Supreme Demon

Chapter 2913: Underworld!

Fainted due to Ling Feng.

This "war" without gunpowder came to an end, but it wasn't Ling Feng that was really miserable, but gods such as Shenlie and Ming Tianshou.

of course.

The real misery is still behind, and now the gods such as Shenlie and Ming Tianshou are only beaten by Ye Witch and Ling Qing, but once Ling Feng wakes up, they are not just so miserable.


Is Ling Feng the kind of person who suffers?

Even if he is violent, it is not easy to solve the latter matter. Ling Feng's shots are completely different from those of Ye Witch.

Two days later, when Ling Feng set out to build a three-layered strange door, Shenlie and Ming Tianshou had already woken up.


When they knew the situation, they "fainted" on the spot and never "woke up" again.

They have just been beaten. At this time, naturally they do not want to be beaten again. Only when they faint can they escape the crushing of Ling Feng.

to be frank.

At this time, Ling Feng really had no mood to deal with the demon lords such as Shenlie and Ming Tianshou. His goal was Yincao House.

"What's happening over there?"

At this moment, Ling Feng was standing in Dirt, his eyes shone with cold light, and there was a beautiful butterfly opposite him.

"Yin Jun is doing it!"

The beautiful butterfly said unsmilingly, "However, the current situation is unclear. We have too few staff to separate our staff, and we are not able to enter the fifth floor."


Ling Feng's forehead. In his expectation, it is not easy for Butterfly to get through the five floors.

At least Yin Jun needs to start.

However, Yin Jun can do it at this time, which shows that Yin Jun is not as stupid as he imagined. If he does not get through the five layers, then Yin Yin can only wait for death.

Once the five floors were cleared, the situation became blurred.

In the fifth floor, it is difficult to say who the Yin Jun favors.

"It's him we are going to borrow!"

Ling Feng said ruthlessly, "Prepare against the **** as soon as possible, but Yin Jun cannot believe it!"


The butterfly flew away, Ling Feng was still standing.

"it's complicated?"

Ye Witch asked.


Ling Feng forehead said, "But we have to do it!"

"Yeah, we have to do this!"

It is too weak to be against God here. If the Burning Heaven Supreme comes in, we will not be so stretched, but then again, even if the Burning Heaven Supreme comes in, this will happen sooner or later.

Burning Heaven Supreme, rain in the east.

There are only two supreme gods, but how many are Huang Quan?

They are currently only playing the fifth floor, but what if they are playing the last eight floors of Huangquan?

What kind of characters did they have to deal with then?

What kind of situation should we cope with?

Too tricky.

too complicated! Too dangerous! It can be said that if they are not careful, they will die.

Today, only Huang Yuquan, a figure who enters Huangquan, has two Supremes on the fourth and fifth floors of Huangquan.

To be honest, if Ling Feng asked Tian Tian successfully, then such a problem would be solved, but unfortunately Ling Feng had not yet reached the time to ask Tian.

Therefore, Ling Feng said that they had to do so.

Ling Feng, can they slaughter Yin Jun?

of course can! But today, they do n’t deal with this situation, then they still have to meet this problem. Ling Feng still wanted to get Yin Jun, and then he charged for him.


He still doesn't believe in Yin Jun, they have no interest relationship, let alone the same dreams and others.

What reason can he make Ling Feng so loyal?

Unless Ling Feng is an idiot! Is Ling Feng an idiot?

Obviously not.

"I'll suppress Yin Jun!"

Ling Feng said dullly.


Ling Qing was the first objection. If they did n’t know it before, it ’s better to say, is it still unclear?

"Oriental seniors can't deal with two Supremes!"

Ling Feng sighed. If he could, why would he want to face the Supreme creature?

Ling Qing, Ye Witch and several other women were silent. The current situation is really tricky. Among them, only Ling Feng can barely suppress the opponent.

"I'll help you!"

For a long while, Ye Witch spoke, Ling Feng was too dangerous alone.

"I can handle it alone!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "I just want to restrain the other person, not to kill the other person."

"This ..." "Trust me!"

Ling Feng patted the hands of Ye Witch and Ling Qing, and then moved forward. Sometimes he really wanted to ask God earlier.


Asking the sky is an extremely long process. It took thousands of years for the geniuses such as the Burning Heaven Supreme. Ling Feng is more genius, but it is basically impossible to ask the sky in a short time.

Three days later.

There was news from the butterfly side, and Yin Jun had fully fought the fifth floor.

"Whether it is temptation or real war, we have no time to hesitate!"

Ling Feng looked into the distance, his eyes became cold, and a killing intention was gushing.

Fight when you fight! This is Lingfeng! "it is good!"

Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. are all smart people. Although the situation is unfavorable, they are not completely without opportunities.

The top figures of God are coming, from all directions, suddenly.


