Supreme Demon

Chapter 3129: Hunting ground!

"Supreme God and Demon"


The void trembled slightly, and the world sank.

The Little Spirit King is undergoing an unprecedented soul search. There are restrictions in his soul sea, which can block all exploration, but the opponent is too strong, Dao Soul detains, and did not forcefully break it, but slowly tried to disintegrate it with supreme power. Soul sea prohibition.

However, the force that pierced the flesh and bones was extremely sharp. At this time, how could the Little Spirit King still not understand the true intentions of these people?

The secret character wants to use this battle to completely abolish him.

There are many outstanding figures in the Lingshen Tianyu. The Little Lingwang, the Glory Son, and the Xuyue Tianduo are all top-notch talents. They are the most eye-catching "Holy Sun". Not much.

Once the "Holy Sun" falls, the little spiritual soil will fall from its position as the sun in the sky, which is undesirable for some forces.

What kind of character is the Little Spirit King?

The little spirit earth figures did their best, but they still couldn't restore the decline. There were too many characters against them in the dark, but the little spirit king didn't want to wait for death, because he always felt that there was a problem with this matter.

"The goddess Xu Yue is on the same list as me, both of whom are Tianzun, and my little spiritual soil has a reputation. If we say that suppression is not necessary to resort to such despicable tricks, I can suppress it openly to show the reputation of the small spiritual soil. "

"On that day, the Peerless Dao-seed was born, but unfortunately it finally escaped. I didn't catch it, and its whereabouts are unknown."

The Little Spirit King stated his attitude and position, knowing what these people's intentions were, even if he knew how useless it was, he still had to say it, at least it made some people less hostile.

"Emperor Glory and Heavenly Daughter Xu Yue both captured the peerless Dao Seed with me, and then Heavenly Glory Son was overturned, and Heavenly Daughter Xu Yue disappeared."

He said very vaguely.

It was pointed out that the Son of Glory had been photographed, making her face black, and then concisely said that the goddess Xu Yue was “lost”, which was completely different from being taken away.

"How many heroes become dead after a bitter trick!"

The Little Spirit King said with a tragic face: "Big hidden in the world, if you want to escape the world's eyes, you must be low-key enough to make people feel that she is not a threat."

"What kind of low-key can do it?"

Without waiting for a response, he went on to say: "Blow up!"

Now the situation is too unfavorable for the Little Spirit King. He was searched for his soul, while the Son of Glory was sitting on the sidelines, without explaining too much.

At the same time, these days the Little Spirit King was also suspicious and felt that the situation was too weird, but after the Peerless Taoist disappeared, Xu Yue Tiannv also disappeared, and the Glory Emperor was also beaten to death at this time.

Is there a fourth person?

Or is it the Glory Emperor and Xu Yuetian Girl acting?

"Little Spirit King, I respect you as a generation of talents, but I didn't expect you to be so despicable."

The emperor of Glory said furiously: "This king represents the image of a country and does things with integrity. How has he ever done such a thing?"

"You are insulting and defaming me!"

At this time, the problem was terrible, and all the major powers were present. He was bound to win the peerless Taoism, and a little doubt could cause catastrophe. He didn't want to be forced into this vortex.

"The celestial phenomenon, Dao seed, why am I still here if I get it?"

Obviously, he doesn't want to be passive, but to be active.

"This may be where you are smart."

Little Spirit King smiled somberly: "The thief shouts to catch the thief."


"Hugh nonsense, are you trying to provoke a war between the two powers, Little Spirit King?" Lie Baiyuan scolded angrily, shocked in his heart. For example, Little Spirit King and Xuyue Heavenly Daughter are not idlers. Once bitten, The consequences could be disastrous.

"Is there any nonsense, will it be clear after a probe?"

Little Spirit King said with a smile.

"If you don't have it, you don't. I'm acting in the glory of the kingdom. I haven't reached this level yet." Lie Baiyuan shouted angrily.

"In that case, this is how I acted in Xiao Lingtu, right?" You Gu Yun's eyes were cold, exuding extremely cold light, cold and terrifying.

"Lieutenant hundred yuan, you pay for it!"

You Gu Yun said coldly.

"Then let go!" Lie Baiyuan said without fear.

"The celestial phenomenon is equivalent to an ancient sage, I think you should have some answers at this moment?" You Gu Yun looked at the sky, her eyes were chilling, and there was a terrible opponent in the dark, poisoning the Little Spirit King.

They were helpless and hated.

But the instigator, the Son of Glory, don't want to stay out of the matter.

"court death!"

Lie Baiyuan changed color, he knew that You Gu Yun was reminding those bystanders that if there was no truth in the little spirit king, then he would start from the Son of Glory.

At the same time, the characters of the ancient Xuyue clan also changed color, because a few eyes came here.

Some people doubted the ancient Xu Yue clan.

Obviously, Xu Yuetian's disappearance is more like a bombing death, and they want to capture the real murderer, and they have a taste of covering up.

People's eyes were drawn away, and Xu Yue Tiannv's intention was achieved.

Peerless Dao seeds are too important, and people don't want to let go of any possibility. The Glory Son and Xu Yue Heavenly Daughter are very doubtful.


