Supreme Demon

Chapter 2928: Living moving soil!

If one is standing in the void, one can look down at the audience.

This gesture is called contempt! Now Ling Feng is using this gesture, he wants to despise all the creatures present.

Extreme is amazing?

Extreme can laugh at him idiot?

Lingfeng wants to make them understand a truth! What a slap? Every creature on the scene couldn't laugh, and within the limits of the underworld space, their strength weakened, and even worse was other creatures.

How can they laugh under this pressure.

Originally, they felt that this was a top-down battle. The last five layers had the ability and strength to bow down the creatures in the first five layers. However, the situation has changed drastically. They are already very alert, but Lingfeng is more alert than them.

Play as a pig and act.

He was all-inclusive, successfully turning the creatures present into idiots.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Dongfang Yulu, etc. were all relieved. If they were spotted through careful layout, it would be really troublesome.

The oblique wind and the rain in the east are not the opponents of the seven supreme creatures.

However, with the suppression of the underworld space, Lingfeng and Oriental Rainfall are at least more powerful, without the heavy pressure previously.


The pressure against the gods has also been reduced a lot. Before that, they had to face hundreds of Celestial creatures. There were dozens of Celestial creatures in the first class.

Today, although they still have to face hundreds of Celestial Masters, their strength is not a level.

It will be easier to deal with! "Well, even if there is a space restriction in the underworld?

You are also going to die! "

The Golden Retriever is so angry and angry that it has always been a joke to others, when is it time for others to joke themselves?


It didn't want Ling Feng to continue because Ling Feng's mouth was too poisonous.

"Yes, just two characters. Even under pressure, I will be able to slaughter you easily!"

Poor Qi sneered and said, "I really don't know who is an idiot, and at this time he was able to laugh."

"Is it?"

Ling Feng countered: "Come here, I will let you know who the idiot is!"

"Right on my mind!"

Qi Qi is not afraid of Ling Feng at all, if the dignified Supreme is not as good as the Heavenly Supreme, then these eternal years can be considered alive.

What's more, it hasn't heard of a Supreme Master who can kill the Supreme Master.

"Contemplation, but in the end it's empty!"

The Golden Retriever sneered and said, "If the fifth-floor Supreme is alive, I would be afraid of your three-pointer. Now you really don't look good."

"bring it on!"

Dong Fang Yu Luo hooked his fingers, full of war.

At the same time, he flew down from the Naihe Bridge, because if he wanted to deal with so many Supreme People, and no longer wanted to expose his history, only Ling Nai bridge could be used.

of course.

Dongfang Yuluo is not to weaken the strength and the Golden Golden Supreme showdown. Lingfeng has already sacrificed a sharp blade to suppress it in Dongfang Yuluo. There is a fairy-like charm on it, which can disperse the surrounding space pressure and keep him from being affected. limit.

But in the confrontation process, the strength of the fairy hole on that sharp blade will be weakened little by little.

The sharp blade can only persist for six hours. If he cannot solve the opponent at six hours, then he can only use a sharp blade to suppress it.

Ling Feng had considered this situation beforehand, so he sacrificed the eight-handed sword, which was enough for the Oriental raindrop to consume.

of course.

If you can consume a little less, the Oriental Rainfall is also willing to do it. Standing on the Naihe Bridge is to reduce consumption, because no one knows how long this battle of life and death will last. Once the eight-handed blade is consumed, they will be fully passive by then. Already.

"Sent you to ashes!"

The golden retriever said strongly that even if weakened, it is still very strong.

After that, it flew to the rain in the east, and the space-time field started instantly. This level of competition does not need to hide too much, otherwise it will die before it can show its full strength.

choke! A sharp arrow penetrated the void, so treacherously appeared behind the rain in the east, and fell silently and silently.

Dong Fang Yu Luo shook himself away, and he had long seen the power of Supreme Golden Retriever. The sharp arrow was quite treacherous. It could be called an arrow without a bow.

And bred in the field of time and space, this power is inherent.

"Help you get a baby!"

Oriental Yu Luo shouted, it was counterattacked by Golden Retriever.

His momentum was like a rainbow, his power was completely ignited, and the space-time field "wakened". A gray-gray mist was flowing in a space. With time, God could roll, and flew towards the Golden Retriever between the rain-fallen hands of the East.

In an instant.

The two forces had a terrible and terrible crit. The tide of terror swept across the sky. Neither the rain in the east nor the Golden Retriever did escape, but chose a hard bar.

They can only hard bar.

The difference is that the Oriental Rainfall is afraid to dodge. Behind him is the inverse of the gods. Whether in momentum or because of the inverse gods in the back, he cannot hide.


It is equivalent to weakening the momentum, leaving extremely bad influence on the demon gods, weakening their momentum and mentality, which is not good for the fighting situation.

