Supreme Demon

Chapter 3128: The little soul king stripped!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The flames skyrocketed, and in the flames there was a Divine Phoenix flying into the sky, and everything rang in unison.

The vastness here is like a sea of ​​smoke, like a boundless sky, even if the Supreme wants to cross it is extremely difficult, the flames in the fierce prison are extremely hot, and it is a journey of refinement for the Supreme.

Of course, it is even more difficult for the fierce prison to burn the Supreme. The laws of time and space give the Supreme an extraordinary power. Unless it is a god-level creature, it is difficult to hurt them.

"Does the Little Spirit King want to cross the fierce prison and escape from Tianxiang Mountain?"

People groaned, but today Xiangshan was banned, and there were people at the emperor level suppressed, the supreme must be like a good baby.

However, the Lie Prison is an extremely special place, and it is useless to block Qimen. In the Tianxiang Mountain, the Lie Prison can be called a restricted area.

If the Little Spirit King wants to escape, several restricted areas in Tianxiang Mountain are the first choice.

"The big man in the little Lingtu didn't show up. Is this going to be introduced elsewhere?"

Someone murmured, if the Little Spirit King really gets the Peerless Dao Seed, the Little Spirit Earth will do its best to draw it out, and will not hesitate to offend the Glory Kingdom and the Ancient Xuyue Clan.

It's just that the Xu Yue goddess can't stay, or let it go, even if the ancient Xu Yue clan has complaints, it can't happen; or just kill her **** without knowing it, so that the ancient Xu Yue clan can't find any trace.

Otherwise, the ancient Xuyue clan will not give up, and it will cause a fight between the two major forces.

"Little Spirit King, get out!"

Xu Yue Hongtian looked at the fierce prison tumbling with flames, and said angrily: "We have found that you are here, how can you escape?"

He sternly warned that if he didn't leave, he would immediately explode the fierce prison and force the Little Spirit King out.

Moreover, the little spirit king did not want to escape, otherwise the ancient Xuyue clan would go to war against the little spirit soil.

"Little Spirit King, come out, you can't hide."

Lie Hundred Yuan is like a god, standing volley in the sky, quite immortal: "You owe me an explanation for the glory of the kingdom."

They came to question, but the Glory Kingdom was not as intense as the Xu Yue Ancient Clan.

Other ancient tribes and ancient domestic figures remained silent and watched the development of the situation. They were curious about the death of Xu Yuetian girl, but they were bound to win for the peerless Taoist species.

"Two brothers, before the truth emerges, don't you want to conclude first?"

A character flew over and landed in a space. She had a beautiful face and her eyes looked like a beautiful moon. Although the years were written on her face, she could still vaguely see her original charm.

This is a middle-aged beauty, woman, with her hair curled on top of her head, coming pretty, her face is smiling, shining like stars, extremely magnificent.

While talking and laughing, she came to the sky above Lie Prison and confronted Lie Bai Yuan and Xu Yue Hongtian.

"Ancient rhyme!"

Xu Yuehongtian and Lie Baiyuan frowned. This name once shocked an era and defeated all the enemies in the world. At the peak, it was a rare opponent.

You Gu Yun is the soul girl of the previous generation of Xiao Ling Tu. Although the Xiao Ling King of this generation is not a direct disciple, he has a great relationship with it.

"The whereabouts of the goddess of my race is still unknown, but the Little Spirit King is working here. Should we give us an explanation?"

Xu Yuehongtian slowly said that even in the face of the proud daughter of Xiaolingtu, he has full confidence.

"The young master of our country was stunned by someone, is the Little Spirit King going to explain it?"

Lie Baiyuan said indifferently.

"What evidence do you have?" You Gu Yun asked.

"The young master of our country is the evidence!"

"If I remember correctly, before we came here, there was a battle between them." You Guyun said with a smile: "At that time, did the Son of Glory be sure that the person who did it was the Little Spirit King?"

Lie Hundred Yuan came to an end.

"Hmph, as long as the Little Spirit King appears, I will naturally find evidence later."

Xu Yue Hongtian said in a cold voice, Xu Yue's goddess was his grandson, and she was the most outstanding one, so naturally he was valued. At this time, he was born for Xu Yue's goddess.

"How to find the evidence?" You Gu Yun asked rhetorically.

Xu Yuehongtian did not speak, but her eyes were sharp, like a sharp knife.

"Do you want to ask?"

You Gu Yun's voice became cold, and the chill was dim. Judging from the current situation, Xu Yue Ancient Clan, Glory Nation, etc. have not found evidence. Xu Yue Hongtian must start Xiaoling King if he wants to find evidence.

Excuse me!

"Searching" with Dao Soul is equivalent to exposing everything to Xu Yue Hongtian's eyes. This is the biggest insult to a Tianjiao.

This is even more an insult to a family!

Of course, the ancient Xu Yue clan not only wanted to rescue Xu Yue Tiannv, but also had other intentions.

"So what?"

Xu Yuehongtian said coldly: "If he is unwilling to tell the truth, then there is only soul searching!"

"Old ghost, you are looking for death!"

The smile on You Gu Yun's face flashed away, becoming gloomy.

"Stinky lady, I have endured you for a long time!"

Xu Yue Hongtian yelled, his aura suddenly flourished, like the beginning of the sky and the moon, erupting with great power.


You Gu Yun was furious, her face was covered with frost, almost bursting into flames.

But after all, she held it back and didn't do anything immediately. The current situation is very dangerous and it is extremely unfavorable to Xiao Lingtu.


