Supreme Demon

Chapter 2920: Ultimate Heavenly Supreme!

Meng Po!

This image in the world is a sloppy old man, but who ever thought she also has a young moment, and also has a glorious appearance?

Hair falls like a waterfall.

The tall figure outlines the charm.

The exquisite beauty that is different from the current era is exuding from its appearance, not stained with dust, and not restricted to one style.

She is a rare beauty in the world.

This moment is different from the original, because of the massive resources of Lingfeng, the black hole in Meng Po Tan Tian played a top-level role, fully absorbed, causing its flesh and bones to change dramatically.

The folds disappeared.

The flesh is full.

The back is straight.

She was radiant and unparalleled.

Is this what Meng Po looked like when he was young?

To be honest, Ling Feng and his friends were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Such a Meng Po could hardly imagine.

"Is it the end?"

The pronunciation of Meng Po is as crisp as Huang Zhi, more like pearl jade falling on the jade plate.

That temperament, coupled with this voice, even the world's top beauties must be overshadowed by Meng Po.

of course.

In Ling Feng's mind, the most beautiful are still those characters, and he feels that one day the Ye Witch can reach this height, and her temperament is even more superb.

"The future generations are proud, Xianli was born ..."

Meng Po didn't look at Ling Feng, but looked straight ahead, her body didn't move, like a sculpture.

It didn't feel like a living person.

"The will of all beings, immortality ..."

Meng Po is talking to herself.

"Are they going to decay?" She asked herself.

Then, the body slowly became faint, a powerful Tianwei was pouring out, and it was full of blasts towards Lingfeng. The surrounding space collapsed, so Lingfeng had no time and space to dodge.

Just that moment.

Ling Feng was flooded by stormy forces.

"Wrong time, wrong space ..."

"You're early!"

After that, Meng Po became the puppet Meng Po, and Endless Tianwei fell completely into Ling Feng's body.

Not only are Lingfeng's fairy meteor, but also the terrible black hole.


When the power was filled with lightning, the force that had been overwhelmed made Feng Feng vomit.

It is undeniable that this force surged, causing Lingfeng to undergo an essential change. Xianxian appeared, all kinds of forces returned, Lingfeng recovered all its strength, and reached its peak state.

But this peak state was quickly broken down by Meng Po's black hole.


There was a big explosion in Lingfeng's body. The black hole collided with the fairy meteor and almost killed Lingfeng.


As a result of this collision, Xian Meteor is swallowing the power of the black hole, rubbing against each other, and the force is rising further.


Ripples rushed around Ling Feng's Dantian, blasting out thousands of spaces.

The whole process is very fast, just like Lingfeng is filled.

At this time, Ling Feng did not have time to ask about Meng Po at all. Instead, she tried her best to contain the black holes in her body, so that the fairy fell back and devoured it, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

To know.

Xian Meteor is his essence, and black holes come from Meng Po.

It's just that the black hole is extraordinary. It is far different from the black hole in the world. It is not like something in the world, but more like a black hole that has been taken down from the void of this immortal road.


Lingfeng Dantian is still screaming, and the strength is bursting, causing Lingfeng's flesh and bones to become thin and unbearable.

He can only hold on because he wants to live.

In the face of life and death, no joke can be tolerated.

The blast lasted for five days. Ling Feng was almost bombarded by all students. His limbs and other parts were sparse. He could only use Regeneration to reshape it. Even a big hole was blown out in the abdomen.

If it wasn't for Lingfeng's Dantian to be different and there was no enchantment, I'm afraid Lingfeng would reshape Dantian at this moment.


Ling Feng persisted over, and did not die in the explosion, and Dan Tianzhong's power became stable.

The difference is that the fairy meteor did not devour the black hole, nor did the black hole devour the fairy meteor.

They form a distinctive force.

The black hole has become smaller, only five inches, and Xian Meteor has fallen into the black hole. It has not been swallowed, but is in a fixed state.

The dramatic change is the color of the black hole being unreal, because some of the fairy meteors are incorporated into it, making it a bit the same as the fairy meteor, but only slightly dark.

The black hole was not swallowed.

It has no ability to devour.

If the black hole stops, what is it?

Dead hole!

Ling Feng defines black holes in this way.

But what if the black hole is integrated into the fairy meteor, and the fairy meteor becomes the center, can it drive the black hole?


This is Ling Feng's name for his current form of power. Although the whole process, or the origin and nature of the black hole is inexplicable, the moment when the meteor can drive the black hole.

The black hole belongs to Lingfeng, and it also makes Lingfeng.

It is not too much to say that it is a fairy hole, because this process happens so much, that black hole seems to come from the field of fairy road, which can draw the power of fairy and accomplish the creation of fairy.

no doubt.