The Golden Retriever did not hide because it had a face.

The momentum came like a rainbow and singled out the rain in the east. This is just a blow. Can it not stand the pressure?

This will be laughed at.

It doesn't want to be laughed at, so it can only stand up to pressure.

Bang! Dongfang Yuluo threw a punch, which directly tore the void and formed a space to prevent hurting the inverse gods. Here, he and Jin Mao Supreme were able to fight.

next moment.

Supreme Jin Mao rushed into the space without any hesitation.

Just as they fought.

The creatures of the last five layers of the Heavenly Zun led the soldiers to the first five layers of the soldiers, and hundreds of millions of soldiers collided, even Tianzun must maintain a high degree of vigilance.

A wave of air is not terrible.

But billions of heavy air waves swept out at the same time, even Tianzun was injured.

This is like a spray in the Hanhai, very inconspicuous and insufficient in power, but what if billions of such waves roll at the same time?

That would be more terrifying than the tsunami.

Sky-scratching, omnipotent! Of course, the ghost soldiers on the battlefield do not feel obvious, because they are part of the "splash".

Headed by Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Han Ruyue, etc., they are in the second-class Tianzun level. They are definitely swept in the underworld, but they are suppressing the rhythm.

At present, there are five Supreme creatures staring. If they are too dazzling, the five Supreme creatures will not agree.

They have to bear it.

They have to make a concession.

When necessary, they must also be very weak, creating illusions for the last five layers of Supremes, letting them know the opponents that the Celestial creature can solve, they do not need to do anything.


The five supreme creatures stared at Ye Witch and others before losing sight of them after seeing them suppressed.

They don't have time and energy to waste on Tianzun characters.


At this time, their energy and eyes are more on Ling Feng.

"Stop it!"

Poor Qi flew into the air, with great momentum, very powerful, and it held a mountain axe, like a piece of sky, and split it off.

History has said that Qi Qi is infinitely powerful and has the divine power to move mountains and reclaim sea. Today, this Qi Qi is showing its ability in this regard.

It didn't take Ling Feng in its eyes, it was actually contempt.

It ’s just heaven, even if it ’s extreme?

Therefore, Poor Qi did not immediately use his full strength and had a joke mentality.

"Do you want to work hard?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes. When the mountain axe fell down, he picked up the Naihe Bridge with lightning and waved to hit the mountain axe.

A loud bang.

People just feel that the entire sky is sinking a bit. Although there is no space to collide, it is just the confrontation between the giant axe and the bridge that creates a devastating ripple, which is really surprising.


Ling Feng is even more persistent.

There was a feeling of being evenly matched.

"Hey, poor Qi, you're going to be equal with Tianzun!"

"" Qi Qi blushed, this was laughing at it.

"Huh, he has only one chance!"

Qiu Qi said coldly: "Whether at the level of flesh or strength, I must crush him!"

After that.

It waved the mountain axe and split into Lingfeng. This time, it used all its strength, carrying the top Tianwei with great weight, and blasted down. As time and space collapsed, the mountains and rivers were destroyed.

The power of this level has reached the supreme level, which is not trivial.


Ling Feng also did not use space power, and still waved Naihe Bridge, due to his strength and his flesh and blood strength against poor and strange.

Huh! Even the celestial creature feels a maggot, the space has undergone a devastating collapse, and it is pushed around, people can clearly see that there is a sinking and pushing out in the 10,000-mile space centered on Lingfeng and Qiqi The space is sunken.

As the giant fell to the ground, the air wave burst.

Poor Qi's face remained unchanged, staring ruthlessly, and he was confident that Ling Feng would vomit blood and fly backwards in this hit.


When the ripples and air waves were gone, Ling Feng was still motionless, carrying the Nai He Bridge on his shoulders, looking at the poor strangely.

"This is an opportunity you said?"

Ling Feng chuckled.

"Can you do it?

If not, change to another person. "

This is from the contempt of Ling Feng.

He is disgusting poor.

"Hahaha, poor Qi, have you heard? King Ling is abusing you."

Supreme Tsing Yi smiled.

"Oh roar, poor Qi was even suspected of being abandoned and questioned?"

The Supreme White laughed.

"Qiqi, can you ask a question?"

Several Supreme People can not help but have to say that King Ling is a very personal person.

Every question.

Every sentence.

They are all in pain.

Why don't you let the King Ling, even be teased, questioned or not, being rejected is not only blushing, but blushing! "Ling, deity will let you know if it works!"

Poor Qi's voice became cold, with low anger, red eyes and face were telling its inner anger.

"I'm afraid you still can't!"

Ling Feng shook her finger and said quite disgustedly, "Dragging on a big stick feels you are very good?"

"Stupid or not?"

"Is it idiot?"

"It's a living, mobile soil!" ( )

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