Supreme Demon

Chapter 2924: Fully promoted!

Meng Po Sheng Soup is like a ritual.

eternal! But the moment Meng Po woke up, Ling Feng knew that Meng Po serving soup was more than a ritual.

That worn bowl is just Meng Po's weapon. Once Meng Po wakes up, the worn bowl will emit its light rain and Tianwei.

Even if it's murky.

Even if it never wakes.

The old bowl in Meng Po's hands proves the importance of that broken bowl to Meng Po.

God knows if he lost Meng Po's bowl, she would go crazy.

One thing is for sure, if there is a monster that dares to play the fairy blade, Ling Feng will put the twelve cooking spices on the cutting board.

Click! The next day, there was a crack on the broken bowl, deeper than the previous two, and almost the entire bowl was torn. Ling Feng's small heart had a madness of being bombarded by sharp weapons.

Damn it! Can't the little witch be quiet?

Ling Feng is afraid.

He was afraid to be rubbed on the ground by the restored Meng Po.

Others have given him a great fortune, and as a result he shamelessly hit another person's bowl of ideas.

Since ancient times, this thing is the most stubborn.

"One more day, hold on!"

Ling Feng said piously that for twenty days in the world, Dao Kongxing hurried for two hundred years.

Click! In the evening, another crack was added to the broken bowl, which caused Lingfeng to frizzle, because the broken bowl was almost split. It is estimated that it will really fall apart tomorrow.

"Well, tell her it's because of Dow Kongxing?"

"Still telling her that time will last, and the bowl will not hold on?"

Ling Feng is thinking about countermeasures to deceive Meng Po. "Do you believe this?"


Ling Feng felt that this reason could not even deceive himself. The broken bowl belonged to Meng Po. There were any drastic changes in it. Meng Po should be more clear.

"Let's run!"

Ling Feng laughed like a demon, but if you think carefully about the characters such as Meng Po, it is really hard to escape.

Unless they can break the blue sky.

"Actually, sleeping well!"

"People are too tired throughout her life. She shouldn't work so hard."

Ling Feng comforted herself. If Ye Witch would be here to despise Ling Feng, she would spit out the words "play fine!"

Hum! When the light rain at dusk fell, there was a moment of darkness in the void, and then it suddenly became bright.

At dawn, the night sky was scattered by a series of meteor-like light rain, and the strong charm suddenly became bright here, even Ling Feng's eyes couldn't help shaking.

He was worried that the broken bowl was broken by him.

However, the broken bowl was a little stronger than Ling Feng imagined. Even after insisting on this day, no more cracks appeared, otherwise Ling Feng really wanted to cry.

He secretly sighed with relief, and then looked at the sky.

call out! A light appeared with the charm and fell on the sky, the subtle fragrance was moving, the graceful figure was touching, and the first witch flying from the broken bowl was Ye Witch.

It is reasonable that among the characters present, Ye Witch is the character second only to Ling Feng.

She is fuller.

She is even more dazzling! Even in the night sky, her beauty is detached and suffocating.

She was floating in the void, her teeth were bright, her eyes were cool and warm, and she looked directly at Ling Feng, who also looked directly at her.

Elderly in a hurry.

Love is unchanged.

The picture was full and full of texture, and time was slowed by the tenderness in those eyes.


Such a picture was completely torn apart and fragmented by the appearance of a bird, only because at the corner of the picture a bird was waving its wings, heading up to the sky, making loud noises, and creating a sea of ​​turbulence.

For a while, the dust was flying and the ripples were like mountains.

There was a flash of anger in Ye Witch's eyes, and Ling Feng gave out a cold smile.

Having a bird is really very annoying! however.

Just as Lingfeng was about to get angry, the void changed again, and a character flew out of the broken bowl. The air was soaring that it caused a sensation in the sky. Even a place like Urdu was shot out of a hole.

Ling Qing, Han Ruyue, and others stood side by side, and each one was different.

In fact.

Not only them, Ye Witch has also been promoted, from the third-ranking Tianzun directly to the top of the second-ranking Tianzun, even stronger than the original dragon.

Ling Qing and Han Ruyue are a bit weaker, but they have also been trained through endless resources and perseverance, and have also been promoted to second-class Celestial Master.

The difference is that Ye Witches are top-level characters, and they are worthy of success.

Such advancements are beyond their imagination.


Shen Lie and training have also been promoted.

Shen Lie asked Zun to succeed, but now it is the second-class demon, and refining successfully uses the endless resources to advance to the first-class demon.

Two hundred years, with endless resources, a bird is afraid of being able to advance, not to mention their extraordinary talents?

Mingtian Beast, Long-term Old Man, Chaos Nine Changed Soul ... Qin Feng, Tang Jiu, Bai Yuheng ... All the characters and demons have been promoted. Like Lingfeng's contemporary characters and demons, they have almost all been promoted to second-class heaven Now, the talents of Wannian Laoyu are a little weaker. At present, they are only promoted to the top of the third-class Tianzun, and they are almost promoted to the second-class Tianzun.

