Supreme Demon

Chapter 2919: Meng Po!

Yincao House!

This mansion is very famous in the world, also known as the ghost house.

Ling Feng does not know if this mansion is the ghost house in the world, but there are Meng Po, Nai He Bridge, and Meng Po Tang.


The Mengpo here is too illusory. The Mengpo soup is a curved spring, shaped like a yellow soup in the world, and it has no flavor, so Ling Feng does not know whether this bowl of yellow soup is real or unreal.

Yin Jun fell, he had no chance to ask the truth about Meng Po.

But he still feels that something is wrong here. Meng Po, Huang Tang, and Nai Heqiao may all come from the stars. He has an intuition that the current dangerous situation may find a solution here.

So he came.

Instead of rushing forward to look at the bowl of yellow soup, he stood in front of Nai He Bridge and looked closely at Meng Po.

Raise your hand, hold the soup, and drop it.

There was no wave in Meng Po's face, and her pale eyes blew out a strange light, and she looked forward, giving people a feeling of dying.

She is bleak and has no substance. Ling Feng watched for a long time in front of Meng Po, but did not find any difference between Meng Po. She repeated the process of soup like a machine, and the yellow soup in the broken bowl suddenly disappeared, like a ghost drinking it Generally speaking


This is something Ling Feng cannot see through.

After a moment, Ling Feng shifted her eyes, instead of keeping it on Meng Po, she instead cast her hands on the old bowl and the bridge.

Every detail is not missed. Ling Feng remembered the carvings and textures on the broken bowl and Nai He Bridge, engraved in his mind, then closed his eyes and thought, trying to find his origin in his experience in these years.

Maybe find the truth in the holy mountain, the desolation, and even the ancient books against God.

As a result, he was disappointed.

The origin of such things as Meng Po and Nai Heqiao cannot be found in any ancient books, and even Yincao House has no record in this regard.

They appear as if out of thin air, and have been eternal since then.

To know. The creature of Yin Jun did not know when Meng Po and Nai Heqiao appeared. After researching for many years, he still found nothing. Ling Feng believes this, otherwise it is not only Yin Jun who dealt with them. Naihe Bridge and this

Meng Po.

Just because Yin Jun didn't untie, Ling Feng appeared here.

Shura Sea Temple.

Youfu sack inside the sky.

The tomb of the tomb.

These are all incomprehensible to Huangquan Supreme, not because they are not powerful enough, but because the heavenly palaces and heavenly domes belong to the starry sky. Only the purest starry sky power can sacrifice success, while Huangquan power has no ability.

If Meng Po and Nai Heqiao belong to the starry sky, then all of this becomes reasonable.

"Don't belong to Xiangu or Wangu?"

Ling Feng looked at Meng Po, because the imprints on the bridge of Nai He appeared for a long time and did not look like immortals.

But the problem is here.

Dongfang Yuluo has an impression of the worn-out bowl, as if you have seen it. Dongfang Yuluo was born in the ancient times, which means that the worn-out bowl appeared in the end of the ancient times.

"Why exactly?"

Ling Feng groaned silently, and some truths were buried forever in the years.

"If it doesn't work, you can only try it."

The next day, Ling Feng said in a stunned way, time is too important to be against God. Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others are trying their best. How can he dare to let himself go?

He wants to find the truth as soon as possible. If the problems in the last five layers cannot be solved here, he will have to find another solution.

next moment.

Ling Feng used Xianli to fly out and landed on Naihe Bridge.

however. Naihe Bridge didn't move a bit. What surprised Lingfeng even more was that even Xianli didn't want to shake Naihe Bridge. Its solidity was unimaginable, and when Lingfeng used Xianli to penetrate into it, But found Naihe Bridge extremely

Afraid, the progress of Xianli's penetration is very slow, and it looks like there is fairy gold.

"Is it an immortal treasure?"

Ling Feng was startled, and using Xianli wanted to move Naihe Bridge, but still couldn't shake it.

The heaviness of Nai Heqiao surprised him even more.

A long while.

Lingfeng's Xianli only penetrated an inch, and it was difficult to get in, which made Lingfeng quite helpless.

He could only use Xianli to fly to the worn bowl. Unfortunately, the worn bowl was more different. Xianli penetrated directly through it and did not touch anything.

The shabby bowl is really illusory, just made by light rain, without substance.

Ling Feng sighed and gave a sigh, somewhat disappointed.

to be frank.

At first, he was not optimistic about Meng Po. The illusion of the material even said that the rain in the east. He was looking forward to the old bowl and Naihe Bridge, but at present these two materials can not shake.

Only Meng Po remains.

He had to mobilize Xianli so that he could fly to Meng Po, hoping to gain something.


Ling Feng was still disappointed. Meng Po was really illusive, without any flesh and blood. It was the same as the old bowl, and Xianli passed by.

"what happened?"

Ling Feng frowned. He always felt that it was not that simple, but the problem was that Xianli could only sigh.