When Xiandong was born, Lingfeng's power changed drastically. Although he still didn't ask Tian and was still at the level of Tianzun, his strength was moving towards Tianzun.

"Extreme Supreme!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, exclaimed.

Due to the integration of black holes, Lingfeng's progress was not a little bit, but a big step.

In the past, he could only succeed with the black hole, relying on the cliff, ancient trees, and thunderous yin and yang fish.


More wishful!

This is the true Supreme Celestial Master!

After many years, he came to the end of Tianzun. Looking down at Tianzun, he could see the Supreme by looking up slightly.

"But the supreme battle!"

Ling Feng's eyes were burning and he couldn't help but want to cheer. This change was hard to come by. He almost died in the hands of Meng Po.

But Meng Meng finally fed him back.

As for the reason Ling Feng is inexplicable, at least Meng Po must explain it herself.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Meng Po had returned to her previous state and turned into a godless old man, picking Huang Tang.

"Although I don't know why, I still want to say thank you."

Ling Feng bowed respectfully to Meng Po, and was extremely grateful.

At the most critical moment of disobedience, Meng Po presented a great gift. Ling Feng was grateful not only for himself but also for disobedience.

Meng Po is speechless, still in that state.

"The will of all beings, immortality ... wrong time and space ... come early ..."

Ling Feng was contemplative and didn't know what Meng Po wanted to say.

But that sentence came early but touched him.

Maybe one day Mengpo will really come alive, but not now.

However, Ling Feng is not sure whether Meng Po is a real person.

"Everything is ancient ..."

Ling Feng looked at Meng Po with a cold smile on his face. Some things were not what he imagined.

Wangu Xiangu is not as weak as imagined.

"But the story should not end here!"

Ling Feng stared at Meng Po. Just now, he read different information in Xiandong.

"Isn't that bowl more than just a bowl?"

Ling Feng's eyes moved to the worn-out bowl, and Meng Po kept it, Ling Feng should have found it different.

"I want to know what it is!"

After that.

Ling Feng walked towards Meng Po, Xiandong sent out the sky and rain, the ultimate strength of the Supreme Celestial Demonstration was revealed, and Ling Feng took the medicine on the spot, so that he had an inexhaustible power in his body.


When this force blasted towards the worn-out bowl, the broken bowl of Gujing finally changed.

Inside, a little bit of aura was released, a little bit of fission, and a bottomless abyss appeared from it, like a giant mouth of magic.

Just as the bottomless abyss drastically changed, a terrible suction broke out from it, and Ling Feng was sucked into the worn-out bowl before he could react.


The dilapidated bang of that old bowl blew, and the bottomless abyss closed slowly at this moment.

The whole world calmed down, as if nothing had happened, but Ling Feng disappeared into this world.

In fact.

If you look carefully, you can see that in the shabby bowl, a tiny ink dot that is less than the hair suddenly appears.

That ink dot is Ling Feng.

That shabby bowl has a different life, and it contains a vast world.

If it wasn't for Meng Po's black hole that made him, I'm afraid Ling Feng would need time to discover the secrets.

The magic phoenix soars and the true dragon flies.

Endless vegetation embellishes the unusual world of the bowl.

Appearing in front of Ling Feng is a cave mansion with two shiny big characters on it, which are drawn by ancient magpies, exuding vicissitudes.

However, there is no sharp sword in these two words, and there is no world-wide aura.

When it comes to the realm of Lingfeng, all that can be seen is the simple and magnificent majestic, the restrained endless calmness.

The sharp sword meaning is something that the lower martial arts are willing to do.

The Gas Field is a move that pretenders like to use.

But this introverted atmosphere and calm air are the demeanor of a detached character.

Road empty!

How bold is this?

What kind of Dongfu has the ability to make people feel empty?

What kind of characters dare to let out such a grandiose?

The Lingfeng Tao did have this ability at the beginning, but it was very different. The Tao here is different.


Ling Feng frowned, but his face was more happy, because he felt a very familiar atmosphere here.

Not a starry sky.

Insoluble in Huangquan.

But it did appear on the Xingchen Road, on the Xinggu Road.

There are 108 stars in the Xinggu Road. Today, only 101 are found. The seven immortals behind are hard to find. Lingfeng had to give up, but this kind of atmosphere appeared again here.

what does this mean?

Here is the cave that leads to another star in Xinggu Road.

"The last eight stars have the charm of Tao. I have got the word" xian ". What are the words on the next seven stars?"

Ling Feng wanted to know.

He has only one of the eight-character mantras, but the collapse of a "fairy" character can overwhelm all beings. If he can get the second "mantra"?

"The first eight stars are in the Demon Race and the second is in Yincao House. What about the third and behind?" Ling Feng groaned. He thought there might be several other stars in Huangquan Pingluo, or they should have them in the sky. Nowhere found. URL ( )

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