In the end, the big hand that was approaching the Little Spirit King retreated with lightning, and the tidal power of the sky was also dissipated at this time. The sky became ethereal, but the characters in the Little Spirit Earth were full of grief, because the Little Spirit King was hurt too badly. , Almost scrapped.

His flesh and blood disintegrated and his roots were broken, even the dantian had cracks, and the most serious injuries came from the soul sea. If there is no soul sea restriction, he is afraid that he will be destroyed at this moment.

He is still alive.

But Daogen was afraid of being destroyed.

"Do you really want to go to war?"

You Gu Yun stared at the front, trying to find out which characters it was, but the other party was extremely hidden, and she was not able to find it.


At this moment, a strong light gushed out, and several big hands appeared strangely, covering the top of the head of the son of glory.

"Do not!"

Lie Baiyuan was furious, while several figures in the Kingdom of Glory went crazy, lightning rushed to the Son of Glory, and waves of power pushed out like waves of water, like the vast sky and sea, trying to block the offender.


The loud noise was violent, and the two forces fought fiercely in the void, causing thousands of ripples, and mushroom clouds rose from the ground one by one, forming a terrible black hole.

"Brother Dao of the Kingdom of Glory, don't be too excited, let's help you!"

The characters from the Little Soul Land flew out and directly attacked several characters in the Kingdom of Glory, completely reckless.

They are indeed helping each other.

But at the most terrible moment, he suddenly withdrew, and the figures of the Glory Kingdom blocked a moment.

"you guys!"

Lie Baiyuan almost died of anger, but there was nothing he could do, because he was also restrained at this time. There were a few big hands in the darkness, pressed down at him, the sky was majestic and suffocating, and he had to resist hard. .


The emperor of Glory screamed, although he tried his best to resist, he was still not an opponent, and was pushed down by two big hands.

After that, two extremely strong spirit powers invaded towards his soul sea, and in a sudden, it caused him a great pain, and the soul sea seemed to be torn apart, making him crazy and his complexion distorted.

"Do not!"

He shouted frantically, trying hard to break free, the law of the big medicine would rise and fall, against the two big hands, and there was a **** figure in the soul sea to prohibit the emergence of the two soul powers.

However, everything is in vain.

Those two big hands are too extraordinary, their strength has long been detached, at least they are figures at the supreme top level, they are not able to fight against the emperor of glory, they are frozen on the spot, and then the soul power slowly penetrates, breaking the soul sea bit by bit. Prohibition.

"Don't think about it!"

The face of the emperor of glory changed drastically, and his heart panicked. He too underestimated these characters. It could be expected that the little spirit king would be deposed, but he did not expect that the next one would be him.


Soon, the emperor of glory followed in the footsteps of the little spirit king, Daogen was destroyed, his whole body collapsed like mud, his face pale.

"The Son of Heaven!"

The characters in the Kingdom of Glory have red eyes, staring at the Little Spirit King as if staring at a snake, resentful and hateful.

This is a cannibal situation.

The Son of Glory originally wanted to use the hands of the major forces to get rid of the Little Spirit King, but was countered by the Little Spirit King and took himself in.


Those big hands are aimed at the ancient Xu Yue tribe. Although they don't know the whereabouts of the Xu Yue goddess, other characters of the ancient Xu Yue tribe are their targets, not to mention Xu Yue Hongtian.

"You dare!"

Xu Yuehongtian was shocked and said, "Are you trying to force us to fight?"

"get out!"

After finishing speaking, he abandoned the ancient rhyme and forbidden to slam into the distance, to force the secret figures out, not to let them escape.

In any case, today they have suffered too much, and those in the dark are the real winners.

However, You Gu Yun didn't let him go, and intercepted it immediately, causing the ancient Xu Yue clan to pay a price.

"My clan goddess will never do such things, if it weren't for the Little Spirit King, the Glory Son, I think it might be the fourth person!"

Xu Yue Hongtian shouted.

Today, the situation is very weird and incomprehensible. The Little Spirit King and the Son of Glory are not the culprits, and there are black hands behind the scenes. Whether Xu Yuetian was kidnapped or killed, they didn't even know.

However, this Tianxiang Mountain is afraid that it will not be peaceful unless the Tianxiang Taoism comes out.

"Hehe, if the Xu Yue goddess does not appear, the truth must not surface!" You Gu Yun said with a gloomy face: "I advise you to hand over Xu Yue goddess as soon as possible!"

"Nonsense, if my clan goddess is a Hui clan, can I wait for it?" Xu Yue Hongtian frowned.

"Then suppress you!"

This is a fierce battle that blasted through the sky.

"It's better to come early than to come by coincidence."

In the distance, a person appeared with a bird sitting on his shoulder, which was very inconspicuously gray.

"I thought I would miss this event, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes." Ling Feng said with a smile.

This pot was given to the Little Spirit King by him.

Of course, the situation cannot be over because of the Little Spirit King. When they can't find the Peerless Dao Seed, then the Glory Son and the Xu Yue Daughter are both questionable.

"This is a great moment." Shenlie's eyes sparkled and said, "Tianxiang Mountain is banned, which is equivalent to a natural hunting ground!"

"Then the hunt begins!"


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