacuated his strength, and blasted it back to the fourth level of heavenly respect.

She carries her hands.

She was cold and unsmiling.

But the shocking face filled the spirit with despair.

Ye Witch didn't come over, but that powerful control really made him desperate.

Just good time.

Just good suppression.

The fact that she didn't bang did not mean she didn't have the ability to blast.

It's aloof! "carry on!"

Ye Witch said ruthlessly, "I don't want to die halfway!"


Shen Lie said in a guilty conscience that the leaf witch at this time made him really feel terrible.

"How can it be calculated?"

Ling Qing sneered and said, "The challenge list is just fine, there is a price to pay."

"……""forget it!"

Shen shook his head fiercely, and finally felt that he could not pass himself. "I have no interest in hitting women!"

"But I'm interested in playing birds!"

After that.

The leaf witch blasted down, with a scream of sorrow and sorrow.

Tian Qi couldn't bear to look at it, but she didn't help. At first, she wasn't necessarily an opponent of Ye Witch and others. If she did it herself, the taste would change.

Three, this bird really should be pumped.


The **** was so miserable that the bird's hair was almost pulled out.

Along with the tragic, there are several other demon lords, who are mourned with sorrows. They are not wanting to backhand, but they can't be beaten.

This woman is not only crazy, but also very strong.

A long while.

Ye Witch and Ling Qing were out of breath, and the demon lords lying on the ground were shivering. Even if they were fainted, they had nightmares. It can be seen how terrible the women were beaten.

Ye Witch landed in front of Ling Feng.

"Don't pretend to be dead!"

"it is good !"

The lingering Ling Feng, the lingering Ling Feng, climbed up and licked his face and said, "Can you get angry?"


Ye Witch had no previous resentment, and smiled a little more on her face.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng's forehead.

Then, before he finished speaking, he was hugged by Ye Witch and hugged ... hmm ... Princess hug.

Ling Feng shyly covered her face directly.

This leaf witch became more and more domineering and gave him no face at all.

However, he was shocked.

Two days later.

Ling Feng flew out of Dirt, and began to open up three layers of Dirt, with important restraints such as the sky dome sack and Xiangu Tiangong, as well as the strange gate restraint brought by Ye Witch from the sky.

Of course it is not easy.

Bang! Nine days and thousands of roads roared, terrifying beams of light penetrated ten thousand roads, opened up thirty-three heavens, forbidden from this piece of Uchi, rushed to all directions, and then flew from all directions to the center, from which the sky was ripped open, tear Opened the world, formed a black hole, and landed on Youquan Mountain.

next moment.

Lingfeng penetrated the black hole and landed on Youquan Mountain. He moved Xianxian to sacrifice four restraints. Shengshengdong opened Youquan Mountain, so that the light of Dirt land fell on the Shura Sea.


The light rain on the Youquan Mountain and the Shura Sea began to spread around, swooping on two layers of dirt.

He was doing all he could to get through three layers of bad soil.

Only in this way can they be unchecked, and once attacked, they will be able to arrive at once, and at the same time will not let Huang Quan be chaotic, and butterflies and hidden gods can truly radiate.

This process lasted eight days.

Ling Feng exhausted his physical strength and strength, and truly created a monumental gate restriction, which opened up three layers of bad soil.

So far.

Inverse God has established a foothold in Huangquan, and those creatures are not as easy as they were to deal with them.

"The next is the fourth floor!"

Ling Feng's eyes burned "Three days, there should be a result on that side!" URL ( www.101novel. com )

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