"Then use the fairy!"

Ling Feng did not give up, and felt that Xianli might not reach the deepest force, but the bridges were so strong. Xianli's level was not enough. Only stronger forces could touch some substances.


Xian meteorite was in full swing and pushed towards Meng Po.

this moment.

Ling Feng finally found a difference. Then Meng Po's action came to an abrupt halt, as if touched by the fairy.

"Full strength!"

Ling Feng blinked his eyes. He didn't know what would happen next, but if he didn't work hard, he would find nothing.

When Ling Feng tried his best to ignite Xian Meteor and let it merge into Meng Po's body, Meng Po's illusory body was actually solidified, and there was a tendency of flesh and blood.


Before Ling Feng had any further action, the Mengpo had undergone a drastic change, and her eyes seemed to flash a flash of aura.

next moment.

The most terrible thing happened. A black hole appeared in Meng Po's body. The power in Ling Feng's body poured into Meng Po like a storm, and merged into that black hole.

"what's the situation?"

Ling Feng was astonished. Is there a black hole in the world that can capture him?

What level is that?

Ling Feng didn't dare to imagine that Meng Po was too wicked. She fixed herself on the Naihe Bridge, and a black hole spewed out from the Dantian. He was drinking his fairy from the sea.

With just one tea effort, Lingfeng's fairy meteor was swallowed clean.

Ling Feng wants to cut off the fairy and prevent it from being swallowed, but even if he uses the fairy blade, he cannot solve the most difficult problem at present.

The black hole in Meng Po Tantian still swallowed his power, especially Xian Meteor.

It is useless to cut off the fairy!

Lingfeng retreated with lightning and wanted to stretch the distance and make it cut off.

However, the situation was more serious than he thought, and he was pulled back by the overbearing forces in Mengpo's black hole just ten miles away.

Meng Po's black hole still swallows the sea.

The power in Lingfeng's body was losing flash current, Xian Meteor only persisted for two teas.


Ling Feng was furious and used four restraints. Although it was difficult to exert the strongest aspect of the four restraints at this time, his Tianwei was still not to be underestimated.

He wanted to use eternal restraint to cut off the immortal, or the connection between him and Meng Po.


Meng Po's black hole is beyond imagination. Even the four bans are not intended to be separated, and they are constantly cut.

This is the first time that the eternal prohibition has failed, and it has failed to prevent Meng Po's black hole.

"What the **** is this?"

Ling Feng was horrified and eternal restraint was useless, and he would soon be drained.

In fact.

The situation is moving in the direction predicted by Ling Feng. When the immortal falls, the Mengpo black hole does not stop operating, but continues to devour.

The power between Lingfeng's blood and flesh and bones is gushing, that is, the power of the ancient trees in the sky and the thunderous yin and yang fish are all absorbed.

Ling Feng's flesh and bones have become pale and firm from the previous bright and firm, and Jing Yuan is pulling away little by little.


Ling Feng was terribly miserable, but this was the power he had remade. If he was drained like this, God knew how much resources it would take to recover.

But he couldn't stop this from happening.

at last.

After insisting for half an hour, Ling Feng's power was evacuated, and even the life essence was consumed so much that he instantly turned white.

An ancient genius turned white for a night.

Lingfeng has a bald head today!

Not only that, his skin became wrinkled, his eyes became cloudy, Ling Feng at this moment was like an old man who was about to die.

He can only use various resources to maintain vitality, and at the same time draw the power inside to restore vitality.


Meng Po's black hole still did not let him go. As much as Ling Feng's life essence and strength, the black hole can draw as much as Ling Feng.

"Hemp eggs, don't think Xiao Ye will recover!"

Ling Fengqi is not light, and blame himself for being too reckless. This Mengpo is unpredictable and should be waited until the Supreme Burning Heaven comes.

If it were not for the pressure of the last five layers, he really did not want to touch Meng Po at this time.

Open the bow without turning back.

Even if he was very puzzled and dissatisfied, Ling Feng would hold on at this time, because once he gave up, he would have no way to live.

If he dies, there is no way to live against God.


It's a stubborn obsession!

Time is running out, Ling Feng does not know how much resources he has consumed, because his mind is already cloudy, and he can only instinctively use various resources.


The black hole in Meng Po Tan's field became full, and the material inside was full, releasing a bit of aura, and the drawing process stopped abruptly at this time.


Ling Feng sits on the ground with a fart and shares, and quickly takes resources and elixir to make him recover in a short time.

Until five days later.

Ling Feng only slowed down, there was a touch of blood on her face, but the vacated Dan Tian would not be so easy to heal, and needed more time, energy and resources.

Even if more than a dozen distressed earth were found by God, this does not belong to Ling Feng alone, but the whole God.

He looked up and looked forward, his eyes burning against Meng Po.

Ling Feng was finalized. Not only the whole person, but also binocular, because standing in front of him is no longer the old-fashioned Meng Po, but a gorgeous ancient beauty. URL ( )

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