Supreme Demon

Chapter 2923: Borrow another two hundred years from heaven!


Nai He Bridge exudes a magnificent charm, and the sloppy Meng Po and Meng Po Tang form an extremely tricky picture.

All important figures of the God of God appeared, staring at Ling Feng one by one, wondering what happened to Ling Feng.

But the next sentence of Ling Feng sent them out of focus.

Borrow another two hundred years from heaven! This is going crazy.

Everyone was wondering, where was Ling Feng this month?

What have you done?

What was he irritated with?

However, they were equally excited because although Ling Feng was crazy, he was extremely strict in his work. If he was not sure, he would not say it at this time.

He really wants to borrow! "How to borrow?"

Ye Witch frowned. She didn't know what Ling Feng meant, and she was as smart as Ling Feng.

"Let all the inverse characters come back!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, "This time we want to change history!"

"..." Everyone was speechless, and Ling Feng was about to play a big game this time.

"it is good!"

The Ye Witch did not question, but readily agreed, so that the butterfly returned to all characters in an emergency.

In just half a day, butterflies, hidden gods, etc. returned from the sixth floor. Although there were strange gates there, as long as they passed, they would have a way to return.

"Can we speak now?"

Shenlie shrugged his lips, Ling Feng now really knows how to pretend.

"Adjust your condition, I want the best!"

Ling Feng did not explain. Some things did not need him to explain. As long as the old bowl was opened, everyone could understand it.


Regarding the orders of the Lord, they are meticulous against the execution of the gods.

It is that several deities in Tianhuang are doing their best, because the Lord has already hinted that they will also perform.

Ye Witch nodded, knowing that Ling Feng was about to move. The current situation was imminent. They could not take that step in a short time. Ling Feng would borrow two hundred years to give them promotion.


The inverse gods will be fully adjusted to the best state, one by one transpiration, strong.

next moment.

Ling Feng flew in front of Meng Po, staring directly at the worn bowl in her hands.

"No need to ask."

Ling Feng said, "But you can only be in front of Dongfu. Don't break in without such strength!"


The foreheads of most of the characters against the Gods, but there are exceptions, such as Shenlie and Ming Tianshou are very unconcerned.

Is this scaring them?

Are they scary?

You said you were n’t trespassing?

Hum! The sky was violently shaken, Qianguangguangyu flew from the broken bowl, Ling Feng used the fairy hole, and immediately ignited the worn bowl, and directed it to the gods such as Ye Witch and Ling Qing.

At that time, the sky was full of rain and rain, and the terrible tide broke the sky, and the shabby bowl released a huge amount of divine power and devoured everything.

The Leaf Witch bears the brunt of it, flying uncontrollably to the worn-out bowl.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Qing and Han Ruyue also became unreal, disappearing little by little in front of people.

When the power of the worn bowl spewed out, the mountains, sea and sky are really terrible. Even the eastern rain drops are frowning. Undoubtedly, the broken bowl can not resist the power of manpower. Inhaled, all characters present were inhaled.

The scene was suddenly empty.

The inverse gods disappeared so magically before the rain in the east.

"What else?"

Dongfang Yuluo asked in surprise.


When the last character of the God of God disappeared, Ling Feng sat down profusely, with a touch of relief on his face.

Although driving the broken bowl consumed him a lot of power, but being able to achieve the whole inverse god, that is what he is willing to do.

At the beginning.

He thought about this when he returned, and tried it when he came back. Indeed, he could borrow another two hundred years from the sky. Because the time inside is different, two hundred years is equivalent to the current twenty days.

In time, they had enough time.

If he can borrow for two hundred years, why not borrow a little more?

He can't borrow more time, so borrow more people.

"What is that broken bowl?"

Dongfang Yulu asked.


Ling Feng carefully explained, "One of the eight stars after Xinggu!"


The rain in the east was so horrified that I couldn't imagine it. The last eight stars were famous all over the world, but only one hundred can be found.

The Devil's one has come out so amazing that I didn't expect to find another one here.

"The time flow inside is different and there are not too many restrictions, other characters can also borrow."

Guwu Tower also has this ability, but it is too limited, only Ling Feng can enter, if other characters enter it will be restricted.

Time can be borrowed and imprisoned.

The imprisonment of Mingtian Beast, Candle Dragon, etc. is an example of this, and the qi and rhyme inside are already decaying, and the flow of time has no effect on them.

The broken bowl is different, like another universe can carry this ability.

However, Dao Kongxing is too terrible. If you enter it, the consequences will be unthinkable. This is also the reason for Lingfeng's warning; as long as the gods in front of Dao Kongdong are not affected by Dao Kong.

"What did you find?"

Dongfang Yuluo asked urgently, his eyes were burning, but this is an important clue to reveal the truth about the ancient fall of Wanguxian.