The momentum is so tide, there are not many anti-god characters coming in this time, but each one is a very strong character, not to mention the heavenly figures come over, they are the real sharp blade in Lingfeng's hands.

After hundreds of years.

The sky is long gone, and even if the Legion of Inverse Blood was placed in front of them, they would have to shed blood.

"Life or death, the king is defeated."

Ling Feng looked at the gods and said quietly and ruthlessly, "I hope that when you remember later, you will not regret this step you take today!"


Everyone promised.

"set off!"

Ling Feng didn't say much. They responded too much to such a scene. The original Xianting, the original Honghuangtiandao, the original ... they defeated each opponent, how could they fall down here?

Ni Shenzhong didn't pronounce any more, but flew to Yincao House with Lingfeng.

Their speed is like electricity, and they will appear in Yincao House in a short time. In fact, Lingfeng is going through the third and fourth floors. Once they break through each other, they can quickly create a situation.

Yin Jun is not here.

He really entered the fifth floor.

There is also the spirit ghost statue, only the fourth-level top heavenly deity has only this one, and they cannot suppress the fifth-level creature.


Ling Feng didn't delay, she set foot on Naihe Bridge on the spot, appeared in Yincao House, and flew from here to the fifth floor.

They did not move forward together, but split into two sets to prevent being attacked by Yin Jun.


Things are moving in the direction expected by Ling Feng. Yin Jun seems to be slaughtering the fifth layer of creatures, and he is not attacking Ling Feng.

"It looks like Yin Jun and the Fifth Supreme are not getting along well."

Shen Lie smiled fiercely, he was pretending to die, but at this time can not pretend.

"He has a reason to shoot!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "One Supreme One Day, Yin Cao's house is empty. If you don't take the initiative, you will be eaten sooner or later!"


next moment.

Ling Feng and Dong Fang Yu came forward, while Ye Witch and others stayed, informed the other inverse gods, and advised them to come over.

Two characters, Ling Feng and Dong Fang Yu Luo, have different characters to deal with. They can't help.

call out! When the inverse gods fully entered the fifth floor, the whole sky changed color because of them. When they came in, there was no force and no character could drive them away.

This is the resilience of God! of course.

It is not easy for them to deal with the fifth-level top celestial deity, and now they can only hope that Ling Feng's side ends as soon as possible, which is why Ling Feng made them appear later.

The fifth floor.

It's more different here, the atmosphere inside is deeper and deeper, there is a faint blood mist floating around, covering everything, and there is also a blood-thirsty crazy substance in the atmosphere.

Underworld! The creatures here are stronger and more bloodthirsty than Yincaofu, and humanity is more severely lost, but undoubtedly stronger.


There is no such unpredictable place as Yin Cao House, there is no Meng Po, Nai He Bridge, but more gloomy charm and stronger creatures.

That's it.

Ling Feng and Oriental Rain fell side by side. Lightning flew to the distance. With all eyes on guard, once they entered here, everything could get out of control and they had to face it with all their strength.

Blood flows.

The scene was extremely bloodthirsty.

When Ling Feng was flying horizontally, the pictures she saw frowned, because the endless creatures were swallowed down, only the skeletons were left, and many cities were destroyed.

They have just experienced a battle for slaughter.

And the only person who can shape such a battlefield is Yin Jun.

"Is he real?"

The rain in the east was a little surprised.

"If he can't persuade King Wang to cooperate with him, he can only rely on us!"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "The fourth layer is too weak, and we can only be blocked by the king of the domain!"

"You won!"

"It's too early!"

Ling Feng sneered and said, "The king of the domain is not dead, then everything can happen!"

"what are you worried about?"

The East rain fell in shock and asked.

"At this time, anti-water is not fatal, but it is only critical at the moment of life and death."

"..." Dongfang Rain fell cold and startled, Ling Feng didn't believe it until now, and had to say that Ling Feng was very alert.


Ling Feng was right. It was just slaughtering a few cities. What about the death of several heavenly creatures?

If they can kill Ling Feng and him, then Yin Jun and Yu Wang will be able to divide the three layers of Huang Quan. If it were them, what would they do?

Not long.

They appeared in the underworld, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and sunken in the middle.

It is really like a prison, but this area is different. The "mountains" surrounding it are not only mountains, but also a kind of aura. It suppresses the sky, and even Tianzun is restricted here.

Reduce power! This is the most terrible truth of the underworld.

Once it falls here, it can either break the space restrictions or be crushed to the bottom.

It can be said.

This is one of the most dangerous areas that Ling Feng has encountered. There are really not many creatures who dare to break into the Yin Domain, just as there are not many creatures who dare to break into the Naihe Bridge. Both Mengpo and Naihe Bridge are tricky.

The more Xeon creatures, the more awesome.


Ling Feng landed in front of the underworld, staring coldly ahead. URL ( )

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