This makes it very aggrieved.

Qin Feng, Bai Yuheng, and other heavenly figures are almost inferior. Although they have not been promoted to the second-level Celestial Master, they are also one level with the ten thousand years old, which is quite terrible.

To know.

Tianhuang's fighting strength is very horrible, and the inverse gods of the same level are not their opponents. It can be said that as long as Tianhuang is promoted to the first rank of heaven, then both the starry sky and the blue sky are swept.

at the same time.

Other characters against God are also flying out, all the elite-level characters have been promoted, and some have taken several levels.

Especially the Taoists, the two hundred years are really terrifying enough to make them promote to Taoist Emperor.

The most satisfying aspect of Ling Feng was the birth of three Celestial Masters from the Anti-God Elite. They succeeded in asking for respect in the broken bowl. The surprising thing is that the broken bowl can weaken the power of heaven punishment and enable them to succeed easily.

"I want to choke them!"

Ling Feng thought in her heart, only to be afraid of cracks in the bowl, these figures are the main reason.

of course.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and other comprehensive respects are the main reason. The broken bowl can not bear so many Tianwei cracks?

After a while.

The gods all flew out. Even the butterfly and the hidden **** have undergone drastic changes. There were more than ten Taoist emperors and dozens of kings. Such a handwriting is almost against the sky.

no doubt.

This is a great fortune given by the owner Ling Feng, which has made them fully promoted, and their overall strength has changed dramatically.

Although they are still a little weaker than Huangquan at this time, it is not easy to belittle them.

If we give them hundreds of years, and wait until they are fully promoted to the first rank of heaven, and more births of heaven are born, then Huangquan's blue sky will lie down.

"So cool!"

"The deity is promoted to the second-class demon!"

"I know!"

Ling Feng said coldly.

"Ling Feng, borrow another two hundred years from Heaven, and this deity will be promoted to the first-class demon!"

God shouted loudly.

"..." Ling Feng's face was dark, and it was a bit ugly cold.

"Why look at me like this?"

Shenlie immediately relented and laughed with vigilance.

"Are you breaking into the sky?"

Ling Feng asked.

"Nothing ..." Shenlie had a little bit of imagination. He didn't listen to Ling Feng's warning. He almost caused a catastrophe, and Tianqi almost broke in, which directly affected the entire anti-God.

"Shenlie, you answer Ling Feng's question seriously."

Tianqi was the first one to be upset. My mother was almost pitted by you. Do you still want to dress up here?

"Okay I'm sorry!"

Shenlie bowed his head and confessed.

Tianqi was present, Ling Feng really didn't dare to treat Shenlie.

"Broken bowl."

Ling Feng sighed and said, "Two hundred years is the limit, and it is impossible to borrow it now."

"Is it because of him?"

Tian Qi stared. If Shen Lie was the main cause, I was afraid that the characters present would want to kill him.

"Don't, I've admitted wrong."

Shenlie immediately blew his hair, joking that such a thing is too big, this pot can't be carried back, otherwise the trouble will be endless.

One thing that may have caused God to endure eternity was turned yellow by him?

The ghost knows how many people are going to chop him with a knife.

"His influence is not great!"

Ling Feng shook her head. "The main reason is that I have picked something from Dao Kongxing. It's dim, and I'm too risky. Let you pass by once, and this is the situation today."

"You see, it's not me."

Shenlie immediately breathed a sigh of relief and cast a grateful look on Ling Feng.

"Is there a way to make it up?"

Ye Witch asked.

"If it is branded or allowed to make up."

Ling Feng thought about it and said, "But that's the one-word mantra in the Eight-character Mantra. It's not something I can put back when I want to put it back. Let's see it later."


The foreheads of the people are not too greedy. This kind of thing that steals the sky is already against the sky and it is easy to be bitten back.

They are not demanding.


The two hundred years borrowed by Ling Feng are really too important. The changes brought about by their overall promotion are too amazing. If they compete in other layers, they are really not as good as Huang Quanbi five layers behind, but in the underworld.

Why are they afraid?

"The creatures in the last five layers can be safely handed over to us."

Ye Witch looked at the sky and said, "But the Supreme Master of the last five floors is not easy to deal with. What are your plans?"

"Is there a connection with the starry sky?"

Ling Feng did not immediately answer the question of Ye Witch.


Ye Witch frowned and said, "The channel has not been built, which proves that there is still a problem with the starry sky. I think Tianzun is working hard."


Ling Feng's forehead was the same as he had guessed.

"The last five floors of the Supreme is indeed a problem, but my progress is not small. It should not be a problem to kill a Supreme creature. We take advantage in the underworld, and I moved to Naiqiao!"

"Can you handle it?"

Ye Witch asked.

"At least, it's not easy for them to kill us."

Ling Feng said blinkingly, "I just said that I got another mantra of the eight-character mantra. If you use it well, the supreme must kneel!"

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