Supreme Demon

Chapter 2927: Laugh, why don't you laugh?

There is so much yin that dispels yin and yang.

The yin field trembled violently, and the space trembled like tide water. The whole sky was lit by various light rain, shining people's eyes.

Endless Yin soldiers fly in, covering the sky.

At this moment, the yin and yang in the sky have changed color, gray and white, and the creatures in the sky come from various races, and it is already unclear.


The last five layers of creatures not only have to deal with Lingfeng's top characters, but also the first five layers, they have to solve the problem once and for all.

Hundreds of Yin soldiers.

Just the quantity makes the scalp numb. If it weren't for the vastness of the underworld, I'd be afraid that there would not be so many overcast soldiers.


To the contrary, the head of the **** is the same as that of the Golden Retriever, and there are as many as six creatures that almost cover the sky.

They stand side by side, three of them are human, and the other three are in the form of monsters.

The three figures are not outstanding, but their momentum cannot be ignored, while the other three monsters are more outstanding.

A divine bird! A Suzaku.

There is also a poor strange! The entire sky was lit by these six creatures, and became much brighter, but the anger and vitality were unprecedentedly heavy, making all the gods present frown.

Makes their footsteps even more heavy.

Full Seven Supreme Creatures! Not to mention that there are dozens of celestial beings behind them. This number can sweep the sky, and this is only the last five layers. You can imagine how many celestial beings are in Huangquan.

It is not unreasonable that the eternal eternity fell.

The eyes of Ye Witch and Ling Qing turned red, and seven Supreme creatures flew in, which meant that Ling Feng and Oriental Rainfall had to face more Supremes.

They only have two.

How to fight?

At this moment, Ye Witch's heart was dripping blood, she could not wait to ask the heaven at this moment.

Ling Qing's eyes were clear, how eager she was at this moment to come to the Supreme Burning Heaven.


Even when the Sky-Breaking Supreme still had blood, when they blasted all the way back to the eighth floor, this situation would still appear.

Xiangu fell.

An eternal tragedy! What about them?

Repeated mistakes?

Although they have a good layout and use Huangquan's clear identity to kill their opponents, this will not cause a rebound in the last eight layers, but they can only do the first ten layers. In the back, they can't face them.


Blue sky is an eternal topic in Huangquan.

"Is this the fifth layer of the underworld?"

"Oh, it's different from what Wang Yu preached!"

Poor Qi said with a smile, because the space constraints are not so severe here, the Supreme creature is able to withstand the pressure, but the Tianzun creature is suppressed a bit.

"The King of Domains is worried that we will come over, so exaggerating space constraints is not an incredible issue."

"The golden age is here, it's time to solve the problem," said the golden retriever with a smile.

"Hey, the first five floors do have their personalities, but just being so scared is not enough for us to share?"

A Tsing Yi figure sneered: "After that, we can sit on the tenth floor!"


It's not only Lingfeng that is thinking of Huang Quan's blue sky, but also the creatures of the last few layers. In their hearts, they never put the domain king and Yin Jun in their eyes, because the blue sky blue creatures in the back are stronger.

Especially the last three layers.

Those are all terrible creatures. From the number of Supremes, there are only five Supremes in the first five floors, and seven Supremes in the last five floors.

The gap is huge! "The ridiculous thing is that the frightening Ling Wang is just a god!"

"King Yu, Yin Jun, etc. are too weak!"

"There is only one Supreme, which is really scary."

The seven Supreme Masters looked at each other and laughed. Ling Feng and Oriental Rain were not in their eyes at all, although they saw that Ling Feng was a little different.

But Tianzun is Tianzun, can he go to heaven?

It is not so easy to want to fight against the Supreme.

"It's a little embarrassing you!"

Ling Feng smiled in front, but anyone could see the heavyness in his eyes, and there was almost no way to live against the seven supreme creatures.

"Well, this kid seems very anxious."

A supreme man in white smiled and said, "Several rest first, wait for the deity to slaughter him first."

"I won't bother Yueyinjun anymore, leave this trivial matter to me."

Suzaku said, with a smile on his face, "Let the kings rest."

"You want to be beautiful!"

White Supreme said with a sneer, "He is mine!"

"It's just a deity, is it worth your while?"

Another Tsing Yi Supreme despised: "Just a deity, this deity can do it at your fingertips!"


Supreme in white and Suzaku are dissatisfied.

They are not idiots. Naturally, they can see the difference between Lingfeng and other flesh and blood, if they can be eaten, it will be of great benefit to them and affect their Tao fruit.

Every supreme heart must be moved.

"Let me here!"

Poor Qi flew straight out, and didn't talk to other creatures at all.

How can such beautiful things not be talked about, they must be eaten first.

"Ah, poor, you are too much!"