At this moment, the flames were torn apart, and a person stepped out and came to the people.

His long black hair carried a little bit of flame, as if it was burning, his clothes had not been damaged, and his whole person was full of wild aura, bathed in flames, making him magnificent and imposing like a rainbow.

Little Spirit King!

Everyone at the scene brightened their eyes, and the figure who caused the chaos of the Spirit God Heaven finally came out.

He stared straight ahead indifferently, with brilliant flashes in his eyes.

"I have no truth here!"

He first turned his forehead toward You Gu Yun, and then looked at the ancient Xu Yue family and said, "The Xu Yue goddess was not taken away by me, and the Son of Glory was not overturned by me!"

He expressed his attitude, set aside the original matter, and was unwilling to contaminate cause and effect.

"How do you prove it?"

Xu Yue Hongtian asked with a sneer.

"Why do I have to prove?" Xiaolingwang asked rhetorically, "How do you prove?"

"I think the soul search can prove it!"

After speaking, Xu Yuehongtian forced forward, and the soul shone, like a series of heavenly swords, the void was torn apart and a black hole appeared.

A field emerged with a unicorn in it, which roared up to the sky, causing a 50-mile radius to collapse.

Kylin Field!

"You dare!"

You Gu Yun was angry, and rushed forward, not wanting the Little Spirit King to be injured, and the quiet blue field suddenly unfolded, with mountains and rivers turbulent in it, and burst out into the sky in a sudden, to meet the unicorn field.

This is a decisive battle between **** emperors.

People quickly withdrew from the battlefield, especially the gods who surrounded the audience, fearing to become ashes, while the emperor like the glory of the emperor had a hundred yuan in front of him, and was not affected.

"Emperor Glory, shouldn't you explain it for me?" The Little Spirit King looked at Emperor Glory with deep eyes.

"Brother Dao, I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding. I did explain it for Brother Dao before, but several big people still have doubts." The Son of Glory smiled and said, "Several big people have searched the entire Tianxiang Mountain. Find the fourth person."


Little Spirit King Wei Wei Wei's forehead, he didn't say much, but his gaze toward the Son of Honor became deeper.


Just as You Gu Yun and Xu Yue Hongtian fought tragically, the void suddenly swayed, and a big hand came into the sky, and grabbed the little spirit king, accompanied by the spirit of the spirit, and pierced the soul of the little spirit king.

"Who dare?"

With a loud shout, another character from Xiaolingtu flew over and directly confronted the big hand: "You are so unscrupulous, are you going to go shopping with Xiaolingtu?"

The visitor was a middle-aged man. He blasted the sky and looked into the distance.


Void trembling, a big hand came across the air and directly approached the Little Spirit King.

"court death!"

The third person of Xiaolingtu flew out of the void to meet the big hand.

"Whoever dares to make a move, just wait for Xiao Lingtu's punishment!"

"Xiao Lingtu, what a great spirit!"

A voice floated far away, unable to tell the direction, but the third big hand soon appeared and grabbed the Little Spirit King.

at the same time.

Several big hands also appeared in the void, grabbing towards the Little Spirit King together.

"Xu Yue Hongtian, if there is anything wrong with the Little Spirit King, I must have killed you alive!" You Gu Yun was furious. Although she knew Xu Yue Hongtian's intentions, she had to fight.

A lot of people came to Xiaolingtu this time, but more people came secretly, including four or five **** emperor-level figures.

"Huh, I'm afraid you won't make it?"

Xu Yue Hongtian sneered and said, "If there is anything wrong with the Xu Yue goddess, then the little spiritual soil will wait for the great powers of the ancient Xu Yue clan to come."

The two confronted each other, and the blood was shocking.


The characters in the Little Soul Land are all out, carrying the world-famous treasures, and confronting secret opponents. They will never allow anyone to violate the Little Soul King.

But they still underestimated the secret forces, and everyone is strong. How can only the Little Spirit King control the situation?


The Little Spirit King let out a mournful cry, the corners of his mouth overflowed with essence and blood, and the flesh and blood trembled, and the eyebrows were torn apart. There was a big hand on his head in the void, and the soul was like a sharp knife, invading his soul sea.


He knelt directly on the ground, his flesh and blood torn apart, bones and bones broken.

"Little Spirit King!"

The characters in Xiaolingtu are crazy, they are **** battles, but they still haven't changed the tragedy.

Little Spirit King was still searched for soul!

It is equivalent to being stripped!

Once the soul sea is lost, all secrets cannot be kept. Among them, there are several secret techniques of Xiao Lingtu, which are all secrets that are not passed on. If they fall into the hands of other forces, it will be extremely detrimental to them.

"I'm not convinced!"

The Little Spirit King screamed: "I haven't done it!"

"why me?"

"Just because I wasn't injured?"

"Why is it not a bitter trick played by the emperor of glory?"

The words of the Little Spirit King are like blood, and the gloomy and cold glory of the emperor does not need to be said. The so-called explanation is even more doubtful.

He felt that the Glory Son wanted to use the sword to punish the enemy.

"Little Spirit King, you spit less blood!"

Lie Baiyuan changed color on the spot, and now the situation is too wrong. If he is bitten by the little spirit king, he is afraid that the glory of the emperor will be unlucky.

They just wanted to find the celestial phenomena and the Taoist species, and to abolish the Little Spirit King, they didn't want to let the glory of the emperor carry the pot.


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