Supreme Demon

Chapter 2914: The limit you think is just the starting point for others!

Underworld! Space restrictions are terrible for any living thing. Even if the characters such as the Oriental Rainfall enter it, they will be restricted. They want to exert their full strength, and they are simply delusional.

This is something they have never imagined.


Dongfang Yu Luo frowned, he thought of many kinds of duels, but he didn't expect it to be this way.

"It's interesting!"

Ling Feng's eyes flickered with scorn, and when he was here, his tight heart calmed down.


He has been worried that Yin Jun may betray and surrender, but the Yin domain is very different. If you do n’t understand how to cut off the restrictions, it is equivalent to falling into the domain of Wang.

How can the fish on the sword bounce?

Does Yin Jun know?

know! However, he broke into the underworld without hesitation, that is, other creatures in Yincao House had already broken into it, and he was fighting in blood at this moment.

He did such a bad thing?

To know.

This is the home of the domain king.

Yin Jun asked himself no problem, but who is Ling Feng?

With the appearance of Xian Meteor, he can see the difference of the Yin domain at a glance, then all the problems are solved.

Yin Jun is not trustworthy! Ling Feng was not angry, and did not lose her temper, just calmly.

Yin Jun was originally Huangquan Supreme and did not owe them anymore. After knowing their intentions, it was even more impossible to lean towards them.

Therefore, Yin Jun "invested in" the domain king.

In other words, the two kings must join forces to deal with Ling Feng, and then divide the Ling Dynasty.

"How do we respond?"

Dong Fang Yu Luo frowned. Although he was a little vague, but initially contacted he knew that Yin Yu had an influence on him.

"Just weakened!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "But it's not just our strength that weakens?"

"But as long as those two creatures are not weakened, it is enough to solve us."

Oriental Yu Luo is really worried about here.


Ling Feng's forehead admits that Dongfang Yuluo is right.

"So, I want to further judge how strong the restriction of the underworld is."

At present, Ling Feng is still not sure and needs to go deeper, because he feels that the restrictions in the underworld are not constant, but become stronger as they deepen.

"Is it too risky?"

"I'm sure!"

In this regard, Ling Feng is quite confident. The space limitation of the underworld is very good, but in front of Xian Meteor, there is a soil chicken tile dog.

The power that can curb the fairy meteor during this time is not here.

"Trouble seniors are waiting here!"

Ling Feng said.

"Okay, everything is careful!"


Lingfeng's lightning disappeared and rushed into the underworld. As he stepped deeper into it, he really felt that Tianwei was getting stronger, power was flying away, and a mysterious substance pervaded the void, which was weakening the power in Wu Xiu's body.


This mysterious force is really not worth mentioning in front of Xian Meteor.

Lingfeng is completely unaffected.

When Ling Feng was about to reach the middle of the underworld, he stopped with a faint smile on his face. The situation might not be as bad as they thought.

Because, here he saw the two major forces of Yincaofu and Yinyu confronting each other. Everyone was dying, and Ling Guizun was facing the sniper attack of many Tianzun creatures. The danger was surging, and the wolf was embarrassed. .

However, Ling Feng was surprised that Ling Guizun was able to persist to this day.

Of course, what really satisfies him is that not only the power of the spirit deities is weakened, but the power of other deities is also weakened. Although the realm has not changed, the overall strength has been weakened too much.

It can be said.

In the underworld, it is quite good for the first-ranking Tianzun to exert the strength of the fourth-ranking Tianzun, and other Tianzun is even more unbearable.

Not to mention other creatures.


Fighting here is dangerous, especially for creatures from other levels.

Creature creatures know the situation here, and they should be stronger in all aspects, especially the top-level creatures.


One thing Ling Feng can guess is that no matter whether it is a top-level creature or a weak creature, it is impossible to be in such repression all the time. Therefore, the creatures in the underworld actually live outside the underworld.

what does this mean?

They didn't adapt to the repressive force here, they were just more familiar than other creatures.


The domain king may be different. He is the master here, but if he wants to cast such a dark domain, the domain king alone is not enough to see, which means that he is only an adaptor.


The King of Domains knows how to break down the space constraints so that he is not affected. Here he is the real King, even the Supreme is his dish.

But what about that?

It's not just him who is also unaffected.

"You are so confident!"

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, the two creatures tried to suppress them with the underworld, but what if everything didn't develop in the direction they expected?

Ling Feng looked at the sky, he already felt the breath of the two creatures.