Several other Supremes were unhappy, but not as fast as they were.

"Well, slaughter him first, and then I'll wait to divide it!"

The Golden Retriever opened his mouth and didn't want to be insulted, letting the characters in the first five levels read the joke.

"it is good!"

All the creatures agreed, and they were happy to watch.

"You are too poisonous!"

The poor and odd tragedy was, it wanted to monopolize Lingfeng, but did not expect that Golden Retriever opened his mouth, which made the situation different. It could only do free labor.

"Poorly, you have to work hard, and you will not be slaughtered."

The Supreme said with a sneer.


Poor Qi is even more arrogant and does not look at his opponent at all.

What about Ling Wang?

"Baby, leave the rest of the creatures to you!"

Suzaku looked to the back and said to the ghost soldiers and the Celestial beings, "Stop the **** extraordinary figures and leave a few for the deity!"


The creatures promised, and then bloodthirsty rushed forward and followed behind Poor Qi.

"I'll break the Ninth Dodge!"

The Golden Retriever laughed. Although the ninth Dodge was very strong, he didn't put it in his eyes yet.


At the moment when his voice sounded, a super field blasted out, carrying a grey arrow, penetrated the void, and shot on the field suddenly, causing his puppet to shoot thousands of ripples.


What made Jin Mao supreme unbelievable was that the Super Field did not dissolve the Ninth Dodge Gate on the spot, but only dim it.

"Golden Retriever, are you weaker?"

Several Supremes on the side laughed, but they haven't seen the Golden Retriever eaten for years.

"Huh, the ninth Dodge is extraordinary and difficult to deal with!"

The golden retriever pouted and didn't care, then said, "One hit is not enough, then two hits!"

After that.

It blasted out an arrow again, through the air, carrying Super Hanhai Tianwei, an illusive tiger appeared in the void, exhaling the breath of endless death.

When it crashed down, the illusive tiger was furious and made a loud noise.

at the same time.

It dived down and hit the ninth Dodge Gate in full.

Click! The ninth Dodge Gate couldn't hold on. The inside was completely disintegrated, and the space spread out like a water wave.

but! Before the creatures on the scene shouted a surprise, there was a drastic change in the heavens and the earth, and I saw that the slumped and broken door turned on the sky, and a light rain flew out.

Suppress all directions.


A more extraordinary and stronger singular door appeared, but its location was not limited to the creatures in front of it, but in all directions.

The entire underworld was almost covered by this odd door.

The same moment.

The true spatial limits that belong to the shaded area really broke out, and the last five layers of life were "buried alive" in it instantly.

"what's the situation?"

Every creature present was discolored, and it was completely unexpected.

The space constraints of the underworld are too strong, far from being comparable, weakening their strength, and they are very severely weakened.

Like Supreme is a little better, Tianzun was dropped on the spot to two levels, and Tiandao is even worse.

"Smile, why don't you laugh?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, they played for so long, waiting for all the creatures in the last five layers to come over.

This trance, it took them a long time to think about it.

The first eight strange gates are just bait. The real strange gate is in the ninth one. Only by breaking this strange gate will the space limit appear. This is impossible for the Celestial Supreme to rely on Lingfeng's fairy power.

But Xianli's control is very particular.

Too much is eye-catching and easy to see, too little is unable to suppress space restrictions.


Lingfeng also set up nine strange gates and rippled gates. Once the nine fantastic gates collapsed, they could use the ripples to recast the strange gates to form the strongest strange gates. They were ignited by the fairy force and stronger than the ninth strange gate. many.

It is not so easy for a Supreme to get rid of it.

What's more, the last five floors of Supreme need time.

More importantly, even if the Supreme can break the Qimen alive and leave, these celestial beings and inferior soldiers will not have this ability.

Once the situation is formed, they don't want to leave alive.

The gods will not give them such opportunities.

The last five layers of creatures couldn't laugh, even the seven Supreme creatures. At this moment, they knew that the king of the domain did not lie, and did not have the ability to exaggerate space restrictions.

Their power has been weakened. If it were not their ability, they would be weakened to the level of heaven.

They stood still, barely on the edge of the Supreme.

This is because they know the space limitations of the shade, and the various secret treasures they bring, at this time they have played a role, otherwise they are no different from the original Oriental Rainfall.

"Who is an idiot?"

Ling Feng stared at the Golden Retriever, only this one laughed at himself for a long time.

"" Jinmao Supreme found the Ling King very careful.

"Shall we sit down and talk about this?"

Ling Feng was so arrogant that he was not in a hurry.

The underworld space can weaken their power and consume them more.

He is not in a hurry! The Oriental Rainfall also flew back at this time and was standing on the Naihe Bridge. Here, the power of the fairy cave was hit by Ling Feng, which was not limited by the space of the underworld. ( )

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