"Hat Words!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Each of the last eight stars has a mantra. The original magic word had the word" xian "on it, and now the empty star has the word" word "."

"If I didn't guess wrong, the eight-character mantra on the last eight stars should be able to reveal the truth."

"Tao Xian, or Xian Dao?"

Oriental rain fell frowning.

"Hard to say."

Ling Feng explained, "I have thought about this issue, it may or may not be."

"How to say?"

"Xiandao or Taoxian, but we don't know the remaining six-character truth."


"What shall we do now?"

"Stop the creatures in the last five layers and give them more time."

Ling Feng said.

"That empty star is useless to the Supreme?"

The rain of the east flickered.


Ling Feng said affirmatively, "And there is a ban. If you touch, it may cause the bowl to be incomplete."

Ling Feng didn't say a word.

That is, if the supreme character uses a broken bowl, it is very likely that Meng Po will wake up, just as he did at the beginning. Although he does not know what the problem is, it must not be simple.

In his heart, he did not want the rain in the east to wake up Meng Po.

"Are we going to the last five floors?"

Dongfang Yuluo didn't think much about it. At this time, if he could borrow two hundred years for him, Lingfeng should do it.

"No need to!"

Ling Feng smiled with narrow eyes and said, "We are in the underworld. As long as they dare to come over, we will knock them out!"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold and hesitated for a moment and said, "But the necessary defense is still needed."

Dongfang Yuluo laughed suddenly.

The emotional Ling Feng is also not sure. If the Supremes of the last five layers come at the same time, their character is far from enough.

"it is good!"

Dongfang Yuluo agreed. On the same day, she flew to the underworld with Lingfeng, and set out to arrange the strange gates there. This is why Lingfeng wanted Dongfangyu to come down. Some strange gates came from the hands of the Heavenly Supreme and required the highest level. The power of Lingfeng is not easy to arrange at present, the consumption is an astonishing number.

A few days later, nine strange gates were completed.

Although it may not be able to prevent the Supreme Characters, it is not easy for the Supreme Characters to come over, at least they will alarm them.

"Ninety years!"

Ling Feng flew back, looking at Meng Po on the bridge of Nai He, with a little more thought on his face.


His eyes fell on the broken bowl and he couldn't help laughing because he found a dark ink dot on it. What does it mean?

"I'm afraid that some people can't bear the loneliness to challenge the difficulty."

He thinks that there are two monsters, Ming Tianshou and Shen Lie.

Dongfu is right in front of it. How can you not enter?

In fact.

Ling Feng guessed it right. How could Shenlie's urine be obedient?

He was the first to show dissatisfaction, forcibly broke into the Dongfu, and was almost killed by the coercion of Dao Kongxing, scaring the feathers of the bird.

It was because of Daoxian's oppression that he was seriously injured, and he did not heal in 90 years, and there was also Mingtian Beast who was with him, but this guy fell behind Shenlie, and when he saw the miserable look of Shenlie, he immediately Encouraged.

"No anger!"

Shen Lie looked angry at Ming Tianshou, and then lamented "I'm too hard!"

Time is running out.

On the fifteenth day in the world, the road was empty for 150 years.

Ling Feng has been sitting underneath, waiting for them to return. As for the Yin Yu side, there is naturally an Oriental rain drop sitting on the town. As long as there is any fluctuation, he can receive news on this side, don't worry.


On this day, Ling Feng found that there was a wave coming from the broken bowl, and there was a crunch, and a crack appeared on the edge of the broken bowl.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, a little surprised.

"what happened?"

Ling Feng frowned, her face changed drastically. You must know that Ye Witch and others are now inside. Once the bowl is broken, will Ye Witch and others be in danger?

He was nervously concerned.

And he also used the power of Xiandong to check.

"The power of the Tao was obtained by me, and the space inside it has decayed. Now it has been borrowed for two hundred years, and so many people have been affected and cracks have appeared."

Ling Feng found the reason.

The reason Dao Kongxing can survive forever is that the truth of the word "Dao" is very important. Nowadays, "Jing Yuan" has been removed, and Dao Kongxing is naturally dim.

And Ling Feng's borrowing directly affected Dao Kongxing.

"Hope you can stick them out!"

Ling Feng said with a sigh, and at the same time looked carefully at Meng Po.

If Meng Po knew that she had done so and caused the cracks in the broken bowl to become mottled or even broken, would she be alive and awake, and then work hard with herself?

Meng Po didn't wake up, which made Ling Feng relieved.

"Then wait until she wakes up."

Ling Feng was about to cover up and steal the bell, and put off. Anyway, there is something to say tomorrow, and that's it for today.

Click! In just three days, the broken bowl cracked again, leaving deeper marks.

"Amitabha Buddha!"

Ling Feng prayed sincerely. He felt that Meng Po's broken bowl was about to be destroyed by him.

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