He has very good control. Xian Mete can perceive each other in advance, and it is not so easy for the other party to perceive him.

next moment.

Ling Feng flew out of the shade.

"how about it?"

Dongfang Yulu couldn't wait to ask.

"A round!"

Ling Feng said coldly, "But all people are the same as being suppressed. They feel that in the underworld, we will suffer!"

"Isn't that really the case?"

Dongfang Yu frowned. He didn't know where Lingfeng's confidence came from.

"Here comes the top character against God!"

Ling Feng squinted.


The rain in the east looked at Lingfeng in puzzlement.

"I'll deal with that domain king!"

Ling Feng sneered and said, "Come and stop Yin Jun!"

"This ..." Ling Feng didn't wait for Dongfang Yulu to speak, and said with a smile, "Leave the rest to them."

"But ..." What more could Yufang Yuluo say? At this time, there have been fluctuations in the rear. Ye Witch and others appeared, very obscure. If it were not for a character like them, they might not be able to feel it.

"what's the situation?"

Only a few characters flew down from the void, and more were hidden in the void.

"Space constraints, Tianwei is extremely strong!"

"How strong?"

Ye Witch asked.

"Weaken at least three levels!"


Ye Witch didn't say much, she understood what Ling Feng was about to say.

"You come against that domain king?"


"Isn't this the domain king?"


"Remember to be careful!"

Ye Witch's forehead, she groaned for a moment and said, "When this matter is resolved, we will immediately rush to the sky to help you!"

"it is good!"

"..." Dongfang Yuluo on the side was a little bit shy. The conversation between the two characters was too straightforward and simple, but because it was too simple and straightforward, he couldn't understand.

Ye Witch doesn't know how strong that coercion is.

Ye Witch doesn't know how strong the opponent is.

Is she about to kill her opponent?

How powerful is this self-confidence?


The Ye Witch did not let the Oriental Rain fall for a long time. When she waved her hand, the world was eternal.

Dongfang Yuluo can't imagine what I see and hear today.

I saw that a character against God stepped forward, and Lightning was thrown into the space of the underworld, facing the space constraints, and the amazing thing happened at this moment.

A bit of aura was emitted from every character against God, and the terrible potential was gushing out of his body.

That's Aoshi Tianwei! That's the power to look down on sentient beings! They seemed to have a layer of light as thin as a cicada, but it was the light that dispelled that space limitation and left them unaffected.

At the beginning.

The rain in the east is not surprised, after all, Tianzun creatures can do it, and it is still on the edge of the underworld, but when the inverse gods step by step deeper, the most terrifying side of the inverse gods can really be revealed.

No fear of space restrictions! Despise Tianwei suppression! Each of them seemed to be a king.

"how can that be?"

The rain in the east is not surprising, even if he is here to be affected, the reversible **** is breaking in like this, like a bamboo shoot.

"Why not?"

Ling Feng narrowed her eyes and smiled, but she regretted it again.

"I mean how did they do it?"

"When they want it, when they need it!"

Ling Feng is proud of them.

"I mean ..." Dongfang Yuluo will continue to ask. He really couldn't figure out what the Supreme God could not do.

Is this to get him a seam?

"You don't understand what they paid."

Ling Feng sighed, there is a reason behind any success.

Often others can only see your bright side, but never see how much you have paid for that moment.

How many inverse gods bury their bones and how many inverse gods will stare forever on the way of marching against heaven?

These characters are young trees growing on the edge of the cliff, but they have become towering trees. People only know the surprise, but what do they pay?

Restricted area challenge! Starry sky life and death road! The refinement of Xinggu Road! ... they formed the Supreme Word with blood and life! Space suppression, space limitation! No one against God will change color because of this. In their life and death training, they have experienced too much in such a scene.

When they work harder than others, they know sacrifice better than others.

Then all success is their admiration.

"They have experienced too much!"

After speaking, Ling Feng rushed into the sky, and he knew that there was no creature here that could threaten against God.

All he had to do was to get rid of the two creatures on the sky.

"..." Dongfang Yuluo kept silent, only then did he regain the knowledge of God inversion.


He understands.

The Eastern clan stagnates, the fairy court disintegrates, and only the inverse **** can laugh at the starry sky, not because the inverse **** is more fortunate, but because he has paid too much.

They dare to die.

They dare to pay! But the Eastern clan was too comfortable, and the limit of sorrow and grief they thought could be nothing more than God. URL ( )

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